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"GAME OVER ...yyeEEAHHH!!!" The Official Sega Rally Revo thread of Ultimate Force!!!

Trojan X

Going to buy this for the PS3 tomorrow (I do not have a 360, yet). But I'm wondering if this game is fully Force Feedback (Not vibration) steering wheel compatible? If it is then I'm going to buy and rig it up to my chair so I can get a close enough arcade style experience as possible!

Damn, I've lost count the amount of times I've been playing the demo version of the game. Granted that the Dual Shock 2 is an awful pad with it's analogue stick and damn utter awful triggers (or sliders as I like to call it), but the Sega Racing team has done a good job fine tuning those controls for it. Damn, I really miss the 360 pad and the fact that the vibration activates for every groove, bump and knocks on the road - insane!!

Hands down, this is one of the most exciting racing games to date!! Tomorrow cannot come soon enough so I can join everyone online for some insane online andrenaline rushing races - just like when I use to play Daytona, Outrun and Sega Rally in the arcades!!


I played the demo last night.. fun stuff. I actually preferred it to the Dirt demo, if that means anything.. but I'm a Sega mark from way back. Still, any racing game that's not as flashy and explosive like Burnout is boring to me. I'll pass on the full game unless it's like 20-30 bucks.


The bleeding edge of news reporting...
marwan said:
PSP pictures?





Easily the best racer on the psp from a technical stand point.


Trojan X said:
I'm wondering if this game is fully Force Feedback (Not vibration) steering wheel compatible? If it is then I'm going to buy and rig it up to my chair so I can get a close enough arcade style experience as possible!
Yeah, it works with wheels. I got to play it with a Logitech G25 and it was very impressive.

I love this game. I love how it's not ashamed to be an arcade game and doesn't punish you for driving with a bit of flair and pushing things too far. It's not big and not clever but that's what makes it so good :D

Multiplayer with friends is great, too.
Yay, I've got 220G from this game so far. So curious as to what the secret one for 80G is... I have secret 1
win a race by reversing over finish line
and secret 5
be in 1st place at the end of lap 1

Edit: Well fuck me, they are:
Drive 160 mph!
Win race with no collisions! (hard... don't hit cars, or sides of track!)
2 secs air time!


This is the first time I'm actually regreting not having a PS3 or 360 yet (well, maybe second, with VF5 and all). I really need to convince some of my friends to get it!

Kudos, great thread btw!
-viper- said:

Unless you plan on dragging this down to some stupid file timestamp comparing, willy waving exercise, who gives a fuck who picked it first?

Either way, the PSP version is still awesome.


i played the PC demo using my 360 controller and HOLY SHIT!!!! on my Core 2 Extreme and 8800GTX it ripped the 360 and PS3 into pieces!

i was running the game on my 24" dell monitor at 1920x1200 at 60fps with detail on full! the mud chunks have to be seen to be believed! i'm getting the PC version for sure!


chickensoup said:

Unless you plan on dragging this down to some stupid file timestamp comparing, willy waving exercise, who gives a fuck who picked it first?

Either way, the PSP version is still awesome.

He's a junior, You win.

Trojan X

marwan said:
i played the PC demo using my 360 controller and HOLY SHIT!!!! on my Core 2 Extreme and 8800GTX it ripped the 360 and PS3 into pieces!

i was running the game on my 24" dell monitor at 1920x1200 at 60fps with detail on full! the mud chunks have to be seen to be believed! i'm getting the PC version for sure!

Oh my...! Now that IS impressive! I really would love to see that, especially running at 60fps solid. All you need to do now is to put a 5.1 rig together with a force feedback steering wheel. Lucky you!!


yep, only reason t o get the 360 is the achievements, and PS3 is slightly better than the PS3 version, but the PC version is wow if your rig has the power + a 360 controller!

the game is out here, i'll pick up the PC version today.


marwan said:
yep, only reason t o get the 360 is the achievements, and PS3 is slightly better than the PS3 version, but the P one is wow if your rig has the power.

the game is out here, i'll pick up the PC version today.

I knew it'd win someday. :p

I might try and get the PS3 version this week, then.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Trojan X said:
Going to buy this for the PS3 tomorrow (I do not have a 360, yet). But I'm wondering if this game is fully Force Feedback (Not vibration) steering wheel compatible? If it is then I'm going to buy and rig it up to my chair so I can get a close enough arcade style experience as possible!

Logitech Force Feedback Pro is recognized and there are profiles also for all other Logitech wheels (including the G25) although full 900 degrees steering functionality is not supported (default 90 degrees compatibility mode).

