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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 5 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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Watching the show with my sister recently her first time as well, though we're up to season 4 now. When Theon betrayed Robb all my sister could say was "he better get his" well....By this point she feels sorry for him.

Ha yeah, my friend keeps saying "I really hate that Jaime Lannister, I can't stand him". We'll see how that turns out.
no real build up to the Jon Snow murder

Not sure you were really paying much attention to the show...

There were signs of a mutiny building pretty much from the moment Jon was appointed to Lord Commander and pretty much solidified itself as a guarantee when Jon returned with the wildlings and fewer faithful nights watch on his side. In my opinion, it was telegraphed pretty well to the point where it was both shocking yet not surprising (and i read the books and hated this season)
Looking at the best episode of the season...aka episode 8, I'm now convinced Jon Snow is definitely coming back. Why? When the Night King was on the bank of that lake, he had an intense stare down with Jon Snow. They dedicated almost a full minute of these two sizing each other up, during this stare down. There is NO WAY they would dedicate so much time to this stare down, if these two wouldn't cross paths, sometime in the future, in a final epic battle.


He's not coming back. He was stabbed with huge swords, right into the stomach and chest like 7 times (a little over the top that he even stayed conscious that long, IMO).

Anyway, there's an interview with Kit after the finale where he talks about his reaction to the scene and describes having what apparently is known as the "Godfather talk" with the producers, when they take you for a walk and tell you you're going to die at the end of this episode or season.

Plus I think the very long shot of him laying dead is meant to solidify that he's, well, dead.


Episode 10

I thought it was straight up garbage. Stannis plotline ended up going nowhere, the Arya torchure scene was disgusting, deus ex machina of Brienne dealing the final blow, no real build up to the Jon Snow murder, Melissandra being a goof, Dany situation seeming utterly implausible and stupid, Grey Worm as a ruling figure (like that would go down well! A former slave from another city), Maercella (or whatever) murder, the Boltons continuing to get the pllot armour treatment.

As far as plot continuity and development goes, the series has become pretty terrible and this just seemed like they had to get everything in 10 episodes and crammed all sorts of undercooked scenes in to bring the predictable shock value. Yeah, the shock factor has become entirely predictable and no less implausible than main characters having plot armour.

You don't actually get to do this in both threads.
He's not coming back. He was stabbed with huge swords, right into the stomach and chest like 7 times (a little over the top that he even stayed conscious that long, IMO).

Anyway, there's an interview with Kit after the finale where he talks about his reaction to the scene and describes having what apparently is known as the "Godfather talk" with the producers, when they take you for a walk and tell you you're going to die at the end of this episode or season.

Plus I think the very long shot of him laying dead is meant to solidify that he's, well, dead.

I'm also very skeptical about him returning but Martyn Lannister was murdered in S3 and reborn as Tommen in S4 so who knows!

But you should never read into what someone says during an interview because what else is he supposed to say? Even if he said "I can't say" that itself would be a massive spoiler. Of course he's dead and not coming back, if they were to give any answer other than that one then it would complete spoil the potential return.

Even if he is coming back, they'll do everything to convince you otherwise until the episode of his return broadcasts.
He's not coming back. He was stabbed with huge swords, right into the stomach and chest like 7 times (a little over the top that he even stayed conscious that long, IMO).

Anyway, there's an interview with Kit after the finale where he talks about his reaction to the scene and describes having what apparently is known as the "Godfather talk" with the producers, when they take you for a walk and tell you you're going to die at the end of this episode or season.

Plus I think the very long shot of him laying dead is meant to solidify that he's, well, dead.

No one is saying he didn't die. Just that he's not dead.


He's not coming back. He was stabbed with huge swords, right into the stomach and chest like 7 times (a little over the top that he even stayed conscious that long, IMO).
Those were daggers.

I'm with you on thinking that he's dead for good. A lot of people are too sure one way or the other though. It could go either way on this show.


Those were daggers.

I'm with you on thinking that he's dead for good. A lot of people are too sure one way or the other though. It could go either way on this show.

I don't know. They dropped SOOOOOOO MANY hints about him being a Targaryen that I don't see the point of doing that if he were just to die with no one knowing that's the case. They set the precedence for that theory to be true this season that it'd go way into trolling territory at that point since there'd be reason to even mention it, especially when a lot of people were already speculating over that yet they decided to try and spell it out for people.

