Last time I played with scum acohrs he literally self voted for no good reason.Honestly, the biggest thing is that scum acohrs cares more. He posts more, fights harder in his own defence and tries to be more involved in discussions.
Last time I played with scum acohrs he literally self voted for no good reason.Honestly, the biggest thing is that scum acohrs cares more. He posts more, fights harder in his own defence and tries to be more involved in discussions.
Last time I played with scum acohrs he literally self voted for no good reason.
Still haven't heard from everyone. Still more reasonable than assuming a complex gambit at this point. We can reevaluate once everyone has checked in and no one claims it.Multiple mentions of HAIL BRONX SAVIOUR OF ALL when nobody has claimed the poison so far.
Come on.
My only thought is the pattern in which Acorn has been skirting death and evading a lynch by having others cover for him. I will have to go back and read D1 and D2 end votes but I distinctly remember he was on people's radar back then, too.
It just strikes me as odd. Now I'm not saying scum would be so obvious as to protect him EVERY time, but I think the possibility that Acorn is working with a team to shift town opinion onto someone else at the last minute is very likely.
I just think his posting style feels too honest. I've never played with him before, but he makes a lot of mistakes and faux pas, and i think scum would be more careful posting. I get the concerns about coasting though.
i would like to add something useful, but i feel like my read on this game hasn't changed at all.
vote: Acohrs
In response to Swamped, I still believe acohrs is town. I had a think about it over the night, and I genuinely don't think my bias is coming through. I've just played with him quite a bit and this feels different to scum acohrs.
Last time I played with scum acohrs he literally self voted for no good reason.
Multiple mentions of HAIL BRONX SAVIOUR OF ALL when nobody has claimed the poison so far.
Come on.
What do you think about Kawl theory?
So how would this even go? Is poison 1-shot / x-shot / infi-shot? Would scum know that there is a doctor? Because I feel that this plan would have a lot of ifs in it.
So, how about reversing the question. What would work?
One-shot scum poisoner maybe? A single additional scum kill is not out of the question when the game is this populated and when the kill has a delay. One shot poison wouldn't require a poison doctor so scum needn't be afraid of a fake claim either. So how would this go?
Unclear whether or not this was always the plan or just something that scummies made up after Bronx got heat on day one. N1 the poison is not used, scum Stan claims the poison, scum Bronx claims the doctor. It would be reasonable to expect that Stan would not be lynched on D2. On the other hand, it would be reasonable to expect some heat on Bronx, especially since he'd claim publicly before actually proving himself. Some risk would be involved. This makes me think that the only way this makes sense if this was a reaction to the heat Bronx got on day one.
N2 scum use the poison and poison nin. Since there would be no doctor, nin dies at the start of D4. Stan and Bronx live. Unless someone additional claims to be hit by poison, the play might very well be revealed. Third scum claims poison and scummies buy the team a day by saying something like "AWW BRONX WAS BLOCKED HE NEVER SPECIFIED HOW HIS PROTECTION WORKED IT WAS ONE SHOT SAD FACE".
N3 no poison because one shot. Scum Bronx claims to be of heroic deeds after saving their scum mate. From this point it would be up to town to decide the moves scum make, if town continue to trust the scum, scum will just offer themselves as the poison targets night after another until they run of team mates at which point they might as well start claiming that Stan was poisoned again. Or something.
I get the days confused btw, that's what I get by writing it with complete sentences.
N1 - no poison.
D2 - scum Stan claims poison, scum Bronx claims doctor.
N2 - scum poison non-scum nin.
D3 - nin claims poison, Stan claims heal, Bronx gets the cred.
N3 - no poison cuz 1-shot.
D4 - nin dies because Bronx was a liar, 3rd scum claims poison, Bronx explains that his protection was one time only and he must've been blocked or something.
Scum keep up the facade as long as town believe them. Might require repeating the fake poisonings on themselves and something like: Stan: "oh noes am poison help me super doctor bronx man".
...but why then poison nin? Surely that makes no sense. Makes me think that then the actual kill target would be still in the future. But then scum would be willingly risking an additional cycle where their poisoner could be killed.
so this then would be really fucking meta. they would kill nin because nobody would expect them to kill nin.
Was really Acohrs protected day 1 and day 2? Day 1 he wasn't in danger as the showdown was between Crab (town), Squidy (town) and Swamped (?). He wasn't in the mix there. Day 2 people had some concern about him but almost nobody voted for him (just FEP, who is tunneling on him). It was all between Crab and Vere (town). Just day 3 he really had some heat on him.
