Xena was much better than the Dorne scenes lol.Every time there is a dorne scene I'm reminded of Xena. This whole season has been so disappointing.
Xena was much better than the Dorne scenes lol.Every time there is a dorne scene I'm reminded of Xena. This whole season has been so disappointing.
Dorne is going to be the Lannisters' new bank when the Tyrells pull out after all this shit.
That's definitely what it is. I think some shit's gonna happen when Dorne's heir arrives at king's landing to a shit storm. I'm really curious how this all plays out actually. Cersei is in a jail. Cersei has been arrested for the same shit Jamie did.
Dorne's set pieces and costumes contrast so starkly with the rest of the show that it's incredibly jarring to me. Every time I watch Jaime and Bronn, who I've seen trudge through the cold hellish landscapes of the north, hanging out in this overly bright setting and interacting with these outrageously stupid characters, I can't help but feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone.
Maybe that's the point, but every scene in Dorne has felt so out of place in the series that I just want them to finish up and move on already. You can almost see Jaime thinking to himself, "What the hell am I doing here?"
Hahaha The Martells who HATE the Lannisters are going to be backing them in any way? Am I the only person that doesn't believe Prince Doran is serious about this so called alliance?
He did seem a little too nice about it. I'm sure he would love to see his son on the Iron Throne.
Dorne's set pieces and costumes contrast so starkly with the rest of the show that it's incredibly jarring to me. Every time I watch Jaime and Bronn, who I've seen trudge through the cold hellish landscapes of the north, hanging out in this overly bright setting and interacting with these outrageously stupid characters, I can't help but feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone.
Maybe that's the point, but every scene in Dorne has felt so out of place in the series that I just want them to finish up and move on already. You can almost see Jaime thinking to himself, "What the hell am I doing here?"
I think it's meant to be in stark contrast. Here we have this large territory that is being ruled by a king days away that has an entirely different culture. It's like colonialism where nations think they can rule a different culture forever when there's more differences than similarities.
Showing this bright, beautiful world with different clothing, etc. is showing how disconnected Dorne is from the happenings of Westeros and how they seem to be unaffected by all the bullshit the great families of Westeros cause and would only care if they decided to make their own moves.
I'm sure they'll have a big part in the future as I can't imagine this alliance lasting through thick and thin. They just don't care down there about the nonsense and probably have their own aspirations beyond what they're letting on.
What was wrong with the fighting in episode 9? The Unsullied getting merked or the actual pit fighting? Cause I thought the latter was pretty well done.
Who is going with Trystane to King's Landing other than Myrcella?
I'm sure he's going to have some bodygaurds. I was thinking they would be the one to help Jaime free Cersei but then I thought what if they see how weak the lanisters are now? Jaime, Cersei, Tommen. That's all? I think it would hardly start a war to kill the three and try and take the throne for Dorne.
I think they already know who the only remaining Lannisters are. But having seeing Cersei locked up and Tommen with his back against the wall will definitely sweeten the situation.
Even with guards though it seems weird, Trystane and Myrcella are meant to be what? 15-16? I see it as a risky move. Granted, I guess they probably don't know about the problems the faith has been causing.
Their 'season story arc' could have easily been a single episode....maybe 2.
This whole season has been transitional. It's had some great stuff but not nearly the impact and weight of any other season. It was bound to happen. They need to make some big changes to get ready to the finish so we get so we got.
But Nameless, I fear what will happen to you if Meli ever bites the dust, lol.
I still wonder why Melisandre seems to always need a sacrifice of Kings Blood to work her magic, when that dude who resurrects people apparently doesn't. If I remember, his sacrifice seemed relatively minor for such a major act. Meanwhile, you got burning corpses everywhere Just for Meli to be able to do anything.
Definitely a risky move but if there was ever a time to get back at them it would be now while they are at their weakest. After what they did to their sister and then Oberyn last season it would seem really odd if Prince Doran just chooses to help the three remaining Lannisters instead of getting revenge and the throne in one move.
