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Gamespot and IGN review the GOTY (Half-Life 2)


I can't help but think the fact that Valve made everyone play it at their office is negatively reflecting upon the game in these reviewers' eyes...

Musashi Wins!

Unison said:
I can't help but think the fact that Valve made everyone play it at their office is negatively reflecting upon the game in these reviewers' eyes...

Didn't they get free Iced Tea or something while they were playing?

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
This game needs to come out already so everyone can hate on it for not being the second coming.


Sounds like a fair (or even higher-than-expected) score, given all the problems that they single out:

Rehash of Half-Life 1

"With that said, many of those tricks feel more than a bit familiar now, and the game itself is saddled with a disappointing story"

"Half-Life 2 doesn't revolutionize the genre, instead sticking with the familiar formula of run-and-gun action, occasional puzzle-solving, and scripted sequences established by Half-Life"

"Half-Life 2 settles into a more conventional and familiar style of play. Aside from a detour through a deserted town full of all sorts of booby traps, there are a lot of echoes of the original Half-Life in Half-Life 2--so many, in fact, that there's a strong sense of déjà vu at times."

"Meanwhile, you'll be armed with a formidable arsenal, most of which is recycled from the first game, such as the submachine gun, shotgun, crossbow, and, of course, the ubiquitous crowbar. These weapons haven't changed much, and they feel roughly the same."

Teammates boring, with poor AI

"You never really develop any attachment to your teammates, though, as they tend to be very disposable, and replacements are available at regular intervals. And teammates have a tendency to get in your way in cramped interiors--while they'll slowly move out of your way, it's still a little annoying."

Story disappointing, many unresolved plot threads

"Surprisingly, Half-Life 2's story is one of the most disappointing aspects of the game. The first half of the game feels a bit unfocused, while the second half seems rushed. Even worse, the story leaves behind a mess of unanswered questions, and it doesn't touch on any of the lingering questions left over from the first game."

Enemy AI is worse than the first game

"Another surprise is the somewhat disappointing performance by the game's artificial intelligence. Even on the tougher difficulty levels, most of the humanoid enemies don't seem to show the same kind of intelligent behavior that they did in the previous game. They'll seek cover and then peek out to fire, but invariably they'll charge at you, making it easy to take them down."


Banstick Emeritus

Activision had reviewers playing Doom 3 at their offices and that didn't affect the out-of-the-gate reviews any. It wasn't until later that the scores started dropping.


They really should have released in September 2003. I do eagerly await the mods, Half-Life as an engine property is only rivaled by Unreal.


After reading Gamespots review the game does sound sort of dissapointing. Dammit, the game has been in development for YEARS.


bishoptl said:

Activision had reviewers playing Doom 3 at their offices and that didn't affect the out-of-the-gate reviews any. It wasn't until later that the scores started dropping.

Same can be said for many reviews of Halo 2


If you actually read the review it doesnt sound very good at all. It seems like pc fps are becoming tech demos more than games. Doom 3 looked really good and all but it wasnt fun, guess I have to wait and see if I feel the same about this.


IGN says the graphics are better than DOOM III.
I disagree.



Digital Foundry pixel pusher
lockii said:
They really should have released in September 2003. I do eagerly await the mods, Half-Life as an engine property is only rivaled by Unreal.

How could they have done that? The game was simply not finished. Gabe directly admits that in the recent Gamespot article. Half-Life 2 simply wasn't finished...

I briefly scanned the review in order to avoid spoilers, and thankfully, it wasn't full of them (from what I could tell). It does not sound particularly revolutionary, though, and it seems as if it might just be a standard FPS with a little more polish.

The fact that the GS reviewer awarded Far Cry the same score has me worried. I thought Far Cry was simply a mediocre game (and sometimes a BAD game) wrapped in a beautiful package. I can't imagine that HL2 will disappoint me in the same way...

IGN says the graphics are better than DOOM III.
I disagree.

I can't say until I see them running, but I also disagree based on what we've been shown. Heck, I think Halo 2 and Prime 2 look better than Half-Life 2. Still, with all of the physics and animation in action, it should look quite a bit better...


paul777 said:
I assume they're not taking the inevitable mod scene into account either? Just HAlf-Life 2 and CS:S?
How can a reviewer, in good conscience, jack up the score based on expansions that don't exist? Or if he imagines that the mods will be bad, should he lower the score? :D

Like Halo 2, this game will be a victim of its own hype. People got all excited over a game that, quite frankly, never really promised to be that different from its predecessor. Yet they ignore all that and go crazy because it's not a revolution. And ironically, both developers chose to raise a bunch of completely unanswered questions and leave everything hanging at their games' conclusion.

