Well, that was.....kinda weak. It had some cool shit, but also some things that made 0 sense.
A) what luck they ran into a completly isolated group of zombies and a white walker
B) what more luck that all of the zombies die except one
C) lets run gendry back to the wall to call of help, but take his weapon because....eh.....
i guess the hammer is to large, ok, but at least give him a knife
D) instaed of running after him with the captured guy we run....towards the army of the dead?
E) what luck that the ice breaks in exactly the right way to form an island
F) the only big death being in his sleep was weak
G) Benjen going "there is no time to ride with you!"
H) everything surround arya and sansa was dumb and annoying.
I) Why are they transporting the zombie by boat in the end instead of using the dragons?
This was definitely the weakest second to last episode of a season I can remember, and may be the weakest episode since season 5. A shame.
7 episodes left. I hope they are a bit better then this one