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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 5 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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I'm not being tough at all :p I just don't think it's valid. If she didn't have a reaction when talking to Littlefinger, it would have not made much sense. She acted the part when it mattered when talking to Roose.

ok, so you was unintentionally playing "the tough guy". Notice how everyone else is debating their different opinions in this thread. Notice how no on other than yourself felt the need to berate an opinion they disagreed with? When you use comments like "this is the silliest complaint I've seen" you set the discussion at that level. Let's not do that. Anyway, We'll just agree to disagree. Peter is just as dangerous (if not more) than Roose Bolton.


Not entirely sure exactly why kidnapping Tyrion and bringing him to Mareen is supposed to help Jorah Fedorah at all.


Joffery was no angel, but he's not psychotic like Ramsey

This is crazy.... He was absolutely psychotic. Literally just younger. But he was very clearly growing more demented as he aged. The only difference is Ramsey is older and has had a longer time for his lunacy to brood and blossom.

This kid killed a woman with a crossbow and ordered the murder of god knows how many INFANTS. He was psychotic....


Jon keeps making mistakes. Executing that guy in cold blood while he pleads for mercy is gonna do a number on morale.


Jon keeps making mistakes. Executing that guy in cold blood while he pleads for mercy is gonna do a number on morale.

No, it's the opposite. He's showing that he's a strong leader to his men. None of them questioned pulling him out into the yard, they knew what had to be done.


This is crazy.... He was absolutely psychotic. Literally just younger. But he was very clearly growing more demented as he aged. The only difference is Ramsey is older and has had a longer time for his lunacy to brood and blossom.

This kid killed a woman with a crossbow and ordered the murder of god knows how many INFANTS. He was psychotic....

Do you consider Tywin Lannister psychotic? Remember what he done to the Targaryan children?. Joffrey had the bastard children of Robert murdered, as a means to protect his claim to the throne. Ramsey murders out of shear pleasure. True Joffery killed a whore with a crossbow, but that's child's play to Ramsey. He (Ramsey) chased down a woman with a crossbow, and had his two dogs rip her apart. Joffrey was bad, but Ramsey is much, much worse.
Jon keeps making mistakes. Executing that guy in cold blood while he pleads for mercy is gonna do a number on Morale.

They need a strong leader, someone to follow. Like I said, once less fraidy cat. Do the job or get lost, brother.

I believe I just figure out what path Cersei is on. She's sinned. Her only remaining son is a good kid, has found love and whilst he may be naive, the last thing she can afford to is to lose him by putting a wedge between Maegery (sp) and him. So, Sparrow's life might be her out.


Do you consider Tywin Lannister psychotic? Remember what he done to the Targaryan children?. Joffrey had the bastard children of Robert murdered, as a means to protect his claim to the throne. Ramsey murders out of shear pleasure. True Joffery killed a whore with a crossbow, but that's child's play to Ramsey. He (Ramsey) chased down a woman with a crossbow, and had his two dogs rip her apart. Joffrey was bad, but Ramsey is much, much worse.

Tywin is horrible, but he did what he did to further his own goals. Joffery did stuff that was against hs best interest just because he could. He was as insane as insane could be.


Poor Sansa...although I'm not fond her, I shudder to think what the Boltons will do to her. At least they still need her name..

I think about Sansa, and it makes me think of Cersei. They both wanted to be apart of all the glitz and glamor of being royalty. Instead, they found themselves being shipped off to horrible men, like cattle. In a way, seeing Sansa's story makes me feel some sort of empathy for Cersei.

Tywin is horrible, but he did what he did to further his own goals. Joffery did stuff that was against hs best interest just because he could. He was as insane as insane could be.

Not making excuses for Joffrey, but it became known that he was a product of incest, so Robert's bastard babies had more claim to the throne than he did. He simply handled what he perceived as being a major problem. Ruthless...yes. Psychotic? Nah. Was Jamie Lannister psychotic for pushing young Bran Stark to his supposed death? No, again, he was handling what he perceived as a threat: Bran telling King Robert, he was screwing the Queen.
I think about Sansa, and it makes me think of Cersei. They both wanted to be apart of all the glitz and glamor of being royalty. Instead, they found themselves being shipped off to horrible men, like cattle. In a way, seeing Sansa's story makes me feel some sort of empathy for Cersei.
What was so horrible about Robert?


Why do people think Jorah would bring Tyrion to Cersei? He has no reason to at all.

What was so horrible about Robert?

Yeah, Robert may have been a shitty husband but he's not Joffery. Cersei is just a bitter loser and has probably always been a bit of a cunt. No sympathy for her.


