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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT2| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

Why oh why is this a thing???

Haven't looked into it but is it actually real? If so I would guess because people subconsciously are attracted to features that are familiar / identify with? No idea if that's even a real thing but I would have to think if it is it's something to do with that subconscious identifying of trates


Hey guys what's going on in he...



Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Haven't looked into it but is it actually real? If so I would guess because people subconsciously are attracted to features that are familiar / identify with? No idea if that's even a real thing but I would have to think if it is it's something to do with that subconscious identifying of trates

I'm 90% sure I've heard/read that somewhere before, but no idea how accurate it is.


I've genuinely never heard that in my life.

Not wanting to fuck your sister really has nothing to do with whether or not you're related.

IIRC the psychological block happens when you grow up around the person....since you typically grow up around your relatives, you just naturally learn to not be attracted to people who look like them.

Outside of that, I think people are naturally attracted to people who favor them. So yeah, if the first time you ever meet your relative is when they're an adult, and you are oblivious to the fact that they're related to you....yeah, sexual attraction is a thing

This means absolutely nothing in context of Jamie and Cersei though, which is why it's gross

It absolutely applies to Jon and Dany though
Hey guys what's going on in he...


Lol yeah things are bound to get pretty weird when the biggest show on TV is about to have 2 family members hook up.

If it actually goes down expect even stranger conversations to go on. I won't be surprised If We see some major mainstream articles talking about if the show / books went too far in having 2 main "hero" characters go there.

I can't think of another huge mainstream piece of media where this happened. I guess to a lesser extent the closest would be Star Wars with Luke and Leia


I just came up with a master plan.

Westerosi soldiers join your army if you roast people in front of them.

Kill Cersei in front of them.

This "we don't want to be the queen of ashes" thing is bullshit. They just spared hundreds of men and killed two. The dragons aren't that crazy.

Murder Cersei and the entire Westerosi army will join you out of fear. Use them to fight the whitewalkers or lose to the whitewalkers or whatever, then worry about the ruling part later, just like in Meereen.

Someone should tell Dany that there are no great houses left to rebel against her.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Lol yeah things are bound to get pretty weird when the biggest show on TV is about to have 2 family members hook up.

If it actually goes down expect even stranger conversations to go on. I won't be surprised If We see some major mainstream articles talking about if the show / books went too far in having 2 main "hero" characters go there.

I can't think of another huge mainstream piece of media where this happened. I guess to a lesser extent the closest would be Star Wars with Luke and Leia

Do they bitch that the Valyrians practiced this for thousands of years? Like this stuff is an established practice of this family. Has to do with their dragon bonding abilities, as the Valyrians bonded with dragons using magic. Pretty sure that magic is carried through their bloodline.



Take everyone that won't bend the knee north of the wall. Have the dragons grab them in their claws, go over the wite walker army, throw them into the air, light them on dragonfire and use them to firebomb the army.
Lol yeah things are bound to get pretty weird when the biggest show on TV is about to have 2 family members hook up.

If it actually goes down expect even stranger conversations to go on. I won't be surprised If We see some major mainstream articles talking about if the show / books went too far in having 2 main "hero" characters go there.

I can't think of another huge mainstream piece of media where this happened. I guess to a lesser extent the closest would be Star Wars with Luke and Leia

Jamie and Cersei are twins that have had multiple children. Incest between leading roles on TV isn't new territory.

What's new here is PEOPLE ARE ACTIVELY ROOTING FOR INCEST. Even with Luke and Leia, no one knew they were related when audiences wanted that to happen.

Here, we know.
Targaryens committing incest is a thing even Westerosi had a hard time with.

The thing that troubles me is that if Jon knows who he is and still commits.
Seems OOC to me.

Only way I can be fine with Jon and Dany getting it on is if Jon doesn't know who he really is.


Honestly I don't give a shit about incest. Consenting adults and all that, assuming no one has been groomed by the other party. Don't have kids tho, that's just mean.


There's no time to take down cersei and her army!!

But there's definitely time to execute this other shoe horned task

They don't have to take down Cersei and her army.

They have to take down Cersei AND TAKE HER ARMY.

That's exactly what she did to the Dothraki. She killed the khals and took their armies.
Jamie and Cersei are twins that have had multiple children. Incest between leading roles on TV isn't new territory.


Jamie and Cersei have been doing incest yes, but they aren't the "hero" characters. Your average viewer doesn't consider them the best characters or the people they are rooting for. In many ways they are the "bad guys".

Jon and Dany are the straight up main characters / good guys of this series. I can't think of any other mainstream not niche piece of media that had incest between the main characters. Luke and Leia who only went as far as making out (still weird) is the closest example I can think of.
Jamie and Cersei have been doing incest yes, but they aren't the "hero" characters. Your average viewer doesn't consider them the best characters or the people they are rooting for. In many ways they are the "bad guys".

Jon and Dany are the straight up main characters / good guys of this series. I can't think of any other mainstream not niche piece of media that had incest between the main characters. Luke and Leia who only went as far as making out (still weird) is the closest example I can think of.

People ship 'em because they're hot, lol. They like seeing good looking people bang.

That's how many will rationalise it.


So where are Sam and Gilly heading to? Going North to Jon? If they shack up in Winterfel someone might mention the name Lyanna and Gilly might be like "Oh that's the name in this book I read about a secret marriage..."


Dany and Jon didn't happen at Dragonstone these past 3 episodes, it's not happening.

Besides, there's two things Jon is not: A. A bastard. B. An aunt fucker. He'll discover both of these things soon.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Jamie and Cersei have been doing incest yes, but they aren't the "hero" characters. Your average viewer doesn't consider them the best characters or the people they are rooting for. In many ways they are the "bad guys".

Jon and Dany are the straight up main characters / good guys of this series. I can't think of any other mainstream not niche piece of media that had incest between the main characters. Luke and Leia who only went as far as making out (still weird) is the closest example I can think of.

So what happens if they do a prequel series centered on Aegon's conquest? Oops protag married to his sisters. Let's do the Dance of Dragon...oops there are many of them now doing the same. Ahh, how about a prequel series centered on the Rhoynar...wait the Valyrians practice incest. Jesus, let's just stick with a time frame where there are no Valyrians of any kind...oh look many of them are married to their cousins. Well shit.


semen stains the mountaintops
So where are Sam and Gilly heading to? Going North to Jon? If they shack up in Winterfel someone might mention the name Lyanna and Gilly might be like "Oh that's the name in this book I read about a secret marriage..."
Actually, I wonder if Bran knows this info already. Creeper probably watched his whole aunt's life.
Dany and Jon didn't happen at Dragonstone these past 3 episodes, it's not happening.

Besides, there's two things Jon is not: A. A bastard. B. An aunt fucker. He'll discover both of these things soon.

yea i have to agree while dany showed she had interest in Jon, he showed little to no interest in her because of how focused on the WW he is. Even when onion knight joked about it he instantly reminded him of the WW
Yeah it could be all this teasing about Jon and Dany on the show is just the show runners doing some fan service because they know a lot of fans want that. But they may not actually go through with it.

Jon at least I couldn't see doing it at all unless he is 100% unaware of it


semen stains the mountaintops
Can anyone else confirmed that it leaked? Googled it and nothing came up.

It's so much bullshit if it happened yet again.
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