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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 5 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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Am I stupid or did I hear Margaery hear calling Tommen half Stark and half Lannister ?

And Tommen is fucking 17 in real life, this is akward. Is this why we haven't seen her totally naked or does she have new no tits contract ?

Half stag, half lion, Baratheon and Lannister. Although he's not really a Baratheon obviously.


Am I stupid or did I hear Margaery hear calling Tommen half Stark and half Lannister ?

And Tommen is fucking 17 in real life, this is akward. Is this why we haven't seen her totally naked or does she have new no tits contract ?

She said half-lion, half-stag.

Anyway, the actress playing Margaery was apparently uncomfortable with the whole Tommin/Margaery storyline and asked for the writers to tone it, compared to other romance/sex storylines in the series. And since the character Tommin is only 14/15, along with the actor playing Tommin being 17, they can't put him in any sexually explicit scenes for obvious reasons.


Am I stupid or did I hear Margaery calling Tommen half Stark and half Lannister ?

And Tommen is fucking 17 in real life, this is akward. Is this why we haven't seen her totally naked or does she have new no tits contract ?
That was strange because she was really rubbing it in to Cersei but I suppose even she might have to keep up appearances and not really say anything about the rumours.

Also I'm probably sure just because the actor is 17. I just don't think Margaery really has had any other sexposition scenes since Renly.


Eh, Joffrey was psychotic as they come. Not even sure what you're arguing.

Like..... they didn't even leave BREATHING room for the viewer to consider anything other than Joffrey being an absolute psychopathic maniac, and yet some people still didn't get the message clearly.

Its a little amusing to me honestly. That character couldn't have been written any more blatantly, and the actor couldn't have portrayed his portions of the script any better than he did. Yet it totally flew over some heads.

C'mon now. Even his mother was all like "I didn't know I was raising a monster", and Cersei herself is pretty damn fucked up in the head.

Really really really silly question for everyone:

I watched half of season 3 and then all of season 4 with a friend. Then, I went back and watched most of season 1 on my own.

I haven't watched any of season 5. I have an interest in the show, but since I saw seasons 3 and 4, and pieced together enough to get what's going on, should I go back and watched seasons 1, 2, and the first half of 3 before getting into season 5 and risking the spoilers? Or, should I just say screw it and watch season 5 so far?

I'm leaning to just starting season 5.

watch the stuff you missed. Its a very dense show. Go back and just watchem, lol.


Thank you for sharing that well constructed intellectually stimulating response. It really elevates the discussion.

If that sentence offended you, then I'm sorry because that was not my intention and I should have changed the tone in that post.

What I wanted to say is that while a lot of the characters do morally ambiguous stuff, they can be differentiated from each other in terms of what the purposes of those actions are.

Tywin and Robert have questionable traits, no doubt, and what Tywin did to those infants was disgusting; but I just don't see those two anywhere close to Bolton's bastard or Joffrey. And the show does a good job at portraying this which is why I was a bit rough.

I guess every person has a different set of values and sees some of the actions taken worse than others or as worse.


If that sentence offended you, then I'm sorry because that was not my intention and I should have changed the tone in that post.

What I wanted to say is that while a lot of the characters do morally ambiguous stuff, they can be differentiated from each other in terms of what the purposes of those actions are.

Tywin and Robert have questionable traits, no doubt, and what Tywin did to those infants was disgusting; but I just don't see those two anywhere close to Bolton's bastard or Joffrey. And the show does a good job at portraying this which is why I was a bit rough.

I guess every person has a different set of values and sees some of the actions taken worse than others or as worse.

No offense taken. I respect all opinions, even those that disagree. I agree that every character on Game of Thrones is pretty ambiguous, because even the so called "good guys" have done horrible or questionable things. It's all apart of the fun of the show. :)
The opening shot into Volantis was amazing, as was this moment.




