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Games you love that no one else does?

No one talks about The Undying on the PC anymore. I think it got a bit of acclaim when it was released, but I cannot remember. I always thought it was quite fun.

Musashi Wins!

tracky_dacks said:
G1 Jockey 3... Not a big horse racing fan (though I do like the occasional punt), but for some reason it piqued my interest whilst at the video shop last year so I borrowed it, not really expecting much from it. Turned out to be one the most addictive games I've played in a long while that I bought the game soon after.

Try it people!

Did you try the last Gallop Racer? I got sucked into that for awhile without having any major horse/horse racing interest.


Semjaza Azazel said:
No one talks about The Undying on the PC anymore. I think it got a bit of acclaim when it was released, but I cannot remember. I always thought it was quite fun.

You mean Clive Barker's Undying? I picked that up for $5 new during an EBGames sale a few months ago, but I still haven't installed it.
Musashi Wins! said:
Did you try the last Gallop Racer? I got sucked into that for awhile without having any major horse/horse racing interest.

I had an older version of it on PSOne, but it was all in Japanese and didn't really care much for it back then that I gave it away to someone. :(

I have to give that one a go. You can play the role of trainer, jockey or punter in the latest Gallop Racer can't you?

Edit: I always see G1 Jockey and Gallop Racer up for auction on ebay with a lot bids for it, but you don't ever see or hear anyone talking about it. Secret gaming pleasure? Heh, just thought it's quite funny.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
I'll agree with the poster who said Azurik. Sure, it's a little cheesy, but I'll be damned if it's not fun. I thought it was absolutely hilarious when I was like "hey! a lamb!" and *poof* it turns into a huge ass bull and I was running my ass off. Sure it's got technical problems... but when you get your magic powers and visit really awesome places like the ice place and stuff, you start to get the gist of the scope. I really felt the game deserved more than what was told about it.

Musashi Wins!

tracky_dacks said:
I had an older version of it on PSOne, but it was all in Japanese and didn't really care much for it back then that I gave it away to someone. :(

I have to give that one a go. You can play the role of trainer, jockey or punter in the latest Gallop Racer can't you?

Edit: I always see G1 Jockey and Gallop Racer up for auction on ebay with a lot bids for it, but you don't ever see or hear anyone talking about it. Secret gaming pleasure? Heh, just thought it's quite funny.

There's a ton of options. The interface can be a little rough, it has that barely Americanized feel to it. It's being able to bet on yourself and other horses that adds some brilliance to it. Plus you can breed horses, you have to earn esteem among owners to race top horses, etc. I didn't play G1 so I can't really compare them but it was good fun for awhile. Some real racing strategy.

It was also really rare for awhile and commanded decent prices for a used game on eBay. But they just announced that Gallop Racer 2004 is coming out so that should settle everything down.


Luigi's Mansion. This game got way to much hate because it wasn't Mario64-2.

Super Monkey Ball (Single Player). The only nod this game ever gets is for its shoddy multiplayer modes.. meanwhile, it has a brilliant single player game.


Keeping in mind that I don't keep up with what's popular with this forum:

Fantavision - simple and fun. I liked it.

Intelligent Qube - why we never got the PS2 sequel is beyond me... should've been picked up by Agetec or something.

Tokyo Xtreme Racer (series) - aside from seeing maybe two threads about these games, the series doesn't seem to get much attention, and that's too bad.

PSO - It's PSO.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
Semjaza Azazel said:
No one talks about The Undying on the PC anymore. I think it got a bit of acclaim when it was released, but I cannot remember. I always thought it was quite fun.

If I'm not mistaken, that the last M-rated game EA released. Now they're pumping out the T-rated games just as Hollywood's pumping out mostly PG-13 movies. All about the sales...


Not bitter, just unsweetened
akascream said:
Super Monkey Ball (Single Player). The only nod this game ever gets is for its shoddy multiplayer modes.. meanwhile, it has a brilliant single player game.

