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Game of Thrones *Tagged Book Spoilers, Please Read OP* |OT| Season 3 - Sundays on HBO

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Rapid Response Threadmaker
Did that give her so obvious an advantage over him that we can't assume she would have done as well with a sword? She has to be at least on par with him, no? Does she normally use a sword or a morningstar?

With a morning star yes. Do you know nothing about armed arts? A capable warrior in one weapon might be pretty good in another one, but that does not make one a master of that weapon.


With a morning star yes. Do you know nothing about armed arts. A capable warrior in one weapon might be pretty good in another one, but that does not make one a master of that weapon.

Why doesn't she use a morningstar as her preferred weapon if she surely is so much more proficient with that than a sword?


Rapid Response Threadmaker
Why doesn't she use a morningstar as her preferred weapon if she surely is so much more proficient with that than a sword?

Don't ask me, ask Brienne of Tarth. My guess is that a sword is much better at deflecting attacks when needed to defend their lord or king as a Knight. A Morningstar is for a melee. Plus I would think a sword might be easier to travel with sheathed, and is the norm in Westeros.


paid requisite penance
With a morning star yes. Do you know nothing about armed arts? A capable warrior in one weapon might be pretty good in another one, but that does not make one a master of that weapon.

Well, for one thing, no, I don't know much about armed arts, I was honestly asking.
Second, I'm just saying, like Eidan, that while she uses a Morningstar in her duel against Loras, it doesn't mean that it's her regular/favored weapon. It's the one time (that I know of) where she uses a Morningstar, but other than that it's safe to assume she's a swordswoman.

I don't think an MS would give her a tactical advantage to the same extent that (ASOS)
the Viper's spear gave him an advantage over the giant, sluggish Mountain
. At worst, using a sword in that fight would probably make her and Loras evenly matched (and Jaime would still be better than both, obviously).


Don't ask me, ask Brienne of Tarth. My guess is that a sword is much better at deflecting attacks when needed to defend their lord or king as a Knight. A Morningstar is for a melee. Plus I would think a sword might be easier to travel with sheathed, and is the norm in Westeros.

Eh, I'm still not convinced that Brienne isn't a better swordsman than Loras. She survived a 116 man melee and bested one of the most revered knights in the Seven Kingdoms. I find it hard to believe her skills would depreciate so vastly from a morningstar to a sword.

It seems like your criteria for saying someone is a better swordsman than Brienne hinges entirely on whether anyone, at any time, has mentioned that character's abilities with a sword, in the positive.


paid requisite penance
This is the nerdiest conversation ever.

I felt dirty the whole way through.

@crimzonflame: no, it was not. I wouldn't be surprised if some of those additions were made because of things that will happen/be said in the 6th book. After all, Benioff and Weiss are aware of plot developments that nobody else besides George Martin is aware of.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Oh shit. I saw something that will likely only further aggravate book readers.

Bryden Tully will just go by "Blackfish" Tully...and doesn't remember his name. Huh.

Why would anyone have occassion to call him Brynden anyways


Oh shit. I saw something that will likely only further aggravate book readers.

Brynden Tully will just go by "Blackfish" Tully...and doesn't remember his name. Huh.

Edit: right, sorry. [SOS, minor character name stuff]
That line didn't seem very literal to me. Like they may never refer to his name in the show, but he doesn't actually not know his own name.


I didn't really have too much issue with Cat's scene, same as timetokill. I'm disappointed that it looks like Arya's arc won't live up to the books.

Someone mentioned that the way the show was going is going more "realistic" for her when it comes to her development and that she became a killer too fast in the books. I think a lot of readers kinda missed Arya being a little psychopath from the beginning, those traits being magnified further and further due to the horrors she was exposed to: Mass murder, torture, rape, etc. Her arc served a purpose of not only developing her character but also as a window to how the war is affecting the common people. So far, the show, has gone on a completely different direction and is looking to do something else with her character. Guess I gotta accept that.

They don't have that excuse with Jon though so they better not fuck that up.

My hope is that they do that this season. I love
Psychopath Arya
and I kept waiting for it last season. I think it was an issue with her being too young and it not being believable on-screen. I hope they don't water it down. There is one scene in a trailer that shows her scream "kill him" while being held down. So maybe we'll get it.


