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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 4 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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Oh god, got confused and nearly wandered into the spoiler thread. Seven hells.

Can't believe we're so close to Season 4, I have some great memories of the Season 3 thread.



I'm trying to keep my expectations in check this season. I had certain ideas going into last season and I felt slightly unsatisfied at the end.

I'm tired of GRRM kicking the starks in the nuts. I want them to win for once. I'm not holding out any hope. I expect more nut kicking. So best to enjoy it.

Randome thought: I'm hoping that whatshernamestark's fencing teacher isn't dead, and shows up again. I know he probably is, but we hardly got to know him.


I saw her before in the Tudors... Her hotness was known to me.


I miss Dany's Dothraki, she's forgotten her roots. Feels so soulless when people are still calling her Khaleesi on the show.

Also what happened to this dude Kovarro who was helping her and Jorah find the dragons at the end of Season 2:


He looked so cool, and I liked that we had a "main" Dothraki who was always guarding her. He's totally absent in Season 3 without explanation.


Is there a proper wallpaper with that logo used in the OT? With the Lannister and Stark sigils? Wolf and Lion heads.


So... Has anyone got any guesses about what happens this season, then?

Arya enters long grueling assassin training in hopes of avenging the deaths of her father and brother. When completing this training she sets out on her mission only to becaptured by one of the Boltons who flay her alive. Lord Bolton wears her skin as a reminder of who's boss.

Jon reunites with his remainig brothers. They have a touching moment that is cut short by the fact that Jon is to be beheaded for abandoning his watch. Something happens to Bran and he becomes a quadriplegic. The other brother is written further into obscurity.

Sansa... IDK... She is tricked into some other terrible situation for the prommise of something shinny.

Westoros can't suffer a stark to exist. :p



He looked so cool, and I liked that we had a "main" Dothraki who was always guarding her. He's totally absent in Season 3 without explanation.

Maybe he was one of the unseen casualties of the Red Waste.. I agree though, he was a presence.


I saw the first episode at a premier event last night. Nicely paced, and seems to be a good set-up for the season.


Im really looking forward to seeing if Little Finger can seduce his way into becoming Lord of the Vale, though I'm not sure what Tywin's real play is here. The Lannisters killed Jon Arryn , they sent the Mountain to wreak havoc on the Riverlands, going so far as to kill babies, and now they've conspired in the death of her sister and nephew(though it will be interesting to see how much of Westeros puts it all together and who just blames the Freys). Would Lysa ever align with them at this point?

Baelish is a smart guy, he has to know odds are 50/50 she'll will have him dropped through the moon door and be done with it, and he has to know that Tywin knew that when he sent him. We haven't seen Baelish react to the death of his beloved Caitlyn, perhaps the Lannisters have created an enemy from within. Either way Lysa Arryn was full of bat shit before everything went to 7 hells, can't imagine she's improved much.


Im really looking forward to seeing if Little Finger can seduce his way into becoming Lord of the Vale, though I'm not sure what Tywin's real play is here. The Lannisters killed Jon Arryn , they sent the Mountain to wreak havoc on the Riverlands, going so far as to kill babies, and now they've conspired in the death of her sister and nephew(though it will be interesting to see how much of Westeros puts it all together and who just blames the Freys). Would Lysa ever align with them at this point?

Baelish is a smart guy, he has to know odds are 50/50 she'll will have him dropped through the moon door and be done with it, and he has to know that Tywin knew that when he sent him. We haven't seen Baelish react to the death of his beloved Caitlyn, perhaps the Lannisters have created an enemy from within. Either way Lysa Arryn was full of bat shit before everything went to 7 hells, can't imagine she's improved much.

From what I took from Season 3, Littlefinger will "replace" Cat with Sansa, they dressed both of them similarly and resemble each other physically.


From what I took from Season 3, Littlefinger will "replace" Cat with Sansa, they dressed both of them similarly and resemble each other physically.

