Da bin ich mir aber nicht sicher. Im zweiten Teilsatz gibt es meiner Meinung nach nichts, was das Komma rechtfertigt.
ich auch nicht, aber würde es mit komma schreiben, weil subjekt-/nebensatz.
franzose zu sein ist falsch <-> es ist falsch, franzose zu sein.
German GAF, i need some help
In August, i will be picking up my GF in Luxembourg and we are planning some roadtrip with my Golf around Germany. We will have 6 days for designated area, before we go to Munchen and back to Slovenia :
We are still undecided if we will go with scenario I, up to Koln or even up to the coast. Second (and probably) the most likely scenario is II, down towards Switzerland and over Bayern to Munchen. Of course this can all change
So any sightseeing tips are welcomeAnd for which cities i need that green round sticker for 'low emission' or whatever that stuff is?
as people already have mentioned: the landscape in the south is beautiful, especially so the region around the lake of constance...
but me personally, i'd drive all the way up to Hamburg on day 1 and stay there.