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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT2| Season 7 - [Read the OP]


does sandor know that his brother was poisoned and then qyburn did some weird science on him?

or has he just seen his brother for the first time in a long time and sees that his face is all fucked up and wonders what happened
Idk, but zombie mountain is so boring! I wish that never happened. I don't even care to see the Hound fight him because he has no personality.


Overall Season 7 was great.

A little more predictable and fan fictiony than earlier seasons but the super high production values on those dragons and battles make up for it.
But the witch told her she would only have 3 kids, so maybe she dies before this one is even born.

Well, yeah.
The Night King is clearly gonna fuck up King's Landing and make her the Night Queen, and her unborn child is going to be some unspeakable creature.
How are people viewing Ned's honor?

His friend started a war over a lie and when Ned learned the truth he did nothing to restore balance to the realm. Robert sat on a throne of lies while Ned hid away in the North with the true king of Westeros being treated poorly by his wife.
If the show (and real life) have taught me anything, it's that no one is perfect and everyone has their faults and demons.

Ned was a good family man and a good friend. He likely did what he thought was right. I'm sure he's the kind of man that would say he isn't a good man.


There were "zombie's" in the first episode of Season 1. Your logic sounds far-fetched.

The first scene even

I am just saying the main plot has turned to fighting white walkers over battling for the throne. I personally enjoy the battle for throne plots over the white walker plot. it is still an entertaining show I just miss all the crazy stuff.

But I agree with you that the political intrigue and slow burn drama was way more interesting than the all-action show we are getting now. There isn't any reason we can't have both other than it seems D&D are tired of the show and are rushing for the exits. I still love the show, but it could be better. The show is only growing in popularity though so obviously this is a minority opinion
I think Lyanna knew Robbert all too well enough to know that he could not suffer the baby to live. It meant too much to Robbert. A betrayal of his betrothal to the woman he loved without question, a last fuck you from the man he killed at the Trident, and a threat to whomever claimed the throne.

No need to see dead kids to logically conclude this.

No. You're missing the point that if Aegon 1 is still alive when Jon is born that would mean that The Mad King still reigns and there's nothing for Lyanna to fear from Robert as Robert is just another Lord. Robert couldn't just go and murder Jon if the Targ Family still sits upon the Iron Throne.

Jon is simultaneously protected AND zero threat while The Mad King reigns and Aegon 1 lives. It's both their deaths that exposes him to danger.
Does anyone else think Cersei might be pregnant with Euron's kid?

Jamie had no idea she was making these plans with him to go get the golden company etc. She could have been fucking him without Jamie knowing as well (in order to keep Euron around, he doesn't seem like someone that would stick around for nothing).

But the witch told her she would only have 3 kids, so maybe she dies before this one is even born.

Was thinking that. Cersie confesses to Jamie its Eurons kid, and thats the straw that breaks the camels back. Jamie kills her.
Idk, but zombie mountain is so boring! I wish that never happened. I don't even care to see the Hound fight him because he has no personality.

He honestly didn't have a personality to begin with.

He's just smarter now that he's a mindless golem, that's all.

(Though I do get what you mean: the fact that he's no longer "himself" in any measurable way has really blunted the personal impact of his feud with the Hound. That's one of the reasons I'm really disappointed they didn't just go ahead and resolve that sub-plot; I think the longer we see the Mountain durdling around as a zombo and the Hound being surprisingly smart and effective, the less interesting their showdown will actually be.)


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Here's how little Eddard Targaryen is going to lose his parents. Bad ass Papa Aegon will die saving the realm from the Northern enemy, and in doing so put an end to the Night King's menace. Mama Dany will die sacrificing herself to defeat the southern threat Cersei Lannister.

Little Eddard will be named king with all remaining houses swearing fealty unconditionally due to what his parents did in service to the realm. Tyrion remains hand, and Drogon somehow manages to make it out alive, so that Eddard has some bite to whatever policies Tyrion needs him to inact. There's your bitter sweet ending, with the true son of Ice and Fire (hell it could be a daughter as well) sitting on the throne.
That will be the legacy. Normalizing and legitimizing incest.

All these normies shipping aunt and nephew. Whew laddie.

Someone before episode 6 aired mentioned boat sex.

