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Game of Thrones *Tagged Book Spoilers, Please Read OP* |OT| Season 3 - Sundays on HBO

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The more i read this sentiment, the more I feel his scene w/ Ned in season 1 was a waste. :/


Anything significant about the scene (imo) doesn't really originate with Selmy's character. Most of the expository info could have come from a ton of other characters (re: history, Ned's family, Robert's state of mind, etc.). The character as a whole just didn't register as memorable in season 1, imo, save that awesome exit scene in the throne room.


That's kind of silly, either way spoiler discussion will be put in spoiler tags...

The idea is to spare those who have not read the books from the kind of discussions that are typical in threads involving adaptations, such as back and forth about changes to the source material, and its impact on the future trajectory of the plot and characters.

I think it works fine, though this thread should probably be more clearly labeled. Though people often do their best to avoid spoiling stuff, things slip through often.
Selmy was pretty built up, I mean, Ned in S1, Jamie in S2 and now Jorah in S3 all verbally described him as the baddest badass of all time, basically. Ned said that if they'd fought in the war, Cat would be a widow, and Jamie idolized him when he was talking to his fellow prisoner.

But, in a visual medium like this, I think you need to see it, not just hear about it. The scene where he tells the Kinsgsguard and the King to fuck off in front of the entire royal court is pretty much the only thing people remember.

It's too bad there wasn't an opportunity to show him in a fight at some point so people would remember him. The character is supposed to be the old man who can kick absolutely anyone's ass, literally deadlier than Jaqen, the Mountain, Bronn or anyone, but we never see it before now, so the implication of a guy like that joining Dany's side doesn't quite pack the punch it should.


I don't have a problem with Ros. They're basically using her character as a foil to reflect certain aspects of characters in the series that they need a way to demonstrate, as well as fill in the role of several amalgamated characters in the books. Sure in an ideal world it would be great if they could have a cast of thousands, but TV shows have budgets and tying down small role actors to sporadic appearances over seasons is hard to do.

Your hardcore book fan is up in arms about pretty much any deviation I find, but your hardcore book fan generally don't really get that the show is an adaptation with a budget either. A few places I frequent people flip out about the smallest thing, it's kind of tragic. Sure it sucks that the house of the undying wasn't the big prophesy fest people were expecting, but that would require forward planning that simply wouldn't be possible. I thought the last temptations of Dany worked ok in that it emphasized the bond that exists between her and the Dragons. If they'd maybe had a few more actors in for Warlocks, it would of been fine.

Also, good news about the numbers. Here's hoping they get the greenlight for renewal soon.
God, I am so excited for (ASOS)
Dany to become a straight badass queen this season. I do appreciate that they still gave her some sense of innocent hesitation/conflict in this first episode; it's going to make her turn even better.


I wonder if they'll choose to end that season the same way SOS ends.

Major SOS spoilers
Zombie Cat Stark would absolutely ignite the internet for a week. Michelle Fairley must be so excited to know that's coming

I think Stoneheart will be introduced mid-season. They're not going to have Michelle Fairley appear in only a single shot all season. I doubt she'll be mute either.

My suggestion for the finale of season 4,
Quaithe appears in Mereen, and Dany has a vision of the future. The final shot is of the great winged beast breathing shadow fire.


Selmy was pretty built up, I mean, Ned in S1, Jamie in S2 and now Jorah in S3 all verbally described him as the baddest badass of all time, basically. Ned said that if they'd fought in the war, Cat would be a widow, and Jamie idolized him when he was talking to his fellow prisoner.

But, in a visual medium like this, I think you need to see it, not just hear about it. The scene where he tells the Kinsgsguard and the King to fuck off in front of the entire royal court is pretty much the only thing people remember.

It's too bad there wasn't an opportunity to show him in a fight at some point so people would remember him. The character is supposed to be the old man who can kick absolutely anyone's ass, literally deadlier than Jaqen, the Mountain or anyone, but we never see it before now, so the implication of a guy like that joining Dany's side doesn't quite pack the punch it should.

This is all true.

I remember at some point someone describes how Joffrey or Cersei had some guys go after Barristan shortly after he was kicked out of the Kingsguard. That probably would have been the best opportunity to show what he was capable of before he joined Dany.