So many chills.
Stellar episode. Again pacing comments about 'slowness' make me cringe, please watch something else.

Yeah, can't understand this kind of opinions. I mean there is so much happening right now. Sansa is going to marry fucking Ramsey, Theon is remembering, the north remembers. Margaery is showing power, Cersei is trying to get the power back in a different approach and so much more.

And the most important thing, Stannis respects Jon, the nod was awesome.


Anyone else think Tyrion's capture is going to end badly for Jorah? He's a drunken mess and he seems to be heading back to someone who told him clearly that he's extremely unwelcome.

Danaerys also isn't cruel so I don't think she'll appreciate being handed a tied up dwarf, even if he is a Lannister.

I can't see this going well for Jorah.


Also, does anyone else find it weird that Jaqen is pretty much the only noteworthy person in the house of black and white? I thought this would be some kind of guild, but it looks like it's just Jaqen and a bunch of homeless people.


Stellar episode. Again pacing comments about 'slowness' make me cringe, please watch something else.

Agreed, I hate how some people (not talking about GAF in particular but every 'fan' of this show) only count deaths/violence/betrayals as huge events and worthwhile plot-points while disregarding all kinds of implications and character developments. There has been a bunch of stuff happening in this episode and a lot of information was given about what could happen next.
Agreed, I hate how some people (not talking about GAF in particular but every 'fan' of this show) only count deaths/violence/betrayals as huge events and worthwhile plot-points while disregarding all kinds of implications and character developments. There has been a bunch of stuff happening in this episode and a lot of information was given about what could happen next.

Yeah, and we've even had some pretty big death scenes so far this season, and I can't see how today's episode was slow at all. I kinda view the Margaery/Cersei talk as a battle scene. They're trying to stay one step ahead of each other and they each know what the other is trying to do. It was great.


Yeah, and we've even had some pretty big death scenes so far this season, and I can't see how today's episode was slow at all. I kinda view the Margaery/Cersei talk as a battle scene. They're trying to stay one step ahead of each other and they each know what the other is trying to do. It was great.

Yup, that scene was pretty tense because beneath all the formalities lies a war between two characters that can explode at any moment. Margaery knows she needs to get rid of Cersei and Cersei knows she has to get rid of Margaery and both know they need to use unconventional methods to do this apart from killing each other even though Cersei probably prefers that option if it was possible.

And that's just one conflict. Littlefinger and Bolton plan an alliance against the south, which is another conflict but then there is the fact that Bolton was one of the main characters responsible for the death of Cat. I can see Littlefinger trying to scheme his way through all of this and let Bolton suffer for what he did.

And then there is the Arya stuff.. her having to hide the last present she received from her dead brother was heartbreaking. Sansa becoming Ramsay's wife (!) and that wedding being the potential spot for a bloodbath, especially once Jon hears about it. Tyrion being abducted by - hey! - Jorah, the Dr.Frankenstein guy doing something to rats and so on.

That's just what I remembered and I bet I missed some stuff. The first two episodes have been good introduction and build-up episodes, but now with episode 3 everything is taking shape and I can't wait to see what will happen next.
Also, does anyone else find it weird that Jaqen is pretty much the only noteworthy person in the house of black and white? I thought this would be some kind of guild, but it looks like it's just Jaqen and a bunch of homeless people.

How do you know it's not different people who wear the Jaqen face when they talk to her?

Robot Pants

Yup, that scene was pretty tense because beneath all the formalities lies a war between two characters that can explode at any moment. Margaery knows she needs to get rid of Cersei and Cersei knows she has to get rid of Margaery and both know they need to use unconventional methods to do this apart from killing each other even though Cersei probably prefers that option if it was possible.

And that's just one conflict. Littlefinger and Bolton plan an alliance against the south, which is another conflict but then there is the fact that Bolton was one of the main characters responsible for the death of Cat. I can see Littlefinger trying to scheme his way through all of this and let Bolton suffer for what he did.

