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GAF Secret Santa 2016

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OK, matches done. Transposed sheets done. Copy/paste formatting done.

Time to sleep. I'll start sending these out tomorrow after work!
Are you going to update the OP with santa helper names? Do you plan on PM'ing everyone yourself or are you going to get some help? I'll be glad to help if you need it.
Here is some information for my SS since matches are going out soon:

I have a SNES, N64, GC, WiiU, PS2, PS3, PS4, original Xbox, Game Boy Color/Advance, DS, 3DS and PSP.

I like pretty much every genre except for sports simulations (e.g. FIFA).

Besides video games I'm into Magic the Gathering and started to play drums again recently.

I'd love to get candy from your country, especially the kind of candy that you probably won't find in other countries.

I don't really like collectibles like figurines, so please don't waste your money on them for me.


Male or female: Male

Age: 31

Current occupation: Commercial Director/Filmmaker

Favorite Hobby: Video Games (I have all non-PC systems and lean Nintendo, have PSVR and am excited by that), I like Movies/TV Shows

Consoles Owned: PS4 Pro (w/VR), Wii U (soon Switch), XBONE

Favorite movies or genres: Horror, Thriller, Comedy, Action

Favorite show/movie series/franchises: TV: LOST is all-time favorite. Current shows, The Leftovers, Game of Thrones, Better Call Saul, House of Cards, South Park. Movie: Fincher stuff is my favorite. I'm more of a TV guy.

Favourite video game genre: Action, Sports (Baseball/Football), Adventure, VR Gimmicks.

Favourite video game series/franchises : Zelda, Mario, Metroid, GTA.

Do you collect anything: I have a massive Zelda collection, I have a lot of LOST stuff, too.

Notes: I'm big on nostalgia (80's kid)
This will probably be useful for my Secret Santa!

Male or female: Male
Age: 29
Current occupation: Project Manager
Favourite Color: Blue
Shirt size: XL
Favourite Hobby: Gaming, checking out whatever I can on Netflix
Consoles Owned: PS4, 3DS, Wii U
Favourite movies or genres: Horror, Comedy
Favourite show/movie series/franchises: West World, The Flash, Marvel films/comics, Bob's Burgers, classic Simpsons
Favourite video game genre: RPG, adventure, puzzle
Favourite video game series/franchises : Yo-Kai Watch series (I can't stop playing 2), Witcher 3 (+ expansions), Metal Gear, Pokemon, Lego series

I love building Legos, I recently acquired a Pi 3, I'm playing my 3DS a lot. Also, I really like a lot of the stuff on Fangamer, particularly the Earthbound and Stardew Valley items.


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
This will probably be useful for my Secret Santa!

This is a good idea. I'mma steal that.

Male or female: Male
Age: 33
Current occupation: News Producer
Favourite Color: Green
Favourite Hobby: Gaming
Consoles Owned: PS4, Vita, Xbox One
Favourite movies or genres: Action, Comedy
Favourite show/movie series/franchises: Rocknrolla, Magnolia, The West Wing
Favourite video game genre: RPG, Adventure, FPS
Favourite video game series/franchises : Metal Gear, Battlefield, Pokemon, Final Fantasy


Dear Secret Santa,

I am a 28 year old freelance illustrator/writer who does a TON of event work mostly for fun, sometimes as side gigs while I figure myself out. If you can count them as "day jobs," I've been working for a yet-to-launch start up pro bono which is all right but I've been thinking about quitting next year to pursue more ambitious projects/other interests.

I'm also a writing intern for a small and upcoming comic news/reviews website which means I read loads of comics for review and analysis. It's been pretty fun as it's been improving my writing skills thanks to criticism. I can see myself writing for a website as a "day job" once I get a large amount of articles under my belt.

I'm a huge sucker for art supplies since I can never have enough of them, graphic novels, welcome local alcoholic beverages since I like trying out new beers and ciders (not a fan of IPAs nor stouts) as well as trinkets e.g. necklaces, rings, and bracelets/wristbands. I do photography as a hobby which is on hiatus at the moment. Junot Diaz is my favorite writer bar none being that I'm Dominican-American and I have/read all three of his books; two of which I got autographed by him. I'm sure you can glean other stuff if you do some research and dig around. My Amazon Wishlist will give you a solid idea of things I like but you don't have to follow it to a T. My Instagram has a bunch of my art in it. Note: I haven't updated it in over a month.