His posting style felt too honest in other games where he was scum too. And he made a looooot of mistakes there too. That's why he was lynched day 1.
I would love to hear from you, as you are really null for me.
You have done that before and you where wrong. What's different this time from that?
CCS did it too.
What do you think about Kawl theory?
I only had one game to base my assessment of how he played off last time. Now I have three, so I feel that I have a better understanding of his playstyle.
I only had one game to base my assessment of how he played off last time. Now I have three, so I feel that I have a better understanding of his playstyle.
Hi all, I'm rereading this dayphase's posts and realising that there is a lot of doubt about me. If lynching me will erase town's doubts about me and help to move on discussion towards finding scum then go for it. Being a lynchtarget each day will not be helpful for town and will distract from finding actual scum, so if it helps just lynch me now, see my flip, and then move on.
I don't know why people keep doing this. If you are town fight for your survival. Don't make the rest of us waste another day misslynching.
Why don't you share with us an updated read list? Has your opinion changed about anyone on your list?
I would point out though that Sorian, Splinter, and Faddy have all now voted for those that are lynched. They could be town and wanted to avoid ties, but the cold, hard facts are that they are the only ones to have voted for all those lynched. I could see scum in that group.
What do you think about Acohrs read list?
When did he post it? On mobile and struggling to find it.
Read list for now of players that I think are most suspicious, will finish read list later before dayend if possible, otherwise tomorrow.
*Splinter [m] - lean scum, on first glance at just vote lists, has voted for both town lynches so far that have turned out to be town. One out of two players so far that has done this and this point has not been discussed in detail.
Sorian [m] - lean scum, has voted for both town lynches so far that have turned out to be town. From a meta perspective, Sorian in a few recent mafia game has been targeted N1 because he is usually someone that leads town discussion. The fact that he hasn't been targeted in 2 night phases is very worrying from a meta POV
Blargonaut [m] - lean scum, at best neutral. Not much to say here, his posts don't really tell much except that he's missing his person and looking for it. Seems more interested in this than finding scum. Consistent in his voting for Crab, good or bad sign who knows?
Verelios [m] - lean town, voted Kalor D1 and Crab D2. See D1 lynch as meh since D1, see D2 lynch as a it's either him or me. Rereading his posts from D2, a lot of them seem defensive and answering questions. Has some tiffs with CCS and Kyanrute, doesn't throw shade or make them lynch targets despite being one of the main lynch targets himself, so doesn't scream scum trying to shift attention to me.
Kyanrute [m] - scum or neutral, reading back, there's a few post (712, 714, 719), where Kyan doesn't want CCS to bring up neutral factions because D1 and then doesn't want to discuss it with Faddy. Looks weird in hindsight, why does it matter when it's D1 and why not discuss alternative factions, surely town has to eliminate ALL threats, not just scum. Then in post 732, says that he expects a lot of night kills, a populate scum team, and a fair share of neutrals? Why the flip flop? Then again 746, says neutral team is a possibility but not likely. Sounds like he knows something and is just trying to muddy the waters.
Also this 'Iirc I still have a vote on gry, did that because of low amount of appearances I think. Gry comments on the recent issues and offers the woe is me of small post count defense what I don't still like. Taking cover even before shots have been fired. but then again he writes in silly way sometimes forgetting that capital letters exist so he must be nice' Makes me feel like I'm looking at scummates. Mentions scum friend but doesn't do anything about it.
Gorlak [m] - scum, didn't like Gryvan's play D1 and his vote on me looked like a OMGUS after someone put some serious heat on him. Gorlak hasn't done anything to change my mind, if anything he's playing it much safer and blending in. Nothing special to see, which after my initial thoughts of Gryvan, doesn't make me trust them anymore. Also, kyan's post suggests a connection.
Based on these views, I throw my vote on...
Vote: *Splinter
Would happily switch my vote to any of the ones listed above though except Vere, only added him to show why I think he's town
Here you go:
What do you think about he listing Splinter and Sorian and not Faddy?
Also I keep forgetting that Burb is in the game. Burb, who do you think we should lynch today? Anyone who you find suspicious? What do you think of Acohrs, CCS and Swamped?
Here you go:
What do you think about he listing Splinter and Sorian and not Faddy?
Also I keep forgetting that Burb is in the game. Burb, who do you think we should lynch today? Anyone who you find suspicious? What do you think of Acohrs, CCS and Swamped?
