did Bran watch them have sex
He probably also watches them poop.
did Bran watch them have sex
How can the ice dragon still fly when it looks like he has holes in his wings???
How can the ice dragon still fly when it looks like he has holes in his wings???
I have not finished the entire read but skipped to number 1 anyways. Was not surprised.
Vox article.
Game of Thrones season 7: each character's strategy, ranked by political science.
One of my favorite shot of the episodes. Right along with snow falling on to Jaime's gloves as he puts it on his gold hand.
The perfect man for the job as he's quite adept in the art..
How can the dead walk when they have no connective tissue?
To be honest, I was thinking the same thing. I know it's fiction, but this series doesn't do a great job of following its own internal logic.The necromantic magic serves as connective tissue.
Consider, if the necromantic magic is also what makes Viserion fly, how come the NK can't just make himself fly?
Sam told Gilly what an annulment was. He was annoyed and preoccupied with other things, but he heard her.
You ask why writers remind people of details. Seems like people actually need it.
They could chuck a piece of dragonglass at Viserion and the magic animating him should break.
Obviously they're not going to but there's no reason why it shouldn't, unless the NK being in contact means the magic is unbreakable.
No I know that he was using blue fire and I know blue fire is hotter than yellow fire. My point is, with the NKing possessing the hotter fire, he could (accidentally) destroy his own army before the other dragons could.Last night when he melted the Wall with blue fire.
Or are you asking me when was it confirmed blue flames are hotter than orange?
Yeah I'll take Jon Targaryen any day. Although I still hope Dany calls Jon by his birth name like Vegeta calls Goku Kakarot.Agreed. Reading others calling him "Aegon" cringes me out.
Jon Targaryen's good enough.
exactly...I don't see yellow in the gif, it's blue then white.
but the blue is near the source, ie hotter.
How is Jon being in Dorne a confirmation of Aegon 1 being dead? The only confirmation we got from that scene was that Rhaegar was dead. For all we know, Aegon & Rhaela were murdered after he was.We know Aegon 1 was dead because we know that Ned was at the tower in Dorne when Lyanna dies after giving birth to Jon but we also know that Ned was at the Sacking of Kings Landing and had a falling out with Robert over the Lannisters killing the Targaryen children. They only became close again later on after Lyanna dies.
I'm not saying Lyanna shouldn't have given Jon a Targaryen style name, I'm saying why the fuck give him the same exact name that Rhaegar's other son, Jon's half brother, already has? She should have named him Jaehaerys.Lyanna is from House Stark and ALL the Lords and Ladies of the houses know the lineage of the Targaryen's. It makes perfect sense that she would name her son with Rhaegar after someone from his family now that we know they loved each other and were married and he was dead when Jon was born.
yeah, that's true. But we don't know what the NKing is really thinking, though.It's a moot point considering that regular dragon fire is already plenty hot enough to wipe out any enemy, army or defensive position. Hot enough to turn people into ash, melt castles, the works.
It's more like Team Living have a couple of 10KT nukes and the Night King has one 20KT nuke. A weapon of even-more-mass-destruction.
grossHe probably also watches them poop.
Killing Tywin off was GRRM's biggest mistake IMO.I'm curious how Tywin would have dealt with seeing a wight. Do you think he calls a truce, or makes a play similar to Cersei?
Scorpion + Dragonglass bolt?
No I know that he was using blue fire and I know blue fire is hotter than yellow fire. My point is, with the NKing possessing the hotter fire, he could (accidentally) destroy his own army before the other dragons could.
I'm calling it now. Season 8 Theon as new leader of the Unsullied.
Scorpion + Dragonglass bolt?
The necromantic magic serves as connective tissue.
Consider, if the necromantic magic is also what makes Viserion fly, how come the NK can't just make himself fly?
I'm still baffled that Cersei blamed Tyrion for Tommen's death.
Cersei blaming Tyrion for that is some next level scretching.With Tywin alive, the Sparrow situation would never have happened.
ah, I see. Yeah for sure the NKing's magical abilities for sure could play a role in all this. I was thinking he was breathing blue fire because their eyes are blue, and blue fire is conveniently hotter than yellow.I understand that and I agree.
