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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT2| Season 7 - [Read the OP]


Given the time period this plays in the incest part of Jon and Dany should be no issue. Cousins where often married in the middleages, even more commonly among nobles. And aunt nephew is essentially the same distance.

Um no... a full blooded aunt/uncle is just different variant of your parent. They have pratically the exact same genes. Not as bad as your parent bit probably just as bad as boning a sibling.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
I mean while not a huge issue for me, there is a legitimate gripe with the pacing and travel in this show. I wouldn't blame anyone for not knowing how long Jon was there for. They did a bad job of establishing time this season.

Sure, but we have been told in show that quite a period of time has passed since Jon arrived in Dragonstone (Sansa mentions this). So just because we see "20 minutes" of on screen time between the two, doesn't mean they've been twiddling their thumbs every time they're not on screen lol.


Sure, but we have been told in show that quite a period of time has passed since Jon arrived in Dragonstone (Sansa mentions this). So just because we see "20 minutes" of on screen time between the two, doesn't mean they've been twiddling their thumbs every time they're not on screen lol.
I'm aware and as I said I don't have much issue with it. I'm still not holding against others who have troy or following the timeline, especially since this is so radically different than it was in the previous seasons.
Why do people keep pretending that Jon snow would care at all about the throne? His entire character has been established to not care about bloodlines or ruling, which has been reinforced since the very first episode when he tells benjin he doesn't care about any if that to this latest one where he tells theon bloodlines don't matter and telling davoos he never wanted to lead the nightwatch or be king if the north. This is such a non issue.

If they write this into a prolonged conflict this show will be dead to me. It would be everything that's the polar opposite about what we know about Jon as a character.

I imagine when this news breaks, dany will be concerned and Jon at the end of the episode will tell her the throne is here and he believes in her. It would reestablish his commitment to her as queen and be a grand romantic gesture that will strengthen their relationship. Anything less than that will be dragging on to long. Jon should think about this for all of .5 seconds before coming to the above conclusion.

It's true that Jon doesn't yearn for ruling power but he also can not stand by and keep quiet when things are going down. His sense of Honor and Justice is too strong.

So, what I think would most likely happen, should they both survive, would be a joint rulership rather than one ruling while the other just looks the part. This would theoretically serve them and the kingdom well as their ruling styles seem to balance each other out. Something like both the Tarly's being executed wouldn't happen under Jon while Dany's style of showing strength and the extreme devotion of her most powerful forces would prevent an uprising like Jon faced as the Lord Commander.


You do realise that Jon was at Dragonstone for over a month right? Like the episodes don't go from one day to another. So just because we don't see it happening in the background doesn't mean it isn't happening. Do people get tripped up when characters like Arya leave a place like Braavos and is in Westeros the next episode? "What?! Why is she not on a boat traveling for the next 4 episodes?!' Sure I suppose we could spend the entire 7 episodes showing nothing but Jon and Dany going on dates, having romantic alone times, etc. But no one has time for that.

Not to say that ALL of the timeskip complaints aren't justified, but it's never bothered me. I think of a lot of the episodes like Star Wars, but with smaller jumps and episodes instead of films. I have no issue with it. I mean I guess they could be clearer about how much time has passed sometimes, but that's pretty minor to me.


I mean the show basically juxtaposed the narration explaining the relationship between Jon's parents with those two. There is a HUGE difference between the way she looked at Daario:


and the way she looks at Jon:

Jon also hasn't given anyone that look since Ygritte:

Yup I agree completely, Emilia did a fantastic job of showing affection through looks. A perfect scene is when Jon decides to go past the wall, you can see her look conflicted and starts breathing heavily.
Makes me want a GoT Musou

I assume a Game of Thrones Musou would just be selecting Jon (and only Jon), running at a charging unit of cavalry solo, and then getting cut down by a hail of arrows.

You can keep having another go at it as long as you've got more Embers to restore your Humanity with, though.
Yep, I have my fair share of criticisms about this past season, but Jon and Dany's relationship was knocked out of the park - incredible chemistry built in such a short time.


It's true that Jon doesn't yearn for ruling power but he also can not stand by and keep quiet when things are going down. His sense of Honor and Justice is too strong.