He might be dead, but not gone for good. His "death" is different than any other character's death in the show and for good reason. It's also conveniently left as a cliff-hanger.

All other deaths at least serve a purpose to advance the story yet Jon's death would make all those hints absolutely useless and time-wasting except to troll people. Maybe his death would allow the white walkers to get over the wall by breaking the magic barrier or something, but who knows.

Plenty of prophecies to live up to and it seems to me that he'd be the most obvious fit for a lot of them. Stannis was a fraud in that regard but it all seems to lead to Jon, especially the part about betraying the men serving you, etc. Melisandre knows he's no ordinary man, but the actual hero from the prophecies. I just don't think his story would end in such a way after ALL of those hints put together no matter how badly they like trolling us.


I was honestly shocked they killed Jon. I didn't excpect this at all. He was by far (with Aria) my fav. charachter.

I realy ask my self how long they can keep this up and for how long it will be accepted by fans. You create a great character just to kill him off. for me this is the biggest strenght and maybe even bigger weaknes of the show.
They dropped SOOOOOOO MANY hints about him being a Targaryen

please, tell me all these hints. I cant remember a single obvious one.

There was only one conversation where they mentioned something about a targaryen sleeping with neds sister. They didn't even mention there was a child in that conversation.


I can't find the link, but when Dave and Dan were interviewed by GRRM to be the showrunners, he asked them one question, "who do you think is Jon Snow's mother". To me, it seems like Jon is too important a character not to come back later at least until he knows about his mother.

Or, his mother is an important character and she'll play an important part in coming seasons.


please, tell me all these hints. I cant remember a single obvious one.

There was only one conversation where they mentioned something about a targaryen sleeping with neds sister. They didn't even mention there was a child in that conversation.

Since you asked so nicely...

-They've mentioned Lyanna Stark numerous times this season with one of the big ones being Sansa visiting her tomb with Littlefinger discussing the tournament where Rhaegar picked Lyanna over his own wife which meant he loved her, but then Sansa recounted the story they were told about Lyanna being kidnapped and raped by Rhaegar the same season where Barristan explained to Dany how nice he was and how he loved to sing to the people, etc. which is meant to be in stark contrast (had to do the pun) to the reputation he has as some evil rapist but we all know the victors write the history.

-Stannis mentioned that it wasn't Ned Stark's way in response to someone calling Jon a bastard and we all know from season 1 that Ned was too honorable to do something like that since he loved his family. So what's more honorable than taking the heat from his wife and others to protect his nephew from Robert and every other person that would have killed Jon?

-Melisandre tried to seduce Jon Snow which she has only done to other people that had royal blood in them like Stannis and Gendry and she even said that their union would have the power to make life or light, or to cast shadows just like what she did with Stannis which once again required royalty... So why the sudden interest in a bastard Stark? She's made a few comments about Jon being special and she clearly sees something in him and now she shows up just as this shit happens?

-Melisandre also said this to Stannis in an earlier season:
"You will betray the men serving you, you will betray your family, you will betray everything you once held dear... and it will all be worth it, because you are the Son of Fire, you are the Warrior of Light."

Yet she abandoned Stannis (coincidentally shortly after meeting Jon and trying to seduce him) and went right back to Castle Black as Jon is being killed by that bitch Olly. The prophecy seems to fit Jon here more than anyone else because he'll betray the men serving him (after they betrayed him and killed him basically), he'll go off to do bigger and better things which might mean not coming to the aid of his family, and he'll break the oath that he tried to value above everything else, yet it will be worth it because he's the so-called chosen one. The Son of Fire would also make sense for a Targaryen son.

-In the previous season, Oberyn mentioned Rhaegar leaving his wife for another woman as well.

They talked about Lyanna AND Rhaegar more in this season than every other season combined and there's no way it's filler in a show this condensed. This show has always done a lot of foreshadowing, just like with the Lannisters last season. This show still follows typical story conventions despite breaking a few with previous deaths and events.
-Melisandre also said this to Stannis in an earlier season:

Yet she abandoned Stannis (coincidentally shortly after meeting Jon and trying to seduce him) and went right back to Castle Black as Jon is being killed by that bitch Olly. The prophecy seems to fit Jon here more than anyone else because he'll betray the men serving him (after they betrayed him and killed him basically), he'll go off to do bigger and better things which might mean not coming to the aid of his family, and he'll break the oath that he tried to value above everything else, yet it will be worth it because he's the so-called chosen one. The Son of Fire would also make sense for a Targaryen son.

