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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT2| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

Man, his subplot is something that always pisses me off in other shows. It's always SO annoying when a character is telling the truth and no one will believe them, like, I dunno why but that annoys the shit out of me. I wanted Sam to go berserk and just start beating the shit out of all those assholes who dismissed him.

Yeah, when he said "Archmaestar please, it's real." you could tell he was losing his patience really fast.
He can't wait for clarifications, if Maestar Wolkan sent them another message they'll still sit about wondering if it's true or not. Sam had to leave.


semen stains the mountaintops
Yeah, when he said "Archmaestar please, it's real." you could tell he was losing his patience really fast.
He can't wait for clarifications, if Maestar Wolkan sent them another message they'll still sit about wondering if it's true or not. Sam had to leave.

"It could be real or it could be fake herp derp"

"It could be real or it could be fake herp derp"


Sam was looking at them like


Duckroll will protect us so this thread can be a safe haven from spoilers, right!?

This got pretty bad last week.

We can't protect everyone, especially when HBO seems unable to even control their own content. Lol. We just try. What we would really appreciate is not having people turn this stuff into a witch hunt or second guessing everything anyone posts. If someone keeps trying to talk about leaks, that's clearly bad and should be reported. If you THINK someone is leaking something as speculation, it's a tough call and not one we would usually make at all. Unless it's really, really, really obvious. But then think about it, if we ban someone for speculating because we think they are spoiling, based on the fact that what they are speculating is correct, doesn't that mean that the banning confirms the spoiler?!


Yeah, when he said "Archmaestar please, it's real." you could tell he was losing his patience really fast.
He can't wait for clarifications, if Maestar Wolkan sent them another message they'll still sit about wondering if it's true or not. Sam had to leave.

That face after "I've seen them".

Also, not a spoiler....probably:

First step to avoid leaks is to just not talk about them or engage in conversation regarding.

Keeping off of YouTube and social media for a few days isn't difficult. GAF should be safe though.

So moving on.

I wish we saw more of Sam in old town. It's an interesting location and I liked the design of the citadel. Would have been a good place for the odd lore dump. I like Sam as a character, always have. The actor is fantastic, really captures an endearing vibe.


semen stains the mountaintops
We can't protect everyone, especially when HBO seems unable to even control their own content. Lol. We just try. What we would really appreciate is not having people turn this stuff into a witch hunt or second guessing everything anyone posts. If someone keeps trying to talk about leaks, that's clearly bad and should be reported. If you THINK someone is leaking something as speculation, it's a tough call and not one we would usually make at all. Unless it's really, really, really obvious. But then think about it, if we ban someone for speculating because we think they are spoiling, based on the fact that what they are speculating is correct, doesn't that mean that the banning confirms the spoiler?!

Anarchy confirmed!


I wish we saw more of Sam in old town. It's an interesting location and I liked the design of the citadel. Would have been a good place for the odd lore dump. I like Sam as a character, always have. The actor is fantastic, really captures an endearing vibe.

Yeah Oldtown is a huge disappointment. The setting was great, and when Sam first arrived they totally nailed that introduction. Sadly this season has been a wash for that storyline. All Sam did was clean shit (literally), peel skin, whine, while some more, steal books, and steal MORE books. Then he leaves. Wtf. :(
I'm freakin outta here.

Nothing can protect you from spoilers, except staying as far away from the things related to that subject as possible.

Maybe that's true. Maybe the spoilers are coming. Maybe there's nothing we can do to stop them. Maybe we'll all be spoiled by the end of this.

I don't know, but what I do know is when the spoilers come, there will be nowhere left to run. There's no place in the Four Boards that will be safe from them. There's no OP sturdy enough, not in OT, not in Community, not even the Sales-Age Thread in Gaming itself. So you can run, if you want, but I'll be right here.


semen stains the mountaintops
I just realized Sam got real good at stealing shit.