It does provide force feedback as well as vibration: you DO not want to play it on a rumble-less SIXAXIS if you have and can use a wheel :D.

Trojan X

Panajev2001a said:
Logitech Force Feedback Pro is recognized and there are profiles also for all other Logitech wheels (including the G25) although full 900 degrees steering functionality is not supported (default 90 degrees compatibility mode).

It does provide force feedback as well as vibration: you DO not want to play it on a rumble-less SIXAXIS if you have and can use a wheel :D.

Have you managed to play the game on that steering wheel yourself? If you have, how well does it handle with respect to the force feedback and 90' degrees rotation in mind? If you haven't played it with the wheel, have you read any reports from someone else that have and provided comments/feedback on the same subject?


Played it a bit and it's really fun. Most tracks was better than the ones in the demo, really liked the one with a lot water and how it slows you down if you drive through it. Although a little easy so far.

Only two player split screen is disappointing, although expected. But why did they split the screen vertical? You kind of want to see what's happening around you more than what's happening in the sky.

Two player wasn't so fun ether, only the two of you and no opponents, so I wanted to test it with two player online. Of course you couldn't do that, huge disappointment.

Still satisfied with my purchase. Single player is fun, and online it will hopefully add a little more challenge.


Teppic said:
Played it a bit and it's really fun. Most tracks was better than the ones in the demo, really liked the one with a lot water and how it slows you down if you drive through it. Although a little easy so far.

Only two player split screen is disappointing, although expected. But why did they split the screen vertical? You kind of want to see what's happening around you more than what's happening in the sky.

Two player wasn't so fun ether, only the two of you and no opponents, so I wanted to test it with two player online. Of course you couldn't do that, huge disappointment.

Still satisfied with my purchase. Single player is fun, and online it will hopefully add a little more challenge.

vertical? wierd! maybe a horizontal split screen would be "too" wide screen for the system can handle.....it would have to process more details on the extras on the side for both players.....dunno just a guess.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
Trojan X said:
Have you managed to play the game on that steering wheel yourself? If you have, how well does it handle with respect to the force feedback and 90' degrees rotation in mind? If you haven't played it with the wheel, have you read any reports from someone else that have and provided comments/feedback on the same subject?

I need to add you on my PSN buddy list so that you can see my "comment"... wait... well, I thought you were already or am I mistaken ?!?

I just recently got the wheel (new and un-opened DFP model with a nice discount from the store :)) and after setting it up (it took the system some time to recognize it at first, maybe it was because I did not use the first two USB ports on the left at first... just guessing, since the PSTwo only had two USB ports) I was able to get the game to properly recognize it (it has its specific DFP profile different from the G25, DF, etc... profiles which kinda surprised me when 900 degree rotation was not enabled, but it could be a very intentional design choice to make the controls more arcade-like).

IMHO, the game on PS3 + DFP wheel == arcade/coin-op in your house!

Force feedback (essentially the resistance the wheel faces when you try to turn) varies accordingly to the surface you drive on and to the bumps you encounter in the road: not only the wheel vibrates when you drive across bumps but it also affects the force feedback response.

With a game like SEGA Rally with the very nice ground deformation and multiple layers of road surface (snow on ice, for example), playing it with the SIXAXIS without rumble really does not convey the experience Sega Racing Studios designed. With the first person view (or the hood view) you can still appreciate the way the cars interact with the road/driving surface (as the camera will "jump" around together with the car), but this game makes you appreaciate having both force feedback and rumble IMHO.

I do not know if I exhausted your questions about the game and the use of wheels: I am not a expert driver and it is the first time I use a driving wheel with a video-game so I might have been a bit generic/PR like (I noticed I got much better at GT: HD with the wheel too :), I still need to take all the assists off, but I already use the wheel in "simulation" mode or whatever it is called :)).

I would not have known it supported racing wheels unless I read in the manual that they licensed Logitech tecnology: games should do like DiRT and advertise Logitech wheels support on the back of the box!).

Edit: the only game I have tried 900 degrees rotation has been GT: HD and naturally it makes for a smoother/more precise control, but that does not make SR less enjoyable.
You do not feel like the car's steering is over-sensitive and even with oldies like Lancia Stratos on ice covered tracks you do not feel like the handling is off. You cannot regulate the wheel sensitivity, but even a newbie like me never felt like it was the wheel's fault for any mistakes made while driving in the game. The more miles I drive in the game the better I get at it. Even if you have a limited rotation range, it beats the range you get with the analog sticks: it is not even a fair contest :).

