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Game of Thrones Season 8 |OT| A Song of Icy and Fiery Fandom


I liked this episode better than last week, but last week's was really bad so... not that high of a bar.

* Dany's lust for power being brought to the forefront; she's a much darker shade of grey than most ppl are willing to admit.
* Scenes between Tyiron and Vareys was well acted + had passable dialogue (rare for this and the last season).
* Tension about Jon's lineage seemed to be implemented in an OK fashion, could be better, but could've been worse too

* Ghost, like he can't even pet him before he leaves?
* Sam really is just "gone" for the rest of the season? Surly he'd be of used in planning the fight.
* Bronn shows up, demands stuff, gets a bullshit promise... and is like: "cool, after the battle I'll remind you of the promise ya guys gave me under duress + being drunk..."
* The Night King couldn't kill Rhegal, but fucking Euron could hit him MULTIPLE times from a boat x3 the distance?
* Why did Dany get so close to King's Landing? Those giant arrows were in range of the dragon + she had like 80 soliders? Given Cersei gives two fucks about honor/morals/etc... she may as well just wipe them out?
* Cersei not filling Tyirion with arrows is not believable
* WTF w/Jamie's arc? After all he's been through, he's going back to someone who sent an assassin after him?
* Gendry proposing was anime filler level of writing

I'd hope next episode has some harsh trade-offs for the team w/plot armor (Dany) in taking King's Landing. There are some plot pieces this episode set up, that if used correctly could make ep5 decent. Not holding my breath for that to happen.


Neighbours from Hell
She also said Jon was her family. And at this point, he seems to be in more danger than Sansa. It makes sense. It's ok.

Riding south to help fight wasn't what I had issue with mainly. If she wants to help fight in the war, that's fine. It's the "I'm probably never coming back to Winterfell" stuff I took issue with.

It seems off character.


Neighbours from Hell
I'm calling it now. They're gonna need Dany to do something to fully turn off Tyrion from Dany. Dany will find out Varys was plotting behind her back, have him killed, maybe by dragon fire a la the Tarly's. They foreshadowed this in season 7 episode 3 when Melisandre spoke with Varys. Tyrion will then finally turn on her and support Jon. Then without her hand, she will have no council and she will go full Mad Queen. Then bring on Jon vs Dany for the Throne.


Another solid episode. All you people bitching will surely be watching again next week. Why do you bother with it?

I was one of the few defending last week’s episode. This week’s was a huge step down imo because of all the shit they threw out the window for no apparent reason other than to manufacture some extra drama for next week.
This week’s was a huge step down imo because of all the shit they threw out the window for no apparent reason other than to manufacture some extra drama for next week.

It really wasn't. It was pretty much on par with what we have seen. I enjoyed it. A lot of people did. Message boards are full of haters.


Well, good to see those ballista they talked about ages ago finally got put to use. Element of surprise is gone now, though. Be a night attack with overcast sky next time, won't see anything until the entire wall is dracarys. Bad news is: another dark episode, hahahahaha.

This energy vampire stuff is easy

You're probably giving this more thought than the writers.


Neighbours from Hell
There's no such thing as a "hater" of a TV show c'mon man. There are legitimate criticisms. If you like it great, I'm glad. I don't want the show to be universally hated by anyone, but I feel the last 2 episodes are not bad television, but have been highly disappointing. I'll put it that way. Just tons of bad writing IMO and character arcs thrown in reverse when they didn't have to be.

Airbus Jr

There's no such thing as a "hater" of a TV show c'mon man. There are legitimate criticisms. If you like it great, I'm glad. I don't want the show to be universally hated by anyone, but I feel the last 2 episodes are not bad television, but have been highly disappointing. I'll put it that way. Just tons of bad writing IMO and character arcs thrown in reverse when they didn't have to be.

