Yea, I didn't hate this season like some others seemed to, but the finale really showed just how dragged out the early episodes were and how compressed the end was. They needed to trim some of the fat early on and spread all these events out over 2-3 episodes. Stannis' end especially should have lasted longer than 10 minutes. It was almost comical at first:
"Half the army has deserted!"
"Your wife committed suicide!"
"Well shit."
The slow breakdown of his army and his failed assault on Winterfell should have taken up most of an episode, not the first 10 minutes of one.
Shirtless Ramsey with twenty good men.
"Half the army has deserted!"
"Your wife committed suicide!"
"Well shit."
The slow breakdown of his army and his failed assault on Winterfell should have taken up most of an episode, not the first 10 minutes of one.
When Jon gets rezzed and rallys the North and the Wildlings and retakes it himself.
Ramsay is going to sit on the Iron Throne, isn't he?
Shirtless Ramsey with twenty good men.