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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT2| Season 7 - [Read the OP]

"You're even uglier than I am now. What did they do to you? Doesn't matter, it's not how it ends for you, brother. You know who's coming for you, you've always known."
-Sandor Clegane

All men must hype, Cleganebowl is definitely happening.
Episode 6 had someone say that Thoros would go down, Dany would come to rescue, and that Night King would take down a dragon and get an undead one. Now....those aren't crazy predictions, but the way the post phrased it all and had no misses was a little....suspicious. We won't go dragging anyone through mud here and posting names as Duckroll said, but that particular user was put on my ignore list. First person to ever go on there.

We had some saying "we'll see the wedding of R + L" about that time. Way too left field to be a guess.
How are you going to move over a million people all the way down to Dorne in winter conditions?

I don't think there are a million are there?

Didn't they just say there were a million in KL and someone replied with, there aren't even that many in the entire North....or am I making that up?


So much of this season felt really forced. The writers clearly have an ending provided by GRRM, and are working towards that outcome at the expense of logic for the most part. So much of that is born of trying to justify Cersei's continued existence tbh.

For example - Daenerys not sacking King's Landing straight away. She had a greater army. She had three dragons. I know the show tried to justify it as being 'better for the people' if she doesn't attack directly, but the suggested alternative - an extended siege - would be even worse for them. I mean hell, she didn't even need to really use the dragons to attack the city. Just have them burn through one of the gates so that the Unsullied can get in, and you're done. They could have been well on their way to unifying the realm in preparation for the walkers already, but Cersei must live, and so the writers have the characters make ridiculous decisions.

The same could be said for Arya. I don't really believe that she would return to Winterfell in the books. Or at the very least that she would have hung around for so long after finding out Jon wasn't there. She spent years becoming a faceless man, and takes a break right after killing the Freys? Nah. Cersei is on her list. She'd absolutely be heading to kill her next in the books. But again, the writers can't allow Cersei to be killed, so they had to come up with something else for her to do instead.

Then there's the whole capture the wight fiasco. I imagine the writers decided early on that the Wall would be coming down this season, and decided that the Night King could use a Dragon to do it. So that meant they had to come up with way to get the dragons north of the wall, and it all came together in a really clumsy way imo.

I can see why people still enjoy the show - I don't even think it's necessarily bad these days myself, it's just really not what I signed up for in the beginning. I mean...when I think of the best moments of the show, I think of Littlefinger's amazing speech telling Varys about how chaos is a ladder. I think of Jaime in the bath with Brienne, telling her how he came to be known as the Kingslayer. I think of when Arya was Tywin's cupbearer. I think of Tyrion's trial, Arya's travels with The Hound, Robert and Cersei's conversation about their marriage. Character moments.

Even most of the action scenes in the earlier seasons were still primarily about shaping the characters - such as Oberyn's fight with The Mountain being more about getting a confession from him than the fight itself. The wildfire explosion wasn't the climax of the Battle of Blackwater episode - it was done in the first fifteen minutes and the rest of the drama came from Tyrion's rousing speech and Cersei being on the verge of poisoning Tommen to spare him being murdered when Stannis sacked the city. The action was just a vehicle to provide more character moments.

For the last few seasons though, the big moments have come from the action setpieces themselves. The Battle of the Bastards. Cersei blowing up the Sept. Euron attacking Yara's fleet, and then later attacking Casterly Rock and the Unsullied. Many of those scenes haven't even really mattered in the long run. Grey Worm and the Unsullied apparently got out of Casterly Rock with zero consequences. When Daenerys attacked Jaime's army with the dragons and Dothraki...what even came from that? No major characters died. It didn't win Daenerys the war - she literally abandoned the fight with the Lannisters immediately afterwards. You could skip that scene entirely and not be missing any real details from the story other than redshirts Randyll and Dickon's died. It's the most egregious example of an action scene existing purely for fanservice imo.