That is interesting, does gain some kudos for correct reads of Vere and Blarg. I was suspicious of Sorian so I can't judge that. Overall I don't agree with every inclusion and exclusion but it is a reasonable enough list (given revelations) that it could well be a town player's list.
Listing Splinter over Faddy is a bit strange but I can understand.
What? Why would LP's death point to those votes specifically?LP was just about to raise my suspicion... His votes and reads didn't align. Now we've got wifom from his death: Was he killed to highlight Sorian's and Splinter's last minute change to Crab D2 or to prevent us from looking at them because scum wouldn't be this obvious?
What? Why would LP's death point to those votes specifically?
And why are you still treating my and Sorian's votes as the same when they are very clearly different?
Read the damn thread then.These three votes ensured that Crab was lynched, all of them were casted at xx:59 - what the fuck are you talking about them being completely different?
Do you think FEP has any info to make you think he may be right about scum Acohrs?
I don't know how the rest think but I'm scumreading Acohrs because he started really aggresive (more than his usual) but later on he kinda dissapeared. Really few actual posts. Several coasting post to make a presence. Also his read list was almost opposite of my own list and really weak (he listed Splinter has scum because he voted townies in the first 2 days but not Faddy who did the same for example).
What makes you town read Kyan and Dragonz? I kinda agree with Kyan but I'm not so sure about Dragonz (I have her as null/slighty scum).
Also why do you think Stan is scum?
VOTE: Swamped
Why would you vote for Vere if I was the more obvious scum target?
You said something in your post about going between the two based on the reactions of others. And why lynch Vere if you felt he had "better interactions"?
Which arguments?
I see lots of suspicion on Verelios and honestly I haven't been paying too much attention to him, although I understand the scum-reads. He was being pretty defensive during times in which a townie probably would not have that same reaction. Looks like the main Vere lynch-wanters are Kyan and CCS. I think I trust them.
His posting style felt too honest in other games where he was scum too. And he made a looooot of mistakes there too. That's why he was lynched day 1.
Gorlak votes Vere to avoid a tie and Bronx decides on Acorn. Sorian continues to prod people into voting for Vere over Acorn. Scum mates, or is that too obvious?
Faddy, Swamped, Burb, TWE, CCS. Explain thyselves pls
So you post this, follow the logic chain except that you take exception to the nin kill (which with the NKs in this game I think it's a folly to try to get into the headset of why someone was killed), but think my theory is odd?Multiple mentions of HAIL BRONX SAVIOUR OF ALL when nobody has claimed the poison so far.
Come on.
Things to consider:
I think there's at least one more scum, more likely two in the Crab lynch D2.
From D2 to D3 Kawl and Stan both changed their votes from Vere to acohrs, have to look into their reasoning.
Had the feeling Stan checked out after being poisoned and didn't really get back into the game when he was cured.
Kawl deserves an extra look now - he claimed to be busy earlier, I wanted to give him the benefit of the doubt, but that has passed. Town Kawl is much more active and looking at things, I get the feeling he could be scum. As scum Kawl tends to post much less and coast, which fits his style in this game if I remember right. Reread warranted.
Outliers: acohrs and franconp both voted outside the main contenders each day.
Outliers: acohrs and franconp both voted outside the main contenders each day.
LP was just about to raise my suspicion... His votes and reads didn't align. Now we've got wifom from his death: Was he killed to highlight Sorian's and Splinter's last minute change to Crab D2 or to prevent us from looking at them because scum wouldn't be this obvious?
I'm more on the side to look at them. Splinter is giving me a scum vibe for the longest time. Sorian raised no suspicion yet.
I'll go through Blarg's posts now. Already begun reading and D1 is full of shitposts and light connections to a lot of people, I don't know if finding the right things is possible.
Day end:
Shout out to nin. You tried to save yourself with the acohrs vote, it was more than just a typical nin vote, sorry to call you out.
Bronx voting acohrs and closing the vote gap to 1 vote 3 minutes before deadline was really suspicious. But Vere flipped town, so I can't see a reason to do this. When more time passes I'll be more inclined to follow occam's razor (he told the truth), but we'll see about that.
As an aside, Kawl jumping on conspiracy theories so quick is weird. I agree that without a poison claim today, Bronx could just be full of shit so defending against the "Bronx is 100% clear" theory is fine but he talked on the point yesterday too.