Fuck it, Blackfish Tully will probably not be called Ser Brynden

Seems fine to me. Show watchers still get confused by Danaerys' "Stormborn" nickname. Better to stick with one name for the guy than 2, and Blackfish is a heck of a lot easier to remember then Brynden.


Seems fine to me. Show watchers still get confused by Danaerys' "Stormborn" nickname. Better to stick with one name for the guy than 2, and Blackfish is a heck of a lot easier to remember then Brynden.

I agree. With some viewers still not sure who Jon Snow is, and some believing that Dany's name is "Khaleesi", I think it's a smart move.


Do you know nothing about armed arts?

This sentence right here man, making me lol. You guys realize we are talking about a fictional world and fictional characters? Brienne is only ever shown to be one of the more capable fighters in the series AND book. She is never discussed as such in-world/fiction for the simple reason she is a woman.


I would bang a hot farmer!
For the people mentioning Loras, didn't the books say
he was only pretty good with a sword but exceptional with a lance? Or was that just a joke from GRRM about him being gay?

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Thank you director.
Meh. I thought it was kinda stupid and out of character for Stannis, but I didn't care that much.

The way you hear some people talk about ASOS (and sometimes the entire series), you'd think the Red Wedding was the only interesting thing about it. I've said it earlier, but Joffrey's wedding and Tyrion's trial is my favorite arc in the series. That's when ASOS really shines.
True, and Astapor was also awesome with Daenerys. ASoS has a lot of mega-awesome moments. Littlefinger murdering Lysa was also pretty epic. But I think the RW is, in a way, underrated.

I know, how can it be underrated when everyone harps on about it? Well, it seems that everyone focuses on the fact that "omg the Starks die" and little else. But to me it's much more than that, it's the details that make the Red Wedding such an amazing scene, and few people ever talk about those details. For example, how it was so heavily foreshadowed, constantly; Daenerys's vision in the House of the Undying, the Ghost of High Heart pretty much describing it literally, Cat's instinct about asking for hospitality and keeping Grey Wind around, Roslin crying all the time, Tywin and Tyrion discussing the Reynes and the Tarbecks and Tywin being all confident about the Westerlings, etc. And yet it still managed to surprise and shock pretty much everyone. That's a sign of brilliant writing, right there.

Furthermore, the scene itself is just superbly written, with the rebuff of Dacey Mormont asking for a dance, then the chaotic music followed by the Rains of Castamere song, then Catelyn feeling the chain mail under the shirt... I don't know why, but that gets me every time. That and the line about how she was just worried about Robb and not about herself and didn't care if they raped, tortured or killed her. "She had lived too long, and Ned was waiting." Heart-breaking, really. :(

I wonder how they'll capture the brilliance of that scene on screen. To their credit, Ned's execution was done very well. I hope the director for Ep #3.09 is up to it. I didn't care at all for the episodes he directed in S2 and thought they were among the worst (particularly A Man Without Honor, grr) but that was probably the writers's fault more than the director's.

For the people mentioning Loras, didn't the books say
he was only pretty good with a sword but exceptional with a lance? Or was that just a joke from GRRM about him being gay?
You are correct, book-Loras is skilled with a sword but more exceptional with a lance, and the best swordsman in the family is his brother Garland.


Kills Photobucket
For the people mentioning Loras, didn't the books say
he was only pretty good with a sword but exceptional with a lance? Or was that just a joke from GRRM about him being gay?

I don't remember anything in the books except that he was skilled with a lance, but we never head much about him even in the books that wasn't in the show (least not that I can remember). He got his ass handed to him by Gregor, but Gregor is established as one of the most formidable warriors in Westeros, so I don't think a loss to him is a reflection of his abilities.



Damn right. ASOS
Tyrion's trial is the best, but that part where Jaime frees him and Tyrion lies to him out of spite is hard man. I was like "I know your brother lied to you about Tysha and everything but come on, don't cast doubt on your own innocence you shit of an imp!"... And then, Tywin...

In general where Jaime's character arc goes is one of the things I like best about the series.


While that's true, the show has basically decided not to use flashbacks or visions to get their thoughts and past across to the audience.
Forces them to either make changes to character paths or just find other ways to get the same general idea to the viewer.

I get that it bothers people at times, what I don't get is a lot of people complain about shit from the books just as much.

There's just no winning sometimes.
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