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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK DISCUSSION* |OT2| Season 7 - [Read the OP]


Guys, what did you think about Jaime leaving KL and the snowing scene?
Probably one of the best in the episode imo.

Fantastic, simple scene.

This whole episode was one of the best ever for me because it let hose moments *breathe*. This season has lacked downtime, simple conversations and basic moments. This had those, it had the big character moments, it had the earth shattering events. It had everything. I had hope for the Sansa scene as soon as I saw Bran there (and when I realized Arya had the dagger she had given to Sansa last episode) but I literally clapped as soon as Sansa turned to Littlefinger. I feel like they did a good enough job of telegraphing that Arya was not going to betray her family. That was the whole point of her speech last ep - family first.

Amusingly, I was annoyed early at Jon being an idiot, but the fact that Dany and Tyrion both called him on that, and the reality that it would have made no difference at all to Cersei in the end made it work out for me.

It definitely wasn't brilliant.

There's unresolved shit that needed to be handled between Varys and Littlefinger. It's hard to believe that they won't address any of those two's loose ends in the show especially considering how both were basically responsible for manipulating their favored sides. They deserved a final meeting.

Why did they deserve a meeting? Whole point of this show is that you don't always get what you *deserve*. They had battle as schemers early, and Varys lost in a way, but in the end he stayed alive, and Littlefinger's obsession with Sansa and her mother did him in.

Other thoughts:
I don't think Tyrion is considering betraying Dany, I think he's just concerned where things are going. I thought that was Jorah at first which would have been more worrying

Jaime/Cersei scenes were great, final moment with her and the Mountain I legit expected to be his death, was more surprised he survived that than if he had died.

While I thought there would be other Lords at the meeting of Cersei and Dany to see the wight, I do hope the fact there were tons of random soldiers there will come up - they saw the same thing, and they'll tell others. The Dead coming will not stay secret and clearly the generals Jaime was talking with knew of what happened (or they would have been *really* confused as to why they were going North)

In that sense, the Wight plan did work to a degree - it was never going to really change Cersei, but it did make many in the south aware what was happening. It did result in the Night's King getting a Dragon to take down the wall with, but the Night's King certainly had a plan for how to get past it before starting his march and simply capitalized on the opportunity granted. In other words, he went from having to fight some sort of battle to get through it (and it may no longer have magic wards due to Bran), to being able to nuke it from orbit.

My expectation for the end:
Jon will find out his lineage, as will the rest of the realm, and Dany will be pregnant (Stark blood should keep the baby from being to f'd up), probably a girl to boot. Jon will ultimately die while riding the other living dragon taking out the Night's King on his dragon, ending the war. Hound/Mountain will both die in Cleganebowl. Euron will be killed by Theon, may or may not survive. Sansa, Arya, Bran will live (and Bran is *not* the Night's King). Cersei I'm unsure of... the fortune teller said three children, so I don't expect she'll make it to childbirth. Jaime will live and become Lord Lannister as a concession to Tyrion from Dany. Jorah, Berric die in battle.
. GoT's establishment that 'Anyone can Die' has an inverse effect on me - I wonder who will *live* unexpectedly.

On Jon's parentage - no one should be confused who the people involved are. Every character involved in that plot point have been mentioned as early as Season 1.


People actually wanted to see Littlefinger killed off? Huh... thought he was one of the more consistently entertaining ones.

I'd rather both Stark sisters had killed each other tbh. Jon and Co get back to Winterfell and Baelish is all like "lol I don't know" and he continues to go about his business as audiences lose their shit.


semen stains the mountaintops
what an awful plot device then to dig up some corny ass 7 year old lore 95% of the audience would have forgotten in order to tie this show together. and no, I do not remember it.