I can go with that, I think Melisandre totally believed everything she said to Stannis, just from the look of shock on her face when it all fell apart. It's all starting to make sense.

She convinced Stannis the real fight was in the North, and that's what ultimately fucked him. It should have been Jon's job.


White walkers are coming and will wipe out the Nights Watch. Jon dying is perfect as he will not die fighting them and be controlled by them imo. The Red Witch will revive him, he'll leave the Watch, he's got no reason to be there. He'll gain the allegiance of the Wildlings and other Northen men and take on the WW. Lots of wishing there but i dont think its unreasonable to assume he will be back in some capacity, and not as a zombie.
White walkers are coming and will wipe out the Nights Watch. Jon dying is perfect as he will not die fighting them and be controlled by them imo. The Red Witch will revive him, he'll leave the Watch, he's got no reason to be there. He'll gain the allegiance of the Wildlings and other Northen men and take on the WW. Lots of wishing there but i dont think its unreasonable to assume he will be back in some capacity, and not as a zombie.

Considering the status of the Nights Watch right now, the wildlings can outnumber them. The wildlings plus Jon have a better chance of fighting them off than the men of the watch IMO.


Starting to think 8 seasons is where they will end it. Just feels like there is way too much to resolve by the end of Season 7. Dany encountering another tribe of Dothraki sealed the deal for me. I can't see them resolving that and getting her to Westeros all before the end of Season 6. Not with the way we know GoT likes to meander on these kinds of things. It's just too much. I'd love to see them do longer seasons but not counting on it.

If we're lucky, she'll arrive there early in Season 7, enough to set up her arrival, then all of Season 8 should be hell breaking loose.


When stannis was marching with his army and cersey put the religious guys in charge I kind of expected the war to turn into a religious one. Old gods vs. God of light. Just dawned on me that this is now over before it even started.


Starting to think 8 seasons is where they will end it. Just feels like there is way too much to resolve by the end of Season 7. Dany encountering another tribe of Dothraki sealed the deal for me. I can't see them resolving that and getting her to Westeros all before the end of Season 6. Not with the way we know GoT likes to meander on these kinds of things. It's just too much. I'd love to see them do longer seasons but not counting on it.

If we're lucky, she'll arrive there early in Season 7, enough to set up her arrival, then all of Season 8 should be hell breaking loose.

Seeing how her story line is going pretty swimmingly, at this rate she'll have the Unsullied and Dothrakis being bros and guarding her city and shit and she'll be like "Jorah, get me some boats m8." And he'll be like, "Okay sweety," and she'll be like, "Don't call me sweety," at which point she proceeds to have some PG-13 love making scene with Daario in front of Jorah and he's like, "As long as I'm in the same room as you."

Sword Familiar

178% of NeoGAF posters don't understand statistics
Seeing how her story line is going pretty swimmingly, at this rate she'll have the Unsullied and Dothrakis being bros and guarding her city and shit and she'll be like "Jorah, get me some boats m8." And he'll be like, "Okay sweety," and she'll be like, "Don't call me sweety," at which point she proceeds to have some PG-13 love making scene with Daario in front of Jorah and he's like, "As long as I'm in the same room as you."

"As long as I'm in the same room as you.", he said, as he proceeded to "polish his sword".


Gold Member
woah, she better start learning how to control them asap or we're gonna be seeing a lot more farmer's boys getting smoked

True, true...

What if Bran actually develops more into his Warg abilities when he finally captures the 3-eyed crow, and is able to control them that way?

Just a guess.
Seeing how her story line is going pretty swimmingly, at this rate she'll have the Unsullied and Dothrakis being bros and guarding her city and shit and she'll be like "Jorah, get me some boats m8." And he'll be like, "Okay sweety," and she'll be like, "Don't call me sweety," at which point she proceeds to have some PG-13 love making scene with Daario in front of Jorah and he's like, "As long as I'm in the same room as you."

"As long as I'm in the same room as you.", he said, as he proceeded to "polish his sword".

LOOOOL proceeded to polish his sword...dying.

Too funny.

Crossing Eden

Hello, my name is Yves Guillemot, Vivendi S.A.'s Employee of the Month!
I still can't believe they killed him. Weeks later, I still think about it and get sad. RIP. :(
Seriously, plot armor or not, hope he comes back, all that buildup would've been for nothing.
Like, Kit really nailed that look and feel.
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