But my uncle is GRRM and he works at Nintendo
Oh, you're dat boi too? Wadup?
But my uncle is GRRM and he works at Nintendo
Why ain't nobody talking about my Arya vs. White Walker Jon theory
I mean, Jon's basically been anointed by God himself as the Dude Who Will Survive. As much as I'd love for them to subvert that whole dumb trope and just say, "Woops, turns out prophecies are bullshit and the Lord of Light is kind of a half-assed bitch god", I also know there's like no chance of it happening.
Him and Dany have their tickets punched, the question of where they end up isn't even particularly interesting. It's more a matter of, "What sort of blasted hellscape do they end up lording over?"
I mean, Jon's basically been anointed by God himself as the Dude Who Will Survive. As much as I'd love for them to subvert that whole dumb trope and just say, "Woops, turns out prophecies are bullshit and the Lord of Light is kind of a half-assed bitch god", I also know there's like no chance of it happening.
Him and Dany have their tickets punched, the question of where they end up isn't even particularly interesting. It's more a matter of, "What sort of blasted hellscape do they end up lording over?"
just ignore it folks and keep talking as normal, it's not right to let it dictate the posts. we were having some good convos before this shit came up.
Jon's living on borrowed time, no way he's surviving the series. He dies in the finale for sure.
Dayne could beat anyone. When you can take on 6 badass dudes at the same time, you know you're GOAT.
Yeah, and the entire world believes Ned killed him mono a mono. Ned allowed his honour to be slightly tarnished by letting people believe he cheated on Catlyn. But then he significantly boosted his standing at the prestigious fighter's club by not correcting all the people that thought he bested Ser Arthur Dayne. So it's a wash lol.
I like to believe Ned was actually horrible at fighting, but everyone thought he was the best since he "beat" Dayne, so anything someone made him fight, he'd be all:
Yeah, and the entire world believes Ned killed him mono a mono. Ned allowed his honour to be slightly tarnished by letting people believe he cheated on Catlyn. But then he significantly boosted his standing at the prestigious fighter's club by not correcting all the people that thought he bested Ser Arthur Dayne. So it's a wash lol.
I like to believe Ned was actually horrible at fighting, but everyone thought he was the best since he "beat" Dayne, so anything someone made him fight, he'd be all:
he did pretty good against jamie for a"old" man
He definitely wasn't extraordinarily good but he still managed to hold his own against Dayne for a bit, as well as Jaime.
He definitely wasn't extraordinarily good but he still managed to hold his own against Dayne, as well as Jaime.
They don't really make it clear in the show how much Ned did or didn't talk up the events. I would guess he probably tried to avoid saying too much about it, which is why he doesn't have literally everyone in the world gunning for him every time they have a tournament.
Bran did say he heard it hundreds of times but I would bet my left nut Ned never actually told him that story. Ned doesn't seem like the type of person to brag about killing someone, so it was probably other people hyping up that battle and Ned just not saying anything about it to protect Lyanna, Jon and Reed.
Bran did say he heard it hundreds of times but I would bet my left nut Ned never actually told him that story. Ned doesn't seem like the type of person to brag about killing someone, so it was probably other people hyping up that battle and Ned just not saying anything about it to protect Lyanna, Jon and Reed.
Tyrion and Jamie's relationship is probably one of my favorite on the show.
A lot of depth there.
They kinda glossed over the fact Tyrion saw Jaime charge at a dragon and drown seconds later, when they meet to discuss bringing a white walker they only talked about their Tywin.
i don't agree, i think dany is gonna die in the seris and jon's gonna be the one who rules it all in the end
don't agree? well let me ask you this
dany wants the iron throne. jon doesn't. who's gonna get it.
Bronn ain't dead. He plays the game of death and he's still living, there hasn't been a man who has outsmarted him yet. That Dothraki fellow got close but Bronn lured him into a tent and killed him with a scorpion.
Yeah Oberyn is probably the best individual fighter we've seen on the show. His display against the Mountain was extremely impressive.
Plus can Dany have kids or not? If she can't then her line is in trouble unless Jon survives to carry on the line.
Tyrion isn't a dumbass. He knows the rules in Game of Thrones. Bronne saved Jaime by pushing him off, and there were no bodies so they both survived.
Bronn is indeed alive. All this talk of this or that being a better fighter but most of those are dead. Fancy skills don't mean much when your skull is a million pieces.
No. She's sterile.
It's heavenly implied that could be the case.Wasn't Daenerys sterilized by the witch's curse, or am I mis-remembering that?
Yeah, I assume Melissandre could fix Dany's problem by stripping naked and gyrating around on top of her for a few minutes, but unfortunately she has sworn to use her powers only to annoy.
Would annoy Jon.
Plus can Dany have kids or not? If she can't then her line is in trouble unless Jon survives to carry on the line.
Would annoy Jon.
cersei having more kids at this point is somewhat suspect, she's in the menopause zone, but it's still plausible.
dany on the other hand, yeah she's 'sterile' but that might not last and she's like 28 in the show logic so she has many years ahead of her to birth kids.
Isn't she like early 20s max?
I thought she was a teen when she had her first child?!?
in books, probabyl? but in the show she's clearly late 30's/
Isn't she like early 20s max?
I thought she was a teen when she had her first child?!?
According to the wiki she's 22
In story? Probably about as many years as IRL. Gotta explain that age growth spurt for the kids.How many years has it been since season one, anyhow?