Dude, it has been brought up each season and season 6 ended with that bombshell. It's not this show's fault that you forgot information that literally everyone knew.

https://twitter.com/search?q="Jon and Dany"&src=tren

Seriously, just scroll through that, not one person there is confused. Everyone remembers this information.
Soooooo what was the plan before they got the dragon?
Stare at the wall? I thought it was also held up by powerful magic
Dragons are magical creatures
wait... Dany's uncle/aunt, no?

edit: I'm confused.
Nah how would it be Dany's aunt/uncle? That's going up a generation
I wouldn't risk it, there could be stuff that didn't make the cut this season and got pushed to next.
True. People are already talking about it though, apparently
I think Tyrion's discussion with Dany about her heir last chapter pretty much confirms she will die and Jon will be all alone as the king.
That's actually a pretty epic ending. The rightful heir (unbeknownst to him) finally sitting on the throne he never wanted, after losing almost everything he loves.


But will she cede her claim to the throne?

That's the million dollar question, for sure. I don't know if there's time for a ton of drama surrounding all of this, though. There's lots of stuff that needs to get resolved. There's Cersie and Euron who still gotta be dealt witrh, there's the White Walkers and the War for the Dawn, and most important of all, Cleganebowl. Personally, even if it's kinda wierd, I love Jon/Aegon and Dany as characters, and I like them together, so I hope everything turns out OK. Can't help it. :p
People actually wanted to see Littlefinger killed off? Huh... thought he was one of the more consistently entertaining ones.

I'd rather both Stark sisters had killed each other tbh. Jon and Co get back to Winterfell and Baelish is all like "lol I don't know" and he continues to go about his business as audiences lose their shit.

Because he's not a good person. He's back stabbing, self centered character and even though that makes him interesting, he's still a bad guy and people want to see bad guys get their just desserts.
Fucking Cersei is making very hard for me to keep going on my #TeamCersei crusade.

I was so happy when she accepted the whole deal and talked about joining the war in the north. FUCK. It would be perfect. Everyone together.


Now they are going to make Arya or Jaime kill her


Well if she kills Jamie when he is up north, I guess she could.


That's actually a pretty epic ending. The rightful heir (unbeknownst to him) finally sitting on the throne he never wanted, after losing almost everything he loves.

Per my spoiler notes, I could see it being Dany living, but I certainly don't expect both to survive.
People actually wanted to see Littlefinger killed off? Huh... thought he was one of the more consistently entertaining ones.

I'd rather both Stark sisters had killed each other tbh. Jon and Co get back to Winterfell and Baelish is all like "lol I don't know" and he continues to go about his business as audiences lose their shit.

You are a monster lmao.

I liked Littlefinger too. He was the smartest person on the show, and easily the best schemer. But I think the time for schemes and political backstabbing has ended on this show. Now it's all about the big spectacle of the army of the undead marching on the kingdom. Littlefinger wouldn't really fit into the endgame that well. Who has time for schemes when there is a zombie horde attacking your castle?
For real, in season one Robert talks about how much he hates him and dreams about killing him over and over again while in the catacombs of Winterfell.

Not to mention how big of a deal it was that Rhaegar "stole" Lyanna from Robert. It seemed even back then that it was an important thing that would continue to reverberate.
LF deserved to die. I liked the build up and how they played him like he's played everyone else. What I DON'T like is how they've had him do nothing satisfying for quite some time now. The guy was just sitting around thinking about fucking Sansa and got owned. Not very LF like based on previous seasons. The guy just stopped getting things done.


And that shit lead to war.

Morale of the story, fuck love.

Aery's fault.

If Aerys had been normal it would have been:

Brandon: Yo! Rhaegar! Come out to die for kidnapping my sister!
Aerys: Whoa! Wtf is going on here?
Brandon: Your son kidnapped my sister!
Aerys: Let me see what that's about?


Aerys: The starks say you kidnapped Lyanna.
Rhaegar: Yep. I'm renouncing my marriage with Elia and marrying Lyanna.
Aerys: What!? Do you want a rebellion with Dorne!?

Then after Rhaegar and Lyanna get married anyway, it's a Dornish rebellion instead of a Northern rebellion.

Edit: Elia, not Elliar -.-
Thank God I managed to completely avoid all spoilers despite the leaks. I would have hated to have that Littlefinger scene ruined ahead of time.