Luckily I won't have to find out for a while assuming Melisandre survives long enough to encounter Arya again like she promised. Hopefully the character will continue to play a bigger role now that we seem to be moving into the 'Fire vs Ice' part of the story.
cant stop laughing
I can't in good conscience endorse these memes mocking the One True King, but I also can't call them unfunny.
lol that's wrong hahacant stop laughing
So Roose/Ramsey vs. Stannis/Melisandre
I smell the defeat of Stannis. I have a feeling Melisandre is purposely misleading him. Oh perhaps even unknowingly. Maybe Stannis attacks, loses, then kills the Red Priestess himself.
I just don't see Stannis walking in, destroying the Boltens, taking over Winterfell, then releasing Sansa from all the misery that is Ramsey Snow. It's just not going to happen that easy. Not after all that's gone on with her. Of course there's a possibility that Ramsey flees with Sansa and Reek by force.
I think we've been set up to expect the obvious. Shireen being sacrificed to win a war. Chances of that playing out now looks very slim. I would have put more money on Stannis beating the odds without her sacrifice. Now...
I can see Stannis retreating back to Dragonstone a defeated, and destroyed man. He'll still play a part in the war to come against the WW but it'll likely be to provide resources from Dragonstone to defeat the WW.
I don't see him as getting revenge, I think he'll help them, but not without cost. It should at least finally bring something interesting out of the Dorne story line.
Agreed, but you never know with this show. Worst possible sacrifice and it could end up in a loss. That would be a really shitty twist.
LOL Classic Stannis.
I don't see him as getting revenge, I think he'll help them, but not without cost. It should at least finally bring something interesting out of the Dorne story line.
Most of the fighting in episode 8 felt and looked visceral, exciting, and professionally choreographed, whereas the combat in episode 8 felt and looked much cheaper and poorly choreographed to me. I mean, just look at this shit:
Whoever's responsible for the awesomeness of episode 8's fight scenes needs to be used for all of the upcoming fight scenes.
Stannis is going to destroy roose I think. If burning shireen works then something has to come from it. Plus the lord of the light is pretty legit
If stannis fails here I think he loses all hope and maybe kills mellisandre.
Killing shireen wasn't his idea. He rejected it at first but became desperate and it shows how badly he wants to be king he'd kill his own daughter to get it.
There was never a point in time since the invention of the word "less" (which predates the idea of grammar rules) when people didn't use "less" for countables.The distinction has been observed for over two hundred years. Also, everything in every language was "pulled our of people's ass" at one point or another. In this case, having a distinction helps remove ambiguity from phrases like "less promising results". Is there less promise in each of the results, or fewer results with promise?
There was never a point in time since the invention of the word "less" (which predates the idea of grammar rules) when people didn't use "less" for countables.
Unlike "fewer", which is almost never used for uncoutnables and therefore sounds weird to native speakers.
Some people prefer to use fewer than less, there's nothing wrong with that, and in some cases there's a good reason to do so (like the example you gave), but all the cases Stannis bitched about are pure pedantry, though one must admit, not as much pedantry as me bitching about linguistics in a Game of Thrones thread.
Read more:
Doran pretty much told Ellara to kiss his ring and step in line, or die. I really don't see him as someone to break bread with the people responsible for the deaths of his siblings, niece, and nephew. We've been told that even with his dragons, Aegon never could conquer Dorne. Now I'm supposed to believe they're suddenly all about that Seven Kingdoms bullshit? If Dragons couldn't bring them into the fold, I seriously doubt any army in Westeros could force Dorne to be subservient to the Iron Throne.
Gaf, I'm pretty bummed out that there is only one episode left.
Most of the fighting in episode 8 felt and looked visceral, exciting, and professionally choreographed, whereas the combat in episode 8 felt and looked much cheaper and poorly choreographed to me. I mean, just look at this shit:
Whoever's responsible for the awesomeness of episode 8's fight scenes needs to be used for all of the upcoming fight scenes.
Nameless said:Well Thoros kinda stumbled upon that ability. Beric had been killed and he said a prayer for his dead not knowing it would bring him back. Meli is shocked to hear about this as if it never occurred to her. But now that she knows it's possible I wouldn't be shocked to see her try if, say, Stannis dies.
Or maybe after Davos reports back how Olly shoved Jon off The Wall and shot him full of arrows before he hit the ground, Meli will go and bring him back, since, clearly Jon is important in her eyes.