Theres been ongoing war between tv show and book readers for awhile here ever since the movie passed the book

its nothing new


Neighbours from Hell
IMO these are all legit criticisms:

-Jon's treatment of Ghost. If they wanted to write him off the show because of a CGI budget, something better than "you'll be happier up north." Whatever that means.

-Tormund and the Wildlings wanted to come south of the wall for his people, it's all they wanted, to integrate in society and not be outcasts. Now they want to go back north again. Ok.

-Dany and Jon have come so far, fell in love, and she's really squabbling over giving up the north? That's all Sansa wanted. When she gets the Iron Throne, let them have the north. What the hell does Dany care? She's been a good person for like 90% of the series and now she suddenly breaks bad.

-Jaime falls in love with Brienne, but now just wants to go back to King's Landing when Cersei turned on him and SENT A HITMAN TO KILL HIM.

-They have Bran at their disposal, could use him in this war, asked him where Euron is so they can avoid being ambushed by him for the millionth time, but they decided not to use him.

-Arya no longer wants to come back to Winterfell after the war, after preaching to Jon about the importance of family

-They all came together to fight for each other and now are all apart again that quickly. I guess the bonds of war break quickly.

-No explanation of what Bran was doing in episode 3

-No explanation or more on The Night King

-Sansa betrayed Jon by giving away his secret after she preached sticking by family and loyalty to family

-Cersei could have shot and killed Dany and Drogon and ended the war and chose not to.

-Cersei sent a hitman to kill Tyrion and could have killed him right there and decided not to

-and more
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Neighbours from Hell
Sure there is. They do nothing but bitch about a show in a thread of enthusiasts so any real discussion of the show can't be had. But they still make sure to watch every week because they know they actually enjoy the show. You know who you are.

That's not a "hater" it's called constructive criticism. You can like something and find issues with it. In fact, it's the passion people have got GOT which is why people are so upset. They feel something they love getting worse in quality.


Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member
-Jaime falls in love with Brienne, but now just wants to go back to King's Landing when Cersei turned on him and SENT A HITMAN TO KILL HIM.



Neighbours from Hell
Oh. So the guy on NeoGaf knows how to "fix" the show? Have you emailed them?

Just my opinions, man. Everyone has opinions on what could make shows, movies, video games better. How is this any different than discussing why you didn't like a video game and what it could have done better? Don't have to get so fired up about it. Why do you care about what other people think of the show? You enjoyed it. Is that not enough for you? Other people have issues with it, it's not really a big deal.


Gold Member
Never mind Tyrion, Dany and her honor guard approached far too closely to the wall filled with archers and scorpions. Cersei had every reason to open fire on all of them, especially after Rhaegal was taken down trivially at sea. The Unsullied have little ability to counter-attack the wall defenses and the scorpions have a fair shot against Drogon, especially without a rider.

That had the ballista zeroed in on Drogon while he was picking off parasites.

Danny rode in on point when she should have rode in on flank. These are Westeros tacticians, not the lands she conquered who were lazy and fattened to the point of ignorance.

So dumb.
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Neighbours from Hell
I like to discuss the happenings as an enthusiast of the show. People coming in just to say how shitty it is gets tiring. What does that add?

I haven't seen you trying to discuss the show. I see you coming at people who are discussing the show. I'm sure if you wanna discuss what you enjoyed about it, people will discuss it with you.


Sure there is. They do nothing but bitch about a show in a thread of enthusiasts so any real discussion of the show can't be had. But they still make sure to watch every week because they know they actually enjoy the show. You know who you are.

If criticizing a show and discussing the things that happened are not "real discussion" then what is? Just because people don't love it as much as you do doesn't mean they can't discuss it.
I don't really bother criticizing things I don't like.

Some nice dialogue, varys and tyrion must have gotten some new batteries.
I think the overarching plot is decent, despite the execution being subpar and extremely rushed.

Wtf is happening with Jaime, I doubt theyd throw away his entire redemption arc...right?
Wtf are you doing Jon, no goodbyes to wolf?
Wtf was the scene with brann, again throwing away a character arc, and in a way that makes zero sense, the dude should have been killed immediately after he left the room.
Episode 3 still sucked and retroactively ruined a lot of the show, but wtv.