What was so horrible about Robert?
A drunken adulterer, who didn't love her, but loved a dead girl. He wasn't what I call marriage material (horrible husband). However, King Robert is definitely an angel when compared to the likes of Joffrey and Ramsey Snow.


He already was pardoned and he's in love with Danny. It doesn't seem like he has much interest in money anymore.




I think about Sansa, and it makes me think of Cersei. They both wanted to be apart of all the glitz and glamor of being royalty. Instead, they found themselves being shipped off to horrible men, like cattle. In a way, seeing Sansa's story makes me feel some sort of empathy for Cersei.

Not making excuses for Joffrey, but it became known that he was a product of incest, so Robert's bastard babies had more claim to the throne than he did. He simply handled what he perceived as being a major problem. Ruthless...yes. Psychotic? Nah. Was Jamie Lannister psychotic for pushing young Bran Stark to his supposed death? No, again, he was handling what he perceived as a threat: Bran telling King Robert, he was screwing the Queen.
Eh, Joffrey was psychotic as they come. Not even sure what you're arguing. And empathy for Cersei? She's a conniving psycho who used to wish death upon her tiny baby brother while she fucked the other one. You come off as some kind of Lannister apologist.

A drunken adulterer, who didn't love her, but loved a dead girl. He wasn't what I call marriage material (horrible husband). However, King Robert is definitely an angel when compared to the likes of Joffrey and Ramsey Snow.
So Robert liked to drink, terrible man. Yet Joffrey killing every bastard in kings landing is just him looking out for himself. And love isn't a requirement of a Westerosi marriage. Their marriage was obviously political.


Eh, Joffrey was psychotic as they come. Not even sure what you're arguing. And empathy for Cersei? She's a conniving psycho who used to wish death upon her tiny baby brother while she fucked the other one. You come off as some kind of Lannister apologist.

So Robert liked to drink, terrible man. Yet Joffrey killing very bastard in kings landing is just him looking out for himself. And love isn't a requirement of a Westerosi marriage. Their marriage was obviously political.

lol, thanks for that. :)
Great episode. So many intriguing plots being put out there. Brienne on a collision course with Stannis. Arya going to get her training, eventually. Sansa marrying Ramsay. God knows what he will end up doing to her. Shudder to think of the possibilities. But then again, she has her foot back in Winterfell with Stannis on the way. Will she end up queen to Stannis?

And that ending! Never would of thought that was going to happen. But Tyrion is foolish and still thinks himself invincible, or he's just a plain fool for not listening.

Snow is doing what needs to be done to solidify himself as the Commander. How can he be taken seriously if his first command is spit back at him and he is insulted as well. Whining and crying shouldn't obsolve you of that sort of stupidity.

All in all, great episode. Can we all just say, " it's good to be a King? ". Good lord

Oh and you just know Margaery was waiting a long time to finally be able to stick it to Cersei. But of course she jabs in just the right manner as to not be overly insulting and obvious. Great scene that was
Really curious to see what will happen when Sansa finally realizes Theon is there. Outside of his sister it'll pretty much be his first interaction with someone he knows since he was flayed. And I imagine he was much closer to Sansa than he was Yara.
Tonight's episode really hit them 'feels'. Pretty much everyone that had not made a chess move yet, made it. Dat character development.

Love Arya and Jon's story line. But I am most intrigued by how Brienne's will turn out at this point. Have not read the books. But she's been setup to fail thus far, she's desperate to prove herself at the right time.


Switching gears from the Horrible vs Psychotic debate, I got to mention how Jon Snow's story is coming along. I'm loving how things are now finally starting to fall into place for him. Starting off as a lowly bastard, to now being the Lord Commander of the Knight's Watch is quite a feat. I never really cared for his story, but this season has earned my interest in what happens next, for him. Him grabbing the sword and beheading that oath breaker was so much like Ned Stark. And by oath-breaker, he openly disobeyed an order of the Lord Commander. "The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword." *chills*
Really really really silly question for everyone:

I watched half of season 3 and then all of season 4 with a friend. Then, I went back and watched most of season 1 on my own.

I haven't watched any of season 5. I have an interest in the show, but since I saw seasons 3 and 4, and pieced together enough to get what's going on, should I go back and watched seasons 1, 2, and the first half of 3 before getting into season 5 and risking the spoilers? Or, should I just say screw it and watch season 5 so far?

I'm leaning to just starting season 5.
Really really really silly question for everyone:

I watched half of season 3 and then all of season 4 with a friend. Then, I went back and watched most of season 1 on my own.