As for gaming consoles, I don't have any of the current gen consoles as I mostly game on the 3DS these days and will turn on my 360 once in a few months. My brother has a PS3 in his room and a small library of games. We have older consoles too. I'm a huge sucker for JRPGs, beat em up games, and open world games that pretty much give the player free reign to explore since I love that stuff. Some of my favorite games that I've enjoyed are God Hand, Deadly Premonition, the Dragon Quest series Double Dragon, Fallout: New Vegas, Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen, most of Nintendo's franchises, and the Yakuza series.

Random ideas/thoughts: A custom made card complete with art and a handwritten message. Also graphic novels/novels in Spanish/from countries outside of the U.S. since I've been looking to improve my vocabulary. I like surprises so think outside the box. Shirt size: XL. I might edit this post somewhere down the line.

As a bonus. here's what I wanted for Christmas when I was a 10 year old 5th grader:



Male or female: Male
Age: 42
Current occupation: Product Safety Specialist

Favourite Color: Seahawks colors (blue and green) :)

Favourite Hobby: Spending time with my 4 year old. Legos are the new rage with him these days.

Consoles Owned: Atari 2600, NES, SNES, N64, Gamecube, Wii, Gameboy, Gameboy pocket, Gameboy light, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, Nintendo DS, Nintendo DSi, Nintendo 3ds, Nintendo 3dsXL (currently owned), PS2, PS3, Xbox, Xbox 360, Xbox One (currently owned), Genesis, Game Gear, Dreamcast

Favorite movies or genres: Star Wars, Tarintino movies, Christopher Nolan movies

Favorite show/movie series/franchises: Seinfeld, Terrace House, Game of Thrones

Favorite video game genre: I play most kinds. Don't really hate any.

Favorite video game series/franchises : Madden

Do you collect anything: I used to collect things but I've moved away from such things.

Notes: Merry Christmas!


Saint Nic
Matches matches matches matches matches matches!

Watch your inbox!

E: This 1 PM every 30s thing is the wooooooorst.
Male or female: Male
Age: 37
Current occupation: Banker
Favourite Color: Blue
Favourite Hobbies: Guitar, Gaming, Lego, Action Figures/Hot Toys
Consoles Owned: All of them
Favourite movies or genres: L.A. Story, LotR
Favourite show/movie series/franchises: Simpsons, Star Wars, Lego
Favourite video game genre: Anything but sports
Favourite video game series/franchises : Zelda, Mario, Rhythm Games

Hi SS, I just got back in to gaming after a couple of years off (with a young child had limited time). I have an Xbox One S, a PS4 Pro, PSVR, and a WiiU along with most older consoles. I did just get a nice new 4K TV too. I play guitar and love to build Lego.

Here are some ideas:

Any Lego Architecture set from 2016
Any Lego Batman movie set
Uncharted 4
Driveclub VR
4K Blurays (I own The Martian, Deadpool, and The Revenant)
Regional specialty foods/candy
Handmade goods or art

Thank you in advance!!!
Got my TT! I'm getting an idea of what this person needs/wants, as well.

For my SS, I didn't post any personal details or clues because I'm down with anything and love the surprise of it.

Gen X

Trust no one. Eat steaks.
I don't think I gave any deets either. All I'll say is I'm a 44yo father of 2 young boys. I'll be happy with anything really.

I've already got my pressie I'm going to send, don't need a list of what ppl like, they should love this!
Hmmmm, I remember we had that page to enter details and etc last year, I'll post a list tomorrow I guess since I'm writing a paper

But if my SS is reading this, can you pay my loans as my gift ;p


Saint Nic
Hmmmm, I remember we had that page to enter details and etc last year, I'll post a list tomorrow I guess since I'm writing a paper

But if my SS is reading this, can you pay my loans as my gift ;p

Yes, we had that info last year. But the general consensus was to nix it this year in favor of general TT stalking.


Saint Nic

All matches have gone out!

If you did not receive one, please get in touch and we'll get you taken care of!
Hmm... I think I might have an idea for at least one part of my TT's gift, thanks to their avatar...

