I had to smile at how Ramsey gets at everyone. He doesn't give a shit.Wasn't thrilled about Rikkon's death either.
I had to smile at how Ramsey gets at everyone. He doesn't give a shit.Wasn't thrilled about Rikkon's death either.
All good points. I just wish they didn't frame Sansa as the smart, level-headed one who won the battle.
I know this is what they are going for but it came across to be of being vengeful and complete disregard for Jon. Realistically, I would expect Jon and their allies to not forgive her for withholding information from them. That other Lord was pissed off that Robb used their men for his wars and pissed away their lives, Sansa did pretty much the same. She used Rickon to get Jon to fight, but then didn't care for his death. If Ramsey only got men out of fear, having a better parity of numbers may have got some of them to defect. They got lucky LF arrived at the right time.
Thats how i initially read it but ive come around to Sansa point of view after mulling it over. Had she told Jon about the Vale reinforcements their plan of attack on Ramsey would have altered and Ramsey would have adjusted accordingly.
Btw who were those flayed guys tied to the burning crosses before the battle?
I had to smile at how Ramsey gets at everyone. He doesn't give a shit.
Wasn't thrilled about Rikkon's death either.
The least surprising death in GoT.
Who else was yelling "serpantine" at him?
Probably the only thing I didn't care much for in the episode.Wasn't thrilled about Rikkon's death either.
Damn, Jon paid a great price to capture Winterfell. Now he's got no army to fight the Walkers. I bet Petyr will want Sansa to marry him now. He's also gonna want Jon dead, I'm sure. There's still the matter of the crown's role in all this. I truly suspect Tommen will want to make amends to the Starks, but someone will have to declare Jon a legitimate Stark.
This is what Ned discovers. Littlefinger hints at it to help him figure it out. "He began asking the wrong questions."Never read the books so this is just from the show but my understanding was basically Jon Arryn whose death begins the series figured out the "Baratheon" children were not Robert's. He then tracks down the bastards that could be legitimized but before he can present this evidence and have Robert if he listens disown those children and legitamize a true heir Cersei and Jaime find out and kill him.
This is what Ned discovers. Littlefinger hints at it to help him figure it out. "He began asking the wrong questions."
But we later find out (just before he pushes her out of the moon door) that Lysa Arran had her husband killed. Littlefinger convinced her to do it. The whole thing was his plan to pit the great houses against each other so he could take advantage of the chaos.
yeah I forgot that until I saw a later post, that was a much later revalation and I feel like an idiot for forgetting it. Even with that though the fact the king can legitamize a bastard in no way makes season 1 impossible.This is what Ned discovers. Littlefinger hints at it to help him figure it out. "He began asking the wrong questions."
But we later find out (just before he pushes her out of the moon door) that Lysa Arran had her husband killed. Littlefinger convinced her to do it. The whole thing was his plan to pit the great houses against each other so he could take advantage of the chaos.
For Overwatch fans, Jon Snow got play of the game.
Ramsay won me over in the scene where Winterfell was breached lmao. "Ok, I've reconsidered" :lol
Is there a gif anywhere of Melisandre's shit eating grin at the Stark banners being raised?
Why the hell would Ramsay shoot Wun Wun when Jon was standing right next to him and he had a clean shot?
Ramsay knew it wouldn't work. Jon dodged how many waves of mass arrows? Even with his archery there was no way he was punching through Jon's plot armor.Why the hell would Ramsay shoot Wun Wun when Jon was standing right next to him and he had a clean shot?
The part where he goes to save him is understandable. The part where he charges the entire army like he's going to solo them is the asinine part.
Why the hell would Ramsay shoot Wun Wun when Jon was standing right next to him and he had a clean shot?
Why the hell would Ramsay shoot Wun Wun when Jon was standing right next to him and he had a clean shot?
If you remove Jon being lucky and being able to survive this battle and make the battle for "realistic" then this episode is much less interesting because now we no longer follow Jon through the battle, now Jon stays in the back and watches the battle. Sometimes you gotta sacrifice a bit of realism for the sakes of better storytelling and sometimes you gotta let characters do something "dumb" because they're not always going to be calm and do the smart thing.
I wish this episode was 60fps
The CGI team wouldn't be thrilled.
I'm a bit disappointed how they handled Rickkon. He was gone, did some stuff we'll never know, he died.
60 FPS at 4k res.
Yeah.. That protection from lord of light and the almighty creator George is just too much.Jon didn't even dodge arrows. They were landing around him. That dude is protected.
It just means you're jaded. Embrace it or live in denial anguish.
I was thinking "please don't die" during the cavalry charge, when he was trapped under the bodies, and when he was hovering over Ramsay (Mountain vs. Oberyn trauma). I went into the battle almost certain Jon would be okay, but ended up being a nervous mess for almost all of it.
Amazing episode, those were some tense 60 minutes and it was beautifully shot.
Now what's the chance of Jon and Sansa giving Tormund all of the Umbers castle and lands, he did kill the current lord and I wonder whats gonna happen with the karstarks as well.
People calling Tormund "my lord" would be the funniest shit.