There were people here on GAF posting spoilers, but hidden in such a way that nobody would know they were spoilers until they watched the episodes. Once I saw some of EP6 getting spoiled, I went completely dark until 7 came out. :/


Cersei has finally convinced me that her pregnancy is legit, but there's no way little Joffrey 2.0 lives to see the light of day.

Also now that Jon/Dany is official I think it's the beginning of the end for them. Their union will likely save the world but will end in personal tragedy for both, just like Rhaegar and Lyanna before them.

In conclusion, Jon and Dany, Night King, and Cersei will cancel each other out and pave the way for Sansa to become Queen.
Cersei has finally convinced me that her pregnancy is legit, but there's no way little Joffrey 2.0 lives to see the light of day.

Also now that Jon/Dany is official I think it's the beginning of the end for them. Their union will likely save the world but will end in personal tragedy for both, just like Rhaegar and Lyanna before them.

In conclusion, Jon and Dany, Night King, and Cersei will cancel each other out and pave the way for Sansa to become Queen.

Getting Robb and Talisa vibes. Seems that's why Tyrion is worried.


If the show (and real life) have taught me anything, it's that no one is perfect and everyone has their faults and demons.

Ned was a good family man and a good friend. He likely did what he thought was right. I'm sure he's the kind of man that would say he isn't a good man.

Was he a good family man though? He treated Jon like a bastard and then sent him off to rot at the wall. Wouldnt even give him a seat at the table. He convinced his wife he cheated on her and let her treat Jon like shit too. He sided with Robert over his family more than once including when he killed his daughters dog. He lied to his family about his dishonorable fight with the guy outside the tower. Fought a war to kill his sister's husband and then covered it up. Stole Greyjoys kid. Got himself and half his family killed, tortured etc

I started writing this as a joke but now IDK, He was kind of a dick. I'm sure there is a lot I'm forgetting.
Was Rhaegar dead at the time of birth? Lyanna probably got to choose the name because it doesn't make sense for Rhaegar to use the same name, especially since the other Aegon would have still been alive at the time
Yes Rhaegar was dead before Jon was born but still what would drive Lyanna to choose the same name as Rhaegar's other son? Still fucking stupid
Since Lyanna states that she knows Robert would kill Jon, it's pretty safe to assume that Jon was born after the Sack of Kings Landing (Lyanna dies right after childbirth). So Rhaegar didn't name him. So she probably named him Aegon as a nod to the fact that he's Rhaegar's aire.
Rhaegar already had an heir named Aegon and Lyanna should've been aware of that; even if Lyanna was the one to name him. And we don't know if that's the case, that's just the fans filling in the blanks again.
Cersei blaming Tyrion for Tommen and Mrycella's death made sense in GoT logic. Tyrion killed Tywin and Tywin kept everything in check.
But Tyrion shouldn't stand for that bullshit logic. He should've been like "Fuck you, YOU killed Tommen. Don't put that shit on me."


I could see Sansa as Queen until baby Ned Targaryan grows up.

I don't see a happy ending for Jon and Dany. I think they will both die.


That might have been the worst season of the show. The writing has gone completely to shit, and despite the constant character killing and explosion heavy action scenes, how much actually happened this season?

We're pretty much in the same spot we were at the start. All this season really did was sweep off a lot of side characters and Houses.

There was some decent stuff this episode, but the Winterfell plot was absolutely god awful.
Yes Rhaegar was dead before Jon was born but still what would drive Lyanna to choose the same name as Rhaegar's other son? Still fucking stupid

Rhaegar already had an heir named Aegon and Lyanna should've been aware of that; even if Lyanna was the one to name him. And we don't know if that's the case, that's just the fans filling in the blanks again.
But Tyrion shouldn't stand for that bullshit logic. He should've been like "Fuck you, YOU killed Tommen. Don't put that shit on me."
Yeah. This was the moment I decided Cersei is just about my least favorite character in fiction. Are we supposed to think she is batshit crazy? Stupid? Narrow-minded? She not only got Tommen killed, but she helped get her daughter killed as well. If Oberyn didn't go out fighting the Mountain, which wouldn't have happened if she didn't falsely accuse Tyrion, then her daughter would be alive.

