So, I don't comment on these GOT threads very often (too busy watching/loving this show), and I certainly haven't criticized the "fast travel" before either. It can be kinda wierd/distracting at times, but only because things are happening more quickly than you expect they would. These characters have traveled very quickly all over Westeros seemingly in the span of seconds, but in reality you know they spent days/weeks getting where they needed to go, and frankly, we don't need to see that shit anymore. It's fine, it mostly makes sense, and it saves us precious time as viewers, IMO.
However, what happened in this episode was unbelievably dumb, and kind of a "jump the shark" moment for the show. We're meant to believe that Gendry traveled however many miles back to Eastwatch, sent a raven to Deny that had to fly however many hundreds/thousands of miles to reach her, and then she flew her dragons hundreds/ thousands of miles out to where the "Magnificent 7" were, all in... what, one or two days??? It's so stupid. Also, even if the Night King could see the future and knew the dragons were coming, why not just kill Jon and co. with his I've javelins and then chill while he waits for the Dragon Ex Macina? It's all just so stupid, it hurts.
I mean, I love this show, and I loved this episode. Epic from start to finish, and jam-packed with things I've waited years to see. The Fellowship of the Thrones making their stand against the White Walkers (and an ice bear), the dragons swooping into save the day, and now Ice Dragons and incest are confirmed! So good! But, the Gendry/raven/Dragon fast travel bullshit was just about the dumbest thing this show has ever done, and a stain on an otherwise epic episode. Also, I don't even know what to make of the Winterfell plot at this point, but I'm trying to wait to see how it plays out before passing judgement. So yeah, just venting a bit.