The best scene of the season for me was when the Hound returned to the cottage in episode 1, and ended up burying the father and daughter he'd left for dead years before. Great character moment.
i think it will go this way

Daenereys will get pregnant - Jon will die after fulfilling his prophecy (similar to Gandalf in LOR) - Show will end with Daeny and her Son


I really enjoyed the season finale. The writers included major and minor key plot payoffs for the audience. Seeing the trio of Sansa, Bran and Arya bring the ultimate accountability against the mastermind behind their family's downfall was a great payoff. The writers and actors did a good job of creating serious doubt for me whether Sansa and Arya were being manipulated by Little Finger.

The official reveal of Jon's lineage was well done. I really liked the scene with the dual revelations between Sam and Bran. It just flowed together well.

There were smaller plot payoffs too, like the Hound's reaction to Arya being alive, Tyrian and Bron admitting it was good to see each other, Brienne calling out Jamie to honor his word and fight the real fight, and many more.

I was surprised to see the dragon wreck the wall so quickly. I also thought the wall was protected by wards or magic in addition to the ice. It's definitely on for the final season.


i think it will go this way

Daenereys will get pregnant - Jon will die after fulfilling his prophecy (similar to Gandalf in LOR) - Show will end with Daeny and her Son
Yup, that seems to be how it's shaping up. John will sacrifice himself heroically to save the realm, Dany and his child, or to rally others to do it.
I think my favorite part of this episode, and perhaps the entire series, was The Hound smiling when he heard Arya was alive.

I loved that part too, The Hound and Brianne were like proud dysfunctional, knighted surrogate parents at that moment each with a smirk on their face realizing shes very capable of taking care of herself.


I like that Littlefinger died the same way Catelyn did. Taken completely by surprise in a room full of former allies, pleads with them, gets throat slit.

LF's death was perfect in my eyes. Hoisted by his own petard. No one willing to step in for him, all perfectly happy to see him go.

I thought it was pretty well telegraphed what was going on in the previous two episodes. Giving Sansa the dagger (which Arya carried into the 'trial', telegraphing that Sansa had given it back) felt like a pretty clear statement by Arya that the game was afoot.

LF's game backfired after Sansa had played through why Arya would want to kill her and become Lady of Winterfell. Working out the logic made it clear to Sansa that Arya wouldn't actually want to replace her. Arya never wanted to be a 'Proper Lady', as they had reminded us when they were on the balcony, she wanted to be one of the boys, going to battle. Sansa eventually figured these hints out (as she said, she's a little slow) and the handing over of the dagger was a punctuation point - Arya was in effect offering her life to Sansa to show how important she was, but she couldn't say it out loud due to LF's spies.

LF's end was a very satisfying endpoint to his storyline and to the reunification of Starks. Very appropriate too - the three of them almost everything due to him, and when they finally rejoin as a group they get revenge.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Is Dorne all that is south? The still have regular mainland to stay on, don't they?

Yeah Dorne is the most southern part of Westeros, and besides a little bit of the Reach, it encompasses almost all of southern Westeros. It also happens to be highly defensible, and I doubt true winter comes down there due to it being roughly near what should be the equator.

I don't think there are a million are there?

Didn't they just say there were a million in KL and someone replied with, there aren't even that many in the entire North....or am I making that up?

I thought Jon said that there are more people in KL than all of the North, but I doubt a plan to flee south would have them abandon the people in the Vale and the Riverlands right? The North, the Riverlands, and the Vale should make a million.
i think it will go this way

Daenereys will get pregnant - Jon will die after fulfilling his prophecy (similar to Gandalf in LOR) - Show will end with Daeny and her Son

I've got all my money on Dany getting killed off at some point. Jon maybe too but IMO he's owed at least a sit on the Iron Throne before that happens.
Idk, I'll aim high and say both Jon and Dany won't live.
The larger than life heroes are going to die and become legends.

you know, i tought both of them would die aswell...but now that Dany couldy potentially become pregnant (and they made it pretty obvious) that could save her ass.

the dragons will die, but the line of targaryens not - thats my guess


I think people who criticize the show for handling the LF death "without evidence" forget where they were. Every person in that room knew what kind of a man LF was. In that context, Sansa didn't really need to prove anything. LF felt the pressure. He knew not a single person would come to his rescue there.