And then there is the Arya stuff.. her having to hide the last present she received from her dead brother was heartbreaking. Sansa becoming Ramsay's wife (!) and that wedding being the potential spot for a bloodbath, especially once Jon hears about it. Tyrion being abducted by - hey! - Jorah, the Dr.Frankenstein guy doing something to rats and so on.

That's just what I remembered and I bet I missed some stuff. The first two episodes have been good introduction and build-up episodes, but now with episode 3 everything is taking shape and I can't wait to see what will happen next.
Nah dude. HORRIBLE season so far.
So slow. NOTHING happening. At all.
No Danny scenes either.


That shot of Jorah crying while watching the guys with the Dany cosplayer was hilarious. I half expected Radioactive to start playing.



I'm so glad with how fast they're moving. When I saw Sansa had to go all the way to Winterfell I thought they'd spend all series on her journey, padding it out with "lessons" on scheming.

The High Sparrow is effortlessly charming. Also Jonathan Pryce looks and sounds really similar to Winterfell's old maester.

An Asian girl in GoT!
Agreed, I hate how some people (not talking about GAF in particular but every 'fan' of this show) only count deaths/violence/betrayals as huge events and worthwhile plot-points while disregarding all kinds of implications and character developments. There has been a bunch of stuff happening in this episode and a lot of information was given about what could happen next.

I think it is because of how much GoT has spoilt us with events like the Red Wedding and Oberyn vs The Mountain. When many don't get scenes like that and get great dialogue-heavy scenes instead, the episodes seem less eventful in comparison, even though dialogue and set-up is necessary to make those "eventful" moments feel climactic in the first place.


Just saw it, very good episode. Where episode 1 was more about reminding us where every piece is on the game board, and episode 2 moved them slowly toward their intended goals, in this episode there were a lot more unexpected moves and unexpected meetings. Can't wait to see how it continues!

Some random thoughts:

-Owh look, it is that guy from Red alert 3!
-Tommen is totally going to die some gruesome way, even though he is kind of a decent guy.
- Brienne is totally going to fuck over the Stannis redemption arc, right? The scene where they finally meet is destined to end in some horrible, horrible way, no matter how it goes. It is going to be terrible to watch :(
- Jorah used to be one of my favorite characters, but I fear he is going to quickly destroy that goodwill. He is behaving way to emotional and not thinking straight.


I think it is because of how much GoT has spoilt us with events like the Red Wedding and Oberyn vs The Mountain. When many don't get scenes like that and get great dialogue-heavy scenes instead, the episodes seem less eventful in comparison, even though dialogue and set-up is necessary to make those "eventful" moments feel climactic in the first place.

I think this is very true, but we must also see that the 'red wedding' episode was the 9th episode of its season and the Mountain vs Viper episode was the 8th episode of its season. There will be some major paradigm shifts later this season; that much we can tell from previous seasons.

Sure, we didn't have a Joffrey-getting-poisoned moment yet which happened early in its season, but then again that was necessary for what happened later which - to my surprise - was way more important and impactful than Joffrey's death itself. Now after episode 3 I'm completely back in the sattle as I see the amazing potential in this season.

Since season 1 Westeros is a huge clusterfuck and it just takes time for things to unfold.


Can't believe Sir Friendzone kidnapped Tyrion. No doubt it will maybe gain her favor, but it seems to me that it will just motivate Tyrion to turn the tables on him and BAM Sir Friendzone will become Sir Headless.

Do like where aria's arc is going, so many questions with it but thats good it is progressing and keeps me interested.

Of course Jon Snow is a boss, did what needed to be done and of course got that approving nod from Stanis.
Jon keeps making mistakes. Executing that guy in cold blood while he pleads for mercy is gonna do a number on morale.

No that's a good decision. He show great leader by giving a good position to whatshisname. Old guy hated Jon, but he cares for the protection of the wall and is a good warrior. Headless guy was just a conniving piece of crap, that couldn't fight at all and was just taking resources for other people,like food and clothing.