So, what I think would most likely happen, should they both survive, would be a joint rulership rather than one ruling while the other just looks the part. This would theoretically serve them and the kingdom well as their ruling styles seem to balance each other out. Something like both the Tarly's being executed wouldn't happen under Jon while Dany's style of showing strength and the extreme devotion of her most powerful forces would prevent an uprising like Jon faced as the Lord Commander.

Again theres no reason for this because he already believes dany will do the job just fine. His sense of honor would be to keep his promise to Dany of helping her to rule the 7 kingdoms, just as he did when Cersi was asking him to remain loyal to the 7 kingdoms and he instead had to confess that he was loyal to Dany. There is no situation in which Jon would actively challenge dany for the throne or try to co-rule with her. His character is so well established in that caveat that anything more than that would be a complete misunderstanding of everything weve come to know about him

He doesn't want to rule and he doesn't care about blood lineage while additionally is in love with someone who he already promised to help win the throne and he fully believes in doing it right. There is nowhere here that honor would conflict with whats already established.
Yep, I have my fair share of criticisms about this past season, but Jon and Dany's relationship was knocked out of the park - incredible chemistry built in such a short time.


In the first Season Dany went from being single, to married, to raped by her husband, to making him fall in love with her and respect her, to getting pregnant, having a swole belly and losing the child and her husband all in 10 episodes.

The pace at which Jon and Dany hooked up was handled really well.
I'm not satisfied with Daario being left behind. I hope he hears rumors about the Golden Company being hired to fight the dragon queen, and he sneaks aboard to Westeros.
Sorry if this has already been discussed. Its being said that while crossing the wall Night King and the army of dead made the Stark sigil. I went back and had a look, and I'm a bit skeptical
Just realized Jaime will have Lannister men to command when he gets to Winterfell, he's got the survivors from the loot train attack. Might only be 150 or so, but it's something.
Why is it OK to cheer or tear up or scream while watching a football game but it's weird if you do it for a TV show?
Maybe we can accept different people enjoy their shows in different ways.

I'm literally (not figuratively) flabbergasted that some of you can't comprehend the visceral, emotional responses some of us (at least dozens) are having to this last episode...

Like, do you have souls, hearts, or oxygenated blood flowing through your veins?

My wife and I were fucking balling for nearly half of that entire episode...

Six years of investment in such a brutal show as GoT will do that to a person...

Can't wait to sit down and watch it through again so I can actually watch all the stuff I missed will breaking down in snotty tears.


In the first Season Dany went from being single, to married, to raped by her husband, to making him fall in love with her and respect her, to getting pregnant, having a swole belly and losing the child and her husband all in 10 episodes.

The pace at which Jon and Dany hooked up was handled really well.

total agree.

helps so much to frame the development in comparison with earlier seasons.

appreciate when people do that - starting an entire new watch through again to start building a more objective perspective on the show's development myself.


Just realized Jaime will have Lannister men to command when he gets to Winterfell, he's got the survivors from the loot train attack. Might only be 150 or so, but it's something.
You don't think he's going to try and rally at least part of the regular Lannister army?

I'm literally (not figuratively) flabbergasted that some of you can't comprehend the visceral, emotional responses some of us (at least dozens) are having to this last episode...

Like, do you have souls, hearts, or oxygenated blood flowing through your veins?

My wife and I were fucking balling for nearly half of that entire episode...

Six years of investment in such a brutal show as GoT will do that to a person...

Can't wait to sit down and watch it through again so I can actually watch all the stuff I missed will breaking down in snotty tears.
I think it's great to have such a great time watching a show you,'re invested in :)

What was the most emotional moment for your wife and you?

LF getting his dues, Sansa and Arya remembering Ned on the remparts, the major cast reunion at the Dragonpit, Tyrion & Cercei sparing, Jon forgiving Theon, Jon full reveal as Aegon and the R+L wedding, Jon finally hooking with Dany, Jaime finally saying Fuck You to Cercei, or the NK destroying the wall?


You don't think he's going to try and rally at least part of the regular Lannister army?