GT: HD and SR are the only games I have played with this steering wheel so far so the samples I have to make any sort of judgment are pretty limited.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
I am very interested in how the AI for this game works in terms of best driving line chosen by each AI player: with a pristine, untouched track there is such a thing as an easy identifiable driving line, but with the way each car uniquely deforms the terrain it drives on accordingly to a variety of factors and with the surface of the road made of different layers (and each layer affecting in a different way the cars' handling), after a lap or two that line is NOT the perfect driving line anymore so it would be very interesting how each AI driver adapts its driving line according to the conditions of the track ahead (and of course also to the other cars and the player, but I am really interested in the terrain deformation angle :D).

Diseased Yak

Gold Member
DFP support!!!!! Well, the decision on which version to get for myself just got a whole lot easier.

PSN = Diseasedyak (let's get a PS3 version list going)


Panajev2001a said:
IMHO, the game on PS3 + DFP wheel == arcade/coin-op in your house!

your right, but its a shame, that the game plays like shit without a proper wheel. my edition of choice: the psp version - awesome and it controls much better (like old sega rally) with the d-pad and has superb visuals.
I just wanted to also mention the quality of the PC version-looks great, runs at a blistering fast framerate, and 360 pad support is right on the mark.

The game controls a bit loose at first but once you get the hang of the controls it's great. The retail on the game is $39.99, there's the GameStop preorder discount of $10 on top of that, so if you're willing to preorder then you can get the game for $29.99. It's a good buy if you're looking for another arcade racer to play on the PC besides DiRT, Trackmania, or Flatout 2.


GAF's Pleasant Genius
ram said:
your right, but its a shame, that the game plays like shit without a proper wheel.

I think that, with their terrain deformation and multi-layered surfaces engine, the problem is not the lack of a wheel, but the lack of rumble first and foremost. Without using the first person view is MUCH MUCH tougher to feel the way your car is handling. Even watching in first person view, having to visually pay attention to the way the view shakes instead of physically feeling the road you drive on (so to speak) does not let your eyes focus on the road ahead 100%. With a strong rumble (DS2 kind of rumble would be enough IMHO) and using either the D-Pad or the Motion Sensors to drive would let you enjoy the game more.

The PSP version is getting a lot of love: it seems that they have nailed the gameplay and the graphics too.

SEGA Racing Studio is really impressively talented IMHO: their first game (well of course these guys are not newbies ;)) on so many different platforms and the game is very well polished and engineered for each. These guys are good.

Edit #1: they also nailed the pricing of their game!

Edit #2: IMHO, if you can find a DFP wheel, considering how satisfying this game is with a vibration+force-feedback enabled wheel and considering also how many PS2/PSTwo+PS3 games support a driving wheel... well, getting this game + the DFP wheel is a very expensive, but ultimately very worthy ticket of admission in the world of racing games.


butthurt Heat fan
gkrykewy said:
A new Daytona would be awesomeness overload.
This brings me back to an idea I had a while back in another thread. You know how All-Pro Football 2K8 has all of those NFL legends, right? Well, how about Daytona USA 3 with NASCAR legends? Richard Petty, Dale Earnhardt, Darrell Waltrip, Rusty Wallace, Bill Elliot, Cale Yarborough, David Pearson... get those names in there, and it'll print money all by itself. :D
I should write a letter to Sega about this...


butthurt Heat fan
twinturbo2 said:
This brings me back to an idea I had a while back in another thread. You know how All-Pro Football 2K8 has all of those NFL legends, right? Well, how about Daytona USA 3 with NASCAR legends? Richard Petty, Dale Earnhardt, Darrell Waltrip, Rusty Wallace, Bill Elliot, Cale Yarborough, David Pearson... get those names in there, and it'll print money all by itself. :D
I should write a letter to Sega about this...
I can't believe that nobody thinks that this is a good idea...


cuz it would make it more of a sim than an arcade came. no thanks. i'll stick to the original Daytona formula.....if they ever make Daytona 3.


butthurt Heat fan
marwan said:
cuz it would make it more of a sim than an arcade came. no thanks. i'll stick to the original Daytona formula.....if they ever make Daytona 3.
How would it make it more of a sim? Because it has real drivers?

The AI is really pissing me off now. They all follow the god damn same perfect racing line, there's no intelligence: like, they'll only overtake you if you're not interupting their never go wrong line, they can go so much faster, and the really annoying thing is the pattern. You'll have every car spaced out over a long distance so it's hard to overtake, except the one car in the position behind you, which will be following you almost right behind you, overtaking on the first mistake, and then pulling ahead ages to continue to pattern. They all do perfect starts, corners, and it just gets so frustrating.

