Damn people are good at these.
Whitewalkers are better at snorkeling than we'll ever be.
Damn people are good at these.
If you think this has a happy ending...you've definitely been paying attention this season.
If the white walkers can't get into the water how did they tied the chain around the dragon?
There's a theory that Jon has a deathwish since he was resurrected and doesn't really value his life which is why he's been doing a bunch of reckless stuff lately. That being said, that scene was especially dumb.
Night King's army doing the one-on-one karate movie shit with Jon but they swarm Benjen in seconds lol
You and me both. Dragon death didn't do anything for me, but if Tormund was to croak...
Arya playin the long con on Littlefinger. I believe.
I honestly think dani might die next week because Tyrion keeps asking about her heir
So I've been trying to do a bit of maths in that regards. So Westeros is supposed to be a fictional version of Great Britain with a bit more land mass. Let's say that the distance between Eastwatch and Dragonstone is roughly the same distance between Edinburgh and London which is 414 miles give or take a few extra miles, so let's say 430 miles between Eastwatch and Dragonstone. I did some googling and apparently ravens can fly at a speed of ~28 miles per hour, so 430/28 gives you ~15 hours. Now this is where the maths gets even more fuzzy, not knowing the flight speed of dragons I'm going to assume that they fly at least twice as fast as a raven, so (430 miles to Eastwatch + 20 miles maybe? to where ever jon snow and the gang walked) / 56 the minimum flight speed of dragons gives us, 8 hours. So 15 hours for the raven + 8 hours for the dragons gives us 23 hours.
Please take this with a massive grain of salt, all my facts and maths could be totally way off.
Destroying mankindWhat are WW goals?
So I've been trying to do a bit of maths in that regards. So Westeros is supposed to be a fictional version of Great Britain with a bit more land mass. Let's say that the distance between Eastwatch and Dragonstone is roughly the same distance between Edinburgh and London which is 414 miles give or take a few extra miles, so let's say 430 miles between Eastwatch and Dragonstone. I did some googling and apparently ravens can fly at a speed of ~28 miles per hour, so 430/28 gives you ~15 hours. Now this is where the maths gets even more fuzzy, not knowing the flight speed of dragons I'm going to assume that they fly at least twice as fast as a raven, so (430 miles to Eastwatch + 20 miles maybe? to where ever jon snow and the gang walked) / 56 the minimum flight speed of dragons gives us, 8 hours. So 15 hours for the raven + 8 hours for the dragons gives us 23 hours.
Please take this with a massive grain of salt, all my facts and maths could be totally way off.
Pretty much. The trip Robert made from KL to Winterfell at the beginning of the series should have taken months not weeks as we are told.
GRRM had zero grasp on how long it took to get places during the Middle Ages.
Did someone bring back Gendry "speed demon" (does he have a last name?)'s hammer back for him.
Jon has had two moments in this series where he's basically had time to reflect on his impending death during a battle as he gets overwhelmed.
and again during this battle. Stop fucking up Jon the Lord can't save you forever.
I'm 90% sure that's exactly what was happening and how I read it.
Stop with this same old tripe line. It's been copied to death.
The show will have an ending that works out for the good guys. It might not be what we expect, but it's not ending badly.
I thought Maisie was great even though I hate how Arya's acting. I actually found Arya legitimately terrifying during that last scene. I think I was more shook than Sansa.
Destroying mankind
LF wanted to put Brienne and Arya against each other, he was pretty clearly dropped that idea into his conversation with Sansa.
Couldn't they have just taken a raven with them from the beginning?Jesus why does this show have to ruin the good with some convoluted unbelievable bullshit nowadays. I was literally stunned the entire time when they send Gendry to run back and send a Raven. I couldn't believe that's what they were doing and that's how they'd be saved. Gendry runs back, sends a raven, it gets to Dany, then she flies up and finds them in the nick of time? Seriously? That's almost more ridiculous than a lot of the stuff they've pulled this season.
The real gag is the Littlefinger is manipulating Arya and it's SANSA who's going to be the one to save her ungrateful little ass and show her how it's really done.
What are WW goals?
Being the size of Britain makes no sense given the climatic differences between Dorne and north of the wall. Dorne is clearly Spain. North of the Wall is Scandinavia.
Was it an African or European dragon?
Anyone found weird these randoms in Jon's crew that never got screentime suddenly appearing and then dying?
Nah, they keep bringing up the no children thing so they can make the incest angle semi-cool. Jon and Dany are definitely going to smash. Hopefully next episode so we can get this stupid,shipping business out of the way.sexy
DeathWhat are WW goals?
They were part of the Brothers without Banners.Anyone found weird these randoms in Jon's crew that never got screentime suddenly appearing and then dying?
Jon has had two moments in this series where he's basically had time to reflect on his impending death during a battle as he gets overwhelmed.
and again during this battle. Stop fucking up Jon the Lord can't save you forever.
Jon has had two moments in this series where he's basically had time to reflect on his impending death during a battle as he gets overwhelmed.
and again during this battle. Stop fucking up Jon the Lord can't save you forever.
Couldn't they have just taken a raven with them from the beginning?
Where did they even get those chains lol.
Bran is totally going to Warg into ghost, and kill littlefinger
Side note, but I fucking love this show and I'm so excited that you all do too.
Ice Gendry, the whitewalker chain maker.
Good thing the Ice King has never heard of a bow and arrow or they'd really be fucked.
Bran is totally going to Warg into ghost, and kill littlefinger
He had that moment twice in the same episode. First got saved by Drogon then by Uncle Benjen who died in a such a shitty way. Where was the fuck was he earlier?
This mission was just so goddamn stupid. WTF were the writers thinking.
You're right. I'm no expert when it comes to sizes but being as big as South America, especially with how characters have been travelling up and down throughout the series is a bit much.