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Game collection sells for $1.2 million

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A recent eBay auction featuring 22 full console sets sold for $1.2 million. The collection includes complete sets for the Famicon, Virtual Boy, Nintendo 64, Game Cube, Dreamcast, and many others. The auction page contains a list of all the available games that were sold, totaling over 7,000. Most of the games were either complete or brand new.

Shipping for the entire thing cost an equally impressive $1,200.

From GI

To much stuff and to many pictures to post here, but the Ebay listing is here.

GAF. Why the Fk did I sell all my old games and consoles as a kid?
Jesus christ monkey balls!

I wish I had the money/room for all of that, just looking at the pictures makes my spare room look like a closet and my bank account like a tramps wallet (which it pretty much is).
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