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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 5 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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Yeah, you could see the fear in him, which made me believe he would change his mind.

On another note it seems like there is no way Daenarys is getting them two Dragons out of there unless they break themselves free.

I still think they are perfectly set up to die. Drogon will be the only one left and she'll have to find him and tame him. She's theoretically the only one who can since she's got that +100 fire immunity stat.
I actually thought this was a little too on the nose. Combine this with the introduction flashback and it feels like the producers think we are idiots. Where's the subtlety D. B. Weiss?

Yeah, I find that's kind of a big problem for many mass products, sadly.


Hottest on the show right now is Danny's slave girl. Missendai?

You should see Furious 7.

Anyway, I thought it was a good first episode for the season. Set up the story nicely and I can't wait to see Tyrion interacting withy Dany, that should be good. I thought they did a good job with letting people catch up on every storyline.
Honestly guys, after
death, I see no point in marrying a
, the
are doomed.
was everything they had.


Happy the show's back, good first episode (not on 4x01 levels though).

I missed my Margaery so much.

One thing that stuck with me was the ending: i'm always horrified by the idea of being burnt alive, the growing fear, the hot that keeps growing, the pain, the screams... and then Jon had the courage to put Mance out of his misery. I literally jumped on my feet screaming YES! And at first i thought he was going to avoid watching it. So satisfied by how it went.


So not worth it
Yeah makes sense, just wasn't sure if it went straight to Tommen or not.

Tommen isn't a Lannister, so it wouldn't.

I think technically it's Male heirs > Female heirs > Oldest sibling (Lancel's father, Cersei's uncle) before it even gets to Tommen. And even then Tommen would lose his claim if Jaimi were to produce male legitimate offspring (which, of course, he's technically not allowed to).

By all rights, Tyrion was the heir to Casterly Rock before he became an exiled kinslayer, though.


So not worth it
Man what was I thinking, of course he isn't. It's easy to forget those kids are technically Baratheons (in name) when Stannis is running around with that name.

And even if they were recognised as Cersei and Jaime's and not as Robert's, they'd be bastards and not be Lannisters unless legitimized by royal decree and still wouldn't have a claim to Casterly Rock.


Unconfirmed Member
And even if they were recognised as Cersei and Jaime's and not as Robert's, they'd be bastards and not be Lannisters unless legitimized by royal decree and still wouldn't have a claim to Casterly Rock.

If Tommen was found to be a bastard and was made legitimate he would be the head of the Lannisters, so he would definitely have a claim on Casterly Rock.

In this event Stannis would probably burn him alive though.


Everything is moe to me
Yeah so who's actually head of House Lannister now?
priority would be:
jaime, tyrion, tywins male siblings from oldest to youngest. he has atleast one brother we've seen. assuming he didn't die since the army camp.

succession is confusing though.
for example, if tywin had no children, but had a nephew through his next oldest sibling who is dead, would it pass to the nephew as son of the oldest sibling or to the next oldest living sibling?


So not worth it
If Tommen was found to be a bastard and was made legitimate he would be the head of the Lannisters, so he would definitely have a claim on Casterly Rock.

In this event Stannis would probably burn him alive though.

That's what I said :)

priority would be:
jaime, tyrion, tywins male siblings from oldest to youngest. he has atleast one brother we've seen. assuming he didn't die since the army camp.

He was in this episode, with his son Lancel, at the wake.


priority would be:
jaime, tyrion, tywins male siblings from oldest to youngest. he has atleast one brother we've seen. assuming he didn't die since the army camp.

succession is confusing though.
for example, if tywin had no children, but had a nephew through his next oldest sibling who is dead, would it pass to the nephew as son of the oldest sibling or to the next oldest living sibling?

The nephew would inherit.

Assuming Male-preference cognatic primogeniture (playing Crusader Kings 2 helps here :D)

On a family tree, you search downwards (children) for a male. If none is found, step sideways (sibling, male first) and search downwards (starting at the top).

However, if all Tywin's brothers, their sons (and their sons), tyrion, jaime and tommen were to die, Cersei would be (the very lonely) Lady of Casterly Rock.
I felt so sorry for Mance. I know he was probably not the most moral of characters (he was the wildling leader after all) but the way the last few scenes played out, I wanted him to bend the knee if only to become better friends with Jon.


I still think they are perfectly set up to die. Drogon will be the only one left and she'll have to find him and tame him. She's theoretically the only one who can since she's got that +100 fire immunity stat.

Possibly but unless they starve to death, I can't see it happening but this is Game of Thrones, anything is possible.


Unconfirmed Member
Jaime has no rights since he's in the Kingsguard I thought ?

Yeah Jamie would be the head of the Lannister house if he wasn't a kingsguard but since he is he is out of the picture.
As of last season though it seems he could get out of being a kingsguard if he wanted.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
I felt so sorry for Mance. I know he was probably not the most moral of characters (he was the wildling leader after all) but the way the last few scenes played out, I wanted him to bend the knee if only to become better friends with Jon.

It was a frustrating sequence. As soon as Snow's scenes came up I said to my mates watching with me "here we go, watch as Stannis whines and does something fucking stupid". I feel Mance was both right and wrong in his decision, a decision forced upon him by an idiot.

Stannis is so lame. I was rooting for him way back when, but any semblance of positive leadership is undone by his two dimensional perspective on everything.


So not worth it
Mance Rayder broke his vows and deserted from the Night's Watch. Him being put to death was inevitable, that's the penalty.