He'll steal yo girl and son

He'll steal yo sword

He'll steal yo books

and he'll steal yo Widling heart 😍


Stop shitting on my team. Start shitting on my finger.
Yeah Oldtown is a huge disappointment. The setting was great, and when Sam first arrived they totally nailed that introduction. Sadly this season has been a wash for that storyline. All Sam did was clean shit (literally), peel skin, whine, while some more, steal books, and steal MORE books. Then he leaves. Wtf. :(

He also miraculously cured Jorah

.,.. but yeah
The problem with Sam's side story is that it's the sort of thing you start with a few more seasons left to develop it. It's one of those plots that spreads the story out and introduces more character, locations, and narrative arcs to be resolved later.

That's not really where they're at right now, in a narrative sense. They're trying to close things out, and that means the characters they've spent so long spreading out need to be coming together, the number of plot-significant locations needs to shrink, and any plot threads that aren't tying into the finale need to be getting tied up as neatly as possible.

So, you know, I understand why they did it. It was kind of dumb and made Sam look kind of dumb, but from a perspective of, "This character is popular enough we want him to be involved in events, but we can't really afford to keep spending time with him effectively by himself", I get it.
i vote to ban anyone even remotely insinuating what the episode and the leaks are about. even just saying "it's huge" is a spoiler in and itself, but seriously, restrain yourselves people.

I agree. So frikken annoying: "OH You won't believe who dies at Eastwatch!!!"

Shut up!!!
Would have been a nice moment

Jorah 'I was cured by Samwell Tarly, I gather you know him as you both served my father.'

Jon 'Ay, he's a good man Samwell Tarly. Much braver than you'd believe.'

Dany *Shit, what was the name of the father and son I burned again*

The actor for the head of the citadel was also great. The whole setting was. Definitely underutilized as many things have been the last few seasons, RIP Doran Martell.

On a side note. I'm finding dany grating as hell this season. All preachy and shit about being a fair ruler, the shit Cersei said about burning everyone and anyone being a lie. Then proceeds to threaten to burn everyone and anyone.

If a dany romance prevents JonxGendry D&D can expect a sternly worded letter and or email.


Would have been a nice moment

Jorah 'I was cured by Samwell Tarly, I gather you know him as you both served my father.'

Jon 'Ay, he's a good man Samwell Tarly. Much braver than you'd believe.'

Dany *Shit, what was the name of the father and son I burned again*

The actor for the head of the citadel was also great. The whole setting was. Definitely underutilized as many things have been the last few seasons, RIP Doran Martell.

On a side note. I'm finding dany grating as hell this season. All preachy and shit about being a fair ruler, the shit Cersei said about burning everyone and anyone being a lie. Then proceeds to threaten to burn everyone and anyone.

If a dany romance prevents JonxGendry D&D can expect a sternly worded letter and or email.

I'm expecting a few heart to hearts while they're on the way to the walkers. That one and probably Gendry talking about Arya.


So, Jon is gonna become a WW thing and then Arya will be the one to kill him.

He gifted her first sword to her, and she almost stabs him with it when he was saying goodbye.

You see, it's like poetry.

It rhymes.
Dany has always been annoying to me but somewhat less so this season because she actually got her ass kicked for a little bit. Was worried we were just gonna get more "10,000 titles and she wins by automatic just because" with her. Actually taking some L's made her more watchable imo


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Does anyone else think Liam Cunningham is portraying Davos Seaworth kind of weird now?

He's like this jolly old man running around spreading good cheer to everyone. The emissary of character nostalgia.

Well I mean he had a long history with finger cutting Stannis, so his relationship and demeanor around him is very different from how it is with Jon.
Jon x Gendry the tragic romance we deserve.


I hope the show doesn't paint Rhaegar in a tragic light. Thinking on it, he left his ex wife and children in the redkeep to be slaughtered due to being obsessed with a prophecy. The guys a cunt.
Oh God, I know where not supposed to talk about leaks, but please mods give me a chance, I need to warn everyone!!: It's currently being accidentally broadcast again in a certain country!! Run and hide!! Stay off the internet!!! Ruuuuuuuuun!! Stay off social media!!
The more you mention it, the more people will look for it and report back in here with 'OMG YOU WON'T BELIEVE' comments.

The internet is what it is. Everyone online is aware they're at risk of being spoiled when clicking on youtube/Twitter/Facebook. If they truly want to avoid it nothing wrong with an internet black out.


