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Games you love that no one else does?


Big seconds to the King's Field series, Kirby Air Ride and Sky Oddysey (sp?).

I also have to say, even though it's not necessarily widely hated, Rush 2049 doesn't get the love that I think it should.

For the sake of not repeating myself, go here.


Mistaken iRobbery!
Oh! My Car! said:
That game had the best ending ever.


Socreges said:
Of course, but Fire Emblem is the most prime example. I could have just as well taken issue with Link's Awakening, as someone else did, but it hasn't gotten the so-recent love that Fire Emblem has.

I'm pretty light as it is. Don't resort to that because you've got nothing else to say, please.

Well you're picking a pretty petty fight as it is.

Kon Tiki

Metroid II - Needs a Zero Mission remake.

Zelda II - They need to make more Zeldas like this! My Favorite Zelda alongside MM.
Imma have to say the original Toe Jam & Earl. Now I know alot of you GA people love it, but I always had a hard time convincing someone to play it with me. I ended up completing it by myself.


P.N. 03 - It seems to be gaining fans every day. I like the game.

Sonic Adventure DX - seems to get a lot of technical scrutiny

I forgot about PN 03. A fleshed out sequel could be really big. There are lot of individual parts that are excellent, but the game is marred by overall execution. You can tell that the game was an experiment.


Unconfirmed Member
Bill Laimbeer's Combat Basketball. My favorite truly, truly, truly horrifically terrible game of all time. :)

I'll throw another vote in for GUNVALKYRIE.

I also support the little spoken of Bushido Blade series. Seems to have been largely forgotten by time, but what a cool fucking game(s).

Xenogears and FF VIII only get mentions because this is GAF. :)

Dr.Guru of Peru

played the long game
1080:Avalanche. The exhilliration you get in that game is unparalleled. It was flawed, but you could tell that if the developer was given a few more months they could have made a great product. The graphics, sound, control were all great(though the character models could have used work). If only the multi wasnt so weak, and it was longer.


Sonic Adventure 1: One of the best 3D platformers ever released. People bitch about Sonic not working in 3D, but I think SA nailed it.

Ecco the Dolphin (DC): It's hard and has some rough spots, but it is one of the most beautiful games ever created.

Luigi's Mansion: I just like it, but I can see why others don't.

EDIT- After going through the thread, here are some others: Tokyo Xtreme Racer, Rush 2049, Wave Race: BS, C&C: Tiberian Sun...


Jumping Flash 1,2
Alundra 1
Tobal No.1
Kings Field 2
Herc's Adventures


P.N. 03

Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon
Galanthas said:
Herc's Adventures

OH yeah! Great one, especially in co-op. I understand why people passed it up, as it looked really idiotic, but Herc's Adventures is a great great game. I'd love to play through it again sometime, come to think of it.


Timesplitters 2 - I love this game, but it gets a lot of hate on this forum (although other forums I visit seem to like this game)

NFL Blitz - I'd choose to play this anytime over Madden or ESPN
AniHawk said:
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening - The series is beloved, yes. However, the game has somehow been forgotten in the series. Don't understand why, it's a great, great game. Fun gameplay, nice dungeons, and it had an interesting world separate from the rest of the series without being too "out there" (Oracles series springs to mind). Loved the game, my favorite among the 2D games of the LoZ series


LoZ:WW....I liked sailing. I abslotly loved the art style, it made the game for me.

City of Heroes....yeah yeah I know most people like it but visit the CoH boards and you would think this game was the worst game ever made. It's wierd tehy pay for the game monthly to go on the board and complain. I no longer fear or are confused by the most rabid fanboy. They're like Kittens compared to the CoH Borad regulars.


not an idiot
Foes of Ali
Return Fire
Need for Speed (not to be confused with any other version)
Captain Quazar
The Horde <--- amazing
Killing Time
Road Rash
Twisted The Game Show

...all on the 3DO (any other subsequent PlayStation version of these all sucked by comparison (especially NFS)).
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