The Artisan
No. Bran is the old man. The 3 Eyed Raven from the tree. And Bran the Builder.
I still bet my left shoe on that first part.
No. The old man had more personality than this current teenage Bran does.
No. Bran is the old man. The 3 Eyed Raven from the tree. And Bran the Builder.
I still bet my left shoe on that first part.
No. Bran is the old man. The 3 Eyed Raven from the tree. And Bran the Builder.
I still bet my left shoe on that first part.
No. Bran is the old man. The 3 Eyed Raven from the tree. And Bran the Builder.
I still bet my left shoe on that first part.
is everyone on board with the Night King being Bran? hes got spears and chains ready just waiting for the Dragons to appear. I still say it makes the most sense to me and it might explain how the children lost control of their creation.
You forgot Longclaw.
is everyone on board with the Night King being Bran? hes got spears and chains ready just waiting for the Dragons to appear. I still say it makes the most sense to me and it might explain how the children lost control of their creation.
No. Leave the Night king and his identity alone
Ze Night King's just zis guy, you know?
Its amazing how Bran = Night King theory has gained so much traction. All because apparently they wear similar type of clothing and maybe walk with a similar gait.
I mean they also apparently have some weird-ass psychic bond or overlap in their powers, and they're both huge cunts who like to stand around doing nothing aside from looking completely stoned for days on end during periods of extreme duress for those around them.
If nothing else they clearly should be best bros.
I still don't understand how the Night King showed up real time into Bran's vision, and then left a physical mark on him. What the hell was that?
2. The thin sheet of ice. I mean how many years was it freaking frozen solid north of the wall? Yet here they are, its thin and only freezes enough in the day or so they are trapped? Come on.
On a similar note I read (probably here) a theory why WW are kinda iffy when they see water. Wouldn't want to get submerged & freeze instantly with it now would they?
I still don't understand how the Night King showed up real time into Bran's vision, and then left a physical mark on him. What the hell was that?
They specifically said that they would never have the Night King it possible that the Night king is ever going to "talk" to Jon before one of them tries to kill the other? Like, the Night king says wtf is on his mind other than wanting to kill everyone or is he basically just another film Sauron who is evil one dimensionally personified
They specifically said that they would never have the Night King speak.
I thought everyone knew where the Night King acquired those chains.
Warging/time travelling don't work on him apparently. God knows how many more unknown Deus ex powers we're gonna see him unleash. Children of the forest were on some really strong weed when they created him.
The Blackwater chain didn't make it to the show.
The what? Is that from the book :|
how the NKing got the chains doesn't bother me, but how he got his zombies to wrap it around Viserion's neck is what I don't get. It's not like the zombies swam down there with the chains; they're heavy enough as it is and these zombies are supposed to deactivate as soon as they're submerged in a body of water...
how the NKing got the chains doesn't bother me, but how he got his zombies to wrap it around Viserion's neck is what I don't get. It's not like the zombies swam down there with the chains; they're heavy enough as it is and these zombies are supposed to deactivate as soon as they're submerged in a body of water...
This's basically Arya right now.
You would think that anyone making a weapon this powerful would have a means to counter act it right? It is so incredibly stupid of them not to imagine a scenario where they lose control. Seriously, I want to know what they had in place originally to control him.
No. Bran is the old man. The 3 Eyed Raven from the tree. And Bran the Builder.
I still bet my left shoe on that first part.
I was being careful with my wording for this reason. I said submerged, because I remembered this scene specifically - were the zombies' torsos still above the water? Or were they submerged and popped their heads out?They are?
Someone climbed down where? Into the lake? The water under the sheet of ice is still frozen though. What do you mean?I went back and rewatched this scene. When they pulled him from the hole, it was completely frozen over in ice and them pulling up Viserion broke through it. So basically, they someone climbed down there and wrapped chains around him without making a hole in the ice.
how the NKing got the chains doesn't bother me, but how he got his zombies to wrap it around Viserion's neck is what I don't get. It's not like the zombies swam down there with the chains; they're heavy enough as it is and these zombies are supposed to deactivate as soon as they're submerged in a body of water...
These fuckers seriously deserved to be crushed by the first men. If you've got magic powerful enough to create something like the Night King, how are a bunch of Bronze Age humans punking you?Probably (incredibly) stupid enough to believe he will recognize them as his masters and do their bidding. I guess we will never know what with exposition taking a back seat.
I went back and rewatched this scene. When they pulled him from the hole, it was completely frozen over in ice and them pulling up Viserion broke through it. So basically, they someone climbed down there and wrapped chains around him without making a hole in the ice.
I guess it is unclear. I don't know why the zombie army wouldn't come after Jon Snow & the wildlings in the water at Hardhome, if that's the case.They deactivate in water? Is this true? I thought they just sink but are still active until they freeze. If this is the case then I'm guessing they'd sacrifice a couple guys to wrap the chains and just freeze forever down there. A few normal undead aren't worth nearly as much as an ice wyvern.
I was being careful with my wording for this reason. I said submerged, because I remembered this scene specifically - were the zombies' torsos still above the water? Or were they submerged and popped their heads out?
Someone climbed down where? Into the lake? The water under the sheet of ice is still frozen though. What do you mean?
There is a hole in the ice though, all around the chains.
I was being careful with my wording for this reason. I said submerged, because I remembered this scene specifically - were the zombies' torsos still above the water? Or were they submerged and popped their heads out?
Someone climbed down where? Into the lake? The water under the sheet of ice is still frozen though. What do you mean?
just hope that we get something that is unexpected because as of right now, all the pieces are coming together and we all can tell whats going to happen
The surface is frozen over but the water is still frozen underneath. I guess what I'm confused about is what do you mean when you say they climbed to get to his neck?When they pull Viserion out of the lake, the water froze over. It's completely solid and frozen over when they pull him out.
So either the writers/director overlooked it, or the undead climbed down there tied the chains around him and just sat around doing nothing until the lake totally froze over in that spot before pulling Viserion out. It's not really a big deal, I was just poking fun at a little goof(if it is one).
Yeah you're right, it's just an inconsistency and it annoys me too. I wasn't even thinking about it when the scene happened because you're like all caught up in the moment of wtf what's gonna happen to TormundI dunno, I see them emerge from water like they were submerged. It just inconsistencies that frustrates me. With WW so close the water in that hole should have frozen over in the first place. Likewise when they pulled Viserion up (ignoring the chain shenanigans) that water should have instantly frozen with more than WW present there along with NK.
Its just at the convenience of writers. When they see fit, wights are wasted interacting with water. When they want a scene with tension wights manage just fine.
Why not? Littlefinger has spent a lifetime manipulating far smarter people, and he managed to pit them against each other with nothing more than the truth.
So every time the undead got ahold of one of the no name guys, they stabbed them, and they ripped them apart. When something like 5 of them get all over Tormund, no one is stabbing him, and the one dude breathing his nasty breath on his face, doesn't even but his face off.
This is a great meme that is actually true to the 2016 election. Arya is trying to make a bullshit scandal out of irrelevant, out of context private communications.This's basically Arya right now.