I'm watching the US HBO recap now, and yeah, wow....why would HBO Canada strip that one clip of Selmy out of our recap? The music, pacing, editing style are all the same, so it isn't some goofball in-house Canadian recap. They literally just take that one scene out of the recap.

This is all true.

I remember at some point someone describes how Joffrey or Cersei had some guys go after Barristan shortly after he was kicked out of the Kingsguard. That probably would have been the best opportunity to show what he was capable of before he joined Dany.

Yeah, they should have done that. That would've been good. Just one more scene where he fucks up a bunch of dudes. Then when he showed up again last night it would have been way more of an "oh shit" moment.

(that's a really minor spoiler for you non-book readers, pretty much just a detail that was left out of the show and probably would've been in S1)
Good premiere episode and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The Tywin v Tyrion scene was great, and there were a couple other gems in there, as well. Nice to see them really going for some of the effects with the giant(!!!) and the dragons.

The increasing complexity of the narrative will be difficult to handle moving forward. This episode worked as a check-in with a ton of different subplots, and I wonder how they're going manage things this season. They could focus on a smaller number of characters per week or just keep bouncing all over the place as they have been. As a book reader, it's easy keeping up with what's going on, but I can imagine it's a little rough on someone not familiar with the source material. Whoever's making the "previously on GoT" clips will earn their keep this season.

Just according to keikaku.
More like - just according to snakekaku.


Oh man, I was so excited to see the fight against the Others. So disappointed that they didn't show it. Other than that it was kind of a slow episode.

I was kind of confused with Robb at Harrenhal. Does he visit Harrenhal in the books? And who are the dead guys again? I should have really watched the last episode of S2...

Generally I think they should show more battles to let people know that there is a war waging against the Lannisters. I don't think the term War of the Five Kings has even been mentioned in the series.
I'm interested in watching when the winter actually arrives. Can someone please tell me if winter arrives in the tv series or in the books? or when it will happen? Thanks! I'm on the middle of season 1, btw.


Oh man, I was so excited to see the fight against the Others. So disappointed that they didn't show it. Other than that it was kind of a slow episode.

I was kind of confused with Robb at Harrenhal. Does he visit Harrenhal in the books? And who are the dead guys again? I should have really watched the last episode of S2...

Generally I think they should show more battles to let people know that there is a war waging against the Lannisters. I don't think the term War of the Five Kings has even been mentioned in the series.
Tywin mentioned the War of Five Kings while discussing his legacy to Arya.
I will say though, now that I've thought about it some more, one of my favorite moments of A Clash of Kings that didn't make it to the show is when Stannis is thinking about the peach and realizes too late he did love Renly. If they had included that scene, it would have humanized Stannis somewhat.

I really can't understand why they didn't include the peach scene in some way. They even had some peaches on Renly's desk I think.


More like - just according to snakekaku.
Good premiere episode and I thoroughly enjoyed it. The Tywin v Tyrion scene was great, and there were a couple other gems in there, as well. Nice to see them really going for some of the effects with the giant(!!!) and the dragons.

The increasing complexity of the narrative will be difficult to handle moving forward. This episode worked as a check-in with a ton of different subplots, and I wonder how they're going manage things this season. They could focus on a smaller number of characters per week or just keep bouncing all over the place as they have been. As a book reader, it's easy keeping up with what's going on, but I can imagine it's a little rough on someone not familiar with the source material. Whoever's making the "previously on GoT" clips will earn their keep this season.

I noticed some folks genuinely upset or disappointed that their favorite character wasn't in the premier, while not liking the addition of characters they didn't like (Davos/Stannis/Melisandre are quite unpopular). My concern with the show's future basically revolves around that dynamic. New characters will continue to be dumped into the show, and that will definitely test the patience of some folks.

Ultimately I think the biggest issue that could lead to viewers tuning out is (Series/ADWD spoiler:)
the fact that Dany doesn't get to Westeros any time soon. People seem quite invested in her and assume she's just going to get an army and sail to Westeros - which of course, many book fans would have liked to see too. How will they feel about her getting stuck in another exotic eastern country, or waiting for her to meet Tyrion.
I feel like that could end up like a prolonged Sopranos season finale situation, where you have fans expecting one thing and being continually disappointed.

(I really liked the Sopranos finale, personally)
I'm interested in watching when the winter actually arrives. Can someone please tell me if winter arrives in the tv series or in the books? or when it will happen? Thanks! I'm on the middle of season 1, btw.

