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Galaxy Nexus |OT|

  • Thread starter Deleted member 22576
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Getting the phone tomorrow morning. Damn I can not effing wait. It's been so long.

I should have it by Tuesday. How fast does this sucker charge up on first connect? Hopefully I will get it early at the office and I can leave it plug in for at least 4-5 hours.


Google’s Dianne Hackborn Dispels Android Hardware Acceleration Myths
While the inclusion of a greater extent of hardware acceleration into the OS is a wonderful thing, there are many misconceptions surrounding what it brings to the table. First off, Android has had elements of hardware acceleration for tasks such as window compositing for years. This means that all window animations were also always hardware accelerated.

Now, hardware acceleration is on by default in API 14+ apps, and we have a way to force hardware acceleration in all apps regardless of the contents of the manifest. All is gravy, right? That’s unfortunately not the case. In the case of the PowerVR drivers used in the Nexus S and even Google’s new flagship, simply enabling hardware acceleration in any process eats up 8 MB of memory—per process! While not much on its own, 8 MB here and 8 MB there will lead to much higher memory consumption that could also lead to much slower multitasking. As a result, the Android team is putting considerable effort into fine tuning exactly what parts of the Android UI will use GPU rendering on the Nexus S.


This is why I've always loved the idea of software buttons

What is this demonstrating?


Okay, I have just spent an afternoon with my new (GSM) Galaxy Nexus. If you are like me and coming from a Nexus One or of similar generation I have one tip for you: ignore the negative reviews. This shit is fucking golden.
  • The camera is GREAT. Its mind blowingly fast. The focused pictures are well lit, colour perfect. If you want a example, here is a photo of my old N1 with the sun shining through our dining room http://twitpic.com/7oohdc. If I tried a similar shot with my N1, it would of been washed out and most likely resorted to using the flash.
  • the screen is GREAT (tested in direct afternoon Aussie sun and its very usable)
  • ICS is smooth and beautiful (I have seen a small stutter, but in the grand scheme of things who cares)

The problem with tech reviews (or any reviews I guess) is that they go through the latest and greatest every week so their bar is set impossibly high. The average consumer (or even someone who prides themselves on quality like myself) will not be disappointed with the Galaxy Nexus. If you are umming and arring, especially if you are new to Android, GET THIS PHONE!

If anyone has any questions I am happy to answer as best as I can!


Okay, I have just spent an afternoon with my new (GSM) Galaxy Nexus. If you are like me and coming from a Nexus One or of similar generation I have one tip for you: ignore the negative reviews. This shit is fucking golden.
  • The camera is GREAT. Its mind blowingly fast. The focused pictures are well lit, colour perfect. If you want a example, here is a photo of my old N1 with the sun shining through our dining room http://twitpic.com/7oohdc. If I tried a similar shot with my N1, it would of been washed out and most likely resorted to using the flash.
  • the screen is GREAT (tested in direct afternoon Aussie sun and its very usable)
  • ICS is smooth and beautiful (I have seen a small stutter, but in the grand scheme of things who cares)

The problem with tech reviews (or any reviews I guess) is that they go through the latest and greatest every week so their bar is set impossibly high. The average consumer (or even someone who prides themselves on quality like myself) will not be disappointed with the Galaxy Nexus. If you are umming and arring, especially if you are new to Android, GET THIS PHONE!

If anyone has any questions I am happy to answer as best as I can!
Have to echo the bolded. From some things I've read you'd thing the camera is terrible or something.


welcome to the wonderful world of the Gnex, its beautiful

now we need to start seeing apps updated to support ICS. GVoice, i'm looking at you to integrate into the phones built in visual voicemail like we saw at the demo
You're kidding....


It supports TMo bands, go buy one

I'm considering it but I usually buy my phone with sign-up discounts; I run my family plan so I don't have the liberty of switching carriers and the monthly rates are unlikely to change regardless even if I stay free of contracts.

