Also "making sense" is not really the point anyway.
What was the point then?
Also "making sense" is not really the point anyway.
What was the point then?
He is not smart or tactical. He is foolishly idealistic and thought he could take the risk. Its actually pretty consistent with his character. I think we're learning that he is actually a better fighter than leader. You could see the look on Davos' face when Jon ran in. I doubt he will ever follow Jon into battle again.
Did he really didnt know about the little girl fate? I thought he knew that already
I was expecting a Braveheart moment when the Umber forces just simply ally with Jon but...yeah....the horror
Jon isn't happy about his own resurrection, it wouldn't make sense for him to want her to bring him back and impose on Rickon whatever height Jon in feeling.It's a small thing, but when Rickon's body was recovered and brought to Jon, I was really surprised he didn't immediately run to Melisandre and demand she bring him back. She would have no doubt refused or it wouldn't work, but that seemed like a very Jon thing to do. Or at least have Sansa question if he could be brought back.
He knew she died, but he didn't know she was sacrificed to the red god. His blame would have been against Ramsay Bolton, but now he realizes the red woman was the reason she died.
Establishing Dany's strength and how her enemies wooden ships are powerless. It's not about it being a fight.
I don't fault him for rushing after his brother, it's when he decided to then rush ahead alone afterwards. He led his smaller army out of their entrenched position and had it not been for the Knights of the Vale that would've been their demise. He fell right into Ramsay's trap.It wasn't "idiocy", otherwise he wouldn't have saved the day at the Wall, or Hardhome among others.
Now don't get me wrong, he is no tactical genius, but there are far more to his decision to rush mid field than being "an idiot".
First, it's his younger brother. He feels that if there is any chance of saving him at all, it's worth it.
Second, he is a man who in the first place feels he has little to nothing to live for, and is eager to sacrifice himself "for the greater good". For a purpose (cf the attempt on Mance's life).
Last, rushing toward Ramsay's force in an attempt (desperate) to kill Ramsay himself was all they could do anyway. If he could lead the charge and protect Rickon with his own body if need be, that would be a win in his book.
I am somewhat surprised at the number of people on this board who tend to pass out selfless deeds or "heroic" actions with little chances to succeed as stupid, while praising the backstabbing, betraying, conniving and amoral characters to no end frankly.
I don't fault him for rushing after his brother, it's when he decided to then rush ahead alone afterwards. He led his smaller army out of their entrenched position and had it not been for the Knights of the Vale that would've been their demise. He fell right into Ramsay's trap.
He avoided the rain of arrows by specifically charging FORWARD after Rickon was shot, that marked the point where he truly understood what Ramsay's score was and acted against it. Turning back to regroup would have been his death, guaranteed.
It's like getting the best gift you didnt know you wantedforget the battle, this episode was all about that Yara/Dany sexual tension
I'm talking about the minds of the Masters to betray the peace agreement. They wouldn't have started the fight without thinking they could win, yet gave up very easily.
I already know the show writers want Dany to be established as the most powerful (living) force in the universe.
Yup, it was a lose/lose situation, the moment he ran off to Rickon and didnt stop was the moment he feel into Ramsay trap. After Rickon died it was too late, that's why Ramsay waited so long to kill him.
You've ignored all the posts including part of mine answering why the master thought they could win. The dragons were not a factor.
Also it's not about being the strongest force ever, it's about her controling her three dragons as a single force.
You've ignored all the posts including part of mine answering why the master thought they could win. The dragons were not a factor.
Also it's not about being the strongest force ever, it's about her controling her three dragons as a single force.
all of you saying "oh Jon is a dumbass!"
er, yeah.
the whole point of this episode is Sansa Knew Better. the whole episode serves to finally turn her into the woman she's been threatening to be for a while. she knew Jon would be baited by Ramsay and she was there to save his sorry arse with the Vale troops. his foolish way is exemplified to serve her character development.
the final scene exists to drives it all home, it ends on her victorious face intentionally. ultimately it wasn't the most thematically deep episode - this was the Shit Finally Happens episode, the big noisy turning of the cog that drowns out the sound of the other gears turning - but that was pretty clear to see
interesting to see where she goes from here
Daenery's conquest of Westeros will be the most onesided thing ever.
10000 Dothraki + god knows how many Unsullied + most likely the entire Dorne army + 100 ships and a sizable portion of the ironborn army + 3 dragons
Who's gonna stand up to that? Especially with the Lannisters and Tyrells having their own crisis going on
Daenery's conquest of Westeros will be the most onesided thing ever.
