When you think about it, Aegon Targaryen just rode his first dragon.

When you think about it, Aegon Targaryen just rode his first dragon.
I'm just gonna say it: Jamie Lannister's mounted charge toward Dany and Rhaegon was the most epic moment of the season. And it was, in terms of this series, probably the most incredible individual moment I've seen. He's the fucking best. Tell me someone else feels the same way.
Could Tyrion's weird look on the ship be related to his guilt over his possible betrayal of them with Cersei? The cut away from their conversation in Cersei's room seemed very intentional.
Does anyone else find it a little weird that Jon has said nothing about being saved from death by his undead uncle who's been missing forever or expressed any interest in what the fuck that was all about? Ibkniw there are more immediate pressing matters, but you'd like to think he'd still be mad curious about it.
As many have said before, Tyrion is likely just concerned about the implications of them becoming romantically involved. Politically, as well as issues it may cause in the fight ahead. Love can create problems, and the least amount of complications right now the better.
Yeah. That seemed super odd for Benjen to just show up for a single moment to save Jon and never appear again this season. It better not be the last we see of him.
I have bad news.
But Tyrion knows all this from the last episode. He was the one to tell Dany that Jon was falling for her, and correctly put together that she named all the dudes who loved her. Like is Tyrion stupid or something?
This idea that love would be a distraction for them confuses me. There are thousands of people in the north that are going to be fighting for their lives while being in loving relationships. Fifteenth century Spain saw the union of two crowns that helped a unified force fight a common enemy. There's historical precedence for something like this, and these two seem to be actually falling in love.
It seems like Tyrion is still focused on the Iron Throne. So is he worried that if they survive, Dany might not care for the throne anymore? I mean if Dany sacrifices so much for the North, and the North truly accept her, maybe he's worried she may no longer have the drive to go back south.
I agree with Cersei's point of view. Why should she lend help to this cause when Dany is just going to conquer/kill her eventually anyway, if and when the walkers are defeated? Fuck that.
I am surprised she let Jaime live. I thought for sure her love of him was more of a selfish love of her own male reflection, and she would punish his treachery with no questions asked. She's a bit more human than that, apparently. I don't know if I approve! It's obviously going to bite her in the ass, and she never really gave enough of a fuck about Jaime for THAT to be her downfall.
I don't think there's much to the Tyrion/Cersei speculation, they hate each other, it is known.
What good would that do when Cersei's not helping them anyway?
Yup, that was easily the best moment of season 7.
So whats gonna happen to Jaime? He just gonna do the lone samurai thing? Or is he actually gonna join up with his brother and turn against Cersei?
mr. Finger mistake was never accounting for a magical boy with mysterious raven powers that can see the past to appear that was his demise
So whats gonna happen to Jaime? He just gonna do the lone samurai thing? Or is he actually gonna join up with his brother and turn against Cersei?
mr. Finger mistake was never accounting for a magical boy with mysterious raven powers that can see the past to appear that was his demise
I have bad news.
What Tyrion was thinking on the ship:
Why would Tyrion care about the child that much to betray them?I was coming in here to post the same thing, I think Tyrion has betrayed them because of the child
Littlefingered should have left Winterfell after the chaos is a ladder bomb Bran dropped.
Can someone summarize everything Littlefinger actually did that started the war? Every time I try and read about it, it's a long windy explanation and I just become confused.
But Tyrion knows all this from the last episode. He was the one to tell Dany that Jon was falling for her, and correctly put together that she named all the dudes who loved her. Like is Tyrion stupid or something?
This idea that love would be a distraction for them confuses me. There are thousands of people in the north that are going to be fighting for their lives while being in loving relationships. Fifteenth century Spain saw the union of two crowns that helped a unified force fight a common enemy. There's historical precedence for something like this, and these two seem to be actually falling in love.
It seems like Tyrion is still focused on the Iron Throne. So is he worried that if they survive, Dany might not care for the throne anymore? I mean if Dany sacrifices so much for the North, and the North truly accept her, maybe he's worried she may no longer have the drive to go back south.
I mean, wouldn't you be concerned?
He tricked Ned Stark into thinking he would offer his support to seize control of the iron throne when Robert Baratheon died. Instead he sided with the Lannisters and Ned got his head chopped off which started the war of five kings.Can someone summarize everything Littlefinger actually did that started the war? Every time I try and read about it, it's a long windy explanation and I just become confused.
also i didn't think jaime leaving cersei just because he gave tyrion and co. his word he will ride north is a strong enough reason to leave her in my view, he's literally an oath breaker when he backstabbed the mad king
i thought his love for her is too strong for such a thing to bring discord between them, that's my opinion anyway
Something I noticed when going back and watching the episode again, not sure if anyone else caught it, it was very subtle.
When Dany swooped down on her dragon in the dragon pit, they showed Euron's face and it was basically like "Damn, maybe I should side with this chick if I want power, she's got a fucking dragon"
Not sure we'll ever get to that point, but Euron has absolutely no loyalty to anyone. Not sure why he wouldn't just side with whatever side he thinks will win the war and go join Dany(if he survives to that point).
Can someone summarize everything Littlefinger actually did that started the war? Every time I try and read about it, it's a long windy explanation and I just become confused.
Yeah. That seemed super odd for Benjen to just show up for a single moment to save Jon and never appear again this season. It better not be the last we see of him.
Triggerhappytel said:Have they ever explained Benjen at all?
He was turning and was "saved" by having a piece of dragonglass shoved into his heart. So now he's half wight while retaining his consciousness
Okay. Seems like a convenient deus ex machina. Wonder if he'll show up and kill the Night King when all seems lost in S8E5.
Am I the only that one that feel the cast for Rhaegar was way off? He was too...dare I say ugly?!
So if the Night King can ride a dragon (even if it is undead), could that mean he's a Targaryen?
No, he has different magic that gives him control over his Wights and whatnot.