I'm considering it though, believe you me.


Mine so far only lit up DURING phone ring.

Everything else is notification less. Is there some hidden option somewhere?

More testing shows it lights up _during_ the ringtone. WTF? Also, it lights up like a colour wheel instead of a single colour.


Aside from the review galleries for the GN, can anyone link some samples from the camera? I demoed the phone myself at the Samsung store in NYC and the camera was really terrible. Like so much haze I must be on a blackberry terrible, but I want so badly to prove that otherwise.


Is the notification light really as pointless as I'm currently seeing it to be though?

When does it light up?

Mine so far only lit up DURING phone ring.

Everything else is notification less. Is there some hidden option somewhere?

More testing shows it lights up _during_ the ringtone. WTF? Also, it lights up like a colour wheel instead of a single colour.

You forgot to sacrifice a small lamb to the Google Gods!


Mine so far only lit up DURING phone ring.

Everything else is notification less. Is there some hidden option somewhere?

More testing shows it lights up _during_ the ringtone. WTF? Also, it lights up like a colour wheel instead of a single colour.

thats strange, i've seen both white and green notifications. I dont have facebook installed, but on my n1 it used blue, not sure if it does with the Gnex.

Aside from the review galleries for the GN, can anyone link some samples from the camera? I demoed the phone myself at the Samsung store in NYC and the camera was really terrible. Like so much haze I must be on a blackberry terrible, but I want so badly to prove that otherwise.

there is one a few posts up. What kind of pictures do you want? I can take a few and throw them in a picasa album. Although i'm in an office right now


anymore Verizon rumors?

The Nexus at the Samsung store had 32GB and there was that rumor earlier about the price being $199. That would be so great. I'm getting hyped about upgrading from my Droid X in June to this.


not licensed in your state
Aside from the review galleries for the GN, can anyone link some samples from the camera? I demoed the phone myself at the Samsung store in NYC and the camera was really terrible. Like so much haze I must be on a blackberry terrible, but I want so badly to prove that otherwise.

Just took these seconds ago, with touch to focus



anymore Verizon rumors?

The Nexus at the Samsung store had 32GB and there was that rumor earlier about the price being $199. That would be so great. I'm getting hyped about upgrading from my Droid X in June to this.

It's going to be $299 on contract. Bank on it.

Also, it's suppose to hit this week, but there's no official word yet. If it is coming out this week, I'd expect to hear something today or tomorrow from Verizon


they said they were going to release an update for google voice to do what they showed during the reveal, but we are probably talking about march or so at the speed google updates voice

I wonder if what they demoed was a work in progress or just made for the demo, I'm also wondering why Verizon isn't using the voicemail API for the nexus.


anymore Verizon rumors?

The Nexus at the Samsung store had 32GB and there was that rumor earlier about the price being $199. That would be so great. I'm getting hyped about upgrading from my Droid X in June to this.

Ugh they better say something soon. I'm still putting up with my OG Droid waiting for this.
they said they were going to release an update for google voice to do what they showed during the reveal, but we are probably talking about march or so at the speed google updates voice

That would suck. Google Voice is an amazing (free) service, but the Android support is terrible.


I wonder if what they demoed was a work in progress or just made for the demo, I'm also wondering why Verizon isn't using the voicemail API for the nexus.

people were annoyed when they revealed that what you saw on the demo didn't actually "exist" for the user upon release, but they said a voice update would include it.

And as far as Verizon, you want the phone to come out in 2011?


anymore Verizon rumors?

The Nexus at the Samsung store had 32GB and there was that rumor earlier about the price being $199. That would be so great. I'm getting hyped about upgrading from my Droid X in June to this.

Anywhere from the 8th to the 11th are the current rumors, along with stores starting to receive stock.

Maybe they were going to price the phone that for Black Friday at one point but I doubt it will be priced that now, expect $299 like all their other phones, although since your an existing customer it will probably be $249 when you upgrade.
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