10000 Dothraki + god knows how many Unsullied + most likely the entire Dorne army + 100 ships and a sizable portion of the ironborn army + 3 dragons
Who's gonna stand up to that? Especially with the Lannisters and Tyrells having their own crisis going on
Knees will be bent when Dany arrives.
Knees will be bent when Dany arrives.
Made a couple gifs:
Gifv version.
gif Credit to Reddit.
What an amazing shot. Going to have to rewatch this ep again tonight.
Daenery's conquest of Westeros will be the most onesided thing ever.
10000 Dothraki + god knows how many Unsullied + most likely the entire Dorne army + 100 ships and a sizable portion of the ironborn army + 3 dragons
Who's gonna stand up to that? Especially with the Lannisters and Tyrells having their own crisis going on
If the dragons weren't a factor for the masters then they are idiots plain and simple.
That is one of the reasons why Danny's storyline sucks, she hasn't ever met even a semi-decent opponent, just a row of idiots, who all apparently forget that dragons breathe fire.
First there was the stupid warlock who allowed himself to get burned to a crisp by baby dragons, then there was the stupid master who for some reason had a dragon chained and flying and his ass burnt, and now these 3 idiots who had their fleet burnt by these same dragons.
Danny escaped their assassins by riding a dragon, if you are going to a negotiation with that same woman and not even think for a second "oh wait dragons" then you are an incompetent moron.
Danny has the strongest army in the show, there is no need to further handicap her opponents by making them stupid.
At least have the masters have a plan for taking out the dragon that fails, don't just make them shit their pants
Daenerys has spent six seasons preparing to invade Westeros, and by the time she arrives she'd have been able to just literally walk in with her dragons almost unopposed.Daenery's conquest of Westeros will be the most onesided thing ever.
10000 Dothraki + god knows how many Unsullied + most likely the entire Dorne army + 100 ships and a sizable portion of the ironborn army + 3 dragons
Who's gonna stand up to that? Especially with the Lannisters and Tyrells having their own crisis going on
I'm pretty sure there's already a mod for this in one of the Total War games, I think it's foe Medieval 2? I remember hearing some good things about it.Anyone else want a Total War: Game of Thrones game?
I thought Jon resurrection would had renewed her faith, but her wounds were deeper than that I suppose. She might not even believe she was the one that brought him back to the living.So is the red witches reluctance when talking to Snow about her God of light a sign that her belief is still shaken? She was very reserved and almost critical now when talking about the lord of light.
Rickon running in a straight line across the battlefield is bothering much more than it should me.
I'm pretty sure there's already a mod for this in one of the Total War games, I think it's foe Medieval 2? I remember hearing some good things about it.
EDIT;Yeah, there's a Westeros:War of the Five Kings mod for Medieval 2:Total War, it's looks interesting, I might download it and try it out later on.
Daenery's conquest of Westeros will be the most onesided thing ever.
10000 Dothraki + god knows how many Unsullied + most likely the entire Dorne army + 100 ships and a sizable portion of the ironborn army + 3 dragons
Who's gonna stand up to that? Especially with the Lannisters and Tyrells having their own crisis going on
Are people forgetting Jon's leadership in the battle at the wall vs the wildlings? He was really good then. This ep, like others have said, was to show Sansa has smartened up and knows what she's doing (or does she?) Jon is a better fighter than leader, but I think he will still develop more into that role.
Jon is really impulsive and foolish with his choices, but it really bugs me that Sansa withheld the info about the Vale army.
It likely means that Littlefinger asked her to do as much so that he would hold all the cards in terms of military force when he rides in to save the day and mop up the remainders.
More is going to be revealed on that end. Don't be surprised if it turns out that Littlefinger demands to marry Sansa in exchange for keeping their military support in the interim months.
The masters aren't stupid for not factoring in the dragons, the Masters are financing the Sons of the Harpies, and Daenerys chained her dragons up and then fled the city. Not only would they not have to factor in the dragons, they didn't even need to factor in Daenerys because she hadn't even returned until the siege was already well underway.
Geography, how does it work?
Serpentine! Serpentine!!
So is the red witches reluctance when talking to Snow about her God of light a sign that her belief is still shaken? She was very reserved and almost critical now when talking about the lord of light.
Hand shaking should be the new thing.
Pff not a true fanatic then, high sparrow for the next high priest of light, he could burn children all day and with a calm voice and smileMaybe the sounds and smells of Shireen burning alive are keeping her awake at night.
This shot man...the music, the tension. Holy shit.