From reddit.
Moving on, I'm just waiting for someone to photoshop John Travolta into the scene where the horses clash and Jon is just looking around lol.
They did what I asked! Now they just need to replace Jon completely lol.
From reddit.
Moving on, I'm just waiting for someone to photoshop John Travolta into the scene where the horses clash and Jon is just looking around lol.
cool the same director as that awesome battle in season 5 directing next weeks ep as well.
lol I guess I just dont know how to use it lol Kappa
use the same program...i got the most recent updated one too... I used 23 fps using 24 looked to fast guess I'll play with it alittle more.
From reddit.
Strong rumor, last we heard was one of the GoT directors who said he believed next season was gonna be 7 episodes. At this point I'd be surprised if it was a ten episode season but nothing has been confirmed so it's possible things changed.
It can't be deus ex machina if it was set up.
From reddit.
So what's Sansa's and Jon's plan here?
Are they still shooting for independence from the iron throne? Is Sansa the Queen in the North?
I feel like this is something they've done a lot better with this season---not relying on shock value. Unless I'm forgetting something in particular this season.It's better than last season thanks to much less Dorne but the writing is still terrible. The show writers appear to favor shock value over characterization. I'd say it's an average season with great episodes like the Door, Battle of the Bastards and hopefully the finale.
I feel like they went out of their way to make Jon look more incompetent than previous seasons have made him out to be, and I'm confused. What really drove me crazy was Sansa saying over-and-over how he needed more people. When Jon finally tells her he has asked anyone there is to ask, what honestly could Sansa logically counter with? But the scene is framed and written in a way to still make Jon come off like a horse's ass, when instead he needed to come off like a desperate man with no other options---especially considering Sansa was the one who pushed him to this battle in the first place.Man, Jon Snow is a garbage leader and a terrible general, like, Robert E. Lee at Gettysburg terrible (and no, you don't get to blame George Pickett, that's revisionist bullshit).
But unlike Lee, he had Carcetti come and save his useless ass.
Between that bullshit and Rickon inability to run in zig zag pattern the Starks have proven themselves unfit to rule. Sean Bean them all. #TeamPirateLady
Everything at the actual battle itself though I completely agree went to show how incompetent of a battle leader he is.
Hrm. This is actually a good point.Man, everyone's hating on Jon Snow.
He made it clear in his war council how important he thought morale would be in the battle (Stark's honor vs Bolton's fear, and all that). Wouldn't be great for morale for the commander to hide behind his lines while his brother gets shot. And even once Rickon's dead, it wouldn't be great to start the battle off by fleeing back to his lines.
He made a hot-headed decision, but it's not like he had other good options.
It would've been less frustrating if the writing didn't seem so forcibly one-sided. Sansa getting upset no one asked for her insight...while she was in the room and could've spoken up. At any point. Then she gets grumpy no one asked. Suck up your pride and speak up! But again, it's all written like Jon is an ass.The one point Sansa just rams home is "DON'T DO WHAT RAMSEY WANTS YOU TO DO!" and Jon still gets played like a fucking fiddle.
Truly frustrating to watch.
The one point Sansa just rams home is "DON'T DO WHAT RAMSEY WANTS YOU TO DO!" and Jon still gets played like a fucking fiddle.
Truly frustrating to watch.
Man, everyone's hating on Jon Snow.
He made it clear in his war council how important he thought morale would be in the battle (Stark's honor vs Bolton's fear, and all that). Wouldn't be great for morale for the commander to hide behind his lines while his brother gets shot. And even once Rickon's dead, it wouldn't be great to start the battle off by fleeing back to his lines.
He made a hot-headed decision, but it's not like he had other good options.
But the alternate is to let Ramsay murder Rickon without Jon not doing a damn thing, is that the type of character we want Jon to be?
Episode was amazing, that battle had me at the edge of my seat. Jon made some boneheaded moves, it's almost like he wants to die (again).
And maybe this is true? Maybe he did want to die again. He seems rather depressed and aimless this season. At some point he is going to need a re-awakening of some sort. Something to give him purpose. Surely it will be the threat of the white walkers.Episode was amazing, that battle had me at the edge of my seat. Jon made some boneheaded moves, it's almost like he wants to die (again).
I just saw this. Appreciate the post.
The one point Sansa just rams home is "DON'T DO WHAT RAMSEY WANTS YOU TO DO!" and Jon still gets played like a fucking fiddle.
Truly frustrating to watch.
Also, Rickon, bob n' weave, bro. Those Starks just can't avoid sharp edges for shit.
I was waiting for them to flash back to her saying that in his head or something - I guess that never happened in there. Also, where were those trenches he mentioned digging? That didn't seem to help at all.
They didn't really show them, but they were supposed to dig them to prevent a pincer attack. But then they left their positions, so they became useless anyway (if they ever existed).I was waiting for them to flash back to her saying that in his head or something - I guess that never happened in there. Also, where were those trenches he mentioned digging? That didn't seem to help at all.
Also, where were those trenches he mentioned digging? That didn't seem to help at all.
The one point Sansa just rams home is "DON'T DO WHAT RAMSEY WANTS YOU TO DO!" and Jon still gets played like a fucking fiddle.
Truly frustrating to watch.
Also, Rickon, bob n' weave, bro. Those Starks just can't avoid sharp edges for shit.
