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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT PART 2| Season 6 - [Read the OP]

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I want to start reading the books despite having seen it all now in the TV show. I just can't put myself through it if the last book is 5 year away after the next book that isn't even released yet.

Or is there one more book only?

Still two more planned books.
Spoilers for seasons 7 and 8:

- Of the 15 remaining episodes, 7 of them are dedicated to dealing with the unresolved plot issues in Dorne. Mostly flashback episodes revealing the deep lore of the Sand Snakes. One episode is called "Whip It" and it's just that one girl learning to use a whip.
- 4 focus on Robin Arryn
- Then it's a pivot to 2 episodes of daily governance in Mereen
- The penultimate episode is a side story about a bard who sings songs about the events of the series, which also doubles as a clip show
- Then it's time for the finale. Cersei invites Avenged Sevenfold for inaugural ball. After 30 minutes of concert footage, Cersei is seen sending out a raven to say that she makes peace with all of the other characters. Cut to the Night's King... he is rampaging through towns... he gets to the Citadel, but is so moved to tears by how cute Sam and Gilly are that he too offers peace to the Westerosi. The final scene of the episode is that one fat kid who makes pies, narrating the story to an impatient customer.

... a pan to the customer's face reveals ned stark, who says "wow, that sounds like some tall tale kid. I've got to go to King's Landing now to be the hand of the king!" *smash cut to black*

Also a preview of the GAF thread: 150 people posting book spoilers in the no book readers thread, somehow, even though the show is over.

A handful of people say "Wait, who was the guy in the tavern and why is he hand of the king?". When it's explained that he's Ned Stark, they say "How can I be expected to remember stuff from like 10 years ago?" because apparently most people juggle chainsaws, post on Instagram, and look at epic memes while they're watching Game of Thrones and so they can't be blamed for severe attention issues.

One guy asks "I thought this show was about a meth dealer in new mexico, who was that icy dude?" and then he talks about how he likes all music except country and rap, and how Donald Trump really says what he means.

The dark, desperate times between seasons has finally begun, haven't they? :(
So with Queen Cersei outnumbered its a safe bet she will at least attempt to go out in a literal blaze of glory. Detonating the reserves of Wildfire under King's Landing. Wonder if Jamie will be there to stop her. Or will Daenerys rule of scorched earth.


Yeah Cersei is fucked, but I don't care. She's among my favorite fictional characters ever and last episode's victory was one of the greatest moments of sheer triumph I've ever seen a screen. It will sustain me forever, no matter what happens with her character going forward, you can't take that away.

Jon's moment and the way it transitioned from the Toj is up there too, I teared up a little in fact, but in terms of pure shit eating satisfaction nothing compares to Cersei. Nothing! May she wreck as much of Dany's forces as possible on her way out.


I don't think so. One of the several reasons for the shorter seasons is that they'll do increasingly more complex scenes, so more time needs to go into shooting each episode.

We still don't know for sure that it will be a shorter season but with only 4 directors, it points to 7 or 8 episodes being the likely number. I prefer 8 just because it is more and I like even numbers.

At least we should be happy we get two more seasons.


Here's a kind of "out there" thought that just occurred to me: What are the chances Sansa and Tyrion get back together? Willingly this time of course. I guess in the show Sansa is supposed to be really young still so it would be pretty creepy.

Wanted to bring that up myself. I actually would like it since they are both adults now and would be cute as hell together. And they are both good people.

Yeah. I've been wondering the same. Also aren't they actually married?

Their interactions were cute, even if those lasted 2 minutes.

Lannisters, maybe some Freys from Riverun and possibly Euron (but I don't think the Iron Born even have that much of an army, just ships). So yeah, Cersei is fucked. Especially now that all cash and food supply is cut off from Highgarden.

Also we are forgetting something. The commoners from KL aren't going to be happy now that their beloved Margaery and the whole Sept was blown.
I think all 3 Lannister actors are renewing their contracts for both season 7 and 8. This means that they all survive, at least until season 8... Or their bodies do, like Jon.

Still, I think there will be some animosity between Jaime and Cersei, so he will get over his love for her and either abandon her or straight up betray her in a non-murdering way.

Yeah, Dany needs to get some big L, but I don't think she herself is going down. I say she attacks Tommen's Landing, loses the Unsullied, and one of her dragons shoots a fireball that ignites more wildfire and destroys at least the Red Keep. The Iron Throne is no more.