I mean...if she is supposed to be annoyingly stubborn and dumb like a real person, then I guess she is a great character


"playing" dumb? unpossible
How many times are they going to keep drawing from that well though? You can't have every relationship go south like that, it's highly unrealistic. Plus, Robb broke faith with a house to get in with Talisa. That's what got him killed. No promises to Freys, no plot to murder him for breaking an oath.

Unless someone shanks Jon for being a Targ and hooking up with a Targ, Tyrion's dealio seems more that they would lose focus, and that doesn't even make sense. I think it makes their drive to destroy the Night King even greater. If Jon has the North, Dany, and a baby to fight for, it would atleast stop him from playing the death wish having heroic idiot he's played for the past two seasons.
Who watches TV like this??


Nothing's even happening on screen when they're reacting like that. I was watching some clips from this bar last week. It's kind of entertaining, in a "How overdramatic can this room full of hipsters behave?" kind of way.

I'm glad someone else feels this way too. Maybe they were afraid for Tormund and/or Beric, but most of the time I feel like those front row people are wayyy hamming it up for the camera.

But eh. It's not that big of a deal, I still enjoy watching those videos.


He honestly didn't have a personality to begin with.

He's just smarter now that he's a mindless golem, that's all.

(Though I do get what you mean: the fact that he's no longer "himself" in any measurable way has really blunted the personal impact of his feud with the Hound. That's one of the reasons I'm really disappointed they didn't just go ahead and resolve that sub-plot; I think the longer we see the Mountain durdling around as a zombo and the Hound being surprisingly smart and effective, the less interesting their showdown will actually be.)

If Qyburn hadn't mentioned it I'm not sure I could tell his personality has changed at all. The original mountain was the only good mountain
I remember seeing a prediction about an ice dragon and then the ice dragon being used to destroy the wall. And this was before episode 6. A really good guess, or just reading the leaks? You decide!

It may be both. I told my wife I thought the white walkers were going to kill a dragon and they were going to break the wall at around episode 5 after we saw the dragon light up the lannister army. That thing was like a nuke with wings. It made sense in my mind that it could also bring down the wall. I didn't read any leaks because I hate spoilers.

Now, with that said, I also think that people have thought about the end game for this series long enough that there's enough info out there that is bound to be true. People predicted John's parents for like 10 years and the show finally confirmed that. I think as the story gets more narrow then you're going to see more predictions that are right because that's how the story has to go. The end game is the white walkers and then dealing with Cersei's dumb ass. There are only so many ways this can go, so I think you'll see more predictions coming true or being closer to the mark now more than ever.


Who watches TV like this??


Nothing's even happening on screen when they're reacting like that. I was watching some clips from this bar last week. It's kind of entertaining, in a "How overdramatic can this room full of hipsters behave?" kind of way.

People who know they are on camera and going on youtube. They're playing up on purpose.
Every time I see people post those bar reaction videos, I notice the same people are always in the same place every week.
Tormund better be alive, I swear to God.

This better not be how he goes.
That part was pretty unclear, I was thinking all the wildlings died there. And even if they didn't, how would they escape the zombie army?
That will be the legacy. Normalizing and legitimizing incest.

All these normies shipping aunt and nephew. Whew laddie.

Nahh they can't normalize that shit they gotta put a stop to it. They're the last 2 Targaryens, so as long as they don't have twins, they can't do this incest shit anymore. It's just wrong. Let them indulge in it coz they love each other but realize that they have to stop it for the generations of their family going forward.


Yes Rhaegar was dead before Jon was born but still what would drive Lyanna to choose the same name as Rhaegar's other son? Still fucking stupid

Rhaegar already had an heir named Aegon and Lyanna should've been aware of that; even if Lyanna was the one to name him. And we don't know if that's the case, that's just the fans filling in the blanks again.
But Tyrion shouldn't stand for that bullshit logic. He should've been like "Fuck you, YOU killed Tommen. Don't put that shit on me."

She was directly responsible for both Tommen and Myrcellas deaths. In fact the latter was due to her blaming Tyrion for everything wrong in her life !


Dull? Are you sure you have been using that word correctly your entire life?

You had the meeting between all the main characters, Little Finger getting slashed, Jamie almost getting cut down and then leaving Cersei and the Night King tearing down the wall with a zombie dragon.

