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Game Informer's Excuse for Paper Mario's Score

BeOnEdge said:
what if the game just really sucks? it would be par for the course this gen for nintendo. the only game that has recieved a decent update so far has been fzero and it wasnt even by nintendo. :lol

Ban worthy


No IRC at work so GAF it is. I think #vidgames is far more brain and soul destroying than this festering pit could ever hope to be :)


Gazunta said:
No IRC at work so GAF it is. I think #vidgames is far more brain and soul destroying than this festering pit could ever hope to be :)

I would say yes if it's vidgames without Dave Z, no if it's vidgames with Dave Z.

Or maybe it's the other way around.



(more a nerd than a geek)
I'll have to wait to play the game myself before I properly score the game...

But Game Informer's "ratings standards" sound nonexistant.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
FOr example, I really like the bizarre frog golf game Ribbit King, and I gave it a 7, because it's just not for everyone. Paper Mario 2 also scored low because it's just not for everyone. If you think it's a 10 in your book, it's a ten in your book, and that doesn't change if we disagree. We're here to guide you on what games to pick up, but ultimately your personal opinion is what will make you buy a game or not.

But any given genre "is not for everyone". Some people like RPGs, some don't. Some people like sports games, some don't. Some people like platformers, some don't. By their logic, everything should be scored low then, because pretty much all games "are not for everyone". Heaven forbid reviewers keep a game's target audience in mind when reviewing a title...
Jonnyboy117 said:
I'm probably going to give more criticism to Paper Mario than most other people have...but I'm doing so on the grounds of what I consider to be flaws in its game design, not problems with its demography. (Is that a word? It should be.)

Try "demographics"!
Worst excuse for a low review score, ever. PM2 is the shiznit, these guys a morons for giving a reviewing based on how much the general public will like it, wtf, like it's even possible to quantify that. Fucking morons, the lot of them. This just shows that "professional" game reviewers are a fucking joke. Someone has to come in and get rid of all the fanboys and retards, maybe then will we get some decent mags for a change. If it weren't for demo discs, I wouldn't buy any of the VG rags out there.


Gazunta said:
Skip: Yeah, in hindsight it was all a really, really bad idea. But hell it was 1999 and I was stupid and young and just wanted in to the Uncle Ziff club. Life, eh?

Haha, I haven't heard "Uncle Ziff" in ages.

chespace said:
join club #vidgames at 1up.com! or not.

I would, but aparently there's no way to search through several thousand clubs.


Oxymoron said:
Direct Hit. Hit. Miss. Dud.

I always refer to my favorite ratings system in situations like this, that of Game Buyer, who told you THEY were going to TELL YOU what to buy, because their opinion was the definitive one! And then, two of their scores were "THINK ABOUT IT!" Gotta love 'em.


Gazunta said:
DFS: You mean it didn't? I have a cupboard full of gamers.com stickers that say otherwise.

With us it was Bishop's collection of Gamers.com coffee mugs.

I wonder how many people here would get the joke if I quoted "SWITZERLAND OF GAMING!" at them.


Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
The GI excuse is pure bullshit, but I suspect it's a peek at the kind of bullshit that is standard operating procedure in far too much of the "professional" videogame media.

Their rational falls apart in so many ways it isn't even funny. What if they were reviewing a game actually meant for kids? Would they give it a 3.9 even if it was the best kids' game ever, instead of just saying "In our opinion, this is purely a kids' game, but it's one of the finest ever made and a stellar product."
I'm interested to know what non Cube people think of this? Is it funny that nbots are rising up to defend a Nintendo title or do they see it as the defense of a truly excellent game. I guess the controversy is akin to NG's C- but one's from a website and the other published media that hits the newstands.

Personally, I was surprised at the score but HORRIFIED by their justification. If this is how it is.. every sports title I reviewed would get 2.

and by the way

most of Nintendo's titles are E

not for kids. Everyone.


TheGreenGiant said:
I'm interested to know what non Cube people think of this? Is it funny that nbots are rising up to defend a Nintendo title or do they see it as the defense of a truly excellent game. I guess the controversy is akin to NG's C- but one's from a website and the other published media that hits the newstands.


Paper Mario RPG (GC, Nintendo): 9 / 8 / 8 / 8 - (33/40)

I trust Famitsu more than most reviewers; if they gave the game a 33 then it is really that good.