It was getting apparent that TWE was not going to be lynched. Between Verelios and Acohrs I felt more uncertain with Verelios, and I figured that his flip would give us more insight on Day 2 voting sheaningans. And there was some push from Splinter for TWE voters to take a side on the Verelios v Acohrs vote, so I did just that.
What's this bullshit? Call people out if you have reason to instead of making noises.I still don't like the way Acorn skirted death either
Someone has been saving him this whole game. Not saying names, but if the shoe fits...
Swamped why did you vote Worthy before Verelios?
Explain me the bolded please, because I don't unless he is protecting a teammate.
And all of you keep hitting town. Maybe all of you should listen me more.
This thinking is so pervasive here it hurts. Voting outside the two or three viable lynch chains is bad play. It lets you skirt responsibility and pretend to be better and above it all.
Talk is cheap in saying which of the two you found more or less scummy when you don't have a vote at days end backing it up.
News flash, no one gives a shit how many town you end up mislynching, you're gonna be wrong (which yes means I'm calling out those looking into people solely because they were on all 3 lynched targets at this point), it's about lynching scum at days end.
I may find gorlak disagreeable but here he has a point. Voting outside the leading contenders is a selfish thing to do in a team game.
Pick. A. Side.
Possible, but odd in my opinion.
I mean, I briefly scum read Splinter earlier, and until I read back over the votes I had Faddy down as aggressive town rather than scum.
1 - I don't understand this question. You presented votes as being the same, I pointed out how they are different.Are you kidding me. Why? Have I not shown why I think these three votes are connected?[1] This is the only thing I can read into LP's death[2] and the Crab lynch is the most promising lead I have atm.[3] What do you think LP's death points at?[4]
I'll give it a reread, if you claim things to be this way. But what is your point? I should only concern myself with your vote?[5]
What do you think of Sorian today?[6]
great idea
vote: CCS
alrighty, lets try again
vote: acohrs
alright, iv been pretty strongly scum reading both CCS and acorn for almost the whole game now. the immediate thread consuming shit posting comradeship. the disagreeable reads, the lame reasoning for said reads, and the continued frivolousness have all contributed to this feeling. and i cant think of anything done by either of them that has made me so much as doubt it.
before i was leaning stronger on CCS, i dont remember exactly why, but acorns recent reads list and every post that followed has put him well ahead.
especially tat "youll reget it when i flip town" kinda post he made. i dont think anything makes me scum read someone faster than that pathetic fear-mongering tactic.
what is annoying even more about all this is that it really feels like so many players here scum read them (or at least one of them) as well, but so little had been being done about it.
Right so you're saying it's better to lynch one of two viable targets and just bus than voting for who you honestly think is scum? That is dumb and perfect for scum.
This thinking is so pervasive here it hurts. Voting outside the two or three viable lynch chains is bad play. It lets you skirt responsibility and pretend to be better and above it all.
Talk is cheap in saying which of the two you found more or less scummy when you don't have a vote at days end backing it up.
News flash, no one gives a shit how many town you end up mislynching, you're gonna be wrong (which yes means I'm calling out those looking into people solely because they were on all 3 lynched targets at this point), it's about lynching scum at days end.
I may find gorlak disagreeable but here he has a point. Voting outside the leading contenders is a selfish thing to do in a team game.
Pick. A. Side.
It just feels a bit lazy to me to scumread both CCS and acohrs. Does someone honestly think they would be on the same scum team the way they have been interacting here? I don't think so, especially with how strongly CCS has been reading acorn as town - scum would be more reticent about posts like that. In general he also feels like he's been under the radar, and his votes for CCS and acorn feel like he's trying to blend in as seamlessly as possible.
acohrs - what's your latest read on CCS?
The day phases are much shorter now. Will have to hurry on my reads on Kawl and Faddy. I will read Dragonz more as well. I cooled off on her since Crab flipped town, but I want to still go through her posts.
BTW did anyone else receive a banana? No need to say if you don't want to.
Right, and you've explained your reasons for voting Vere and had mentioned him earlier in the day. I'm asking for your reasons for voting Worthy and whether or not you had talked about them before your vote.Because, as I said before, I was vacillating between those two. I could see reasonable arguments for both. So I started with TWE, then became convinced that Vere was a better vote after thinking about it some more.
You've done the exact same thing as town before.
Right, and you've explained your reasons for voting Vere and had mentioned him earlier in the day. I'm asking for your reasons for voting Worthy and whether or not you had talked about them before your vote.
And I can't roll my eyes hard enough at the bolded. Swamped pls.