He couldn't weasel his way out of this one. He didn't have the shield of kings landing. He played a dangerous game, trying to turn the girls against each other in their own home.


Lol sansa is still stupid. Why would you wait that long to kill lf? This did not redeem that entire arc. Should have been 2 episodes max.

Because of the Vale?

I agree he's stretched out too long, he was useless in Winterfell. But they needed something for the finale I guess.

Sansa always said he was a crook, and out for personal gain. She hated his guts but couldn't risk a fuckup inside Winterfell. She couldn't have known about things surrounding Ned, as she wasn't there, but that probably sealed the deal when Bran saw it through the dagger.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
I've got all my money on Dany getting killed off at some point. Jon maybe too but IMO he's owed at least a sit on the Iron Throne before that happens.

If she ends up becoming pregnant, I think it would increase her chances of survival. I doubt this story would close out with yet another major female character dying in child birth. Lyanna, Dany's mom, and Dany too? That's a child who would end up having both grandmothers and their own mother die in child birth.

If Dany and Jon's child is the true Ice and Fire, than the child once again being raised by Northerners defeats the whole point. Some of that fire part needs to have a hand in raising this child.
I thought Jon said that there are more people in KL than all of the North, but I doubt a plan to flee south would have them abandon the people in the Vale and the Riverlands right? The North, the Riverlands, and the Vale should make a million.

Either way I guess it wouldn't matter because Jon, Jaime, Dany, The Hound...They're doing it to protect humanity and they wouldn't allow KL to get run over. But it would be a good way to force them to unite.

Sansa is blatantly smarter than Arya, and it's not close. Are some of yall even watching this show or what?

lol okay

Someone before episode 6 aired mentioned boat sex.

Now that you mention it, you're right, someone did.
arent there some prophecies told by the wizards in that tall building, or something by a witch somewhere?

gotta look back at those episodes and lines to see what will happen in the future!


If she ends up becoming pregnant, I think it would increase her chances of survival. I doubt this story would close out with yet another major female character dying in child birth. Lyanna, Dany's mom, and Dany too? That's a child who would end up having both grandmothers and their own mother die in child birth. If Dany and Jon's child is the true Ice and Fire, than the child once again being raised by Northerners defeats the whole point. Some of that fire part needs to have a hand in easing this child.

Man Dany has had a bunch of her lovers die before her though. Kinda messed if Jon dies cause that's 2 dead lovers now.


My favourite part of the episode was that people actually sat down/stood and talked.

No rushing, yet maintained the pacing.

That's why this is the best of the season.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Either way I guess it wouldn't matter because Jon, Jaime, Dany, The Hound...They're doing it to protect humanity and they wouldn't allow KL to get run over. But it would be a good way to force them to unite.

lol okay

True, but that doesn't mean fleeing south is not off the table. I can see a scenario where the North is overrun and slowly they have to concede territory and retreat more and more south. Which would then have them move closer and closer to that Cersei trap behind them.

Man Dany has had a bunch of her lovers die before her though. Kinda messed if Jon dies cause that's 2 dead lovers now.

Only one of her lovers have died. There was nothing consummated with that Slaver dude. She didn't even like him. So they're both one and one. Drogo for Dany, and Ygritte for Jon. Maybe they both survive. A marriage that actually goes through, and parents that both live to raise their kids? Come on, give me this twist ending lol.
Either way I guess it wouldn't matter because Jon, Jaime, Dany, The Hound...They're doing it to protect humanity and they wouldn't allow KL to get run over. But it would be a good way to force them to unite.

lol okay

Ok what? She is. She's been learning from the best manipulators in the game, and Arya has been learning in other manners how to be a strong fighter/assassin. Sorry to break it to you, but Arya would never be able to swindle a Vale army to help her, or control the Northern houses like Sansa after Jon left, nor would Sansa stand like a dumbass on a bridge in Braavos when faceless assassins can be anyone.

