Vincent Alexander
I never realized you can see Ned speaking to himself when he is about to get beheaded. Not sure why it matters, but I really like it. I assume he is saying a prayer.
Aunt/nephew is twice as close as cousins.
No it isn't. Both cases could have been situations where they can be kept as captives, esp the young Tarly. The difference between those scenarios is having big fucking dragons to intimidate the armies with fear one side, and the other not having dragons. It's been Danny's story for most of the series. If there's problem, just pull out 3 headed blue eyes white dragon for the win. That's why I didn't feel bad at all for the dragon getting rekt by the NK.The sad thing with Robb is that after everything he pulled, he could have still avoided the red Wedding by not being a short sighted dumbass. Every single person in that scene where he decides Lord Karstark's fate, is advising him not to execute him, but rather keep him as a prisoner so that the Karstarks have to stay loyal. What their lord did is criminal, and they all know that. Execute him then and there however, and they'll abandon your cause.
It's the opposite of the Tarly execution. That actually resulted in everyone else bending the knee, here the execution of a guilty lord leads to a good chunk of the army bailing out. Now Robb has to go begging back to the lord he broke faith with. And yet, Robb could have still survived lol. Lord Frey is a bannerman of House Tully, and Robb knows he's made him pissed. So why not control the wedding setting? Why not have the wedding in Rivverrun?
Karstark was the one who cut of Jaimies hand, right?
Nah, Karstark was the lord who killed the Lannister wards against Robb's orders and who was subsequently put to death for defiance.Karstark was the one who cut of Jaimies hand, right?
Karstark was the one who cut of Jaimies hand, right?
Given the time period this plays in the incest part of Jon and Dany should be no issue. Cousins where often married in the middleages, even more commonly among nobles. And aunt nephew is essentially the same distance.
In the GOT universe:
First cousins: OK
Aunt to nephew: No go
Makes sense as aunt to nephew is much closer in DNA and so it is more likely to have children with genetic defects.
he absolutely puts on a strong welsh accent in the later seasons, which isn't the actor's natural accent. has anyone commented on this change at all?His accent was ever changing throughout the seasons.
he absolutely puts on a strong welsh accent in the later seasons, which isn't the actor's natural accent. has anyone commented on this change at all?
He killed Tommen before Tommen killed himself.Nah, Karstark was the lord who killed the Lannister wards against Robb's orders and who was subsequently put to death for defiance.
Fuck that episode for spawning the whole "reactions" genre in YouTube.Lol I still remember the reaction online. Like nothing I've ever seen
That was a..
weird time.
Aunt/nephew is waaaaaaaaay worse than cousin incest bro.Given the time period this plays in the incest part of Jon and Dany should be no issue. Cousins where often married in the middleages, even more commonly among nobles. And aunt nephew is essentially the same distance.
Fuck that episode for spawning the whole "reactions" genre in YouTube.
Aunt/nephew is waaaaaaaaay worse than cousin incest bro.
Man you nuts would win the gold in mental gymnastics, with how far you guys go to justify this creepy hookup.
Aunt/nephew is twice as close as cousins.
The incest is like the least problematic part of Dany/Jon.
I really do find this whole discussion about the implications of them being related to be vastly overblown.
While yes from a genetic standpoint there are issues with related people having children, the real issue is that incestuous relationships nearly always involve some Form of power discrepancy between the two parties that is normally started with grooming.
These two people have never met until they are in their twenties, never grew up as siblings or as a symbol of authority to each other so the fact they are related really isn't an issue.
While there is still the risk of genetic problems with any potential children, from a relationship standpoint they really shouldn't have any issues other than it being a bit weird at first.
Me and the wife have spoken about this idea before (probably from (movie spoiler)but if one day we found out we were adopted and actually related, it would be weird but ultimately we love each other and grew to know each other as adults and started as strangers so we would still be together.oldboy
What's the most?
Line of succession. Danny would shrug that incest off, but come for her throne......
Line of succession. Danny would shrug that incest off, but come for her throne......
I'm not a fan of the John Snow past revelation, I'm sure the books will do it better, I'm still in for Snow/Dani as long as they're not related.
I'm not a fan of the John Snow past revelation, I'm sure the books will do it better, I'm still in for Snow/Dani as long as they're not related.
I'm not a fan of the John Snow past revelation, I'm sure the books will do it better, I'm still in for Snow/Dani as long as they're not related.
What do you mean the books will do it better? The R+L=J theory was around years before the show was and is what GRRM intended all along.
It is what it is.
What's the most?
The fact that Jon's acting a fool to gain Dany's favor 4 episodes after he meets her. Also Dany literally flying thousands of miles just to save Jon, who she had met 3 episodes prior, and then non-subtly implying she would have his babies if she could. The most salient reason for them getting together is that the actors are hot.
What we don't really know is if this lie was known to Robert or if he actually went to war under the assumption that Lyanna actually got kidnapped. The rebellion started because of a lie but was this lie on purpose? I guess we will never know.
Never seen it, will have to read up on it.The moviewould disagree.Lone Star
Prepare to be disappointed, that is part of the reason GRRM signed off on the adaptation, D&D got that part right when asked about Jons lineage.
What do you mean the books will do it better? The R+L=J theory was around years before the show was and is what GRRM intended all along.
It is what it is.
I have bad news for you....
Pretty sure it's cannon. It's been a slow reveal since the beginning of the show.
What's wrong with thatfuck...T_T
Given Robert's obsession with her, I assume it wouldn't have mattered.
Some people have been blaming the show runners for not liking the story and think they have made stuff up and the books will be different and better.What's wrong with that
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Why do people keep pretending that Jon snow would care at all about the throne? His entire character has been established to not care about bloodlines or ruling, which has been reinforced since the very first episode when he tells benjin he doesn't care about any if that to this latest one where he tells theon bloodlines don't matter and telling davoos he never wanted to lead the nightwatch or be king if the north. This is such a non issue.Line of succession. Danny would shrug that incest off, but come for her throne......
Martin stopped watching the show and has published sections if his book to juxtapose the new material the writers have introduced while clearly distinguishing what's happening on the show vs in his books. I don't think we can say this was the definitive direction he's going.Some people have been blaming the show runners for not liking the story and think they have made stuff up and the books will be different and better.
Even though Martin would have approved everything that has happened.
The fact that Jon's acting a fool to gain Dany's favor 4 episodes after he meets her. Also Dany literally flying thousands of miles just to save Jon, who she had met 3 episodes prior, and then non-subtly implying she would have his babies if she could. The most salient reason for them getting together is that the actors are hot.
I mean while not a huge issue for me, there is a legitimate gripe with the pacing and travel in this show. I wouldn't blame anyone for not knowing how long Jon was there for. They did a bad job of establishing time this season.You do realise that Jon was at Dragonstone for over a month right? Like the episodes don't go from one day to another. So just because we don't see it happening in the background doesn't mean it isn't happening. Do people get tripped up when characters like Arya leave a place like Braavos and is in Westeros the next episode? Sure I suppose we could spend the entire 7 episodes showing nothing but Jon and Dany going on dates, having romantic alone times, etc. But no one has time for that.