As far as Blood Curses, the first we see is the one the village witch tricks Daeny with. A sacrifice is necessary as "Only death pays for life". The unborn baby Daeny unknowingly pays with did have King's Blood as well. Pretty interesting.
But where the hell is Blackfish?
cant stop laughing
There were a few goofy and self-indulgent moves in the pits but I think for the most part I think it was going for verisimilitude over flash. Which is tonally odd, but still.Most of the fighting in episode 8 felt and looked visceral, exciting, and professionally choreographed, whereas the combat in episode 8 felt and looked much cheaper and poorly choreographed to me. I mean, just look at this shit:
Whoever's responsible for the awesomeness of episode 8's fight scenes needs to be used for all of the upcoming fight scenes.
Does anyone have a gif of when John Snow is walking through the snow and he sees a walker and then he spins and slices it in half? Loved that part.Most of the fighting in episode 8 felt and looked visceral, exciting, and professionally choreographed, whereas the combat in episode 8 felt and looked much cheaper and poorly choreographed to me. I mean, just look at this shit:
Whoever's responsible for the awesomeness of episode 8's fight scenes needs to be used for all of the upcoming fight scenes.
I guess enough time has passed since the Shireen scene to reflect on it. And my reaction is interesting. I'm not sure if there's a point at which the violence in the show becomes 'too much', but it looks like that might have been it for me. I barely remember the rest of that episode, and I have no desire to watch the next one. Or next season, really. In a very calm way, I really feel like I might be done with this. Not angry, just feel like my interest in the story is killed. Which is a shame after 5 years. It wouldn't be the first time I gave up on this series for good, and the last one stuck, which is why I'm in this thread rather than the other one. Maybe this one will stick too. I guess we'll see.
Still just super disappointed to invest all that time just to get something like that scene... can't get over it.
It's not the only reason, though. The show has clearly lost it's way. Dany and her story are both so weak (I'm sorry but Clarke is just appalling), and her story will only become more and more essential as time goes on. Dorne was an utter farce this year, and Arya's story, while watchable, is irrelevant. Even King's Landing is beginning to feel irrelevant, having seen the White Walkers. That leaves the North, where the show has still been on fire all season. But I genuinely believe that Jon will get killed soon (by Olly, show isn't even pretending to be subtle anymore), the Walkers will overrun the wall early next season and that part of the story will end. Because of fucking course it will, we're enjoying it.
I suppose it was a good run, can't complain too much.
I don't know. Beric Dondarrion might serve some purpose down the line. The Lord of Light keeps bringing him back for some reason.Is it safe to say we will probably never see Brotherhood without Banners for the rest of the show?
Is it safe to say we will probably never see Brotherhood without Banners for the rest of the show?
I guess enough time has passed since the Shireen scene to reflect on it. And my reaction is interesting. I'm not sure if there's a point at which the violence in the show becomes 'too much', but it looks like that might have been it for me. I barely remember the rest of that episode, and I have no desire to watch the next one. Or next season, really. In a very calm way, I really feel like I might be done with this. Not angry, just feel like my interest in the story is killed. Which is a shame after 5 years. It wouldn't be the first time I gave up on this series for good, and the last one stuck, which is why I'm in this thread rather than the other one. Maybe this one will stick too. I guess we'll see.
Still just super disappointed to invest all that time just to get something like that scene... can't get over it.
It's not the only reason, though. The show has clearly lost it's way. Dany and her story are both so weak (I'm sorry but Clarke is just appalling), and her story will only become more and more essential as time goes on. Dorne was an utter farce this year, and Arya's story, while watchable, is irrelevant. Even King's Landing is beginning to feel irrelevant, having seen the White Walkers. That leaves the North, where the show has still been on fire all season. But I genuinely believe that Jon will get killed soon (by Olly, show isn't even pretending to be subtle anymore), the Walkers will overrun the wall early next season and that part of the story will end. Because of fucking course it will, we're enjoying it.
I suppose it was a good run, can't complain too much.
Most of the fighting in episode 8 felt and looked visceral, exciting, and professionally choreographed, whereas the combat in episode 8 felt and looked much cheaper and poorly choreographed to me. I mean, just look at this shit:
Whoever's responsible for the awesomeness of episode 8's fight scenes needs to be used for all of the upcoming fight scenes.