Anyone else think Dany will die in a "It's me... your mother... Viserion... please..." moment?
Then Viserion just nukes her.
Then Viserion just nukes her.
I'm just gonna say it: Jamie Lannister's mounted charge toward Dany and Rhaegon was the most epic moment of the season. And it was, in terms of this series, probably the most incredible individual moment I've seen. He's the fucking best. Tell me someone else feels the same way.
Anyone else think Dany will die in a "It's me... your mother... Viserion... please..." moment?
Then Viserion just nukes her.
Anyone else think Dany will die in a "It's me... your mother... Viserion... please..." moment?
Then Viserion just nukes her.
Only if it's mirrored by a Cersei moment with Wight Walker baby Lannister....
So is dragonglass just a 1 hit kill against wights? Seems like the undead dragon would go down fairly easy.
Gotta get through the scales. Normal arrows cant get through. Need another scorpion or Night King ice javlen.
All i want for season 8 is Bronn to finally get his castle, his land and his bitches.
Bronn would've totally left with him, he likes to talk the talk but dude is a big softy that likes Tyrion and Jaime a bunch.Bronn didn't leave with Jaime. I bet Cersei gonna have him killed for trying to flee last minute when the shit is hitting the fan.
i think it's a shame that the series/story moved away from the grey morality of warring kingdoms to the evil big bad of the white walkers. granted it was always designed that way but still, something is lost i feel.
I think the idea that all of this stuff is just happening off screen. They must have spent days/weeks sailing from Eastwatch to King's Landing so plenty of time to talk about things.Does anyone else find it a little weird that Jon has said nothing about being saved from death by his undead uncle who's been missing forever or expressed any interest in what the fuck that was all about? Ibkniw there are more immediate pressing matters, but you'd like to think he'd still be mad curious about it.
It's not. Cercei is still playing that game alonei think it's a shame that the series/story moved away from the grey morality of warring kingdoms to the evil big bad of the white walkers. granted it was always designed that way but still, something is lost i feel.
you're very right, the threat of cersei is still there. i think 'grey morality' is incorrect, what i really meant is enemies with reasoning behind what they do, some of it understandable.Did it move away though? The biggest dynamic in the story right now is how the warring factions maneuver around each other after accepting that such a threat is real. I don't think there was ever much Grey morality though. Starks good, Lannisters bad. What has changed?
The show needs to explain why Night King wants to wipe out humanity. We already got the generic explanation for it (he was created to kill men), but it rings pretty're very right, the threat of cersei is still there. i think 'grey morality' is incorrect, what i really meant is enemies with reasoning behind what they do, some of it understandable.
the night king, by design, has none of that.
as an aside, did i hear the hound tell the mountain that someone else is to kill him? any ideas who?
I dunno. Did the battle against the Lannisters not feel 'grey'? They definitely focused on the horror of the thing more than 'fuck yeah, Dragons', it was haunting.i think it's a shame that the series/story moved away from the grey morality of warring kingdoms to the evil big bad of the white walkers. granted it was always designed that way but still, something is lost i feel.
Too late
yeah i was wrong with my initial description, but this is my main issue. we went from having motives and reasoning behind our villians, even with jeoffrey, to having a supernatural big baddy that just exists to destroy.My only issue is that the Night King is still undeveloped, intentional as it is, the idea that he and the White Walkers are these end-game bosses who are just pure evil and want to kill everything doesn't sit right with my just yet.
Season 8 will begin with Bronn catching up to Jamie on the road. "You fucker.. I told you I was the only one allowed to kill you."Bronn would've totally left with him, he likes to talk the talk but dude is a big softy that likes Tyrion and Jaime a bunch.
Did you watch the episode?Okay. Seems like a convenient deus ex machina. Wonder if he'll show up and kill the Night King when all seems lost in S8E5.
Because it was a bluff and Jaime called it. Cersei coached Mountain to just draw sword on her command (not swing it) to scare Jaime.i still don't understand why the mountain didn't kill jaime right there and then when cersei nodded
also i didn't think jaime leaving cersei just because he gave tyrion and co. his word he will ride north is a strong enough reason to leave her in my view, he's literally an oath breaker when he backstabbed the mad king
i thought his love for her is too strong for such a thing to bring discord between them, that's my opinion anyway
Too late
I saw the final episode yesterday in a cinema. It was pretty cool to watch it with an audience of +/- 1000, cheering shouting and applauding at certain scenes.
It is going to be a dificult long wait for the next season..
Someone explain to my dumb ass how Jon is more of an heir to the Iron Throne than Daenerys is? Shouldn't that title go directly to the kids of Aerys before the grandkids? Is it simply because he's a man?
Also that final scene with Littlefinger was the best. Loved seeing him begged for his life after 7 seasons of scheming and treachery.
Someone explain to my dumb ass how Jon is more of an heir to the Iron Throne than Daenerys is? Shouldn't that title go directly to the kids of Aerys before the grandkids? Is it simply because he's a man?
Also that final scene with Littlefinger was the best. Loved seeing him begged for his life after 7 seasons of scheming and treachery.
His nose was something else.
Ah i get it, that make sense. Dany won't be happy about that lol. Well that and the fact she fucked with him. Oh boy, their reactions will be something.
So it's up to Theon to catch and kill Euron and take over the rest of the fleet once he saves Yara. All of that would have to be done before the golden company is delivered from Essos. Good luck.
I wouldn't blame it all on Littlefinger. He didn't kill Robert after all.
Or did he?
Also Arryn and Ned snooping around Joffrey's legitimacy. If they'd just kept their noses out of it they wouldn't have had to do the honorable thing.
I don't think it'll matter as Jon will continue to not want the power or control, same as always.Ah i get it, that make sense. Dany won't be happy about that lol. Well that and the fact she fucked with him. Oh boy, their reactions will be something.
I thought it was poor form of Eddard Stark to not tell his hateful wife that Jon Snow (who she wished death and disease upon) wasn't his illegitimate love child. He could've saved that boy's childhood from Catelyn Stark.He wouldnt be trusted amongst all the schemers if he didnt. Jon is right, when the Starks speak, words mean something.
Ned survives still to this day, his honour and duty protected Aegon Tygarian (Jon). Jon follows Ned teaching in everything he does and st the main mover for the great war, he'll end up the saviour of the living most likely.
Ned done the right thing.
I thought it was poor form of Eddard Stark to not tell his hateful wife that Jon Snow (who she wished death and disease upon) wasn't his illegitimate love child. He could've saved that boy's childhood from Catelyn Stark.