*shrug* that's the only mode i play ;)


I agree with the poster who mentioned Vexx. The game seems to have everything against it (an Acclaim joint, another entry into an overcrowded genre, awful x-treme, poochified "hipness", etc.) but damned if the thing doesn't come together anyway.

It's rather long and very, very difficult at times which distinguishes it from the great majority of 3-d platformers. It even manages some unique ideas. I particularly enjoyed the jumping into the tapestries/goofy little 2-d segments.

I've only played the xbox version so that is what I'm using as a reference point here. I have heard that the ps2 version is much worse (framerate, overly dark, etc.). If you're looking for a challenging platformer, you could certainly do much, much worse than Vexx. You do have to overlook the trite character designs and such, but I think the experience as a whole is worth it. As was mentioned by the previous poster, the soundtrack is quite nice, too.
Musashi Wins! said:
There's a ton of options. The interface can be a little rough, it has that barely Americanized feel to it. It's being able to bet on yourself and other horses that adds some brilliance to it. Plus you can breed horses, you have to earn esteem among owners to race top horses, etc. I didn't play G1 so I can't really compare them but it was good fun for awhile. Some real racing strategy.

It was also really rare for awhile and commanded decent prices for a used game on eBay. But they just announced that Gallop Racer 2004 is coming out so that should settle everything down.

Betting sounds awesome. One thing I didn't like about G1 was that it didn't show the horses odds pre-race, just their predicted placings. That was a bit of a bummer.

Gallop Racer overall seems like the better (and I think) more popular game, I'll definately check it out. Though I think I'll better hold off for the next installment.


Luigi's Mansion--short but very charming.

KAR--bobbyconover explained it very well. Once you get past the fact that basic racing is not the main point of the game it becomes one of the more challenging games of this gen.

Shenmue--excellent story and fairly immersive game play.

1080:A--marred by couple of shortcomings. Excellent art direction and level design
Lufia: RoL
Azure Dreams
Saiyuki: Journey West
Incredible Crisis
Rhapsody: A Musical Adventure
Torneko: the Lost Hope
Vanguard Bandits
Dual Hearts


I never quite got Azurik- buts is pretty for sure to look at.

Older games that I loved to play but were more kiddie orienteted so I am sure they did not get much attention are: Marble Madness and DuckTales. Doryk games..but really really fun to just play once you get into them.


Legendary Wings!



Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Sonic Adventure DX - seems to get a lot of technical scrutiny

SCRUTINY?!?! You need not look hard to find the incredible number of technical flaws throughout the game. SADX is a technical disaster. I mean, sure, the DC original was a launch title...so the flaws could be more easily forgiven. However, DX basically offered the same game with only mild additions and plenty of flaws. The game is a glitch fest that is totally unpolished and there is NO excuse. It is a CHEAP port that deserves all of the flames. They ported a 5 year old Dreamcast game to much more powerful hardware and ended up with something that is almost as technically bastardized.

I loved Sonic Adventure back when it was released, but it hasn't aged well. DX really didn't fix much of anything and only added minimal content. I enjoyed playing it again, but how could you so easily forgive the flaws?

Oh, and I guess I should ask; have you played this on Dreamcast?


Queen of Denmark
MGS: TTS - This game got hated on/shafted in sales WAY too much, IMO. I'm hard pressed to think of another instance where every single minute flaw in an all-around solid remake was magnified and harped on until you'd think the game was virtually unplayable by many people's accounts. I had tons of fun with it, and I think SK did a decent job.


Oh yeah... I almost forgot:

Yugioh Worldwide Edition for GBA.

Get past the license, and it's a pretty fun card game... not CFC, but then, what is.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
human5892 said:
MGS: TTS - This game got hated on/shafted in sales WAY too much, IMO. I'm hard pressed to think of another instance where every single minute flaw in an all-around solid remake was magnified and harped on until you'd think the game was virtually unplayable by many people's accounts. I had tons of fun with it, and I think SK did a decent job.

Well hell, I was quite vocal about the flaws, but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it. It's a good remake that was hurt by flaws. I simply harped on them because 1) it is a series I care about and was disappointed to see a lack of polish and 2) it was a chance to finally solve the arguments between me and Li Mui Bai regarding the technical aspects (though I actually enjoyed arguing).