Unless you have no appreciation for tense moments I guess.

But that shit was not dull.
That shit was dull.

These past few seasons, every time this show doesn't flex its cgi/epic muscle, it's not all that great, but this episode in particular, nothing interesting happened.

They met, and everything went exactly as you could've predicted.
They killed LF, in the way anyone could've predicted (because his plan was particularly dumb).
And you can't really believe they would've killed Jamie like that, when they barely had the balls to take off one minor character's plot armor, during the ice siege.

So yeah, it felt like tying up loose ends, in the most obvious way possible, for about every scenario presented.

Ice dragon at the end was cool, but as i said, that's their strength, unfortunately this episode didn't have any major battle going on, and it showed their weak side.

I'm not a book reader, but it definitely feel like things have gotten way more predictable and by the numbers, these last few seasons, despite the spectacle being able to pick up the slack for it.
Character moments also haven't been particularly great in my opinion, especially given how rushed through things have been this season.

If you enjoyed it, more power to you, though.

I enjoyed the season as a whole, but when i think back, everything i enjoyed is either a big bombastic moment, or some funny quip, at best.
You know, Elia Martell continues to be among the most tragic characters in this entire series. Aerys dehumanized her, Rhaegar abandoned her, and the Mountain destroyed her (and whatever legacy she had left behind).

Part of me is kind of happy Bobby "Gods I Was Strong" Baratheon smashed Rhaegar's chest in.

But alas, the things we do for love...


"playing" dumb? unpossible
All in good jest mate ;)

I'm sorry, but you cant honestly believe that Sansa would have pulled last night off without Arya and Bran.

Also, Sansa didn't swindle the Vale army to help her, LF did while Sansa was still his puppet.

I do agree about their strength and weaknesses though. But Sansa simply could not operate on her own. I'm not saying Arya could either though. Collectively as a team they kick ass, but that doesn't make Sansa any smarter on her own. Edit: Not yet at least, Sansa has great potential, she even said herself, slow learner. Give it a few years and she could be a great ruler.
Your entire premise is that LF using Sansa =/= Sansa using LF. Both can be true. She could have easily had hid killed in season 5 but didn't. That proved to be a huge benefit since she used his need for power and Ned being grown at the Vale to get them to help vs Ramsay.

Of course as a team they are better, they're an rpg squad. You don't pick warrior everything in diablo do you, same applies here. All have their strengths and together like a pack of wolves = they're strong. I don't know if Sansa would have played LF this early on, but she certainly could have done so at any point in the future as well and just keep him at bay until then. I don't think she's some super genius, but the bar isn't high at all for Starks when it comes to intelligence or politics. She's already doing a better job leading the Winterfell group than Jon did when he was there.
Cersei has finally convinced me that her pregnancy is legit, but there's no way little Joffrey 2.0 lives to see the light of day.

Also now that Jon/Dany is official I think it's the beginning of the end for them. Their union will likely save the world but will end in personal tragedy for both, just like Rhaegar and Lyanna before them.

In conclusion, Jon and Dany, Night King, and Cersei will cancel each other out and pave the way for Sansa to become Queen.

What do people think about Euron leaving?

At first I thought he was legitimately out.

Then after Cersei said he wasn't I figured that Cersei and him had planned, that if anything went off plan, he would leave pretending he was out.

But then I watched this HBO clip and I'm not so sure anymore.
Dumb. She wasted time not just immediately sending him ages prior, once the gold made it to the bank. It isn't even a fakeout....at least not one that makes sense to me.
He calls a zombie a White Walker. I'm not inclined to believe anything coming out of Euron's mouth bro.

Well I think that term itself is well known.

But I mean, the actors comments in the clip have me question it, and now I'm back to thinking he might be legit out and Cersei doesn't know it yet.


not me
Tyrion probably struck a deal with Cersei involving her child becoming Dany's successor. That's why he's all "fuuuuck" with Snow and Dany hooking up, possibly conceiving. It'd make sense considering the hamfisted BUT WHAT ABOUT YOUR SUCCESSOR thing they did earlier, and the hard cut from Tyrion finding out she's pregnant to her agreeing to the truce and "joining" the war.
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