They've been blatantly clear to give each of the last 4 children strengths/weaknesses
- Sansa politics/manipulation, weak physically/can't fight
- Arya soldier/assassin, no sense for politics
- Jon soldier/war general, meteoric stupidity in politics
- Bran seer/exposition, can't walk/no humanity

It's pretty much an RPG class system but specifically for the Starks.
Loved that Ned is still relevant after all these seasons.
Shows that he's done right by his kids and they'll carry his legacy forward.
Contrast that with Tywin and his dysfunctional family.
True, but that doesn't mean fleeing south is not off the table. I can see a scenario where the North is overrun and slowly theybhve to concede territory and retreat more and more south. Which would then have them move closer and closer to that Cersei trap behind them.

Yeah, right near the Vale the land gets really narrow, that could be a problem for them if the Lannisters move North to attack them from behind.

I'm still unhappy that Essos, at least for now from everything we know is seemingly safe from all of this.

Really hope that changes.

Ok what? She is. She's been learning from the best manipulators in the game, and Arya has been learning in other manners how to be a strong fighter/assassin. Sorry to break it to you, but Arya would never be able to swindle a Vale army to help her, or control the Northern houses like Sansa after Jon left, nor would Sansa stand like a dumbass on a bridge in Braavos when faceless assassins can be anyone.

I'm sorry, but you cant honestly believe that Sansa would have pulled last night off without Arya and Bran.

Also, Sansa didn't swindle the Vale army to help her, LF did while Sansa was still his puppet.

I do agree about their strength and weaknesses though. But Sansa simply could not operate on her own. I'm not saying Arya could either though. Collectively as a team they kick ass, but that doesn't make Sansa any smarter on her own. Edit: Not yet at least, Sansa has great potential, she even said herself, slow learner. Give it a few years and she could be a great ruler.


Jon will die in the war. Dany dies during or shortly after childbirth.

Tyrion rules until the child is ready to take over.

My prediction.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Yeah Sansa is 100% smarter than Arya. Arya is good at cutting through in her face BS, but long cons and deep political stuff would have her tripping over herself. She's more likely to accidentally kill someone who isn't a threat to her, than being able to circumnavigate something like at court back stabbing and political mind fuckery.
Whew the racial purity implications if Daenerys gets pregnant from Jon later on are kinda unsettling to me, especially coming out of the themes of restoring the Targaryen line to strength with Daeny's rise to power. If it turns out she had been unable to get pregnant this entire time because she was "magically" (Rhaegar and Lyanna prove that there's no logical reason for this to happen, as they were able to conceive a Targaryen-Stark child) rejecting of non-Targaryen seed... MEH. Already kinda weird being a viewer and watching two of my favorite characters have unknowing incestual sex, would hate to see them magically get turned into poster child fantasy examples of racial supremacy if Daenerys does end up pregnant after having sex with Jon and the reason is because he's Targaryen.

Ok what? She is. She's been learning from the best manipulators in the game, and Arya has been learning in other manners how to be a strong fighter/assassin. Sorry to break it to you, but Arya would never be able to swindle a Vale army to help her, or control the Northern houses like Sansa after Jon left, nor would Sansa stand like a dumbass on a bridge in Braavos when faceless assassins can be anyone.

They've been blatantly clear to give each of the last 4 children strengths/weaknesses
- Sansa politics/manipulation, weak physically/can't fight
- Arya soldier/assassin, no sense for politics
- Jon soldier/war general, meteoric stupidity in politics
- Bran seer/exposition, can't walk/no humanity

It's pretty much an RPG class system but specifically for the Starks.
We probably don't need to qualify Jon's stupidity with "in politics" at this point. Poor grunt wasn't blessed with much up there.

At least being honest has some value in politics. People can trust it.
I think Arya is smarter. Just because she doesn't care about politics doesn't mean she couldn't be good at them. Hell, we really haven't even seen how she would be. If she is a human lie detector, she would probably blow Sansa out of the water.