Also, why the cock must I ALWAYS start last? That's where quite a bit of the difficulty comes in: you start at the front, you do better. I WON THE LAST 2 RACES IN A ROW, WHY THE SHIT AM I LAST ON THE STARTING GRID.

It's a really, really fun game, but those things are really annoying.

Trojan X

Panajev2001a said:
I need to add you on my PSN buddy list so that you can see my "comment"... wait... well, I thought you were already or am I mistaken ?!?

I just recently got the wheel (new and un-opened DFP model with a nice discount from the store :)) and after setting it up (it took the system some time to recognize it at first, maybe it was because I did not use the first two USB ports on the left at first... just guessing, since the PSTwo only had two USB ports) I was able to get the game to properly recognize it (it has its specific DFP profile different from the G25, DF, etc... profiles which kinda surprised me when 900 degree rotation was not enabled, but it could be a very intentional design choice to make the controls more arcade-like).

IMHO, the game on PS3 + DFP wheel == arcade/coin-op in your house!

Force feedback (essentially the resistance the wheel faces when you try to turn) varies accordingly to the surface you drive on and to the bumps you encounter in the road: not only the wheel vibrates when you drive across bumps but it also affects the force feedback response.

With a game like SEGA Rally with the very nice ground deformation and multiple layers of road surface (snow on ice, for example), playing it with the SIXAXIS without rumble really does not convey the experience Sega Racing Studios designed. With the first person view (or the hood view) you can still appreciate the way the cars interact with the road/driving surface (as the camera will "jump" around together with the car), but this game makes you appreaciate having both force feedback and rumble IMHO.

I do not know if I exhausted your questions about the game and the use of wheels: I am not a expert driver and it is the first time I use a driving wheel with a video-game so I might have been a bit generic/PR like (I noticed I got much better at GT: HD with the wheel too :), I still need to take all the assists off, but I already use the wheel in "simulation" mode or whatever it is called :)).

I would not have known it supported racing wheels unless I read in the manual that they licensed Logitech tecnology: games should do like DiRT and advertise Logitech wheels support on the back of the box!).

Edit: the only game I have tried 900 degrees rotation has been GT: HD and naturally it makes for a smoother/more precise control, but that does not make SR less enjoyable.
You do not feel like the car's steering is over-sensitive and even with oldies like Lancia Stratos on ice covered tracks you do not feel like the handling is off. You cannot regulate the wheel sensitivity, but even a newbie like me never felt like it was the wheel's fault for any mistakes made while driving in the game. The more miles I drive in the game the better I get at it. Even if you have a limited rotation range, it beats the range you get with the analog sticks: it is not even a fair contest :).

GT: HD and SR are the only games I have played with this steering wheel so far so the samples I have to make any sort of judgment are pretty limited.

Do not worry for you've said plenty. Thank you for your solid feedback. If you want to find me on the PS3 then look like for the same username but based in Europe: TROJAN X

Well, I've purchased the game today for my PS3 and I'd have to say that it was definitely money well spent. This game is absolutely awesome! The graphics are brilliant, the sound is incredible, the music on most of the track are extremely catchy and superb! I do not understand some of the people who do not like this game, especially those that loved Sega Rally 1 & 2. This game is Sega Rally on steroids and I just simply cannot wait to purchase the G25 steering wheel.

Sega Racing Studiio, I want to shake your hand. Great job for a first attempt - granted that there are flaws in the game but I am still a very satisfied customer. This game definitely deserves 9/10.


Panajev2001a said:
I think that, with their terrain deformation and multi-layered surfaces engine, the problem is not the lack of a wheel, but the lack of rumble first and foremost. Without using the first person view is MUCH MUCH tougher to feel the way your car is handling. Even watching in first person view, having to visually pay attention to the way the view shakes instead of physically feeling the road you drive on (so to speak) does not let your eyes focus on the road ahead 100%. With a strong rumble (DS2 kind of rumble would be enough IMHO) and using either the D-Pad or the Motion Sensors to drive would let you enjoy the game more.

nope - thats not the point - it just feels a whole world different. the controls are just sloppy and floaty. you cant feel grip or that the player has full control of the car. sure - the missing rumble is one point, but the complete controls are shit imo. you can play dirt or motorstorm without rumble too and (at least) i dont miss it much...