No. I'm not sure hes quite at the point where he would betray his sister to that extent. Maybe Im wrong tho, This feels like a breakup that they both are unsure of rather than just outright wanting to ruin the other person's life.
You don't think he's going to try and rally at least part of the regular Lannister army?

I was hoping for this myself, time will tell though.

If Jaime was convinced enough to part ways with Cersei (after EVERY other straw she piled on his withering back), you'd think his reason to do so was compelling enough to warrant the even more treasonous act of recruiting Lannister men to ride with him (y'know, for the sake of the realm).

I wonder if Cersei just didn't understand that all the Northerners who fall to thin NK will just become more undead soldiers in his army... because for someone so cunning her treachery comes off as extremely short-sighted.

edit: on second thought though, people in power hungry / power retention positions such as her don't exactly think rationally - like, "if I can't have it all nobody can has nothing at all, cunts".


I was talking about this with a friend, who has the most legitimate claim to the iron throne?

- Gendry Baratheon
- Aegon Targaryen
- Cersei's unborn child
- Daenerys Targaryen
Surely we all saw or heard about this card on Adult Swim after an episode of Rick and Morty?

Did anyone post the response from Dan Harmon about it?

Dan Harmon Breaks His Silence About Adult Swim's ‘Game Of Thrones' Jab After ‘Rick And Morty'

”People keep asking me about that tragically tacky card Adult Swim aired after Rick and Morty that insulted the writing on Game of Thrones so I keep thinking I should say something but I keep waiting for the time I'd need to write something worth saying because rule number one in talking shit is you better talk way better than the shit you're talking about but then I remember the truly frustrating thing about that card is that it breaks that rule, being a lazy, craftless jab at the WRITING on my favorite show that some pointlessly jaded teenage intern in Atlanta just left like a fart in my show's space so why wait for the muse to strike before disavowing them but then I figure I'm a hypocrite to judge anyone's tone deaf overstepping, especially in an instagram about an affront to some TV writing code while entire cities fight for their lives so I'll leave it at, hey man, wasn't me, I just work on Rick And Morty and love the Thrones, sorry if that anonymous unearned snark bummed you out but I'm the one that has to spend the next TV Guide Showrunner's Dinner checking his vodka for Essence of Nightshade."

I was talking about this with a friend, who has the most legitimate claim to the iron throne?

- Gendry Baratheon
- Aegon Targaryen
- Cersei's unborn child
- Daenerys Targaryen
Cersei's unborn child, then Gendry, then tie between Jon and Dany. It means something in this world when someone takes your throne from you, and at that moment that they do successfuly, it is theirs. So once Baratheon takes the throne, the Targaryen heirs are no longer heirs. And once Cersei takes it, the Baratheon heirs are no longer heirs....in my opinion!
Cersi's baby.

Robert took the throne by right of conquest.
Then came Joffrey, .
Tommen abdicated authority to the church
Cersi claimed the throne by conquest destroying the church
It doesn't really matter who is heir to the throne cause at this point in the series, it's right of conquest. If it was a family squabble over a king with no heir, then it would matter.
Again theres no reason for this because he already believes dany will do the job just fine. His sense of honor would be to keep his promise to Dany of helping her to rule the 7 kingdoms, just as he did when Cersi was asking him to remain loyal to the 7 kingdoms and he instead had to confess that he was loyal to Dany. There is no situation in which Jon would actively challenge dany for the throne or try to co-rule with her. His character is so well established in that caveat that anything more than that would be a complete misunderstanding of everything weve come to know about him

He doesn't want to rule and he doesn't care about blood lineage while additionally is in love with someone who he already promised to help win the throne and he fully believes in doing it right. There is nowhere here that honor would conflict with whats already established.

Dany very clearly would not do the job just fine. The incident with the Tarly's happened specifically to illustrate that. If that weren't enough, there was the conversation between Tyrion and Varys as well as the conversation with Dany and Tyrion about why it would be bad for Dany to ride her dragons all fire and brimstone in conquering fashion into King's Landing. She's a more caring ruler than Cersei or Joffrey, certainly, but her time fighting the Slavers has made her respond to disobedience far more harshly than necessary. Far more harshly than is wise. Robb and Lord Karstark all over again. Meanwhile Jon not only forgives Theon for his actions but builds him up and calls him a Stark. A move that he didn't have to do and one could argue he'd be well within his right to straight up kill Theon on the spot. Jon's choice there will likely pay off.