He gave the guy a different order, but he decided to talk shit to his leaders, if Jon didn't do anything he would appear weak.

He got the respect of his men and stannis. That might still come back to bite him in the ass, because in westeros, they are no action without Consequences in there.

Also he did good, requesting people from families and factions that betrayed has family. The wall needs all the men it can get.

double jump

you haven't lived until a random little kid ask you "how do you make love".
-Tommen is totally going to die some gruesome way, even though he is kind of a decent guy.

Reading this it just hit me. Cersei will probably try to kill Margaery off but it's gonna backfire and get Tommen instead.
If Jorah has kidnapped Tyrion to take him to Dany as some kind of apology, I wonder what he says when he finds out Tyrion was heading there anyway.

Poor Sansa can't catch a break can she. Although I imagine that Littlefinger (despite saying he knows little about Ramsay) would just give her to that psychopath and the Boltons without some kind of betrayal in the works. It is kind of his thing and he did mention revenge. Sansa is great for Stannis though. Lady Stark, Lady Paramount of the North, Warden(Wardeness?) of the North and Queen in the North.

Given Stannis's luck though lately I expect him to be defeated. Maybe Brienne finally gets her revenge at some point.

Great moment with Brienne and Pod. Jon Snow had a great moment too. The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword.

Fantastic episode. Not sure how anyone could complain about the pacing. So much great stuff in this episode.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Curious to know why Theon didn't want to show his face to Sansa when she was walking down the "streets" of Winterfell. I mean... he is Reek now, he shouldn't care for stuff like that. Or is there still some Theon left inside?

Also, are we finally going to get a Stark reunion after so long with Jon probably going to Winterfell? Knowing how this series goes... one of them will probably die before that happen or they will somehow manage to never see each other.


Curious to know why Theon didn't want to show his face to Sansa when she was walking down the "streets" of Winterfell. I mean... he is Reek now, he shouldn't care for stuff like that. Or is there still some Theon left inside?

Also, are we finally going to get a Stark reunion after so long with Jon probably going to Winterfell? Knowing how this series goes... one of them will probably die before that happen or they will somehow manage to never see each other.

Pretty obvious he's still in there, and feels guilty as fuck for what he did to Winterfell and the farmer's boys.

Seems to me he's just biding his time to either kill Ramsay/Roose, or escape.


Stellar episode. Again pacing comments about 'slowness' make me cringe, please watch something else.
It is slower. It's not soap opera slow, buy it is getting there. I've watched the first four seasons twice and loved them and this one is considerably slower and has done very little in the way of character growth. It has been three episodes of setting up the board for play (the last one actually had something happen though).

It seems to me that they're taking longer shots to demonstrate importance of an event. For example, the washing the corpse scene. How long was that and what did we learn?


No that's a good decision. He show great leader by giving a good position to whatshisname. Old guy hated Jon, but he cares for the protection of the wall and is a good warrior. Headless guy was just a conniving piece of crap, that couldn't fight at all and was just taking resources for other people,like food and clothing.

He gave the guy a different order, but he decided to talk shit to his leaders, if Jon didn't do anything he would appear weak.

He got the respect of his men and stannis. That might still come back to bite him in the ass, because in westeros, they are no action without Consequences in there.

Also he did good, requesting people from families and factions that betrayed has family. The wall needs all the men it can get.
I don't know dude.

That line from Stannis seem liked foreshadowing to me ("You're just like your father"). The same exact thing happened in S1 E1 and Ned got his head lopped off. Also, Rob did the same thing to one of the Karstark's and he died too.

All because of honor.
Curious to know why Theon didn't want to show his face to Sansa when she was walking down the "streets" of Winterfell. I mean... he is Reek now, he shouldn't care for stuff like that. Or is there still some Theon left inside?

