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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 5 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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It should be noted that watching GoT with a large group of people who have read the books, and you haven't, is the goddam worst.


It should be noted that watching GoT with a large group of people who have read the books, and you haven't, is the goddam worst.



Really Really Exciting Member!
It should be noted that watching GoT with a large group of people who have read the books, and you haven't, is the goddam worst.

Yeah i bet... i can imagine what happened at the end of last episode.

Sanjuro : "Omg, what's gonna happen to Mance, will he bend the knee to save himself from the flames or will he suffer horribly?"
Book readers in the room : "lol Jon, hurry up and hit him in the heart with your arrow already!"
Cersei comes before Kevan.

Yes. Cersei is the eldest eligible child of the former head of House Lannister (Tywin), thus making her head of the family - the Lady Of Casterly Rock. Technically Tyrion should have been the Lord Of Casterly Rock but Tywin refused to acknowledge his claim. And of course he openly killed his dad.

If Jaime wasn't a Kingsguard he would be the head of the family.


Yes. Cersei is the eldest eligible child of the former head of House Lannister (Tywin), thus making her head of the family.

Only if women are allowed to inherit while there are still legitimate male heirs. Kevan would need to voluntarily surrender his claim for Cersei to stand a chance. She has a claim, just not a very strong one.

This is getting very nerdy :D


Really Really Exciting Member!
Those dragons are out of control.

How were her predecessors able to use them effectively against their enemies; they seem completely unstable.

Probably that people back then had some training from dragon experts. Daenerys got them like that without anyone having the experience to tell her what to do.
Those dragons are out of control.

How were her predecessors able to use them effectively against their enemies; they seem completely unstable.

I imagine that they trained them from birth to specifically be part of their armed forces. In Dany's case, she has treated them like a 12 year old treats puppies and not done any of the work needed to discipline them. Even worse, she abandoned them and locked them up.

She done goofed. I wonder if she ever gets full control of all three of them again. A mother of dragons without dragons is a toothless leader, she's going to have to do something about this dragon situation really soon.


Probably that people back then had some training from dragon experts. Daenerys got them like that without anyone having the experience to tell her what to do.
Training such a devastatingly powerful creature would presumably start very early, before they become capable of flying. From all we've seen, Daenerys let them do whatever they wanted, and only started paying attention to their actions once they began causing major problems.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I'm going to assume the dragons(or at least Drogon) are going to have an important role in this season, just looking at the official poster and
the quick shot of him flying over Meereen in the trailer(s).

Myself... i think he's gonna burn Meereen to the ground to find and free the other two dragons. Shit gonna burn soon.


Cheeks Spread for Digital Only Future
I'm going to assume the dragons(or at least Drogon) are going to have an important role in this season, just looking at the official poster and
the quick shot of him flying over Meereen in the trailer(s).

Myself... i think he's gonna burn Meereen to the ground to find and free the other two dragons. Shit gonna burn soon.
Speaking of which, how are they still trapped. Unless they mentioned some special metal somewhere and I missed it, couldn't they just melt the chains with their fire? We know that it can melt stone, so metal should be no problem.

Funky Papa

It should be noted that watching GoT with a large group of people who have read the books, and you haven't, is the goddam worst.

It's not much better to have people catching up next to you.

My girlfriend keeps pestering me with questions and I can only put on my poker face for so many times through an episode.

Right now she just told me that she doesn't believe for a second that Robb is going to get away so easily with breaking his vows, to which she ask me once and once again if there will be repercusions for that. She's also gone from distrusting Talisa to loving her. Guess which episode is the next in order...


Yeah they really need Dany to grow this season. I am tired of her how she is portrayed. That scene with her running from the two dragons she chained up was stupid. Hell, chaining them up was stupid and out of character.

One of her titles is the Breaker Of Chains, not Chain Whom She Pleases. I don't get why they made her make such stupid mistakes for no reason. "Oh no the one dragon that has always given me trouble is giving me more trouble, I better chain up the two good dragons just in case" wtf? What kind of train of thought is that?

It feels like the inner strength she obtained through Khal Drogo is all but gone. Now she just fucks, has hissy fits, smashes cultures, and moves on. Can't wait to see her blow up when she finds out who the Spider really is.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Speaking of which, how are they still trapped. Unless they mentioned some special metal somewhere and I missed it, couldn't they just melt the chains with their fire? We know that it can melt stone, so metal should be no problem.

Considering how close the chains are to them, I guess they dont wanna burn themselves alive. :p


Yeah i bet... i can imagine what happened at the end of last episode.

Sanjuro : "Omg, what's gonna happen to Mance, will he bend the knee to save himself from the flames or will he suffer horribly?"
Book readers in the room : "lol Jon, hurry up and hit him in the heart with your arrow already!"

I imagine you are were the embodiment of the idontknowwhatiwasexpecting.gif

Actually, it's less this, and more not being able to jump into conversations.

Like every conversation revolved around, "this didn't happen / OMG is this what I think it is? / etc etc". There was nowhere for me to jump in. Even when I would bring up something related to the show, basically it was like telling me to shut the fuck up when it went back into book talk.

If someone actually mentioned something that did happen in the near future, I'm not the type that would be that broken up by it. Just as a gathered viewing type scenario, it's awful.


There were livestock in the area it could have targeted instead. If it's as intelligent as suggested and it deliberately honed in on the kid, then it belongs in chains.

Why would a Dragon hesitate at all to cook up a child? It's just food to them - the same way the majority of people don't bat an eye at the millions of pigs and cows we slaughter for our own needs. Are we not intelligent because we'll eat baby cows?
It was a frustrating sequence. As soon as Snow's scenes came up I said to my mates watching with me "here we go, watch as Stannis whines and does something fucking stupid". I feel Mance was both right and wrong in his decision, a decision forced upon him by an idiot.