Winter starts to hit the North hard in the 5th book. So it would probably be about the 5th season in the show.


I really can't understand why they didn't include the peach scene in some way. They even had some peaches on Renly's desk I think.

My guess is either it's because the scenes at Renly's camp were rushed due to bad weather destroying the set, or they couldn't get the horses to behave around an edible prop. GRRM said they wanted to include it but couldn't for some reason. I was really hoping it would be addressed on the commentary track for the episode, but they didn't do a writer/director commentary for that one.


The increasing complexity of the narrative will be difficult to handle moving forward. This episode worked as a check-in with a ton of different subplots, and I wonder how they're going manage things this season. They could focus on a smaller number of characters per week or just keep bouncing all over the place as they have been. As a book reader, it's easy keeping up with what's going on, but I can imagine it's a little rough on someone not familiar with the source material. Whoever's making the "previously on GoT" clips will earn their keep this season.

A Feast for Crows and A Dance With Dragons are unfilmable. David and Dan say this is the series at its most complex and the plot threads will start to converge after this season, so they must agree ;). Not that I'm confident them rewriting the books will be any good either.
A Feast for Crows and A Dance With Dragons are unfilmable. David and Dan say this is the series at its most complex and the plot threads will start to converge after this season, so they must agree ;). Not that I'm confident them rewriting the books will be any good either.

As long as they have shit like Tyrion stopping for a second to hear Tywin and then walking off the second he hears "whores" I honestly don't give a shit what they change ever. Nothing in the books has ever come close to that as far as honest and genuine character insight.

Just let people like Peter Dinklage, who is much better at displaying character than George R R Martin, let's just be honest, work their stuff.


I want to say that, with this episode, Peter Dinklage finally got to the point where his accent didn't bother me at all. Maybe it won't last forever but I thought he was great this time around.
I wonder if they'll choose to end that season the same way SOS ends.

Major SOS spoilers
Zombie Cat Stark would absolutely ignite the internet for a week. Michelle Fairley must be so excited to know that's coming

Honestly I am hoping that occurs at the end of this season. (ASOS)
That way we could see some of the brutal shit she does through out season 4 rather than just waiting for characters to come across her. Not to mention, that sort of epilogue at the end of this season would make for great watercooler talk till next season, but I guess this would reduce Dondarrion screen time... but I think you can replace many of his moments with Stoneheart... the writers seem to like merging multiple characters into one and killing others off prematurely. Not to mention, essentially Beric is a new character that may not be well received. (obviously this would have to occur after Arya arrives... I don't recall if this occurred before or after the Red Wedding?)
As long as they have shit like Tyrion stopping for a second to hear Tywin and then walking off the second he hears "whores" I honestly don't give a shit what they change ever. Nothing in the books has ever come close to that as far as honest and genuine character insight.

Just let people like Peter Dinklage, who is much better at displaying character than George R R Martin, let's just be honest, work their stuff.

That little nod he did before he walked off was great


Ultimately I think the biggest issue that could lead to viewers tuning out is (Series/ADWD spoiler:)
the fact that Dany doesn't get to Westeros any time soon. People seem quite invested in her and assume she's just going to get an army and sail to Westeros - which of course, many book fans would have liked to see too. How will they feel about her getting stuck in another exotic eastern country, or waiting for her to meet Tyrion.
I feel like that could end up like a prolonged Sopranos season finale situation, where you have fans expecting one thing and being continually disappointed.

(I really liked the Sopranos finale, personally)

Question for people who've read all the books.

Do you think having both Dany and Griff go to Dorne after season 4 and try to win the Martell's support would work?
I noticed some folks genuinely upset or disappointed that their favorite character wasn't in the premier, while not liking the addition of characters they didn't like (Davos/Stannis/Melisandre are quite unpopular). My concern with the show's future basically revolves around that dynamic. New characters will continue to be dumped into the show, and that will definitely test the patience of some folks.
That's a good point, too. There's so much turnover in the cast on ASOIaF (in addition to the staggering scale), and that will inevitably lead to disappointment in some quarters when your favorites don't turn up for a while. (Though us book readers are familiar with that, as well. *coughs*) It's somewhat akin to following a sports team where the players change over the years, but the franchise you support (hopefully) remains the same.
A Feast for Crows and A Dance With Dragons are unfilmable. David and Dan say this is the series at its most complex and the plot threads will start to converge after this season, so they must agree ;). Not that I'm confident them rewriting the books will be any good either.
I suppose it depends one how much of that can be alleviated by moving material around and how much would require rewriting or adding material.
This thread is horrifically void of any GIFs. Someone needs to fix this.
Stop looking at me like that, Old Bear.


