Just saw it, very good episode. Where episode 1 was more about reminding us where every piece is on the game board, and episode 2 moved them slowly toward their intended goals, in this episode there were a lot more unexpected moves and unexpected meetings. Can't wait to see how it continues!
Some random thoughts:
-Owh look, it is that guy from Red alert 3!
-Tommen is totally going to die some gruesome way, even though he is kind of a decent guy.
- Brienne is totally going to fuck over the Stannis redemption arc, right? The scene where they finally meet is destined to end in some horrible, horrible way, no matter how it goes. It is going to be terrible to watch
- Jorah used to be one of my favorite characters, but I fear he is going to quickly destroy that goodwill. He is behaving way to emotional and not thinking straight.