I bought the game on day 1 and have played it several times already. It's a game I love, but when you feel that way about something the flaws tend to stick out much more. I mean, if Metroid Prime 2 or MGS3 comes out and have a lot of technical flaws present that weren't in the prequels (VERY unlikely, especially with MP2), I would be extremely disappointed and vocal about those as well.


if you see me in a fight with a bear, don't help me fool, help the bear!
bob_arctor said:
Legendary Wings!


I loved this game too!!! Also I love every harvest moon....not sure why.... but working is fun!!!


Not bitter, just unsweetened
one game that comes to mind, which i haven't seen really anyone talk about... is Tyrian 2000. Man that game rocked especially the music :D
Eternal Darkness - Right up there with Metroid Prime and Zelda, absolutely brilliant game. Too bad the dickheads at Nintendo didn't advertise this game, should've sold more.


How about an upcoming game? I don't think Under the Skin is going to get much love in terms of sales numbers.


Queen of Denmark
dark10x said:
Well hell, I was quite vocal about the flaws, but that doesn't mean I didn't enjoy it. It's a good remake that was hurt by flaws. I simply harped on them because 1) it is a series I care about and was disappointed to see a lack of polish and 2) it was a chance to finally solve the arguments between me and Li Mui Bai regarding the technical aspects (though I actually enjoyed arguing).

I bought the game on day 1 and have played it several times already. It's a game I love, but when you feel that way about something the flaws tend to stick out much more. I mean, if Metroid Prime 2 or MGS3 comes out and have a lot of technical flaws present that weren't in the prequels (VERY unlikely, especially with MP2), I would be extremely disappointed and vocal about those as well.
I didn't mean to single you out, dark10x, and I can relate to some of the technical flaws I remember you pointing out (stuttering during cutscenes, etc). My post mostly referred to some people I've seen and heard who say things like, "The framerate sux this game is terrible."
I really like Blinx. Noone seems to like it. :(

Unlike everyone else, I love the end boss sequence where you fight 5 bosses in a row. It was hair-pullingly difficult, but I felt satisfied when I finished. I had to work for that win. And the ending is cute. Like prince of persia's ending. With inter-species lovin'.


I thought Kya: Dark Lineage on the ps2 was a really good game. It has a surreal art style that looked like a updated Rayman 2. Hell, I thought Kya was a better Rayman sequel than the unfortunate Rayman 3. Kya, like Vexx, has an annoying "hip" factor with the snowboardish things and all, but that aspect of the game can be overlooked in favor of what it does right. The freefall and air current riding segments were fun and different and the game overall is fairly long for the genre. The map screen can be a little hard to follow and it gets confusing to know what to do next at times, but I was really satisfied with the game overall. Anyone who enjoyed Rayman 2 should definitely consider about trying Kya. It can probably be found pretty cheap as it surely must have bombed hard at retail.
shoplifter said:
King's Field
Eternal Ring

God yes. There's something about these games that grabs me and won't let go. I actually LIKE the slow movement and turn speed for some reason - if I could blow through the levels like I was playing Quake it would detract from the game for me.


Lufia - This is the RPG that got me into RPGs. I absolutely adore this game.

Suikoden III - Flawed battle system and bad 3d graphics, but still Suikoden goodness!

Xenosaga Episode I - Amazing game that's only fault is being the 1st in the series with the next one taking forever to come out.

Xenogears - For this community, Xenogears is like one of the most hated games. So I think this choice is valid for GAF.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
Ok, way too many games in this thread that are, in fact, loved by many people. One game, however, is loved by nobody except me. And that game is

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
P.N. 03 - It seems to be gaining fans every day. I like the game.

Sonic Adventure DX - seems to get a lot of technical scrutiny

Oh yeah, I forgot about PN03. I thoroughly enjoyed it; you don't see arcade-style 3rd person shooters like that much any more. I really would love to see a sequel one day.

Sonic DX, on the other hand, I couldn't stand. The frame rate kills it.