I'll try to find some and host 'em in a few minutes.


Spoilers for all books:
I can't see Dany going to Dorne for support after ADWD. I think best would be to either cut all the dragging parts of her story or try to come up with filler stuff/rewritten stuff that keeps her at her place (more or less) but us viewers entertained.
I'm pretty sure thats going to happen. the whole dany stuff in the books is a huge mess and would be even worse on tv. and now that she got her unsullied in the first episode of sesason 3, I am sure we will see a lot of new tv-exclusive content for dany in the next seasons.
Great season opener. Compared to last season, it was great how they didn't try to cram everybody into a ~1 hour episode. I really didn't have any major nitpicks in comparing the show to the books. The Tywin/Tyrion scene was brilliant and in no small part because they basically lifted that scene's dialogue word for word from the books. Its good to see Book Tywin and not kind old man Tywin that we had with Arya last year. The guy should be an asshole. Really liked Cersei this episode too- her scene with Joffrey and Margaery was great.

I was kind of hoping that the little kid assassin would end up [Series spoiler]
changing her face like Jaqen did last year. I was totally getting Faceless Man vibes for a second and was totally thinking that was some foreshadowing to Arya running around Braavos as the ugly little girl. I know its not a Faceless Man that tries to kill her in ACoK, but still might have been neat.

The giant was pretty cool too. Reminded me a bunch of the giants in Skyrim. Only thing missing were some mammoths.

I do wish they handled the intro better. It wasn't really clear whether the Night's Watch won or where they were. Did they retreat from the Fist? How did Sam get away after how things were left last year?

Just kind of gets at the the issue I think the show has of not giving a better sense of place and movement with characters going from Point A to Point B and where they are in the world at large.

I'm going to bet right now (ASOS):
She will replace Marlillion's role in the book. Littlefinger will push Lysa out the moon door and blame Ros

Yup. [ASoS]
Just set up Ros as a double agent for Varys. Then as a call back to Tyrion feeding Littlefinger false info last season to find out who was telling secrets to Cersei, have Littlefinger do the same thing with Ros. When Lysa gets offed, Littlefinger can frame Ros for the crime and get rid of a spy at the same time.

A Feast for Crows and A Dance With Dragons are unfilmable. David and Dan say this is the series at its most complex and the plot threads will start to converge after this season, so they must agree ;). Not that I'm confident them rewriting the books will be any good either.

Well, when you think about it, this is the series at its most complex to some extent. [Series Spoilers]
ASoS has so many people dying left and right that they can basically reload for certain roles and condense others (I doubt Dorne will be nearly as complex) while still getting the gist of things. Then again, I won't be surprised if they come up with entirely new plots for some of the AFfC and ADwD stuff- Mereen specifically.


I am completely skipping everything in this thread, but I must ask. How was it? I am watching it tonight and I am excited, but after TWD's crap finale I am slightly bringing the hype train down a bit.


A good episode if nothing really happened. A little disappointing that Selmy's identity was revealed immediately, which means (ASOS)
we might not get a certain infiltration scene towards the end of next season...

Also relating to the Astapor scenes (ASOS)
Did they make it clear that Daenarys could understand what Kraznys was saying? Or is that being saved 'til next time?


I was listening to the OtakuAssemble review. He had a big problem with the direction Tywin and Tyrion's relationship went, as in reverse. I think this was the other huge failure with the interactions between Tywin and Ayra. It totally misleads non readers as the the person Tywin is and his potential for embracing what Tyrion is. I can definitely appreciate how watching this episode non readers perceive the relationship as going backwards even though it was never going forwards.

I don't know if the writers can turn things around in the perception gap before Tyrion's final confrontation with Tywin, and make it feel like the natural outcome and result of the relationship.


A good episode if nothing really happened. A little disappointing that Selmy's identity was revealed immediately, which means (ASOS)
we might not get a certain infiltration scene towards the end of next season...

I was thinking about that.

She could possibly punish him for holding out on his knowledge of Jorah's betrayal.
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