Whew the racial purity implications if Daenerys gets pregnant from Jon later on are kinda unsettling to me, especially coming out of the themes of restoring the Targaryen line to strength with Daeny's rise to power. If it turns out she had been unable to get pregnant this entire time because she was "magically" (Rhaegar and Lyanna prove that there's no logical reason for this to happen, as they were able to conceive a Targaryen-Stark child) rejecting of non-Targaryen seed... MEH. Already kinda weird being a viewer and watching two of my favorite characters have unknowing incestual sex, would hate to see them magically get turned into poster child fantasy examples of racial supremacy if Daenerys does end up pregnant after having sex with Jon and the reason is because he's Targaryen.

My guess is that the show isn't interested in bloodline purity as much as it is in the drama of Dany realizing she is no longer in line to be rightful ruler, and if their "love" can overcome the drama from that.
do u guys think the sex scene was cgi? or did they actually have sex in real life on camera?

Actors have protection and socks and what not.
I think Arya is smarter. Just because she doesn't care about politics doesn't mean she couldn't be good at them. Hell, we really haven't even seen how she would be. If she is a human lie detector, she would probably blow Sansa out of the water.

There are different kinds of intelligence.
Whew the racial purity implications if Daenerys gets pregnant from Jon later on are kinda unsettling to me, especially coming out of the themes of restoring the Targaryen line to strength with Daeny's rise to power. If it turns out she had been unable to get pregnant this entire time because she was "magically" (Rhaegar and Lyanna prove that there's no logical reason for this to happen, as they were able to conceive a Targaryen-Stark child) rejecting of non-Targaryen seed... MEH. Already kinda weird being a viewer and watching two of my favorite characters have unknowing incestual sex, would hate to see them magically get turned into poster child fantasy examples of racial supremacy if Daenerys does end up pregnant after having sex with Jon and the reason is because he's Targaryen.


Lot of assumption. If Dany gets pregnant, it does not necessarily mean it's only because they're both Targaryens.

There is a practical reason for the Targaryen practices of incest, as it ensures their bloodline continues to be able to ride dragons.
Whew the racial purity implications if Daenerys gets pregnant from Jon later on are kinda unsettling to me, especially coming out of the themes of restoring the Targaryen line to strength with Daeny's rise to power. If it turns out she had been unable to get pregnant this entire time because she was "magically" (Rhaegar and Lyanna prove that there's no logical reason for this to happen, as they were able to conceive a Targaryen-Stark child) rejecting of non-Targaryen seed... MEH. Already kinda weird being a viewer and watching two of my favorite characters have unknowing incestual sex, would hate to see them magically get turned into poster child fantasy examples of racial supremacy if Daenerys does end up pregnant after having sex with Jon and the reason is because he's Targaryen.


Targaryens have been married to other houses. Aemon's brother King Aegon V was married to Betha Blackwood(Riverlands House, blood of the First Men). Others have married with House Martell(Rhaegar and previous Targs), houses with Valyrian roots, House Dayne etc.
The purity reason is just monarchy bs, just like historical monarchs in the real world.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Jon will die in the war. Dany dies during or shortly after childbirth.

Tyrion rules until the child is ready to take over.

My prediction.

*18 years later*

Eddard Targaryen: "Who were my mother and father? Do they care about me? Do they even know I'm alive?"

Tyrion: "I promise you, the next time we see each other, I will tell you all about your parents. I promise."

^ Not just monarchy bullshit. They clearly do have an affinity with dragons, that's more than likely passed through blood.


Yeah Sansa is 100% smarter than Arya. Arya is good at cutting through in her face BS, but long cons and deport political stuff would have her tripping over herself. She's more likely to accidentally kill someone who isn't a threat to her, than being able to circumnavigate something like at court back stabbing and political mind fuckery.

Sansa had the benefit of being raised in that liar's den King's Landing for a huge chunk of her life and got to watch and learn from Cersei, Margaery, Tyrion, Olenna, Littlefinger etc.. over the course of her story. Arya was basically homeless for 3 seasons before joining a cult.
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