I haven't watched any of season 5. I have an interest in the show, but since I saw seasons 3 and 4, and pieced together enough to get what's going on, should I go back and watched seasons 1, 2, and the first half of 3 before getting into season 5 and risking the spoilers? Or, should I just say screw it and watch season 5 so far?

I'm leaning to just starting season 5.

Dear god, watch it in order. Go back and start at the beginning, rewatching the ones you've already seen until you're up to date. Although you've probably spoiled all the best parts anyway by watching it that way.


Really really really silly question for everyone:

I watched half of season 3 and then all of season 4 with a friend. Then, I went back and watched most of season 1 on my own.

I haven't watched any of season 5. I have an interest in the show, but since I saw seasons 3 and 4, and pieced together enough to get what's going on, should I go back and watched seasons 1, 2, and the first half of 3 before getting into season 5 and risking the spoilers? Or, should I just say screw it and watch season 5 so far?

I'm leaning to just starting season 5.

If you haven't watched any of season 5...then you are really risking being spoiled by entering a thread discussing season 5. I recommend start watching from season 1 through 4 before seeing any of season 5. Also, you may want to stand clear of any internet threads discussing Game of Thrones, until you've done so.
Dear god, watch it in order. Go back and start at the beginning, rewatching the ones you've already seen until you're up to date. Although you've probably spoiled all the best parts anyway by watching it that way.

Watch all of it dude.

If you haven't watched any of season 5...then you are really risking being spoiled by entering a thread discussing season 5. I recommend start watching from season 1 through 4 before seeing any of season 5. Also, you may want to stand clear of any internet threads discussing Game of Thrones, until you've done so.

When I watched half of season 3 and all of 4, all I knew of the show was "oh man, is it violent and full of nudity and oh, did I mention it is violet!".

But, watching those 15 or so episode did I notice that it is an actually well shot and directed show. That is the only reason why I went back to start season 1.

I'll take your views and finish season 1 and 2 and the first half of 3. I don't have enough time time to rewatch all of 3 and 4, but I remember what happens in those episodes.

I didn't watch for the plot (because I missed half the show before I saw the rest of 3 and 4, and quite frankly it was against my will to see this later season episode) and I watch for the craft and direction.

Thanks for the replies! I'll try to finish season 1 and 2 this week and weekend.


When I watched half of season 3 and all of 4, all I knew of the show was "oh man, is it violent and full of nudity and oh, did I mention it is violet!".

But, watching those 15 or so episode did I notice that it is an actually well shot and directed show. That is the only reason why I went back to start season 1.

I'll take your views and finish season 1 and 2 and the first half of 3. I don't have enough time time to rewatch all of 3 and 4, but I remember what happens in those episodes.

I didn't watch for the plot (because I missed half the show before I saw the rest of 3 and 4, and quite frankly it was against my will to see this later season episode) and I watch for the craft and direction.

Thanks for the replies! I'll try to finish season 1 and 2 this week and weekend.

Awesome! You won't be sorry. Each season sets things into motion that plays out in later seasons. :)
Awesome! You won't be sorry. Each season sets things into motion that plays out in later seasons. :)

It's strange. I was (season 1 spoilers)
oh, hey, that's how the kid wasn't able to walk and was carried all throughout season 3 and 4
after watching the first 1 or 2 episodes. And, I really liked king's slayer (I'm bad with names on this show because of how I watch it) so it was strange to see his early beginnings.


Man, some of the descriptions here about certain characters are dumb as hell.

Joffrey and Ramsay harm and kill others because a) they can and b) more important they enjoy having power over another person's life. Those two are garbage-tier if we speak about morals and ethics.

Tywin did some insane shit as well, but at least he does it to keep things balanced in King's Landing. He's someone who views the traditions, history and legacy of his family as the most important thing and does everything to not harm it. A shitty father and cold-blooded leader, but not a insane psychopath like those two above them.

And Robert? He was a shitty husband, that's it, and no way near on the levels mentioned above.

Why didn't Tyrion sleep with the girl in the brothel? Why did he hesitate?

I assume either he was reminded of Shae or he grew out of this habit since he realized that it leads to nowhere other than to a short burst of happiness. Thinking it's the former though; Shae was skeptical as well and shared similar looks.
It's strange. I was (season 1 spoilers)
oh, hey, that's how the kid wasn't able to walk and was carried all throughout season 3 and 4
after watching the first 1 or 2 episodes. And, I really liked king's slayer (I'm bad with names on this show because of how I watch it) so it was strange to see his early beginnings.

You don't have to use spoilers for previous seasons
Am I stupid or did I hear Margaery calling Tommen half Stark and half Lannister ?

And Tommen is fucking 17 in real life, this is akward. Is this why we haven't seen her totally naked or does she have new no tits contract ?
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