That he was given a chance to live in itself is actually a credit to Stannis, to be honest. Ned Stark didn't even do that and he's the beacon of honor and decency in the show.


If Mance truly cared about his people, he would have swallowed his pride, fought alongside Stannis and then have safety and a place for his people to live somewhere south of the Wall. Presumably the Gift.

But no "fuck muh pride, uh will nuh bend". Bye bye.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah so who's actually head of House Lannister now?

I think it would be Cersei as I think Tywin's children would be first, even though Cersei is female.

Another example would be the Baratheon family since Robert and Joffrey are dead now and Tommen is the last male child from Robert, Myrcella is currently the heir.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
priority would be:
jaime, tyrion, tywins male siblings from oldest to youngest. he has atleast one brother we've seen. assuming he didn't die since the army camp.

succession is confusing though.
for example, if tywin had no children, but had a nephew through his next oldest sibling who is dead, would it pass to the nephew as son of the oldest sibling or to the next oldest living sibling?

Jaime is Kingsguard, though, as disqualified by his vows. Tyrion is presumably disqualified at this point. Under agnatic-cognatic, it passes to Cersei; under strict agnatic, Kevan.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Honestly guys, after
death, I see no point in marrying a
, the
are doomed.
was everything they had.

Who else would you marry?
The Starks are all dead, as far as most lords and ladies know; Sansa being the sole exception. After the Blackwater, Stannis Baratheon seems done and dusted; to the extent that Tommen is a Baratheon, he's pretty far removed from the rest of his house. The Greyjoys got routed from the north by a relatively small commitment of troops and are unreliable at the best of times. Edmure Tully is a captive of the Freys. The Lord Arryn is a child and obviously will be under Littlefinger's influence. Dorne is right on the periphery of kingdom politics at the best of times. The Freys are Lannister puppets and will probably remain so. Bolton's position is not secure.
[Basic analysis of house positions]

The only family with any greater power than the Lannisters, even
with Tywin's death
[Season plot point], is House Tyrell, who have a queen by the throne and want to ensure she stays there. Sucking up the Lannisters is the best way to do that.


If Mance truly cared about his people, he would have swallowed his pride, fought alongside Stannis and then have safety and a place for his people to live somewhere south of the Wall. Presumably the Gift.

But no "fuck muh pride, uh will nuh bend". Bye bye.

Mance does care for them though. I feel that in Mance's eyes, he can consider it a job done. His aim was to get the wildlings on the other side of the Wall. And while most of them feel it's for pillaging or reclaiming land, Mance really did it out of fear of the White Walkers and what it would do.


Jaime is Kingsguard, though, as disqualified by his vows. Tyrion is presumably disqualified at this point. Under agnatic-cognatic, it passes to Cersei; under strict agnatic, Kevan.
Maybe they reintroduced Kevan for a power struggle? At first I thought it was just cause his brother died or maybe for his son to come back too, but I could see it happening.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
Maybe they reintroduced Kevan for a power struggle? At first I thought it was just cause his brother died or maybe for his son to come back too, but I could see it happening.

I doubt anyone would try to start a power struggle against the queen mother without serious reason. The only person with a security net large enough to fuck with Cersei is Margary.


The only family with any greater power than the Lannisters, even
with Tywin's death
[Season plot point], is House Tyrell, who have a queen by the throne and want to ensure she stays there. Sucking up the Lannisters is the best way to do that.
It doesn't hurt that they control large swathes of productive farmland too. Soldiers need feeding, and winter is coming.


So, regarding the Cercei flashback. Do we know who she was betrothed to at the time? Was she supposed to marry a Targaryan? I'm not sure I got my timings correct but I think they were still in power, right?

Mr Git

So, regarding the Cercei flashback. Do we know who she was betrothed to at the time? Was she supposed to marry a Targaryan? I'm not sure I got my timings correct but I think they were still in power, right?

It was Rhaegar Targaryen who was a prince at the time. He ended up marrying Elia Martell.


Dany had better meet up with the rest of the group by the end of this season. I am tired of this we are in some new slave trade city ever season.
I actually like the Boltons. I know you're supposed to like the Starks, but Ned and Robb and Catelyn don't really jive with me with their misplaced priorities and malformed sense of nobility. Or maybe that's just what I tell myself so the red wedding doesn't hurt as much. Anyway, I know I like Ramsey Bolton (née Snow) because he's hilarious and his retribution against Theon was righteous, and Roose helped put an end to the war that Robb was raging. Realistically, Joffrey wouldn't have been to have much influence on the men of the North. Cersei even told him as much. So Robb's war was mostly unjustified, and it was resulting in a lot of needless death, and then he betrayed the Freys for no good reason, so I don't mind that Roose put an end to that.

So yeah I kind of like the Boltons.

Yup. Ramsay and Roose>All the Starks with the exeption of Ned and Arya. And even with Ned the only reason I'm willing to forgive his boneheadness is because it wasn't an open war at that point and Robert's death came as a surprise. Nobody would have openly attacked Ned when Robert was still alive.

Also hate on Frays is misplaced. Robb screwd them over royally after they put their men to die for him. Robb was a dumbass.


Cersei comes before Kevan.

It's not made explicit in the show how heredity works in Westeros, but it's pretty safe to assume it's male cognate primogeniture. That literally means the first-born (primo-gen), most closely related (cognate), male(uh, male) relative is the heir. In this case, that's Kevan (Jaime and Tyrion being disqualified). When Kevan dies, it'll be Lancel,

EDIT: Who, I now know, was *not* recast. He just grew up and hit the gym.
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