Up in the Riverlands Arya meets with the Brotherhood, which tries to recruit her for the greater war. She finally accepts that she has a big soft spot for Sandor and he does the same. They all go to the North, Arya only really going to say hi to her siblings and finally sleep in a familiar and comfy bed for a while. They meet Melisandre in the way. Flip a coin, Arya killing her has a 50% chance of happening.

Up in the North, Jon has no idea how to rule and Sansa becomes increasingly frustrated with him because he doesn't catch her hints that LF wants him dead. Eventually, Petyr moves and just as he is about to kill Jon he bursts into flames. The Lord of Light really doesn't want Jon to die. He goes to the Wall to visit and maybe he brings some resources with him. They tell him they've seen Bran and he hasn't left the Weirwood tree.

Jon goes beyond the Wall and Bran tells him everything. Jon doesn't believe half of it (me, son of Lyanna and Rhaegar? Pfff) and Bran tells him to go to Reed for confirmation. Bran says he is staying beyond the Wall unless he gets his marked arm severed, and Jon starts to doubt. Bran tells him about the magic of the Wall and how if he crosses it will come down.

Jon goes to Reed, he gets confirmation about his parents, and goes back to the Wall. He goes and cuts Bran's arm, his sword catches aflame and they go back. Little do they know, Jon cut too low and the Wall comes down anyway.
This information is something we don't need to know. I don't even understand why you wouldn't spoiler it?


Here's a kind of "out there" thought that just occurred to me: What are the chances Sansa and Tyrion get back together? Willingly this time of course. I guess in the show Sansa is supposed to be really young still so it would be pretty creepy.

Not a bad thought. Could help unify the nations if Jon and Dany also get married.

This information is something we don't need to know. I don't even understand why you wouldn't spoiler it?

Eh. The contracts mean nothing. They can still be killed off.
Not a bad thought. Could help unify the nations if Jon and Dany also get married.

Eh. The contracts mean nothing. They can still be killed off.

Don't worry, that information doesn't actually confirm that the characters will survive both seasons. Every story reporting on that was very clear to point this out.
Ok good to know because that would be annoying otherwise. I can't possibly imagine Cersei surviving next season unless she's got Jon's luck lol


Yeah. I've been wondering the same. Also aren't they actually married?

I don't know how Marriage Law works in Westeros, but they were never officially divorced, though Sansa did re-marry, so who knows.

I imagine if they were to meet, Tyrion would say that he understands that her hand was forced on their marriage, and that he doesn't expect her to honor it, but that he always tried to treat her with respect and admires who she has become. Maybe from that point it would be cool if it actually happened a second time more naturally, or maybe not.

If any ally could give Jon and Sansa a chance against Littlefinger, it would be Tyrion.
So with Queen Cersei outnumbered its a safe bet she will at least attempt to go out in a literal blaze of glory. Detonating the reserves of Wildfire under King's Landing. Wonder if Jamie will be there to stop her. Or will Daenerys rule of scorched earth.
Her being successful is the only way I see Danny's army getting rekt before the White Walker war. Or maybe Theon's uncle turns out to be Poseidon and pulls some weird sea voodoo magic.
Also we are forgetting something. The commoners from KL aren't going to be happy now that their beloved Margaery and the whole Sept was blown.
Yeah, the Faith of the Seven was basically wiped out too. Commoners are angry without their religion and people to look up to :p


Sapochnik is doing the first episode of Netflix's Altered Carbon series, so that's going to involve a lot more heavy lifting than other episodic gigs. Hopefully he gives that show a good foundation, and it's certainly a great opportunity for him.

AC already best show confirmed. Can't wait for some of that bad cyberpunk pussy.


I think all 3 Lannister actors are renewing their contracts for both season 7 and 8. This means that they all survive, at least until season 8... Or their bodies do, like Jon.

This actually means nothing. HBO regularly signs actors for several years at a time "just in case" - if they're not needed (ie: killed off, finished story arcs, etc), then they are released from said contracts.


It would be disappointing if the White Walkers didn't engulf Westeros with their final destination being Kings Landing.

Mainly because...

1. Winter is Coming
2. The Night King

I would love to see him sitting on the Iron Throne!


It would be disappointing if the White Walkers didn't engulf Westeros with their final destination being Kings Landing.

Mainly because...