That certainly was part of his intent, but Tywin and Olenna began scheming over her and his plans to take Sansa with him went out the window.
My wife cannot wait. Every time she sees an ad she remarks how hot Dany is...and it always ends well for me. I don't ask questions, I just want the results.
Really excited for this, even without new books there's still new Game of Thrones TV!

My wife cannot wait. Every time she sees an ad she remarks how hot Dany is...and it always ends well for me. I don't ask questions, I just want the results.
Oh hell yeah, throw in the kink!
Spoiler-sensitive book reader here. I'm very willing to answer questions in PMs when asked.

I am super-stoked for the new season-- just finished a complete-series rewatch since the end of the last season (watching with friends who had not seen or read anything) and the timing was perfect, we finished the last episode last week.

And I also discovered and watched all of modern Doctor Who recently, and the cast crossovers when from occasional and amusing to the point almost of a running joke. Half the GoT cast seems to appear in Who at some point. Especially amusing was Davos and Edmure as 1980's Soviet Sub naval officers.
Im really looking forward to seeing if Little Finger can seduce his way into becoming Lord of the Vale, though I'm not sure what Tywin's real play is here. The Lannisters killed Jon Arryn , they sent the Mountain to wreak havoc on the Riverlands, going so far as to kill babies, and now they've conspired in the death of her sister and nephew(though it will be interesting to see how much of Westeros puts it all together and who just blames the Freys). Would Lysa ever align with them at this point?

Baelish is a smart guy, he has to know odds are 50/50 she'll will have him dropped through the moon door and be done with it, and he has to know that Tywin knew that when he sent him. We haven't seen Baelish react to the death of his beloved Caitlyn, perhaps the Lannisters have created an enemy from within. Either way Lysa Arryn was full of bat shit before everything went to 7 hells, can't imagine she's improved much.

Except I don't think anyone ever explicitly confessed to that. They probably did, but when Ned told the queen "I know the truth he died for," she just looked at him and then asked if he loved his children, after skirting around the statement a bit.

I don't think littlefinger would react all that much to the Stark mother's death. He'd probably do something creepy like kill Tyrion and claim Sansa, making her wear a dress like one her mother used to. It fits the style of good people getting screwed over...

While I doubt he'd do anything rash due to Caitlyn's death, I'd guess that things will be too stable now that the northerners' rebellion is over. This is based on the assumption that his speech about chaos and ladders isn't just a bunch of crap to intimidate Varys (very well could be). He could get someone important killed or else his precious ladder disappears and he can't climb any higher. Or is that too hopeful for this series?
I looked up the scene to refresh my memory, and it's all very vague.
"I know the truth Jon died for."
"Do you, Lord Stark? Is that why you called me here, to pose riddles?"
That's about as close as she comes to saying she did it. It's implied, but not explicit, which is all I wanted to point out. Although they did say in the first episode "What if he told someone?" Which means they knew that he knew, so the evidence leans very very heavily towards them.


I looked up the scene to refresh my memory, and it's all very vague.
"I know the truth Jon died for."
"Do you, Lord Stark? Is that why you called me here, to pose riddles?"
That's about as close as she comes to saying she did it. It's implied, but not explicit, which is all I wanted to point out. Although they did say in the first episode "What if he told someone?" Which means they knew that he knew, so the evidence leans very very heavily towards them.

I think it's clear the Lannisters had Jon Arryn killed, he knew about Cersei/Jaime.

We don't really need to know anymore.
I think it's clear the Lannisters had Jon Arryn killed, he knew about Cersei/Jaime.

We don't really need to know anymore.

Yes it's clear. I'm not saying it isn't. I'm pointing out that it hasn't been explicitly stated. She admitted none of her kids are Robert's, why play coy when he claims she killed Jon? The conclusion we can come to is that they did it. Though at this point I guess it doesn't really matter who did it.


