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Games worth getting during the TRU sale?


so I'm stumped on what I should get during the TRU sale.

Give me suggestions.

so far my short list includeds:
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne
Ace Combat 5
Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005 (xbox)
OutRun 2

Anything else worth getting?
paper mario 2. Pikmin 2.

etc. etc. i hate lists.

you should declare your console bias or what you own so we can help. so far.. xbox/ps2?


0G M3mbeR
Top Spin
RallySport 2
Kirby Air Ride
Sonic Adv 1 & 2 (in a pack so = 1 game)
Viewtiful Joe
Street Fighter Anniversary


I've been playing the Otogi 2 demo the last two days and I SO don't want to spend money now because of next month (Prime2, Halo2, MGS3) but damn Otogi 2 is so much fun and it's just BEAUTIFUL (best looking XBOX title... period) that I feel like running down to TRU and picking it up with Paper Mario and Shin Megami Tensei. The demo is more fun than the demo from the first game.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm going tomorrow for Paper Mario 2, Donkey Konga, and a 3rd title. I wanted to get SMT: Nocturne, but my TRU doesn't have it in! :(

Later in the week I'm going to get GTA:SA, Taiko Drum Master, and a 3rd title to exchange for Halo 2.

Musashi Wins!

Kuroyume said:
I've been playing the Otogi 2 demo the last two days and I SO don't want to spend money now because of next month...The demo is more fun than the demo from the first game.

The game is more fun than the last game, IMO.


My threesome:
GTA San Andreas
Shin Megami Tensi Nocturne

Shadow Hearts 2, Otogi 2, Ninja Gaiden, and Burnout 3 are my alternates should one of the others not be available or should I somehow come up with the money for six games. :D
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