Cersei also didn't ask him to stay loyal to the 7 kingdoms. He's already in open rebellion by accepting the title of King in the North. She asked him to stay neutral.

I'm not saying he would challenge Dany to rule. I'm saying that the very first moment Dany wants to do something rash, Jon would step in to do what's right. Just as he did what was right in admitting his fealty to Dany even though he knew Cersei would react adversely to it. He would not stand idly by. And again, while he doesn't yearn to rule, he'll rule if the need arises. Just as he did as Lord Commander and again as King in the North. I don't see this resulting in a fued or challenge over leadership but instead it would become a joint leadership. A King and Queen leading together rather than one leading over the other.


Saw someone on Twitter point out that, with Jaime's new costume at the end of the finale, pretty much all the cast has moved to dark, if not black, costumes. Meaning they've all taken the black. They're all fighting the white walkers. Everyone is the Night's Watch now!


No Scrubs
Dany very clearly would not do the job just fine. The incident with the Tarly's happened specifically to illustrate that. If that weren't enough, there was the conversation between Tyrion and Varys as well as the conversation with Dany and Tyrion about why it would be bad for Dany to ride her dragons all fire and brimstone in conquering fashion into King's Landing. She's a more caring ruler than Cersei or Joffrey, certainly, but her time fighting the Slavers has made her respond to disobedience far more harshly than necessary. Far more harshly than is wise. Robb and Lord Karstark all over again. Meanwhile Jon not only forgives Theon for his actions but builds him up and calls him a Stark. A move that he didn't have to do and one could argue he'd be well within his right to straight up kill Theon on the spot. Jon's choice there will likely pay off.

Cersei also didn't ask him to stay loyal to the 7 kingdoms. He's already in open rebellion by accepting the title of King in the North. She asked him to stay neutral.

I'm not saying he would challenge Dany to rule. I'm saying that the very first moment Dany wants to do something rash, Jon would step in to do what's right. Just as he did what was right in admitting his fealty to Dany even though he knew Cersei would react adversely to it. He would not stand idly by. And again, while he doesn't yearn to rule, he'll rule if the need arises. Just as he did as Lord Commander and again as King in the North. I don't see this resulting in a fued or challenge over leadership but instead it would become a joint leadership. A King and Queen leading together rather than one leading over the other.

If you're going to point to a clear difference between Jon and Dany I'd point at his treatment of the Karstark kids. Everyone wanted him to either tear down their castles or give them to other families, instead he decides that the kids aren't responsible for the actions of their parents, lets them keep their homes, and talks them up in the process.
If you're going to point to a clear difference between Jon and Dany I'd point at his treatment of the Karstark kids. Everyone wanted him to either tear down their castles or give them to other families, instead he decides that the kids aren't responsible for the actions of their parents, lets them keep their homes, and talks them up in the process.

Another great example that I should have included, you're right. "Justice" would have backed him doing so just as much as it backed Robb taking Lord Karstark's head. It illustrates the clear difference in being naively honor-bound and knowing when it's in your own best interest to change the rules.

As much as Dany and Co (and a lot of viewers) give Jon shit for being honest with Cersei at the end of the day there was a high liklihood she would never had honored any agreement to begin with. So by telling the truth, Jon comes out morally clean and honorable and Cersei either honors her agreement or looks that much worse when she inevitably goes back on it.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
Dany very clearly would not do the job just fine. The incident with the Tarly's happened specifically to illustrate that. If that weren't enough, there was the conversation between Tyrion and Varys as well as the conversation with Dany and Tyrion about why it would be bad for Dany to ride her dragons all fire and brimstone in conquering fashion into King's Landing. She's a more caring ruler than Cersei or Joffrey, certainly, but her time fighting the Slavers has made her respond to disobedience far more harshly than necessary. Far more harshly than is wise. Robb and Lord Karstark all over again. Meanwhile Jon not only forgives Theon for his actions but builds him up and calls him a Stark. A move that he didn't have to do and one could argue he'd be well within his right to straight up kill Theon on the spot. Jon's choice there will likely pay off.