Stannis is so lame. I was rooting for him way back when, but any semblance of positive leadership is undone by his two dimensional perspective on everything.

Heh, yeah. Mance was a stubborn guy but I feel also that his decision was both wrong and right.

I like Stannis, not sure why. When him and his army arrived and took the wildlings hostage I thought he was a bad ass. I still think it, heh.


Can we at least call her by her proper name?

It's Shae.

It's like calling Jon 'John' or Jaime "Jamie". You should know the show you've watched for five seasons by now, folks.

We should call her by her appropriate description: waste of air time.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.

Those dragons are out of control.

How were her predecessors able to use them effectively against their enemies; they seem completely unstable.

They were probably competent leaders, a quality she lacks.

I like Stannis, not sure why. When him and his army arrived and took the wildlings hostage I thought he was a bad ass. I still think it, heh.

It's his ego-to-idiocy that drives me nuts. Because he is, otherwise, a good leader. When he first entered the picture I was rooting for him, because he was no nonsense about the whole thing. Fuck the blondes. Fuck their inbred bullshit. Brother was murdered, time to fuck them up. But he has such a stick up his arse about rightful kingship and expects everyone to kiss his arse that it just rubs me the wrong way. More or less anybody who thinks they have a right to the throne and expects everyone to assume that too rubs me the wrong way.

Basically he doesn't have shit, doesn't have a right to shit, and I'd respect him more if he understood this and factored it into his diplomacy.


Everybody is Mikkelsexual
Considering how close the chains are to them, I guess they dont wanna burn themselves alive. :p

Speaking about burning alive. I was bothered by Dany's reaction to it.
Isn't she the "dragon"? Doesn't that mean that she can't die by fire? Remember the first season when she said "The dragon can't burn" when Drogo poured molten gold on her brother's head and later when she set herself on fire at Drogo's funeral?

I mean, I get being scared of the dragons because they can still tore her apart like that but she was like "oh god they're going to burn me alive if I'm not careful".


Speaking about burning alive. I was bothered by Dany's reaction to it.
Isn't she the "dragon"? Doesn't that mean that she can't die by fire? Remember the first season when she said "The dragon can't burn" when Drogo poured molten gold on her brother's head and later when she set herself on fire at Drogo's funeral?

I mean, I get being scared of the dragons because they can still tore her apart like that but she was like "oh god they're going to burn me alive if I'm not careful".

She's only really tested her fire resistance a couple times, and who knows if dragon fire follows the same rules. I can understand being hesitant.


Speaking about burning alive. I was bothered by Dany's reaction to it.
Isn't she the "dragon"? Doesn't that mean that she can't die by fire? Remember the first season when she said "The dragon can't burn" when Drogo poured molten gold on her brother's head and later when she set herself on fire at Drogo's funeral?

I mean, I get being scared of the dragons because they can still tore her apart like that but she was like "oh god they're going to burn me alive if I'm not careful".

Wasn't her stepping into the fire some weird blood magic though? Do we even know if she's truly immune to fire or whether it was just that instance because of the birth of the Dragons?


Wasn't her stepping into the fire some weird blood magic though? Do we even know if she's truly immune to fire or whether it was just that instance because of the birth of the Dragons?

As far as I can remember, the only other demonstrations of her abilities are 1. Stepping into the really hot bath in S01E01, and taking the hot dragon egg out of the fire, also in S01. Nothing like as dramatic.
Yep. Had the same reaction. So much of this episode was in the previews, ads and trailers.

I thought the episode was amazing. Guess what? I didnt watch any preview, ad or trailer.
The ending, I really loved. Jon Snow is quickly becoming my favorite character.


Dany fucks up everything she touches, even her kids. (human or otherwise).

Can she even have kids?

She was pretty adamant to Jorah that the Dragons would be the only children she would ever have. Did the Mirri Maz Duur incident in S1 leave her barren?


Don't understand the Stannis hate. Guy is the best possible king of those with a claim and a good man to boot. He's flawed, but he's a good man. He was blinded by revenge and entitlement before the Battle of Blackwater where he was routed, but since then Davos has him thinking correctly and while he is not the king, he is the only one acting like one. People don't like him because he comes across as a prick. That shouldn't matter. Do we need a scene of him hugging Davos with tears in his eyes or such before people come around to him? Would be sad if true.

Stannis Pros:
Clear-headed and rational, a strategist
Obsessed with justice and fairness, with the strength and will to mete justice out and thus make the people obey the law
Is legitimately the rightful king if he can prove Tommen's illegitimacy
Has a wonderful, kind and competent hand in Ser Davos, and understands that this is important
A natural leader in wartime; brave; leads from the front; fights his own battles
Not egotistical, fights for what he believes is right rather than what he 'deserves' - if he did not believe he was rightful king he would never have made a claim
Loves his handicapped daughter when many in Westeros would have abandoned her or hidden her away, protects her from her sick, evil mother
Actually has the men to defeat the Boltons, fix the north and march on King's Landing
Saved the Night's Watch and the Wall because it was the right thing to do

Stannis Cons:
Under the spell of an evil sex-witch, whom he only occasionally stands up to
Allows people to be burned alive by said sex-witch
Allowed his brother to be assassinated by said sex-witch
Cheated on his wife with said sex-witch, giving her the power to birth her evil spells
Basically anything to do with that red-haired succubus. If she was to bite the bullet, Stannis would be almost perfect, except for...
Broke... has no money and in massive debt, and his army relies on the continuance of bank loans. This is a problem.
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