Isn't blue fire hotter than orange/red?
Isn't blue fire hotter than orange/red?
Well I think that term itself is well known.
But I mean, the actors comments in the clip have me question it, and now I'm back to thinking he might be legit out and Cersei doesn't know it yet.
Rhaegar already had an heir named Aegon and Lyanna should've been aware of that; even if Lyanna was the one to name him. And we don't know if that's the case, that's just the fans filling in the blanks again.
Who watches TV like this??
Nothing's even happening on screen when they're reacting like that. I was watching some clips from this bar last week. It's kind of entertaining, in a "How overdramatic can this room full of hipsters behave?" kind of way.
Tyrion probably struck a deal with Cersei involving her child becoming Dany's successor. That's why he's all "fuuuuck" with Snow and Dany hooking up, possibly conceiving. It'd make sense considering the hamfisted BUT WHAT ABOUT YOUR SUCCESSOR thing they did earlier.
Isn't blue fire hotter than orange/red?
Tyrion probably struck a deal with Cersei involving her child becoming Dany's successor. That's why he's all "fuuuuck" with Snow and Dany hooking up, possibly conceiving. It'd make sense considering the hamfisted BUT WHAT ABOUT YOUR SUCCESSOR thing they did earlier.
Aegon is also the name of the first Targ king. People name their kids after great people all the time. No different here.Rhaegar had an aire named Aegon that was dead before Jon was born. Aegon is a Targaryan family name. This isn't difficult to parse. Rhaegar dead, Rhaegar's other children dead, Lyanna literally dying minutes after Jon's birth... She gives him a full Targ family name to signify his birthright.
As for fans filling in the blanks... That doesn't matter because we're not talking about anything further than how "dumb" or whatever it is that Jon's name is Aegon. And the reality is that it isn't all that dumb in Westeros, it's just annoying to viewers who find it confusing.
No I meant that as an actor on this show, you should have the basic knowledge that the White Walkers are the dudes practicing necromancy, and the zombies are their thralls lol.
They keep name dropping this Golden Company too many times for them to not materialise. I think him wanting to marry the queen is going to overrule the self preserving part of his brain.
Cersei telling Jaime that he was the dumbest Lannister had be coughing from laughter. That whole scene was the me of the best scenes of the entire season. Jamie's desperation in trying to get his psychotic sister to realise the stupidity of her actions was beautiful.
"Someone is going to win, you do realise that?! If the dead win, they're going to come south and kill us. If the Northerners win, they're going to remember we betrayed them, and come and kill us!"
Cersei: "I'm good!"
Isn't blue fire hotter than orange/red?
Blue flames aren't always hotter than yellow flames, because the color of light emitted by the flame can depend on exactly which atoms and molecules are in the flame
The inner core of the candle flame is light blue, with a temperature of around 1800 K (1500 °C). That is the hottest part of the flame. The color inside the flame becomes yellow, orange, and finally red.
I think Jaime should have died in this episode. His story I think has been told. I don't see where this character can go form here where he isn't a pointless third wheel, a la Jorah. Plot armor is also rising to ridiculous levels.
Not sure where they are going with Cercei. She appears to be learning to play the game at a much higher level, takign advice from her father to heart. The entire manipulaiton of Tyrion both with the double cross alongsid Euron and convincing Tyrion to lower his guard the only way she could - playing the baby card.
But then she let's Jaime go, which is very likely to result in him telling the others of her plans, so the whole scheme goes out the window.
Hmmm :/
He saw a Wight, I think that was pretty convincing for him lolAfter all the shit Cersei put Jamie through, being herself and putting family first is what sent Jamie over the edge.
This was the one moment of Cersei I really liked this season.I think her letting him go is the final bit of humanity/weakness in her. She couldnt bring her self to do it and he called her bluff. I take it as showing us she still has a little bit of love left inside her, and that was probably the last time we will see her do anything "nice" again.
So much of this season felt really forced. The writers clearly have an ending provided by GRRM, and are working towards that outcome at the expense of logic for the most part. So much of that is born of trying to justify Cersei's continued existence tbh.
For example - Daenerys not sacking King's Landing straight away. She had a greater army. She had three dragons. I know the show tried to justify it as being 'better for the people' if she doesn't attack directly, but the suggested alternative - an extended siege - would be even worse for them. I mean hell, she didn't even need to really use the dragons to attack the city. Just have them burn through one of the gates so that the Unsullied can get in, and you're done. They could have been well on their way to unifying the realm in preparation for the walkers already, but Cersei must live, and so the writers have the characters make ridiculous decisions.
The same could be said for Arya. I don't really believe that she would return to Winterfell in the books. Or at the very least that she would have hung around for so long after finding out Jon wasn't there. She spent years becoming a faceless man, and takes a break right after killing the Freys? Nah. Cersei is on her list. She'd absolutely be heading to kill her next in the books. But again, the writers can't allow Cersei to be killed, so they had to come up with something else for her to do instead.
Then there's the whole capture the wight fiasco. I imagine the writers decided early on that the Wall would be coming down this season, and decided that the Night King could use a Dragon to do it. So that meant they had to come up with way to get the dragons north of the wall, and it all came together in a really clumsy way imo.
Other predictions for next season:
1. Turns out Danerys actually *can* have children, they only said she couldn't because being a dragon descendant, she can only be impregnated by another dragon descendant - such as Aegon Targeryen...
Yay more forced drama, with something that lasts all the way to point when Jaime tells them Cersei intends to fuck them up. They better not do this shit, it's so dumb.
After all the shit Cersei put Jamie through, being herself and putting family first is what sent Jamie over the edge.
Yeah the witch straight up killed the child as a revenge against them. Or he could've been used as a sacrifice for healing Drogo (but then the death of his horse would've been for nothing I guess)She was impregnated by Drogon and would have more than likely delivered a healthy child if not for the witch. Come on guys, this isn't some deeply hidden piece of information lol.
Nah I don't think so.Any chance Tyrion knows of Jon's ancestry?
Are dragon flames hot enough to melt ice beams?
People who know they are on camera and going on youtube. They're playing up on purpose.
Every time I see people post those bar reaction videos, I notice the same people are always in the same place every week.
Any chance Tyrion knows of Jon's ancestry?
I don't think it's dumb. It makes sense to me, for all involved.
After all the shit Cersei put Jamie through, being herself and putting family first is what sent Jamie over the edge.
Ima call bs if Dany gets preggers. She was shagging Daario for years.
Unless we got some bad news for Daario.
I think Jamie will be a major hero in the campaign against the Night King. To your question, his untold story would be about redemption and honor. I even think the writers may have his character earn a better version of king slayer. I don't think it's outside the realm of possibility for Jamie to be the character that lands the killing blow on the Night King, or Jamie and Brienne.I think Jaime should have died in this episode. His story I think has been told. I don't see where this character can go form here where he isn't a pointless third wheel, a la Jorah. Plot armor is also rising to ridiculous levels.
Jesus christ. Delete this garbage please.This all sets up....
Jesus christ. Delete this garbage please.
Why did Danny bring 2 dragons? Why not leave one behind, why show your hand?
Mercenaries are always completely reliable after all!
I know, Jon (was it?) literally says "she may not have been the most reliable of sources" about the witch.She was impregnated by Drogo and would have more than likely delivered a healthy child if not for the witch. Come on guys, this isn't some deeply hidden piece of information lol.
Alfie Allen is quite brilliant.
Daario must have been shooting blanks. Jon Snow the Fertile lmao.