Agreed. Plus, running out to his brother wasn't the dumb part. If anything, it was him not going back to his line afterwards. However, they show Bolton's archers shoot a line of arrows behind Jon at the same time as he is charging. I'm not certain what they were going for, but maybe we're supposed to see Jon as not having a way back even if he wanted to?Have some perspective, his little brother was about to die. He's not the first person to act irrationally for a family member.
Have some perspective, his little brother was about to die. He's not the first person to act irrationally for a family member.
I was waiting for them to flash back to her saying that in his head or something - I guess that never happened in there. Also, where were those trenches he mentioned digging? That didn't seem to help at all.
Man, everyone's hating on Jon Snow.
He made it clear in his war council how important he thought morale would be in the battle (Stark's honor vs Bolton's fear, and all that). Wouldn't be great for morale for the commander to hide behind his lines while his brother gets shot. And even once Rickon's dead, it wouldn't be great to start the battle off by fleeing back to his lines.
He made a hot-headed decision, but it's not like he had other good options.
All good points. I just wish they didn't frame Sansa as the smart, level-headed one who won the battle.People calling him a bad leader seem to be subscribing to a narrow definition of leadership. No one is following him because of his incredible tactical acumen. He has charisma, character, relates well to everyone, is a great fighter, and has a powerful story. Him charging in how he did comes down, I think, to a few things: 1). he's straight up a Northerner in the Ned Stark vein, knew in his bones he had no choice but to do all he could to save Rickon, and upon witnessing Rickon's death, had a predictable response to that injustice; 2). he's seen shit, he's a couple notches above a zombie now, he's unsure about his purpose, and all this has him feeling a little reckless; and 3). once he made the charge forward, there was no going back.
Jon is still growing into his post-Night's Watch leadership role. He took it reluctantly, and in bad circumstances. Not surprised that watching his brother die was enough to make him lose some composure.
What are Cersei's major blunders besides giving the High Sparrow/Faith Militant authority? And while that plan ultimately back fired, due to her dropping her guard more than anything else, it did precisely what it was supposed to, which was oust the Tyrells and put her back in a position of influence. It doesn't negate multiple seasons of her making some of the most impactful moves we've seen on the show. She's absolutely one of the best players of the game.
We don't even know if it was the sacrifice that caused the warm up.
Does Littlefinger support Daenerys as Queen, like Varys? If so, their plan could be to stabilize different regions of Westoros.
Baelish makes sure that the North is united behind one house, while Varys possibly tries to get Dorne to help against the Lannisters and weaken the South for Dany's army.
If not, I have no idea what the end game is. Just marrying Sansa to become Warden seems rather small time for Baelish. On top of that, he isn't a real Northerner, so I don't see many up there respecting him to the degree that he would expect.
It's probably no coincidence that neither Dany nor the Starks can keep their houses up unless there are changes in how their name passes down to heirs.
For Overwatch fans, Jon Snow got play of the game.
Yeah the encirclement part of the battle totally made me think of Dan Carlin describing the Battle of Cannae.Whew, finally got to watch it. Brilliant fucking episode. That battle scene was fantastic. Really captured the terror and horror of what a medieval battle must've been like. I'm sure I'm not the first to say it, but it really felt right out of a Hardcore History episode.And even though my conscious brain knew Jon was going to survive I have to admit I had moments of doubt. The show has pulled enough surprise deaths to have earned it this time.
And capped off with the perfect ending. Very satisfying, unlike Joffrey's death.
No Dorne, no Sparrows, and the Dany stuff was actually reasonably fun this time around. The meeting with the Greyjoy kids was nice. Davos had a nice scene, one we've been waiting for for a while. Man. All-around good shit.
Can't wait for Littlefinger to murder them all next episode. :/
But according to internet rumour-mongeringthat would be incestuous since she's his aunt.
Yeah the encirclement part of the battle totally made me think of Dan Carlin describing the Battle of Cannae.
Whew, finally got to watch it. Brilliant fucking episode. That battle scene was fantastic. Really captured the terror and horror of what a medieval battle must've been like. I'm sure I'm not the first to say it, but it really felt right out of a Hardcore History episode.And even though my conscious brain knew Jon was going to survive I have to admit I had moments of doubt. The show has pulled enough surprise deaths to have earned it this time.
And capped off with the perfect ending. Very satisfying, unlike Joffrey's death.
No Dorne, no Sparrows, and the Dany stuff was actually reasonably fun this time around. The meeting with the Greyjoy kids was nice. Davos had a nice scene, one we've been waiting for for a while. Man. All-around good shit.
Can't wait for Littlefinger to murder them all next episode. :/
All good points. I just wish they didn't frame Sansa as the smart, level-headed one who won the battle.
Whew, finally got to watch it. Brilliant fucking episode. That battle scene was fantastic. Really captured the terror and horror of what a medieval battle must've been like. I'm sure I'm not the first to say it, but it really felt right out of a Hardcore History episode.And even though my conscious brain knew Jon was going to survive I have to admit I had moments of doubt. The show has pulled enough surprise deaths to have earned it this time.
This gif has already tallied up 628 GB of bandwidth since I posted it 13 hours ago.
Not bad. Some French website plopped it in their recap article, which outpaced hits from Neogaf.