Mistaken iRobbery!
fenekku-gitsune said:
Ok, way too many games in this thread that are, in fact, loved by many people. One game, however, is loved by nobody except me. And that game is
Is that you in the picture?
Amen to the Xeno and Suikoden 3 love. I have never played much of Lufia, as the SNES generation had passed and the Playstation RPGs were in full swing when I was first exposed to the series.

I am also a huge fan of the Bushido Blade series, especially part 2. I hate having to learn button combinations and being able to defeat someone by kicking them in the foot over and over again. Bushido blade had few special move (the few there were left you very open if you were not careful and had a "sucession move quality) and mostly focused on the dual qualies of the strategy and the luck inherent in a sword fight.

No other 1 on 1 combat game has ever come close to being as played or as loved by my friends (although we were all big fans of Soul Calibur, but it was still an eveolved street fight, not a true blade fighter).

Threads of Fate was too short and too easy, but it was a wonderful game with a touching story and loveable characters.

Square unfortunately has not deemed fit to prepare more Parasite Eve games, a series that I dearly loved, even part 2.

While Vandal Hearts was fun, it lacked any depth. Vandal Hearts 2 was the first SRPG I played after Final Fantasy Tactics that even came close, although its low challenge kept it from truly being magnificent. Nevertheless, the story was far more gut-wrenching and the branching story with multiple endings was quite moving and made me actually want to replay for the better ending desperately. The hidden maps were also great and it had many unique and interesting abilities.


Lyte Edge said:
Who was hating on Twinbee Deluxe?

Havent read any hate, just haven't read any praise either. Actually, I havent read anything even acknowledging the game. Probably one of my favorite shooters ever, but I don't expect anyone else to agree.

Oh, and another game I loved that I'm pretty sure everyone else hated was Breakdown. I actually hated it when I played the demo, but gave it a chance anyway. Awesome game.


Sold under 300,000, and didn't really appeal to as many gamers as AW did. GAFers loved it, yeah, but outside of that, I think no one really likes it based on the premise alone. It's not like Nintendo forgot to advertise the game.
There ya go. Fire Emblem, given strong sales and fairly unanimous love, is one of the last games I'd expect to see in a thread such as this.


Socreges said:
There ya go. Fire Emblem, given strong sales and fairly unanimous love, is one of the last games I'd expect to see in a thread such as this.

Same with PW64, but that didn't stop the topic creator.

Just lighten up damnit.

Ill Saint

Fantastic and very satisfying game that unfortunately only a small number of people bothered to play properly. Admitedly the game doesn't give you too much incentive to bother with beat counts and the unlimited continues really doesn't help, but crank the difficulty, go for the massive beat counts, don't abuse the continue system, and you've got one immensely satisfying, addictive and tough game. A pure arcade shooter with great style.


AniHawk said:
Same with PW64, but that didn't stop the topic creator.
Of course, but Fire Emblem is the most prime example. I could have just as well taken issue with Link's Awakening, as someone else did, but it hasn't gotten the so-recent love that Fire Emblem has.
Just lighten up damnit.
I'm pretty light as it is. Don't resort to that because you've got nothing else to say, please.



City Connection (NES) Weird as hell, but all sorts of fun.

Clu Clu Land (NES) well, it's about the same, really.

Adventures of Lolo (NES) YEah, I know, but at the time nobody who lived near me liked it but me.

3 in Three (mac) well, not too many other people I know have even played it, so how could they like it?

The SaGa games (PSX, PS2) And I'll happily admit that it's mostly for the grueling combat.

Xenogears (PSX): since people around here love to hate it. The hoard of references and parodies did it for me. The Thames Captain, robbing the chu-chu treasures, teh Orphans launching Billy's gear, Citan deciding to use a sword again, and suddenly kicking even more ass than before...all classic.

FF8: Simply put, the best of the series. Nice step away from typical levelling, good (for a videogame) story, and no worthless MP-hobbled spell-casters.

PDO, JSRF (Xbox) Yeah, popular here, but moist people won't even consider playing them. Ah, well.
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