As for my SS, I'll do a follow-up post on gift ideas once I get home.
For my SS:

Age: 43
Current occupation: Classified
Favourite Color: Blue or Black
Favourite Hobbies: Gaming, jogging, shooting, swords, pop music concerts
Consoles Owned: PS4 Pro, PSVR, Vita, Wii U
Favourite movies or genres: Almost anything. Not a fan of horror

Aloha SS. I'm a government employee in Hawaii that games ( no need to get me any games though) and likes to watch movies and tv. I will watch almost anything good if I haven't tried it. I dislike most horror films though.

I have quite a few Hobbies including running/jogging but my foot is currently a little messed up so I can't run for awhile.

I read books on my Kindle whenever I find time, with fiction being a low percentage of my reading, opposite of what I like to watch( gimme stories when I watch!).

I like most pop music, and am quite a Katy Perry fan actually (flashbacks of the Interview).

I like knives, and tactical lights, and have a collection of katana.

I like cool things from places I've never been to. That is the most unique thing to me... Something I cannot normally get. Living on an island surrounded by water is both a blessing and a curse. Travelling to those places is something I recently became much more interested in.

I like trinkets and gadgets and doodads that most people don't have.

I was into cars but that has subsided a bit. V8 rear wheel drive for life though.

Big Street Fighter fan since the original SF2.

Sonic fan too ( we never learn)

Love Destiny. Got a cool artbook for it last year during SS.

Love Overwatch.

I don't know if this helped or not, but no fears SS. Whatever you send will be cool.

Much Mahalo!
First, thank you Nico for doing this again!

I don't believe I have very many posts that would enable to give off what I like, so I'll do one of those lists to help out!

Male age 31
Shirt size XL (will eventually be down to a large as I've lost 60 pounds this year)

Current Occupation: eCommerce for an automotive dealership

Hobbies: Video games, collecting David Choe stuff, running, baseball (San Francisco Giants fan, born and raised), My pug(my avatar).

Consoles owned: PS4 Pro, Playstation VR, New Nintendo 3DS, Playstation Vita, Gaming Laptop

I will pretty much try any genre of game, I enjoy indie and AAA alike. My favorite series in video games are Final Fantasy, Suikoden, Wild Arms, Mass Effect. Some of my favorite games this year have been Firewatch, Abzu, Final Fantasy XV, Uncharted 4, Ratchet and Clank, Titanfall 2, Rise of the Tomb Raider, Odinsphere, Salt and Sanctuary. My PSN is TsaiPesmerga if you want to see what I've played recently

TV shows/movies - Westworld, Pushing Daisies, Seinfield, Wes Anderson films, I'm pretty open with movies honestly.

I've toned down my collecting quite a bit this year. However, I don't get rid of gifts!

Honestly, I'm a pretty easy guy to please, I'll most likely enjoy anything you'd like to get me, be it some cookies, a Xbox One, a pair of socks, a used shirt, a video game for a console I don't own, or your favorite book. I'll still appreciate the time and effort you put into doing this.

I got my TT and I've seen them post quite a bit, hopefully I'll rock their world. I did well the last two years, lets see how this one goes.

Edit: Side note, just noticed they're going to PSX so I'll even get to meet them without knowing it!


I just realized I never left any clues for my Secret Santa. Here I go

Location: You already know ;)
Age: North of 25, South of 30.
Systems owned: Wii-U, PS4, PC, 3DS
Games Wanted: Bravely Second, Project X Zone 2, Dragon Quest VII, Etrian Odyssy (any 3DS game for that franchise), Until Dawn,
Blu-Rays Wanted: Any Marvel film from the past three years except for Avengers 2, The Big Short, Lincoln, Nice Guys, Hobbit Extended Editions
I also love Star Wars, Pokemon, and Digimon stuff

Or just flat out surprise me :)


If anyone needs to ask their Tiny Tim a question, I am willing to stand in as a middle man to help keep your identity a secret :) Just PM me


Dear SS, I will be using the following template as a guideline hopefully to help you.

I am an economics graduate that decided to get into accounting 4-5 years ago, worked for almost 2 years in a property management company. I recently quit to join an accounting firm, starting on December 12th.

I have spent the last 2 years trying to get into shape, lost about 25 pounds and I am still focused on improving myself. I recently starting hitting the gym, previously did at-home workouts (P90X, P90X3, Insanity Max 30) but doing weight training now with the help of a friend.

I am not really expecting any video games, because I tend to buy lots of games and not really play them. My favourite game this year is Overwatch, but I normally don't play FPS.