My original argument was that that White Walkers magic had enhanced the dragon and my proof of that was the blue flames.
Why was Jorah upset about Dany not riding her dragon north? Is it because he knows and is upset about what would happen if Jon and Dany are alone together?ah, I see. Yeah for sure the NKing's magical abilities for sure could play a role in all this. I was thinking he was breathing blue fire because their eyes are blue, and blue fire is conveniently hotter than yellow.
One thing about Viserion's eye though, at the end of the last episode, his eye looked sentient; like the White Walker's eyes; it didn't look like just a bright blue hue, like the zombies' eyes and the zombie polar bear from earlier in the episode.
I'm curious how Tywin would have dealt with seeing a wight. Do you think he calls a truce, or makes a play similar to Cersei?
He made a White Walker from a dragon. This is why he had to touch it and not just lift his arms like in Hardhome. And these things are living creatures of some kind unlike wights if that baby is any indication. i am assuming it grows up into an adult but you never know.. NK might have a contingent of infant WWs to drop into cities.
This so much. It must be frustrating when people say "they don't let us figure anything out and everything is obvious." While on the flip side others will forget pretty big details and blame it on shitty writing.
Granted the writing wasn't the best this season, someone asking who Rhaegar was is hilarious.
IIRC the reason Gilly would have had the book was that Sam finished inscribing it.
Unlike th baby though the dragon first died. I don't think that dragon is a White Walker, but you are right in that he did his personal touch thingy. So maybe something that isn't a White Walker (not dead but turned, think warewolf), but also a bit more than a mindless thrall.
How the fuck is Dorne "dead"? They lost 4 people, not the entire army that is over there. On top of that, Oberyn tha boss had like 50 kids (9) in total since he couldn't stop having sex with every woman in every continent in the world, so they had leaders if need be. Why is the show writers and tv writers putting them out as "dead" just because Oberyn's wife and 3/9 girls are dead?
How the fuck is Dorne "dead"? They lost 4 people, not the entire army that is over there. On top of that, Oberyn tha boss had like 50 kids (9) in total since he couldn't stop having sex with every woman in every continent in the world, so they had leaders if need be. Why is the show writers and tv writers putting them out as "dead" just because Oberyn's wife and 3/9 girls are dead?
How the fuck is Dorne "dead"? They lost 4 people, not the entire army that is over there. On top of that, Oberyn tha boss had like 50 kids (9) in total since he couldn't stop having sex with every woman in every continent in the world, so they had leaders if need be. Why is the show writers and tv writers putting them out as "dead" just because Oberyn's wife and 3/9 girls are dead?
I'm curious how Tywin would have dealt with seeing a wight. Do you think he calls a truce, or makes a play similar to Cersei?
Cersei blaming Tyrion for that is some next level scretching.
This last episode was the only one I can think of where the dialog felt like the past seasons.
It was their A game.
there's something else about Jaime flipping that I don't understand.
the first time he sees the zombie, he's horrified but not on board to work with Jon & Dany, because Cersei isn't.
then when Cersei comes back the Dragon Pit she says she'll help and Jaime believes him, later we see him giving his men commands about going north, but Cersei tells him she was lying, and then Jaime tries to argue about the zombie and the horror. All of a sudden then, but he wasn't arguing about it at first
One thing I still don't get... why was Bran still under the impression that Jon was a bastard if he heard Lyanna call him Aegon Targaryen when she handed him to Ned?
is that what he started with? i think the first thing he says was "look, zombies are real so this is about living vs. dead"he goes on his honour logic.
I think he didn't hear it, as silly as it might seem. He was "physically" there just as we all were, and heard just as well as the rest of us. You think he would rewind that shit and get closer, but iunno.this is a really good point, i haven't thought of this. the only reason we couldn't hear Lyanna say it last season is coz they didn't want the audience to know. but Bran was there, presumably he heard it...
