His shit?"Davos loses something dear" lol
His shit?"Davos loses something dear" lol
I would love to see Cersei try to talk shit to Littlefinger again only to realize the guy now has more power than she does.;___;
but-but i love it when the brainy ones fight
that time when Varys and Littlefinger and Tyrion were plotting and pushing and jostling against each other in Kings Landing was fun
Holy shit, this is too good. Put in my favorites.For Overwatch fans, Jon Snow got play of the game.
Same here. I'd love to watch a video on the behind-the-scenes of the battle from this episode.Yup, as soon as they were surrounded, I instantly thought of Carlin talking about that battle and how men would suffocate and die in the crush of bodies.
In the end, all I care about is that Tormund survived. If he died, I might've cried myself to sleep tonight.I might be mistaken but I think people enjoy this episode.
He found his deer.His shit?
For Overwatch fans, Jon Snow got play of the game.
Wun Wun got robbed.
I really can't stand her anymore either, but episode 9 she was much more bearable than previous episodes. I like her when she is being open-minded and listens to others around her, like she did with Tyrion. That's a Dany I can get behind and enjoy.I was kinda surprised that people liked Dany's parts in the episode. Good for them but I am just so over her bullshit. Everything she does feels cringe-worthy to me. I have had enough of her 'speeches' and her 'maah dragons!' and her dragons swooping in and shit.
More like he's going to seduce her. That guy has intense levels of swag.Sansa is going to seduce the little Vale dipshit isn't she?
Great capture.
Did he? Fair enough.
That does then question the plot line in S01 around Robert's kids being illegitimate. As the king, couldn't he just degree they're Baratheons?
Of course.He found his deer.
Oh you mean like how she blatantly told Jon that Rickon was dead without a single emotion on her face? This is a different Sansa. Do you think Ned Stark would have fed Joffrey to dogs?
For Overwatch fans, Jon Snow got play of the game.
This gif has already tallied up 628 GB of bandwidth since I posted it 13 hours ago.
Not bad. Some French website plopped it in their recap article, which outpaced hits from Neogaf.
Fire bringing life and ice bringing death
I really can't stand her anymore either, but episode 9 she was much more bearable than previous episodes. I like her when she is being open-minded and listens to others around her, like she did with Tyrion. That's a Dany I can get behind and enjoy.
This gif has already tallied up 628 GB of bandwidth since I posted it 13 hours ago.
Not bad. Some French website plopped it in their recap article, which outpaced hits from Neogaf.
So what exactly was this scene?
I know he is going out for a walk because he doesn't sleep before battle, is it some sort of vision he is having?
So what exactly was this scene?
I know he is going out for a walk because he doesn't sleep before battle, is it some sort of vision he is having?
Are the next 2 seasons confirmed 7 and 6 episodes? Or is that still a strong rumor?
this battle was also yet again resolved with a Deus ex Machina.
That's not a Deux Ex Machina. That's narrative payoff. What had been established for several episodes (Sansa gathering additional forces and help from Littlefinger and the Vale) comes to fruition here (those additional forces coming to help)Really enjoyed the the most part. It was particularly well shot and there was real tension in the scenes leading up to the winterfell battle, which was suitably intense. Khaleesi continues to just be the most uninteresting character though, and her Deus ex dragons and fuck yeah moments resolving all the shitty situations she gets herself into is pretty tiresome. The westeros stuff is so much better, even though this battle was also yet again resolved with a Deus ex Machina.
It can't be deus ex machina if it was set up.
That's not a Deux Ex Machina. That's narrative payoff. What had been established for several episodes (Sansa gathering additional forces and help from Littlefinger and the Vale) comes to fruition here (those additional forces coming to help)
So why didn't Wun Wun have any armor?
A giant would be so much more effective with armor, a huge shield and a sword
Necessary to defeat Ramsey. Otherwise, you have a still-outnumbered army facing Ramsey's larger army that has more time to prepare and adapt.It was set up but it still felt like a writer's crutch to get the underdogs out of a tricky situation by having the dramatic perfectly timed save by the sweeping army. I'm not saying you can never do that, but this show has played that card too many times (both major conflicts this episode are resolved this way, and no ice/fire mirroring symbolism is not a valid excuse for it) and its just not a very dramatically I nteresting way of resolving conflicts.
So not technically a deus ex machina, but it did feel like a lazy way out. Especially with Sansa totally withholding any information from John and letting him run practically to his death without telling him about the backup army that is likely to come just as a means of keeping us in suspense.
Same here. I'd love to watch a video on the behind-the-scenes of the battle from this episode.
Necessary to defeat Ramsey. Otherwise, you have a still-outnumbered army facing Ramsey's larger army that has more time to prepare and adapt.
It's brutal, and sacrifices many men, but Sansa's tactical maneuver allowed them to catch Ramsey's forces completely unaware.
Again, this ties back to Ramsey's "part of me" line. He sacrificed his own men to trap Jon's forces. She sacrificed her own men to ambush Ramsey's forces. She's grown emotionally detached, and ruthless, to survive and win
The cinematography is so.damn goos in this show.
This episode might have been the greatest thing ever. Everything about it was just so good.
For Overwatch fans, Jon Snow got play of the game.
I tried to count how many people Jon kills during the battle on my 2nd time watching, and I stopped at around 20 because it was too hard to keep up. I'm guessing it was close to 30. And there were people in this thread saying he wasn't a good warrior?? Knuckleheaded general, sure, but as a warrior he's a badass. And after all that fighting, getting crushed, and then running half a mile to the castle, he still shield bashes Ramsey in the throat and beats the shit out of him.For Overwatch fans, Jon Snow got play of the game.
This gif has already tallied up 628 GB of bandwidth since I posted it 13 hours ago.
Not bad. Some French website plopped it in their recap article, which outpaced hits from Neogaf.
That scene with Davos at the grave with his cloak flowing out against the sunrise was fucking awesome too.
what program did you use I made a shittier version... didn't get the fps right either??? its 50mb so im posting a link
I use GifCam for Windows (the site appears to be down right now, hopefully just temporary, I'd only trust this link directly to the creator though as other places might bundle it with shady stuff).
So can we all agree this has been an overall great season so far? It has completely washed the bad taste of last season out of my mouth. I just pray episode 10 doesnt fuck it up.