I used to collect action figures, but they got expensive so I cut back a lot on it. There are some things I cannot find in Canada at all (will list below). Although I don't collect figures much now, I still collect Pokemon figures, Funko Pops and the occasional imported toy from Japan. I also still love Amiibos, but don't really collect them for the time being.

One thing I would love to do is learn to play the guitar, I have an old guitar that I need to re-string and plan to self-learn it.

I don't really like to read, but if there is a really interesting book I may actually read it. I am always trying to overcome my weaknesses and improve.

I am somewhat of a boring person, so I hope it's not too hard to shop for but I'd really be happy with anything. I hope these help. I'd probably be surprised either way, lol.

Male or female: Male
Age: 30
Current occupation: Accountant
Favourite Color: Blue
Favourite Hobbies: Gaming, Working out, Watching Movies, Self Improvement
Consoles Owned: Not really expecting games but 3DS, PS4, PS3, Vita
Favourite movies or genres: Superhero Movies, Studio Ghibli, Star Wars, action flicks, Disney, anime movies
Favourite show/movie series/franchises: The Walking Dead, Suits, How I Met Your Mother (don't really watch a lot of stuff due to no time)
Favourite video game genre: Action/Adventure, jRPG
Favourite video game series/franchises : Pokemon, Uncharted, Smash Bros., Animal Crossing, Final Fantasy, Overwatch

Here are some ideas:

Funko Pop Pharah (Overwatch)
Any Studio Ghibli movies on blu-ray (I only own Totoro, Castle in the Sky and Nausicaa)
Something interesting that I can use for workouts maybe :) I only have the basics (pair of old gloves)
Pokemon Hero Figure Machamp
NES Classic Controller (for the NES Mini)
Marvel Legends Spider-man (the one with the pizza slice)
New Nintendo 3DS Mario Maker Cover Plate
Superhero Movies I don't own (Captain America 2, Captain America 3, GOTG, Iron Man 3)
Ghost in the Shell

Thank you in advance for participating!


Well shoot, missed this thread entirely.
Don't think I could have swung it this year anyways though, so perhaps it's for the best.

Hope you all have fun with it! ^^


I don't think I posted anything for my SS.

Male or female: Female
Age: 28
Size: Women's medium or small
Current occupation: IT
Favourite Color: ALL THE colors
Favourite Hobby: Gaming, writing, drawing, cycling, computers, cosplay, cooking drinking and fitness
Consoles Owned: 3DS and Wii U.
NB: There are two things I don't like under any circumstances: Artificial apple flavor and artificial watermelon flavor.

I'm pretty easy to get stuff for; here are somethings that would be pretty awesome
Regional snacks (I really love all sorts of snacks from other places). Last year my SS got me a whole lot of snacks and candy and it was great.
Fitness gear.
Hats (particularly berets, knit caps
Art supplies particularly pencils, colored pencils, fountain pens and calligraphy pens

I love scifi
I love KK Slider.
I love love love Monster Hunter. I collect plushies and figurines.

I'm not really into music, but if you are, then I'd really like something that you listen to that's regional.

I mostly play my 3DS since I'm big on handheld gaming. A few games I'm interested in:
7th Dragon III Code: VFD
Style Savvy: Fashion Forward
Kirby Planet Robobot
Cooking Mama 5

I also really love instructional books. I like learning things.


I'll update mine in the next day or two. Search my posts in the previous SS threads if you want to get a basic idea.
Wow. That was fast. I finally got someone more than 2+ hr drive from me.

To my SS:
I have left a few cookie crumb trails in my posts. I was hoping for an extra day or two to work on it but you can start stalking to see if you can find them.

Quote to see some hints

So I'm writing this incase you need some help finding my crumbs. Within my post history, the edited posts should be within my last 50 posts. There's three specific posts with clues revealed by quoting. They are in three OT topics that I post in frequently.

Outside of those specific interests
I'm 30, female
I go to the local university and just now completing my first semester after transferring.
Something new that has been added to my bucket list is to go back to Flagstaff, Arizona. I stopped the night there on my drive home from Texas last Christmas. It was snowing when we got into town and about a foot of snow fell overnight. It was slow going in the morning but absolutely gorgeous to see and it's just a short drive out of town to see the South Rim of the grand canyon. I would love to go back to see it some day. So a gift card for a hotel (we stayed at an econo lodge hotel) or something that would help the cost of the trip there. It doesn't have to be much. I also want to go back to Lake Tahoe, but I doubt I'd ever get the bargain deal of $35 a night at the CalNeva resort (before they started restoring it).

