Goddamnit need to be unsullied from spoilers again
Feels like the Netflix model is the only viable format from now on...
So is it out there? HBO Go?
HBO Spain aired the next episode early so be careful out there
It was only up for about an hour or so, but people who viewed and have it open still have access.
There are very spoilery screens floating around. Again, be careful.
Can anyone else confirmed that it leaked? Googled it and nothing came up.
It's so much bullshit if it happened yet again.
Can anyone else confirmed that it leaked? Googled it and nothing came up.
It's so much bullshit if it happened yet again.
I can confirm. Was shown a picture of a TV screen of a MAJOR spoiler just now by my wife's idiot fucking brother not 15 minutes ago.
I am livid.
Well, the internet is ruined for the next 5 days. Cool.I can confirm. Was shown a picture of a TV screen of a MAJOR spoiler just now by my wife's idiot fucking brother not 15 minutes ago.
I am livid.
Well, the internet is ruined for the next 5 days. Cool.
On Reddit a user did the math on how close Jon and Dany are, they share 44% of their DNA.
I think that's one of the biggest questions right now. Just how much does Bran know and how much / what is he willing to reveal
Yep people complaining about characters "teleporting" have forgotten that this happened all the time in Season 1 too. I also like that because shit is finally happening and it's a good moment (except for a few tidbits) to fasten the pace.
How much he knows: Everything.
How much he's willing to reveal: Only enough to make sure everyone knows he's a little douche for not revealing more.
Well, the internet is ruined for the next 5 days. Cool.
New thread, new reminder that there's a way to avoid spoilers.
What separates s1 and now are the scenes in between the travel. For example, the cross roads Inn, quick scenes on the kingsroad.
They could have had a quick scene of Jon's boat going towards Eastwatch.
Here's another way to help your fellow users.
If you know of a spoiler, and you see someone just casually say it like they're just guessing at what might happen, PM a mod.
Just don't go on twitter, i have already seen some footage through it
It is real
That's kinda a risky game to play though, as some people ARE going to correctly guess where the show is headed. Unless its something crazy that virtually no one could have seen coming there is no real way to know who is actually spoiling stuff or correctly guessing
If I tell you that I think one major character is going to kill another major character, there's no way you could just guess that.
Poor Sam, life as a Maestar wasn't what he thought it was.
Everyone has eaten the fermented crab.
That's... not entirely true. I mean, if someone says, "I think Arya is going to kill Littlefinger" I think that's a perfectly logical literary extrapolation/personal hope and dream to express.
I avoided them last time no way am I getting spoiled. :| Another anti-spoiler tactic I use is bookmarking https://www.youtube.com/feed/subscriptions, never have to see the recommended videos that way.Fuck. It's pretty much impossible to avoid these spoilers. You only need to see a pic and you know what's up. This sucks.
Poor Sam, life as a Maestar wasn't what he thought it was.
Here's another way to help your fellow users.
If you know of a spoiler, and you see someone just casually say it like they're just guessing at what might happen, PM a mod.
i vote to ban anyone even remotely insinuating what the episode and the leaks are about. even just saying "it's huge" is a spoiler in and itself, but seriously, restrain yourselves people.
I never said Arya was going to kill Littlefinger. That would be ridiculous and contrived.
This got pretty bad last week.This on the other hand, is completely fair. Whenever there is a leak. The most annoying thing to deal with is people dancing around the leaks with nudge nudge wink wink stuff going "omg you have no idea!!!! WOOOOW" etc.
Enhanced empathy as a result of dramatic irony.Man, his subplot is something that always pisses me off in other shows. It's always SO annoying when a character is telling the truth and no one will believe them, like, I dunno why but that annoys the shit out of me. I wanted Sam to go berserk and just start beating the shit out of all those assholes who dismissed him.
Duckroll will protect us so this thread can be a safe haven from spoilers, right!?
There's a few characters which seem to be parodies of their old selves at times. Tyrion, Davos, Little finger (that cat and mouse scene with arya was damn terrible) and varys come to mind for me.Does anyone else think Liam Cunningham is portraying Davos Seaworth kind of weird now?
He's like this jolly old man running around spreading good cheer to everyone. The emissary of character nostalgia.