Jon Snow tries to unite different groups (Wildlings and Night's Watch) against a common threat (White Walkers). He is led into a trap using a family member (Benjen) as bait. He is left to die alone after his own men turn on him and murder him.
He is revived, and is lost. He feels he failed, saw that there is nothing after death, and has no purpose. He agrees to help Sansa reclaim Winterfell, not because he is driven but simply because it's the right thing to do. He is still lost, not certain what he should be doing, not certain there is a point in doing anything. He requests Melisandre not bring him back should he fall in the battle. He'll go forward whether he succeeds or fails. It doesn't matter.
Jon Snow tries to unite different groups (Wildlings and Northern houses) against a common threat (Ramsay Bolton). He is led into a trap using a family member (Rickon) as bait. He stands alone, facing insurmountable odds, accepting his mistakes and his imminent death.
Only this time, his men don't turn on him. They rally around him, not stabbing him in the back but racing to join him in battle, saving him. He doesn't have to face the fight alone, or die alone.
It's at this moment I believe Jon Snow finds a renewed purpose. He fights hard in the battle. Even when all seems lost, he fights hard just to breathe. To live. The man who climbs out of that pile of corpses and stares down Ramsay Bolton is a man with renewed purpose. The White Wolf is prepared to continue the fight.
Not bad.