Yeah. The execution of it was soooo good not knowing how/when it might actually happen even if we thought it was inevitable to happen eventually.

qcf x2

Jon had pretty much been depressed throughout the entire series. Now imagine when he finds out his life has been a lie, the one man he deified for honor and HONESTY perpetrated that lie, Catelyn hated him only because of Ned's dishonesty, the war between the kingdoms was a result of him, he killed his mother (inadvertently), and the woman he is in love with is his blood relative, who he probably just knocked up. And he got stabbed up by his own. And he was essentially responsible for a dragon turning into a zombie, which led to the destruction of the wall.

It will take some truly awful writing for him to not meet a terrible end.


How anyone believed cersi changed her mind that quickly and agreed to be all buddy buddy clearly hasn't been paying attention to her character. That was always going to be the outcome, she would never help the people trying to overthrow her.
Yeah the shot of Tyrion during the banging scene I think for sure means something. I'm not sure how to read it but something felt off there. I think that's going to be a plot point next season with Tyrion either knowing something about Jon heritage somehow or him disapproving of their relationship

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
LF deserved to die. I liked the build up and how they played him like he's played everyone else. What I DON'T like is how they've had him do nothing satisfying for quite some time now. The guy was just sitting around thinking about fucking Sansa and got owned. Not very LF like based on previous seasons. The guy just stopped getting things done.
He found the sole copy of a document that Sansa wrote in order to force sister against sister. He was that desperate to smash Sansa. Dude was super ready to see Arya executed. Probably thought Sansa would give in afterwards.
Aery's fault.

If Aerys had been normal it would have been:

Brandon: Yo! Rhaegar! Come out to die for kidnapping my sister!
Aerys: Whoa! Wtf is going on here?
Brandon: Your son kidnapped my sister!
Aerys: Let me see what that's about?


Aerys: The starks say you kidnapped Lyanna.
Rhaegar: Yep. I'm renouncing my marriage with Ellaria and marrying Lyanna.
Aerys: What!? Do you want a rebellion with Dorne!?

Then after Rhaegar and Lyanna get married anyway, it's a Dornish rebellion instead of a Northern rebellion.

Hhaha basically.

Secret love? War with the North, Riverland and the Vale.

Announced love? War with Dorne.
Reminder to everyone saying "fuck Robert" that he was betrothed to Lyanna.
Also that Rhaegar had two healthy children and went wife-scouting so he can have a third after finding out his wife can't handle another.

Not saying it's right as Lyanna shouldn't be married to someone she doesn't like, I understand that. But why is Rhaegar put on a pedestal?


Aery's fault.

If Aerys had been normal it would have been:

Brandon: Yo! Rhaegar! Come out to die for kidnapping my sister!
Aerys: Whoa! Wtf is going on here?
Brandon: Your son kidnapped my sister!
Aerys: Let me see what that's about?


Aerys: The starks say you kidnapped Lyanna.
Rhaegar: Yep. I'm renouncing my marriage with Ellaria and marrying Lyanna.
Aerys: What!? Do you want a rebellion with Dorne!?

Then after Rhaegar and Lyanna get married anyway, it's a Dornish rebellion instead of a Northern rebellion.

Good, fuck Dorne (except Oberyn)


Someone should point out the flawed aerodynamics of how Viserion could possibly fly with all those holes in his wings. Then the Night King and Viserion fall down Wile E. Coyote style.


I thought Cersai gave the order to the Mountain to kill Jamie? It seemed like he pulled out his sword to commit the act, but then didn't. I guess Cersai gave him a different face after she had second thoughts, lol.


So get this right

his real name is Aegon

but they were like nah, you gotta be anonymous

so they named him...

Jon Snow



No wonder they're spoon feeding every twist now.

You got people in here who have no idea who fucking Rhaegar is.

And they have been reading people discussing it here for years

Not insulting them in any way, but sometimes things just don't stick. Have to beat people over the head with it.
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