It's still horrific regardless, everything about their scenes just makes me want to stop watching until the next one comes on. Even if they do turn out to be just a ruse to fool Littlefinger or whoever, no one is going to look back on those scenes any more favorably. God, so fucking bad.
It's not that bad, least i don't mind it so much. I am glad they are finally showing some negatives with Arya. For several season's now she's basically been this fan favorite anti hero, and it seems like they are finally stepping up to say, "Look, she's not Ezio Auditore - she can't sleep without muttering a kill list to herself, she feeds people their kids, and wears the faces of her victims." She's basically Hannibal Lector.
I like the fact that she has become a person defined by her hatred of people who have "wronged" her, and that now she's including petty childhood rivalries.
I always wanted her arc to end with realizing she has no place among people, and heading back to Jaqen. But with her being given that dagger and them establishing that only the Night King has to be killed, they are probably going to have her "save the day" at some point, which is super boring. Give me more unhinged serial killer Arya.