I like personal gifts and stuff that has thought put into it. I totally don't mind used stuff. Half my stuff has come from flea markets and thrift stores or else I would be able to afford it.

Not sure what else to put, but if I think of something I'll edit this post again.


Male or female: Male
Age: 30
Current occupation: Retail Management
Shirt size: XL, unless a black tshirt then XXL
Favourite Color: Blue
Favourite Hobby: Gaming, NFL
Consoles Owned: PS4, Xbox One, 3DS
Favourite movies or genres: Action, Comedy
Favourite show/movie series/franchises: South Park, WWE, Dragon Ball Z
Favourite video game genre: RPG, Adventure, Sports,
Favourite video game series/franchises : Pokemon, Legend of Zelda, Skyrim, World of Warcraft, Overwatch, Diablo 3. I'm Nintendo first then Blizzard after lol

I prefer action figure type toys, anything Zelda related would be cool. I'm not picky though, will appreciate whatever i can get.
Anything NFL related would be cool as well. The Atlanta Falcons are my favorite team.
Edit: SAD I forgot to list this, I am a huge HP fan. I'm also a slytherin...anything there would be epic!

My only request: No games, unless its Nintendo e-Shop cards. I got rid of all my 3DS physical games and am going completely digital.
Some info for my SS

Male or female: Male
Age: 31
Tee size: 3xl
Current occupation: Professional Duder
Favourite Color: Green, Purple
Favourite interest: Gaming, Music, Tech stuff, Cooking
Consoles Owned: PS4, 3ds, Xbox One
Favorite series: Zelda, MGS
Favorite show's: Stargate SG1, Star Trek (TNG, DS9, Voyager), South Park, Simpsons, Venture Bros.
Favorite movies: James Bond (own them all multiple times over), Maximum Overdrive, Spaceballs, Kung Pao Enter the Fist, Idiocracy.

Here is a little list of stuff so my SS can see what I'm into.

Time for some additional info...

Age: 34 (going on 35, birthday is on 12/08)
T-shirt size: mens M/L

Systems (currently in use): Wii U, PS4, n3DS, PS Vita
Computer: 2013 Retina MacBook Pro
Interests: Gaming, music, movies & baking desserts.
Movies: Disney anything, Star Wars series, Star Trek series, Marvel Cinematic Universe

Likes: Nintendo anything, Persona series, Pokemon, Kingdom Hearts series, Final Fantasy series, Disney anything, Metal Gear Solid series, BBC Sherlock (favorite character is Lestrade), Uncharted series & LEGO. Anime series that I like is FMA, Digimon and some other random stuff.

Dislikes: Nothing really so feel free to surprise me.

I particularly like anything that holds special meaning to you, whether it's something that your hometown is known for or an album that you love listening to.

Also, if you're looking for game ideas, I do post fairly regularly in the Pick-Up threads on the Gaming Side so you can see what I have/don't have.

Good luck and happy hunting!

Lord Snow

Sorry SS, there's not really a lot of info for you to go on. I've got my Amazon wishlist in this post (quote to reveal) which will give you an idea of the things I'm interested in.



Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man before throwing him out of a plane.
Male or female: Male
Age: 20
Tee size: M/L
Current occupation: Full-time college student
Favourite Color: Red
Favourite interest: Gaming, Music, The popular culture of the internet, biking
Consoles Owned: PS4, 3DS, PS3, Wii U, PC
Favorite series: Zelda, MGS, Metroid, Ace Combat
Favorite show's: South Park, Simpsons, Futurama, King of the Hill, Family Guy, various anime
Favorite movies: The Shining, Airplane, Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind, Mad Max Fury Road

Amazon Wishlist: https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/3FQQZZZ2KRNIL/ref=nav_wishlist_lists_2

Steam Wishlist: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198242513808/wishlist (just got a gaming rig, hence the small library)

There. I made your job as easy I as can, SS. I don't want you to fret. It's the holidays.
Just a quick question, what are the rules on ordering via Amazon etc, is it okay as long as we choose gift wrapping during the checkout process?
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