1. Winter is Coming
2. The Night King

I would love to see him sitting on the Iron Throne!

I wonder if it's possible that the Seven Kingdoms get overrun entirely and the survivors flee across the sea back to Mereen and make their stand there.


It's funny how the White Walkers are always thought of as the end of the world when they are a Westeros only thing. You live in Mereen, you're laughing.


I wonder if it's possible that the Seven Kingdoms get overrun entirely and the survivors flee across the sea back to Mereen and make their stand there.

I would prefer that over some final showdown across the wall. I expect they will overrun the north and then force all remaining houses to unite at Kings Landing once word reaches the world.


I wonder if it's possible that the Seven Kingdoms get overrun entirely and the survivors flee across the sea back to Mereen and make their stand there.

It's possible. We have the visions of winter hitting King's Landing after clearly being attacked by either the White Walkers or Dany.


This information is something we don't need to know. I don't even understand why you wouldn't spoiler it?

The contracts are overall deals for pay per episode. It does not mean they will be in every episode or that they will even be in a season they are contracted for, only that they ensure their availability in advance, and will be paid what they are promised for as long as they continue to be featured.


It's funny how the White Walkers are always thought of as the end of the world when they are a Westeros only thing. You live in Mereen, you're laughing.

If the White Walkers gain complete control over Westeros then I think Mereen would definitely feel the implications of it. Perhaps winter would begin to spread across the narrow sea and beyond.


The contracts are overall deals for pay per episode. It does not mean they will be in every episode or that they will even be in a season they are contracted for, only that they ensure their availability in advance, and will be paid what they are promised for as long as they continue to be featured.

Yup. I want to say it was Game of Thrones who had an actor contracted for a future season but was killed off before. It may have been The Walking Dead though.


He already said it was unlikely that he would be doing season 7 because they have a regular crew and there are less episodes so there isn't room for him.



Sapochnik was announced to be on the GoT comic con panel today, so at least they realize his importance to the show. Have hope for s8!


If the White Walkers gain complete control over Westeros then I think Mereen would definitely feel the implications of it. Perhaps winter would begin to spread across the narrow sea and beyond.

Daenerys is practically handing them boats!

Or they'll pull a night of the living dead and just walk underwater.


Just started the season finale a couple minutes ago. Cersei went so motherfuckin in, I had to pause and get a smoke for a moment. Like holy fucking shit.
We just had two of the best episodes in the entire series. It's a little disheartening to learn that director won't be back.

Yeah, that might be true, but those directors also can improve and may have a higher budget this time. Just want to you guys to be more open minded and not directly write it off as disappointing.
Also, the cinematographer is busy with Justice League.


Alan Taylor has done:

episode 1.09 "Baelor"
episode 1.10 "Fire and Blood"
episode 2.01 "The North Remembers"
episode 2.02 "The Night Lands"
episode 2.08 "The Prince of Winterfell"
episode 2.10 "Valar Morghulis"

all very good to phenomenal episodes. Hopefully he's doing the big episode(s) next season
Daenerys is practically handing them boats!

Or they'll pull a night of the living dead and just walk underwater.
Maybe they develop an ice super weapon and just freeze the ocean. Imagine the "oh shit" moment when all our heroes think they are save over there in Meereen and suddenly the ocean freezes.


I don't remember anything about this episode, but someone called it out earlier in the thread as their least favorite in the entire series.

Rob sends Theon to Iron Islands, Theon hits on his sister, gets talked down to by his dad
Tyrion sends Janos to the wall
I think Mely bangs Stannis
Jon sees the white walker take the baby, knocked out by Crastor to end the episode.

wasn't a bad one if I recall.


semen stains the mountaintops
What I'm worried is that they don't have any other directors who have done big scale battles besides Sapochnik and Neil Marshall, and Marshall isn't coming back and even if he was, Blackwater Bay doesn't hold a candle to Hardhome or Battle of the Bastards.

Maybe I'm just being hopeful but I imagine next season is going to need a lot of directors who can direct big bigs well.


Just finished the finale and I'm pumped as fuck. Frey getting Scott Tenormanned by Arya; Sansa engaging boss mode with BitchFinger; Dany thinking with her head instead of her little head, making moves; the snakes getting shut down by Old Thorns; and then there's Cersei, dear God, Cersei. The women in this show are just too fucking much now and I fucking love it. Season 7 needs to be here tomorrow.
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