Cersei also didn't ask him to stay loyal to the 7 kingdoms. He's already in open rebellion by accepting the title of King in the North. She asked him to stay neutral.

I'm not saying he would challenge Dany to rule. I'm saying that the very first moment Dany wants to do something rash, Jon would step in to do what's right. Just as he did what was right in admitting his fealty to Dany even though he knew Cersei would react adversely to it. He would not stand idly by. And again, while he doesn't yearn to rule, he'll rule if the need arises. Just as he did as Lord Commander and again as King in the North. I don't see this resulting in a fued or challenge over leadership but instead it would become a joint leadership. A King and Queen leading together rather than one leading over the other.

Ok let's make this a fair comparison. Jon gets his hands on Theon right after he betrayed the Starks and sacked Winterfell. Does he say the same things he said last episode to Theon? The Tarlys were fresh off of their betrayal of House Tyrell, and were on their merry way back from sacking Highgarden. So Theon without the shit he endured with Ramsay, and without his saving of Sansa, do you still believe Jon wouldn't have killed him on the spot? Jon himself, years after Theon's betrayal, told him point blank that the only reason he is still breathing is because of what he did for Sansa.

So Jon in a position where he captures Theon soon after his betrayal, would almost assuredly result in Theon being executed. I don't think the comparison with the Tarlys is fair one at all.


"playing" dumb? unpossible
If you're going to point to a clear difference between Jon and Dany I'd point at his treatment of the Karstark kids. Everyone wanted him to either tear down their castles or give them to other families, instead he decides that the kids aren't responsible for the actions of their parents, lets them keep their homes, and talks them up in the process.

Have you forgotten when he told Sansa about the punishment for treachery being death, and that the two traitorous lords would have been executed had they survived the battle? The only way the comparison fits, is if Dany was adamant that Lady Tarly and her daughter should be kicked out of their home. How are Randall and Dickon Tarly comparable to children who committed no crimes? Jon executed the Night's Watchmen who betrayed him, including a child. He went on a mission to kill the Watchmen who betrayed Lord Mormont, both to prevent them from spilling secrets, and to avenge the Lord Commander (he says as much to Jorah). He executed Janos Flynt for defying his commands.

Y'all are reimagining a lot of things lol.
Ok let's make this a fair comparison. Jon gets his hands on Theon right after he betrayed the Starks and sacked Winterfell. Does he say the same things he said last episode to Theon? The Tarlys were fresh off of their betrayal of House Tyrell, and were on their merry way back from sacking Highgarden. So Theon without the shit he endured with Ramsay, and without his saving of Sansa, do you still believe Jon wouldn't have killed him on the spot? Jon himself, years after Theon's betrayal, told him point blank that the only reason he is still breathing is because of what he did for Sansa.

So Jon in a position where he captures Theon soon after his betrayal, would almost assuredly result in Theon being executed. I don't think the comparison with the Tarlys is fair one at all.

Randall Tarly was the one who betrayed House Tyrell, while Dickon simply followed his father, Lord of House Tarly. Daenerys had the choice. She could have spared Dickon the same way Jon did the Umber and Karstark children. Doing so would have gone a long way in convincing other lords in the future that she is not a "Savage" and respects their ways (as taking family members hostage under the guise of being "wards" to prevent rival houses from acting foolishly is a common tactic in Westeros).

This isn't a game of what ifs. There is no purpose in asking what any character would have done in a situation if all the circumstances and experiences were different. We're talking about the liklihood of what they will do given who they are currently. And currently, we have a Daenerys that responds to any dissension with death while Jon has shown repeatedly that he's willing to weigh his options fully before making the choice that offers the best result in the long run, even if it's harder in the short.


It'd be pretty scary to get wildfire airborne. Though Dany and the dragons have little to fear, the poor folks beneath them might have something to say.
Really they just need to catapult fire bombs at them. Don't know if they have access to anyone who can make wild fire. That would be better than regular fire bombs. Burn the undead and keep Dany's dragons from harm's reach.
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