TheGreenGiant said:
I'm interested to know what non Cube people think of this? Is it funny that nbots are rising up to defend a Nintendo title or do they see it as the defense of a truly excellent game. I guess the controversy is akin to NG's C- but one's from a website and the other published media that hits the newstands.
This is more about the state of videogame journalism than Paper Mario IMO


That is pretty stupid reasoning to give a low score. At least they could have justified the score if they had some real faults with the game, found some flaws, didn't have fun etc...


I think what they want to politically incorrectly say, but couldn't is, "We didn't think the majority PS2 owning part of our audience would like this game. We know they'll love R&C3: UYA."

So, you see, GI could care less for the most part about what you guys are complaining about. It's not like they're worried about losing subscribers since they're on top by a lot. In fact, these scores might help them get more PS2 owning readers.

You could do the letter to the editor thing I guess, but the fact remains that GI's bread and butter readers own PS2.

Yeah, they have no critical integrity with hardcore fans like us, but the average gamer getting the free subscription with his used game card thinks the mag is great - mostly cause he thinks its free.


Soul4ger said:
I agree with this Charlie of the District of Columbia. And by getting rid of numbers, I don't mean putting "A," "A-," "B+," in, either.

I also agree, but the GAMING PUBLIC, armed with the PEOPLE'S ELBOW need numbers to placate them. And thus the eternal battle continues...


Gazunta said:
I'm sure I've told this story before, but...

...back when I sold GameBoy HeadQuarters to gamespot.com part of the deal was that there would be no scores attached to any of my reviews. My argument was that if the readers wanted to know what I thought of the game, they should (shock!) read the review. Well that lasted a few months but the pile of hate mail just got bigger and bigger, and my last month on the site was spent exclusively retro-activly adding scores to all the reviews.

The kids love scores, what can I say.

If I had the power I would kill them all with fire over the internets, but sadly I do not so I am resigned to just typing my wishes instead and playing even MORE Katamari. I hope I don't burn myself out. Speaking of which...


Subitai said:
I think what they want to politically incorrectly say, but couldn't is, "We didn't think the majority PS2 owning part of our audience would like this game. We know they'll love R&C3: UYA."

So, you see, GI could care less for the most part about what you guys are complaining about. It's not like they're worried about losing subscribers since they're on top by a lot. In fact, these scores might help them get more PS2 owning readers.

You could do the letter to the editor thing I guess, but the fact remains that GI's bread and butter readers own PS2.

Yeah, they have no critical integrity with hardcore fans like us, but the average gamer getting the free subscription with his used game card thinks the mag is great - mostly cause he thinks its free.


So you're basically saying that GI is shit. I wonder what would happen if Game Misinformer were to give Halo 2 a 5.5 and Killzone a 10 in an attempt to get even more PS2 owning readers.


Ok look...I need to clear something up. First off, I'll fess up a little. I'm Andy McNamara, EIC of GI (I'm screwing up my anonymous status here, so bear with me, and yes, I know you don't give a shit who I am). Jeremy, who wrote the post that you so openly quote, is extremely misunderstood in this whole matter.

We do not, and I will repeat, we do not review games based on what people will think of the title. I called him on it this morning, and he was upset that the whole thing is not being understood the way he had intended it to be. The internet, as we all know, is full of trappings and misunderstandings.

Yes, Jeremy and Lisa do not like the game. As EIC I challenged them on the review many, many times. All the staff knew that the review would not be openly accepted. But the reality is, whether you choose to believe it or not, they did not like the game.

I have not played the game in its entirety. I personally believe the game to be better than the 6.75 that they scored it. But when I challenged them on it over and over they stuck to their guns (and I gave them a crapload of grief on their reviews). I admire them for that. They went against the grain, and they believe and stand by the scores they gave.

What are we to do? Force people to change their scores? Change the scores because we know that people will be pissed? I think you already know the answer to that question, as we let the review fly. We are not changing reviews to please the public. If that was the case, we would have given this an eight and been done with it.

I know Jeremy stated in his post that he felt he was considering the game buying public when he was writing his review, but what he was trying to convey was that he felt that our reviewer's point-of-view is not unlike others in the gaming public, and that by making their views known, he was serving gamers (which IS something we are trying to do). Not everyone loves this type of game - I think our review is proof of that.

Rip on Game Informer all you like, but I won't force someone to change a review. Yes, I will question and challenge them on what they write, but in the end an opinion is just that - an opinion. Who am I, or anyone else, to question anyone's view? The world needs more media that will pick a stance and stand by it in my personal opinion.