Except I don't think anyone ever explicitly confessed to that. They probably did, but when Ned told the queen "I know the truth he died for," she just looked at him and then asked if he loved his children, after skirting around the statement a bit.

I don't think littlefinger would react all that much to the Stark mother's death. He'd probably do something creepy like kill Tyrion and claim Sansa, making her wear a dress like one her mother used to. It fits the style of good people getting screwed over...

While I doubt he'd do anything rash due to Caitlyn's death, I'd guess that things will be too stable now that the northerners' rebellion is over. This is based on the assumption that his speech about chaos and ladders isn't just a bunch of crap to intimidate Varys (very well could be). He could get someone important killed or else his precious ladder disappears and he can't climb any higher. Or is that too hopeful for this series?

I forget if it came from Baelish or Varys but Ned received information which allowed him to piece together that Jon Arryn was poisoned by his squire, who was promptly knighted and set up to be killed by the Mountain in a jousting match.

The Chaos speech was Little Finger speaking as honestly as we've seen. He says it to Varys because Varys is the one person who realizes the scope of his ambition. Baelish has Harrenhall, he's about to make a play for The Vale, if he can pry Sansa away from Lannisters (which he almost did) that would give him the North and he'll be well in his way toward fulfilling his quest for 'all there is'.


I forget if it came from Baelish or Varys but Ned received information which allowed him to piece together that Jon Arryn was poisoned by his squire, who was promptly knighted and set up to be killed by the Mountain in a jousting match.

The Chaos speech was Little Finger speaking as honestly as we've seen. He says it to Varys because Varys is the one person who realizes the scope of his ambition. Baelish has Harrenhall, he's about to make a play for The Vale, if he can pry Sansa away from Lannisters (which he almost did) that would give him the North and he'll be well in his way toward fulfilling his quest for 'all there is'.

Does he? Because it looked like Bolton is the one who has Harrenhall.


Thanks for the new "Only season" thread.

BTW, I just saw the new face of Daario Naharis. Major "downgrade" on the visual aspect (imho). Saw a quick scene of him on a Jimmy Fallon(?) cut on youtube, and seemed to me that the sexual tension was no longer there. Hope him and the new Mountain can seize their characters.

Regarding the story, I'm mostly interested on what will come from Baelish, the whole misadventures of Tyrion/Bronn - Shae/Sansa (from trailers it seems he is still getting the short end of the stick), Aryia's likely looking for Jaqen!!, and the Theon's rescue portion.

The new Oberyn character came out of field (at least to me), so looking forward to his appearance.


Yeah, not sure about the new Daario. The new Mountain looks awesome though. S1 Mountain was huge and terrifying, where his replacement just looked like a beanpole. No presence, no sense of intimidation. The new one looks much more like S1 Mountain. Hope he lives up to it!


Does he? Because it looked like Bolton is the one who has Harrenhall.

Yeah he was awarded it for facilitating the Lannister alliance with the Tyrells. Bolton is Warden of the North and talked about eventually moving into Winterfell.


Totally forgot, who the hell is Daario again? Wasn't that the pretty boy who helped Dany by killing his other lieutenants last season? 'Cause you know I ain't googling that shit.


His acting was great. He was an arrogant douche, he played the role perfectly.

He's supposed to be annoying, he's a foil to Jorah.

Yeah, there was an innate smugness to him that added a lot to the character.

Joanna Robinson from the Cast of Kings podcast who's familiar with the new Daario from some of his foreign/indie work was adamant that he's a better actor. I'll reserve judgement until I see his take on the role.


His acting was great. He was an arrogant douche, he played the role perfectly.

He's supposed to be annoying, he's a foil to Jorah.

I agree, but having him replaced isn't the end of the world. If we get thru the whole series (seven or eight seasons I guess) without any really big stars having to be replaced I'd say that's alright.

I had no idea Kit Harrington's ankle injury affected the production of Season 3 so much till I watched the commentaries.
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