JonathanEx said:

The AI is really pissing me off now. They all follow the god damn same perfect racing line, there's no intelligence: like, they'll only overtake you if you're not interupting their never go wrong line, they can go so much faster, and the really annoying thing is the pattern. You'll have every car spaced out over a long distance so it's hard to overtake, except the one car in the position behind you, which will be following you almost right behind you, overtaking on the first mistake, and then pulling ahead ages to continue to pattern. They all do perfect starts, corners, and it just gets so frustrating.

Also, why the cock must I ALWAYS start last? That's where quite a bit of the difficulty comes in: you start at the front, you do better. I WON THE LAST 2 RACES IN A ROW, WHY THE SHIT AM I LAST ON THE STARTING GRID.

It's a really, really fun game, but those things are really annoying.

hmm, are you already playing the tuned cars? cause in premiere they do make mistakes and are overtakeable :D i also use the cars in front of in as a cushion/board when in a curve, works like a charm

Trojan X

ram said:
nope - thats not the point - it just feels a whole world different. the controls are just sloppy and floaty. you cant feel grip or that the player has full control of the car. sure - the missing rumble is one point, but the complete controls are shit imo. you can play dirt or motorstorm without rumble too and (at least) i dont miss it much...

This game plays exactly the same as the original SEGA Rally so if you didn't like the controls on this game then you never liked the Sega Rally series to begin with. Though, if it means anything, you can select cars which have more "grip" as you progress in the game.

Did you adjusted the sound fx's on the option screen to the right volume? Low car sound fx would contribute to the factor of a person thinking that the car doesn't feel connected to the road (try playing Dirt without any sound fx and you'll get the idea), so if you adjust this volume then it may make a difference.

Trojan X

Just finished several online races. Man, it was insane but strangly, I seen some cars jumping over some others without a hill?! o_O Though this doesn't happen all the time but I guess a patch need to come out for this game soon.


butthurt Heat fan
AgentOtaku said:
I'm thinking they're not.....would be fantastic if they were though
It's not a dealbreaker, but it would be nice and all. Perhaps Sega is saving them for a compilation? :D


twinturbo2 said:
This brings me back to an idea I had a while back in another thread. You know how All-Pro Football 2K8 has all of those NFL legends, right? Well, how about Daytona USA 3 with NASCAR legends? Richard Petty, Dale Earnhardt, Darrell Waltrip, Rusty Wallace, Bill Elliot, Cale Yarborough, David Pearson... get those names in there, and it'll print money all by itself. :D
I should write a letter to Sega about this...

Keep your rednecks out of my blue blue skies.


butthurt Heat fan
gkrykewy said:
Keep your rednecks out of my blue blue skies.
Oh, but it would be a good way to sell it to NASCAR country. I mean, it doesn't have to lose that charm that made it so awesome in the first place- just put in legend drivers alongside the Hornet car, and sit back as it prints money. I think that it's a good idea that would extend the game's reach, so more people can see why Sega is the king of arcade racers.


Some of you are already playing the game..WTF? I thought it wasn't for release till the 7th of October? Or is it that it released abit earlier outside of America?

I was gong to buy both the PS3 and 360 versions on day one but for now I think I'll only go with one of them,I've bought too many games lately so I need to slow down. Without starting some fanboy war can someone who has seen both versions in action fill me in on which to get? I'm not about playing the game with a wheel,just a normal pad here. I had no problem with the demo while playing with a pad. Are they both the same graphically,same frame rates,etc? Fuck I wish I had something more than a lousy ATI 200 card in this PC of mine cause the PC versions sounds rockin'.

Thinking more about this,the 360 one would allow for custom sountracks,I could load up tons of my Sega racing tunes here. But if the PS3 has better graphics I'd probably go with that one. What to do....

Trojan X

Both versions are identical but due to the poor PS3 pad (poor analogue stick, awful triggers, no vibration) it's best to get the 360 version providing you're on Xbox LIVE. If you're not on XBox LIVE then get the PS3 version as the online service is free.

Also, I would consider investing in a steering wheel to really receive the arcade experience at home.


butthurt Heat fan
Angelus said:
Some of you are already playing the game..WTF? I thought it wasn't for release till the 7th of October? Or is it that it released abit earlier outside of America?
It's out now in Europe.
Played the demo yesterday. Goddamn there's not a leaning curve, but unlike most racing games I've played, I actually started to get a feel for the controls and the handling, and went from finishing in last place to finishing in third pretty damn quickly.

I'm gonna put down my pre-order at GameStop later today. This game seems like it's gonna be awesome!
Sounds awesome, I'll have to do the PSP version.

I'd rather play it on a large screen though. You know, the *one time* I'd actually like a PSP port for the Wii.
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