So bad it's funny?:
Somehow Danny still had an army.
Nobody can keep a fucking secret.
Euron is a fucking god, this guy should be shooting ballistas at the Olympics.
Why aren't Dany, tyrion and grey worm fucking dead after walking up to cersei.
I guess tormund and Sam just fucked off for the rest of the show.
Bron is still just sitting there, like a fucking idiot, is he ever going to do anything except work as exposition dumps?
The wildlings go back north after spending the entire show wanting to get to the south so they could settle down and farm, okay?
Gendry is now a lord? Okay? He asks arya to marry him after fucking once? That's fucking desperate bro.

Danny going mad is the logical conclusion for her characters, I just really wish it was executed better.
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It really wasn't. It was pretty much on par with what we have seen. I enjoyed it. A lot of people did. Message boards are full of haters.

As others have said, they’re rushing it, and it’s really disappointing to me having read all of the books. It’s not like any other show either because the books haven’t all been released and this is likely the only closure we are going to get. Gendry being told he’s suddenly no longer a bastard and is now lord of Storm’s End, Sansa being sworn to secrecy then 10 seconds later changing her mind, Jaime and Brienne being a clear political gesture that added nothing to the plot, Tormund getting his heart broken then immediately shrugging his shoulders and not giving a shit, Jon farewelling Ghost while also not giving a shit, Rhaegal suddenly getting shot into the ocean with no build-up in a battle scene that should’ve lasted 20 minutes instead of 2. These are all things that either made no sense or felt rushed for the sake of cramming them in.

I gave some of the silly stuff last week a pass because it was a battle episode and things like sending the Dothraki in first added to the theatre of it even if it was a dumb tactic. This week’s episode should’ve been a settler to get the narrative back on track so it doesn’t get a pass like the battle episode did. Don’t get me wrong, it was still a 6-7/10, but I am disappointed because it could’ve and should’ve been more. I’m heavily invested in the characters and it feels like the showrunners are fumbling and about to choke at the finish line.


Neighbours from Hell
Connor, fucking let it go dude. People love the show, but are disappointed in this season. If you want to discuss the show, then discuss it. Make some points about what you liked and didn't like. Make some predictions. All you are doing is going after people who are discussing the show.

You are speaking in absolutes. Saying anyone who dislikes it is a troll, but you definitively declare the episode was as good as any other we've seen. Then call anyone who dislikes it a "hater" and "ignorant." Because they see something differently than you. It's entirely subjective.


Saying the writers suck or the season is terrible is just ignorant hyperbole. Or trolling. Whatever your fancy.

You have pages and pages off people saying why they aren't enjoying it. That's not "ignorant hyperbole", that's what criticism is.

If you only want positive opinions and good vibes you can fuck off to /gameofthrones were criticism is not allowed.


I mean when he worged into the ravens. What was he doing for the whole episode, just flying around?

He flew for a few minutes to find the king and that's it.

People hoping for a complex twisting storyline at this point are just torturing themselves.


Neighbours from Hell
He flew for a few minutes to find the king and that's it.

People hoping for a complex twisting storyline at this point are just torturing themselves.

But he didn't though. He flew off and came back much later when the Night King entered the Godswood. It was probably 30 minutes of screen time and who knows how long in "real time."
As others have said, they’re rushing it, and it’s really disappointing to me having read all of the books.

I too have read the books and at this point, they are almost two separate entities. So I'm not sure how you can say they are rushing to something that we don't know will ever have a definitive conclusion.

Don’t get me wrong, it was still a 6-7/10, but I am disappointed because it could’ve and should’ve been more.

I think we have to let the season play out to judge it in its entirety. But this sort critique I have absolutely no problem with. It's people saying that it sucks or that it is terrible are just looking to be the Skip Bayless of the gaf GOT thread.
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