What if Dany and Jon's child is the prince and/or princess that was promised?
Then they'd pretty much be fucked because by the time the child is old enough the NK will rule all
What if Dany and Jon's child is the prince and/or princess that was promised?
Did everyone forget about the true Lord of the Vale? Robyn, Sansa cousin. He loved his Uncle Peter, and he's definitely not stable.. How's he gonna take all this?
I thought the exact same thing. When those horns at Eastwatch started blowing, I fully expected a sweeping shot along the wall of different horns blowing all the way until Castle Black.Anyone else hoped we would a Westeros (Wall) version of this before the whole thing came down (just the horns doing three blows alongside every part of the wall that's manned)? Something uplifting before the whole thing comes crashing down and turns to despair.
This was the question of how to take out Littlefinger without pissing off Robyn but Littlefinger confessed to killing his mother. Robyn will still back Sansa now that he knows Littlefinger was playing him all along.
I'm still baffled that Cersei blamed Tyrion for Tommen's death.
I'm still baffled that Cersei blamed Tyrion for Tommen's death.
I'm still baffled that Cersei blamed Tyrion for Tommen's death.
Not just his mother, but engineering the death of his father as well. If Sansa didn't kill him for that, the Vale certainty would have.
I'm still baffled that Cersei blamed Tyrion for Tommen's death.
I get it, I do.
It's just that she blew up everything that was relevant in his life and expected him to be fine with it, like she saved him.
Guess in Cersei's head it makes sense.
Doesn't Littlefinger have leverage in the form of Sansa's letter, which would tarnish her reputation among the other Northmen? Isn't that the entire pretext for their argument? Doesn't their "gotcha" moment with Littlefinger only work because the situation escalates to the point where he thinks he has them beat?
You believe this based on...what? Arya's long history of knowing Sansa will have her back? Arya having full confidence that Sansa's finally gonna do something about Littlefinger even though she's been keeping him around despite the fact he's been a treacherous worm the entire time?
Arya was never gonna openly do anything against Littlefinger until she knew that she had allies. She couldn't be sure that Sansa would be her ally without testing her.
I know she really is angry with Sansa.
What I don't believe is that she's angry enough to issue real threats, especially when those threats are never addressed between the two characters again even as the story arc closes, and even more especially when it was obvious by the end of the last episode that she has no intention of killing Sansa or taking her face even though she's feigning at the possibility.
Seems much more plausible to me that Arya is doing what Arya does as a faceless man and is putting on a mask for appearances, than that Arya was really threatening her sister with violence and then just lets the underlying grievances go.
First of all, how do we know the other Aegon was dead before Jon was born? And second of all, so what? If he had a child that died why would he give another of his children the same name? It's still fucking stupid.Rhaegar had an aire named Aegon that was dead before Jon was born. Aegon is a Targaryan family name.
It's not difficult to parse at all. But it's difficult to accept. I'm calling it a flaw.This isn't difficult to parse.
Yah exactly it's a Targaryen name so I've got no doubt in my mind that Rhaegar was the one who chose the name why would Lyanna choose the same name as her husband's other chuld it's stupid. Him having the last name Targaryen signifies his birthright.Rhaegar dead, Rhaegar's other children dead, Lyanna literally dying minutes after Jon's birth... She gives him a full Targ family name to signify his birthright.
Well, I'm over here talking about how dumb it is. It's not confusing, it's fucking dumb. Jon should've been named Jaehaerys.As for fans filling in the blanks... That doesn't matter because we're not talking about anything further than how "dumb" or whatever it is that Jon's name is Aegon. And the reality is that it isn't all that dumb in Westeros, it's just annoying to viewers who find it confusing.
Yes, and that's why Rhaegar named his first son Aegon...he should have given Lyanna a different name for his second son.Aegon is also the name of the first Targ king. People name their kids after great people all the time. No different here.
Eh, if I were Tyrion, I'd feel more guilt for the death of Myrcella. They brushed that over in the show in episode 2 and that's it. But Tommen? That's all Cersei.She was directly responsible for both Tommen and Myrcellas deaths. In fact the latter was due to her blaming Tyrion for everything wrong in her life !
This is logical but since Cersei cannot be reasoned with, I don't think she can be blamed with Oberyn's death. Oberyn got Oberyn killed for drinking and being cocky during the fight. Myrcella's death is partially on Tyrion's hands, but not directly. Tommen though is all CerseiYeah. This was the moment I decided Cersei is just about my least favorite character in fiction. Are we supposed to think she is batshit crazy? Stupid? Narrow-minded? She not only got Tommen killed, but she helped get her daughter killed as well. If Oberyn didn't go out fighting the Mountain, which wouldn't have happened if she didn't falsely accuse Tyrion, then her daughter would be alive.