The more you mention it, the more people will look for it and report back in here with 'OMG YOU WON'T BELIEVE' comments.

The internet is what it is. Everyone online is aware they're at risk of being spoiled when clicking on youtube/Twitter/Facebook. If they truly want to avoid it nothing wrong with an internet black out.



There are FIVE more days before the next episode airs. Can we seriously stop with the leak stuff? It'll be a real pain to deal with "GUYS IT LEAKED!" and "WARNING: LEAKED!!!!" and "I COULDNT HELP MYSELF, I GOT SPOILED!" etc, for almost a whole week. I'm asking nicely. :(


There are FIVE more days before the next episode airs. Can we seriously stop with the leak stuff? It'll be a real pain to deal with "GUYS IT LEAKED!" and "WARNING: LEAKED!!!!" and "I COULDNT HELP MYSELF, I GOT SPOILED!" etc, for almost a whole week. I'm asking nicely. :(

I'm sorry :( I'll delete my post if you want.
Notice how quickly he got back into Cersei's grubby hands? Dude is a lost cause.

When all your children die, and you have no one to pass on your name... there is no question that he has to protect this child regardless of how disgusted he may be with her methods. Ends justify the means to him. He pretty much spelled it out.


When all your children die, and you have no one to pass on your name... there is no question that he has to protect this child regardless of how disgusted he may be with her methods. Ends justify the means to him. He pretty much spelled it out.

I bet Brienne of Tarth is plenty fertile.
They clearly bonded. They even laughed at his joke and he freed them. That's big.
Yeah, the scene doesn't focus nearly as much on the actual bonding that the Jon/Drogon scene had, but I gotta admit even though I don't want Tyrion to be another secret Targaryen, there's no denying that evidence in support of those who do want it.
I think the ideal resolution for me is that Petyr plays himself straight into a trap because Arya knew he was trying to play her and was just giving him enough rope to hang himself, and when he has his big Scooby Doo moment where he demands to know how she unraveled his brilliant Xanatos Gambit, Arya just replies:

"Sansa told me. She said you're a lousy cunt and this is exactly the sort of inane bullshit you'd try to do, and that's why no one likes you."

And then there's an 80's big sis hi-five freeze frame, roll credits.
I think eventually of course the Starks will triumph, because they're a pack now none of them are lone wolves. But I think right now Petyr's still got Arya outsmarted. Like I said, maybe he recognized Arya's moves; idk if Petyr's ever been to Braavos or Essos at all but maybe he knew about Syrio Forel teaching Arya how to sworddance and he might've known what Arya really meant when she said "no one"

or I'm thinking too deep into it and this is nonsense.
Littlefinger is just buying time by sowing mistrust between the Stark siblings, mainly because he can't figure out Bran.
Or...mainly because the runners want to finish him off, but couldn't think of any better way to do it so decide to have him try to turn the Starks on each other...just to have some sort of conflict in Winterfell & the North.

I'm very critical about the parts of the show that i don't like but I really love the parts that I love, it's weird


Neighbours from Hell
Speaking of leaks and spoilers, am I the only one who doesn't even watch the "previously on...."?

Those in themselves are kinda spoiler-y too, because every once in a while they'll show a scene from a few seasons ago and you'll be like "Ok, now I know this scene is gonna have relevance when I never would have expected it to."

I usually mute the TV and look away until the "previously on" is over. I don't wanna know what the episode is going to be focusing on and you can find out pretty much with that little segment.

Like for example, if this upcoming week's episode does a "previously on..." and shows Benjen, you know he's gonna be in the episode.
Speaking of leaks and spoilers, am I the only one who doesn't even watch the "previously on...."?

Those in themselves are kinda spoiler-y too, because every once in a while they'll show a scene from a few seasons ago and you'll be like "Ok, now I know this scene is gonna have relevance when I never would have expected it to."

I usually mute the TV and look away until the "previously on" is over. I don't wanna know what the episode is going to be focusing on and you can find out pretty much with that little segment.

Like for example, if this upcoming week's episode does a "previously on..." and shows Benjen, you know he's gonna be in the episode.

I'd rather they just don't do that. The Blu-rays don't have them before the episodes play.
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