If I remember right, when Tyrion shows up, Jamie had just been kicked out of Cersei's room for arguing against her that they should ally up.there's something else about Jaime flipping that I don't understand.
the first time he sees the zombie, he's horrified but not on board to work with Jon & Dany, because Cersei isn't.
then when Cersei comes back the Dragon Pit she says she'll help and Jaime believes him, later we see him giving his men commands about going north, but Cersei tells him she was lying, and then Jaime tries to argue about the zombie and the horror. All of a sudden then, but he wasn't arguing about it at first
How is Jon being in Dorne a confirmation of Aegon 1 being dead? The only confirmation we got from that scene was that Rhaegar was dead. For all we know, Aegon & Rhaela were murdered after he was.
I'm not saying Lyanna shouldn't have given Jon a Targaryen style name, I'm saying why the fuck give him the same exact name that Rhaegar's other son, Jon's half brother, already has? She should have named him Jaehaerys.
Young Ned Stark to Sir Arthur Dayne outside the Tower said:"The Mad King is Dead. Rhaegar lies beneath the ground. Why weren't you there to protect your Prince.
there's something else about Jaime flipping that I don't understand.
the first time he sees the zombie, he's horrified but not on board to work with Jon & Dany, because Cersei isn't.
then when Cersei comes back the Dragon Pit she says she'll help and Jaime believes him, later we see him giving his men commands about going north, but Cersei tells him she was lying, and then Jaime tries to argue about the zombie and the horror. All of a sudden then, but he wasn't arguing about it at first
One thing I still don't get... why was Bran still under the impression that Jon was a bastard if he heard Lyanna call him Aegon Targaryen when she handed him to Ned?
this is a really good point, i haven't thought of this. the only reason we couldn't hear Lyanna say it last season is coz they didn't want the audience to know. but Bran was there, presumably he heard it...
I think he didn't hear it, as silly as it might seem. He was "physically" there just as we all were, and heard just as well as the rest of us. You think he would rewind that shit and get closer, but iunno.
It's the exact same clip they play in this episode though. I suppose we're just gonna have to roll with silly.I think he didn't hear it, as silly as it might seem. He was "physically" there just as we all were, and heard just as well as the rest of us. You think he would rewind that shit and get closer, but iunno.
okay, you are right about the timeline. But I still think it's fucking stupid that Lyanna their child the same name that her husband already had. And I don't care if there is an in-universe explanation for it, because that would just be a weak point in the universe in my opinion. Jon should've been named Jaehaerys.Because the timeline of events is Robert kills Rhaegar > Sack of Kings Landing > Ned finds Lyanna.
From last season:
So Lyanna is still alive and hasn't yet given birth. The Mad King is dead which happens right after he lets Tywin into Kings Landing thinking Tywin is an ally. And as soon as The Lannisters enter Kings Landing they sack the city and Tywin orders the Targaryens all killed. Ned shows up to Kings Landing during the sack and is disgusted by it. Robert shows up sometime later. They have a falling out. Sometime after that Ned arrives at the tower and finds his sister. Still later, after she's dead, Ned and Robert patch up their friendship over shared grief of her death.
well she should, like Vegeta calls Goku Kakarot. Everybody else doesn't have to do it; Dany can be the only one.Dany's totally going to insist on calling him Aegon once she finds out the truth isn't she? lol
He didn't mention wanting to go north to Tyrion, though. He didn't talk about the zombie or the winter war at all. But yeah, I suppose you're right.Brienne got through to him. He only rejects her logic initially so as not to defy Cersei in public.
Doesn't he first say he's "Jon Sand" before Sam tells him that he's a legitimate born child?He did hear it.
But he assumed that he was born out of wedlock, so he would have still been called Sand, it wasn't until Sam pointed him towards the wedding that the pieces came together.
Doesn't he first say he's "Jon Sand" before Sam tells him that he's a legitimate born child?
edit: sorry for double post
Nope, he just says he needs to talk to Jon, to tell him the truth that he's a Sand and not a Snow and that he's my aunts son.
Anyone born out of wedlock in the 7 kingdoms is considered a bastard.