Also, are we finally going to get a Stark reunion after so long with Jon probably going to Winterfell? Knowing how this series goes... one of them will probably die before that happen or they will somehow manage to never see each other.

I don't think Theon "didn't want to show his face", I think it was more of him being stunned/not knowing what to do when someone from his past who used to mean something randomly appeared.

And sadly I don't think Jon is going to Winterfell :( I wish he would, but I don't see him doing it.


Really Really Exciting Member!
I don't think Theon "didn't want to show his face", I think it was more of him being stunned/not knowing what to do when someone from his past who used to mean something randomly appeared.

And sadly I don't think Jon is going to Winterfell :( I wish he would, but I don't see him doing it.

Well... Davos did have a pretty good point when he was talking to him. Maybe that convinced him.

But if Jon, the wildlings and the Night Watch goes to Winterfell, who's left to watch the Wall against the White Walkers? Even though they probably can't do much I suppose.


Is there a gif of Alliser Thorne standing in front of Janos Slynt as if he was going to defend him, then politely moving aside? I laughed so hard when that happened.

I hope we get to see Thoros of Myr and the Brotherhood without Banners at some point this season.


And then there is the Arya stuff.. her having to hide the last present she received from her dead brother was heartbreaking. Sansa becoming Ramsay's wife (!) and that wedding being the potential spot for a bloodbath, especially once Jon hears about it. Tyrion being abducted by - hey! - Jorah, the Dr.Frankenstein guy doing something to rats and so on.

Jon Snow gave her Needle, not Robb Stark.


Is there a gif of Alliser Thorne standing in front of Janos Slynt as if he was going to defend him, then politely moving aside? I laughed so hard when that happened.

I hope we get to see Thoros of Myr and the Brotherhood without Banners at some point this season.

Casting news prior to the start of the season:
Beric won't be back at least. The actor was invited to the London premiere, but he hasn't filmed any stuff. Prior to the invite, he hadn't heard from the show-runners since he finished his stuff in S3.

Okay, this scene had me bawling. Very poignant.

Edit: In fact, lots of poignant Stark kid scenes in this episode. Still rooting for those guys the most.


I don't know dude.

That line from Stannis seem liked foreshadowing to me ("You're just like your father"). The same exact thing happened in S1 E1 and Ned got his head lopped off. Also, Rob did the same thing to one of the Karstark's and he died too.

All because of honor.

Yeah, I had the same thought when Stannis said that to him, and then when Jon Snow executed the insubordinate guy I figured that sealed his fate. Or maybe the third time's the charm and honor prevails somehow this time... But I doubt it. I think he's gonna die, at which point the Stark men's honor will have become some kind of inside joke with the audience about how bone-headed they are.
ok, so you was unintentionally playing "the tough guy". Notice how everyone else is debating their different opinions in this thread. Notice how no on other than yourself felt the need to berate an opinion they disagreed with? When you use comments like "this is the silliest complaint I've seen" you set the discussion at that level. Let's not do that. Anyway, We'll just agree to disagree. Peter is just as dangerous (if not more) than Roose Bolton.
My words may have been a bit harsh but it was the silliest point since last year that I've read. That's why everyone else who talked about it completely disagreed with you. I'm pretty open to points, especially since when I start to guess where the story tends to go, it specifically goes on the opposite direction on most occasions...

Peter is more dangerous than Roose and no one has disagreed with that. Littlefinger however has allied with her, and he has been open with her. He has been more open with her than anyone else so far in the series. It makes sense that with her current only ally she has an outburst of frustration when she has to go meet the people who killed 1/3rd of her family.. when she was living with the King who killed her father for years previously. The fact that she accepted the deal shows growth. Her smiling in front of Roose IMO is not too different from her days in S2 and later on when she puts on a front in front of (almost) everyone, since she's always played 1/2 of the game right. It's the other half that she needs to start showing if she's grown.
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