I mean...if she is supposed to be annoyingly stubborn and dumb like a real person, then I guess she is a great character
The Knights of the Vale don't want to be led by Robyn, though they're honor bound to do so. However since the war is on and the last order they got was to support Sansa, Robyn won't come into play unless the Knights go to him to inform him. Which they can avoid doing until after the wars are settled.
ah ha! it took me a while but I finally found the waif hint for the episode
Arya killed LF with the dagger in her right hand... she's left handed! (waif is right handed)
actually it's the second, the first one was where she stated she was the executioner, and sansa passed the sentence. stark way is to kill those you sentence yourself as referenced in the execution scene in the pilot
The neat thing about fan theories is that they conveniently ignore all contradicting evidence.
Arya fights left-handed against Brienne.
Also, Ned Stark never taught his daughters about executions and such. As explained by Jon, he never even cursed in front of them. In S01E01, Bran is brought to witness an execution and learn about Stark law, not Sansa or Arya.
It took 1 undead Dragon to do all this damage....
I never liked the zombies or dragons angle or any of the magic nonsense. Now the show is nothing but this stuff. Also, it feels like all the interesting characters are long gone or rewritten into worse versions of themselves. Ugh. I don't know why I keep watching.
In a way, it's a little bit sad that all of these interesting characters and conflicts are being rushed or pushed aside in favour of ice zombies. Not that I mind the Night King stuff, but it's not as interesting as the political game of chess we've had for 65+ episodes.
Can't wait until it's revealed that Dany and Snow are aunt and nephew. So many implications.
It took 1 undead Dragon to do all this damage....
It took 1 undead Dragon to do all this damage....
How come Bran new Jon wasn't a Stark, but didn't know about the secret wedding? How does his knowledge work?
the strange thing about this is that blue fire is hotter than yellow fire
so if the zombie misfired and attacked the zombie army it would do more damage than help the Nking
There's an explanation for Jon's real name but it's not allowed discussion so I don't know how this works.First of all, how do we know the other Aegon was dead before Jon was born? And second of all, so what? If he had a child that died why would he give another of his children the same name? It's still fucking stupid. It's not difficult to parse at all. But it's difficult to accept. I'm calling it a flaw. Yah exactly it's a Targaryen name so I've got no doubt in my mind that Rhaegar was the one who chose the name why would Lyanna choose the same name as her husband's other chuld it's stupid. Him having the last name Targaryen signifies his birthright.
Well, I'm over here talking about how dumb it is. It's not confusing, it's fucking dumb. Jon should've been named Jaehaerys.
Yes, and that's why Rhaegar named his first son Aegon...he should have given Lyanna a different name for his second son.
Eh, if I were Tyrion, I'd feel more guilt for the death of Myrcella. They brushed that over in the show in episode 2 and that's it. But Tommen? That's all Cersei.
This is logical but since Cersei cannot be reasoned with, I don't think she can be blamed with Oberyn's death. Oberyn got Oberyn killed for drinking and being cocky during the fight. Myrcella's death is partially on Tyrion's hands, but not directly. Tommen though is all Cersei
I wonder if the Zombie Dragon could be turned back or on the side of Dany or Jon if the blood bond is stronger than magic or whatever the Night King does?
I'm still baffled that Cersei blamed Tyrion for Tommen's death.
It took 1 undead Dragon to do all this damage....
How come Bran new Jon wasn't a Stark, but didn't know about the secret wedding? How does his knowledge work?
the strange thing about this is that blue fire is hotter than yellow fire
so if the zombie misfired and attacked the zombie army it would do more damage than help the Nking
of course i have. but the blue flames are always hottest.Have you never used a bunsen burner?
whatever explanation there is it's just stupid to name both of your son the same thing, whatever your reason isThere's an explanation for Jon's real name but it's not allowed discussion so I don't know how this works.
nah i don't think the dragon is stronger now that it's a zombie. it's just that dragons are magical creatures. and magic undoes the spell of what kept the wall up.White Walkers enhance magic. Dragons are magic. He's Super Sayian now.
exactly. but it's hot blue on cold blue.Blue on blue... literally.
I imagine its like google search. The old 3 eye raven took him to see jons birth, so he had that info down. When he talked to sansa he probably saw what she went through. When Little Finger mentioned chaos to him, that triggered him with LFs talk of chaos and mentioned chaos is a ladder. When LF is on trial and Sansa mentions LF betrayed her father, he pulls up the detail of him holding a knife against Neds throat.
And likewise, when Sam mentions that Jon isnt a bastard and that rhaegar was married officially, this allows bran to pinpoint the marriage.
Basically it seems like you have to stoke Bran to fully see something. I would imagine its hard for him to pinpoint a specific memory since he has the mental banks of millions of things that have happened.
whatever explanation there is it's just stupid to name both of your son the same thing, whatever your reason is
did Bran watch them have sex
whatever explanation there is it's just stupid to name both of your son the same thing, whatever your reason is.
Agreed, the amount of data he has access to is near infinite, he can access anything but he surely hasn't seen everything.
did Bran watch them have sex
The explanation fits the GoT universe. If you're curious, you could look into it.
the strange thing about this is that blue fire is hotter than yellow fire
so if the zombie misfired and attacked the zombie army it would do more damage than help the Nking
I wonder if the Zombie Dragon could be turned back or on the side of Dany or Jon if the blood bond is stronger than magic or whatever the Night King does?