Is HBO Now on PC working for anyone else? I can log in but can't click on anything I want to watch.
That happens sometimes, just keep closing and opening the website and it'll eventually let you click on stuff.
Is HBO Now on PC working for anyone else? I can log in but can't click on anything I want to watch.
That happens sometimes, just keep closing and opening the website and it'll eventually let you click on stuff.
Anyone know the name of the musical track that plays when the cavalry is rushing Jon??
Loved how Jon went full Kratos on Ramsay. He didn't want to stop pressing circle.
Shireen was a flower in a shit world but her death seems more and more necessary. Not only did it melt the snows which allowed Mel to get to The Wall in time to save Jon, it also got Stannis to Winterfell, which informed how Ramsay approached this battle--afterall the Vale wouldn't have made a lick of difference against 6000 men repelling a siege behind the walls. Plus you could also argue that her death was what paid for Jon's life, which fits one of the oldest mantras on the show.
lol what? Cersei ripped a piece of paper. She's a dumbass. Her actions allowed Ned to get killed, which started a huge war against the Starks. The only reason she's not dead is because she's had more capable people saving her dumbass.What are Cersei's major blunders besides giving the High Sparrow/Faith Militant authority? And while that plan ultimately back fired, due to her dropping her guard more than anything else, it did precisely what it was supposed to, which was oust the Tyrells and put her back in a position of influence. It doesn't negate multiple seasons of her making some of the most impactful moves we've seen on the show. She's absolutely one of the best players of the game.
Considering it happened the next morning, we do know.Volimar said:We don't even know if it was the sacrifice that caused the warm up.
We don't even know if it was the sacrifice that caused the warm up.
I need confirmation this most badass lady is alive with all her 62 men. I was literally screaming when they showed that shot of her due to pure badassory.
Anyone know the name of the musical track that plays when the cavalry is rushing Jon??
Another one of my favorite shots from the episode.
Also gaf imma need a HQ screen cap of Jon going all leeeeroy jenkins with his longclaw in front of that horde of bolton horsemen. I need that as a iPad wallpaper TY in advance.
I've seen some people asking for hi-res photos from last night's episode, so I've made a Dropbox album of all the official publicity photos sent out by HBO. It includes some great shots.
Starting to think both Cersei and Tommen are dying next week. I don't see how Cersei's story really can go much farther, but I could see Jamie's going a lot farther if he's no longer tied down to Cersei.
Loved how Jon went full Kratos on Ramsay. He didn't want to stop pressing circle.
What are Cersei's major blunders besides giving the High Sparrow/Faith Militant authority? And while that plan ultimately back fired, due to her dropping her guard more than anything else, it did precisely what it was supposed to, which was oust the Tyrells and put her back in a position of influence. It doesn't negate multiple seasons of her making some of the most impactful moves we've seen on the show. She's absolutely one of the best players of the game.
didn't Yara give her father shit about not being a greyjoy and abandoning all the things that her family is known for? it only took a few seconds for her to do exactly that lol
So, was this shot in the same way as that Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy tarmac scene, or was the green screen you reckon? It kinda looks like the former.
Her other option was get killed by Euron though.
I wouldn't say she is one of the best plotters, as she has a tendancy to let her need to strike back and her pettiness overshadow her reasoning, while she can be an effective one in the short term.Do you mean Cercei is one of the best plotters on the show for the audience? Because that I can kind of see as she's entertaining. If you think she's actually a good plotter and has good foresight then I'm going to have to disagree. She only sees what's directly in front of her and that's come back to haunt her.
A cool little touch that Reddit noticed:
The shield Jon uses is a Mormont shield.
Exactly like me!Anyone else holding their breath, waiting for the Starks to get too cocky around Ramsey?
I totally expected Ramsey to shank Jon while up close. Or for Sansa to show a moment of kindness and get headbutted for it. Something like that.
Thank god they just killed him and moved on.
She's been getting away with it because her brother and in particular her father can protect her whenever she does something moronic. There's a reason both of them told her she's not as smart as she thinks she is, because she isn't good enough to play with the big boys.I wouldn't say she is one of the best plotters, as she has a tendancy to let her need to strike back and her pettiness overshadow her reasoning, while she can be an effective one in the short term.
She has certainly manipulated and orchestrated her fair share of BS that until recently she was (mostly) getting away with.
But for a while now, it also seems that Karma really is a bitch with her, justly so.
Thirion this episode :
Some people still won't see it coming next week lol
Thirion this episode :
It's reasons like these why I dont watch the "previously on" and skip right to the beginning of the show. I guess they have to do it for the mass audience but man it's so heavy handed having to add these bits in for people who aren't paying attention entirely.
Episode blew my mind btw. I'm curious how much of this episode came from GRRM.
Going to rewatch tonight it was that good.
I too as waiting for the dragons to dive in a wide arc across the boats, destroying most of them in a single breath.
Was kind of surprised when that didn't happen. Its sort of a classic dragons-destroying-armies thing to do.
Dany was badass as hell this ep. Really glad to finally see the dragons wreck the shit out of an army. I'm glad they brought Tyrion and Varys to Mereen and made the plotline interesting
But they only destroyed like two ships (although I guess that was part of the plan) and it took them forever the take down those two ships. We still haven't seen the dragons really tear shit up.
But they only destroyed like two ships (although I guess that was part of the plan) and it took them forever the take down those two ships. We still haven't seen the dragons really tear shit up.