Both of them (Jeremy and Lisa) are harcore gamers, and both loved Superstar Saga. They both didn't like The Thousand Year Door. So be it.

I respect the Gaming Age forums crowd as the hardest of the hardcore, and love to read these boards, but at times I think things get a little out of hand.

I see all kinds of tastes that find their way here, and I think people are a little quick to call others wrong or stupid for a differing opinion. It's a video game. God knows I love them. And I love the ones I like even more, which is one of the reasons I visit these boards - to read what people who are passionate about games like myself have to say about games.

Video games are truly the greatest entertainment medium in the world. And I, like you, love to argue over right and wrong, but at some point you just have to let things go as a point you simply can't agree on.



PS: I believe this is the point where you call me stupid and say that my magazine sucks.


Tag of Excellence
Hemmdog said:
Ok look...I need to clear something up here. First off, I'll fess up a little here. I'm Andy McNamara, EIC of GI (I'm screwing up my anonymous status here, so bear with me here, and yes, I know you don't give a shit who I am).
Hi Andy! Can you guys make Final Fantasy for the Xbox, I mean the PS2 games are great and all but they'll be so much better on the Xbox! Also I want a new Mario game but in one where he rides cares and takes over the Mushroom Family crime ring. THX!

EDIT: Things ARE ALWAYS out of hand here. Thanks for being courteous enough to publicly address us!


Amazing how taking five minutes to rationally think about what you're saying can stop a world of hurt from ensuing.

Thanks Andy.


Nice response Andy. Jeremy should have probably flat out said we didn't enjoy the game, rather than sugarcoating the reasoning a bit. Surely you already know by now you can't please everyone, might as well take a hard stance while sticking by the review.
WarPig said:
I wonder how many people here would get the joke if I quoted "SWITZERLAND OF GAMING!" at them.

I just snorted water out of my nose, so I guess I got it.

I remember the time it was implied that playing Persona for 20 hrs to grab a single picture of the Snow Queen quest to be resized down for a 60-word sidebar in an obscure feature was, you know, my job. You like games, don't you? So get playing!!!

Ah. Gamers.com. *sniff*


Hemmdog said:
Rip on Game Informer all you like, but I won't force someone to change a review. Yes, I will question and challenge them on what they write, but in the end an opinion is just that - an opinion. Who am I, or anyone else, to question anyone's view? The world needs more media that will pick a stance and stand by it in my personal opinion.

+5000 imo.

I don't read the magazine, but I might now.
so you, Andy let this horrible review run; maybe he should have gotten someone to balance the game - if every mag let reviewers who hate a particular game (and for no good reason); then all game would be reviewed with 6.75 grades.

You're a disgrace and you know you made a mistake by not seeing if someone else on staff enjoyed the title. IGN, EGM and gamespotters all seem to REALLY enjoy the title. My copy is on the way; and if Pikmin's scores are anything to go by; I will enjoy this.

* ps.. review not withstanding but your mag blows.


Your logic makes sense and it does sound valiable, but it still doesn't change the fact that people will read your magazine and think Paper Mario 2 is nothing more than average game and, worst of all, won't buy it or try it themselves. Sure, blame the people for their sheep-like behaviour, but I do feel it's because of this shit that games like Paper Mario don't get bought, yet EA's full-priced sportsgames rosterupdates sell like crazy.
This was the most heated thread in quite a while, but I'm glad it had...it had...a...happy ending :*<

One thing about game mags, where do they find these "hardcore" girl gamers? They don't really exist, do they? I mean, maybe post-op or something.


Leviathan said:

So you're basically saying that GI is shit. I wonder what would happen if Game Misinformer were to give Halo 2 a 5.5 and Killzone a 10 in an attempt to get even more PS2 owning readers.
When it comes to reviews, IMO, yes, and it is a good possibility.

In 2001 they ranked Halo 9th in the top 10 games for the year if I'm not mistaken. MGS2 was #1. They say they don't try to please, but the platform of the games that score well are a little suspicious to me.

So, with MGS3, GTA: SA, GT4 and even R&C3: UYA (recall the 10), I will be very surprised if they still find Halo 2 to be GotY in 2004.

Edit: Andy, GI does a great job with coverage, but when it comes to rating games, you guys are too far off for me to merit my full respect.
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