The major disappointment is the AI downgrade, I would think. It's the only gameplay element in HL1 that still seems impressive today, and if they dumbed it down for more casual appeal then it's quite a loss.


Ouch. 9.2 is a very suprising score for HL2 after PCGamer calling it one of the greatest games of all time, etc. Seems like it's just gonna be another pretty, but ultimately shallow FPS. IGN overrate everything, so I'm not even going to comment on their review.

I'm still getting it though. Atleast the physics gun looks like fun.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
Unison said:
It does not compute in my head that Halo 2 > HL2.

Never played H2 on live?

If multiplayer is a factor. H2 > Counterstrike

Campaign well, that's a lot different probably


Never played H2 on live?

Yeah, of course I've played Halo on Live... I kind of suck at it, don't have many people on my friends list and got tired of waiting 3 mins per game (I'd rather play DOAU's waiting mode where I can at least watch others play, frankly).

I am not hardcore into these things, I guess, and most of the value for me is in the single player campaign.


from an outside point of view, the whole situation (score and sales predictions prior to release of Halo 2, then actual halo 2 reviews, actual reviews of MP2 and finally predictions of HL2 scores and now actual HL2 scores) has just been funny, in more ways than one.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
FartOfWar said:
I could not disagree more.

Wonderful, could you give me your impressions too? That statement does not represent my thoughts on the game, as I have yet to play it, but that's what the reviews made it seem like...

If you disagree with them, I can only assume that you have played the game as well. So I'm curious why you disagree with them, as I don't want that to be the case.


border said:
The major disappointment is the AI downgrade, I would think. It's the only gameplay element in HL1 that still seems impressive today, and if they dumbed it down for more casual appeal then it's quite a loss.

It's curious to see so many folks here who generally refuse to take one critic's appraisal as scripture unquestionably accept every comment in this review. I found HL 2's A.I. incredible, superior to HL's in every imaginable way. Same goes for several of the alleged issues this reviewer has with weapon balance and general game difficulty. This part in particular really surprises me: "Case in point is the end of the game, which feels anticlimactic--you're given a horrendously overpowered weapon to use against relatively weak opposition." For me, HL 2's ending felt completely satisfying, novel, and climatic because of this development. Rather than the ordinary big, bigger, biggest/tough, tougher, toughest progression of every FPS, Half-Life 2 turns the paradigm on its head. After surviving incredible odds, enduring what I assure you are tough-as-f**k fights, something incredible occurs and it makes for one of my favorite final levels in any videogame ever. But don't let me spoil it. See for yourselves.


dark10x said:
Wonderful, could you give me your impressions too? That statement does not represent my thoughts on the game, as I have yet to play it, but that's what the reviews made it seem like...

If you disagree with them, I can only assume that you have played the game as well. So I'm curious why you disagree with them, as I don't want that to be the case.

Yes, I have reviewed HL 2 for two magazines. I'd be more than happy to email you impressions.


Either way im not getting burnt again like I did with Doom 3 and Farcry, especially after these reviews. It would not surprise me if this followed the trend of being a great tech demo and a crap game.


FartOfWar said:
It's curious to see so many folks here who generally refuse to take one critic's appraisal as scripture unquestionably accept every comment in this review.
"if they dumbed it down" = unquestionable acceptance :p


paul777 said:
With different platforms comes different standards. You can' just put the scores next to each other and compare.

The fuck if we can't! This is GAF, and we will mix and match platforms and scores as we please to fit our agenda.


Junior Member
I don't give a shit about scores - this is the fucking nicest screenshot i've ever seen!


I want GTA4 to look like that!!
Snake, your mission is clear.

Heh, I actually am only expecting Gamespot's MGS3 review score to be in the high 8's. EGM's scores and comments for the game were very encouraging but I still expect many Snake Eater reviews to be very critical.

As for HL2, I'll still be picking up the game but its disappointing to hear that so much of its hype may have been overblown. The return of jumping puzzles puts me off, there's no reason to include platforming filler in a FPS of this caliber. It's even less excusable now than it was when the original Half Life was released(and it was shitty back then too).

I was planning on waiting for a price drop or two anyway and I'm sure by then it will be more than worth it. As long as impressions don't fall into Doom 3 territory, that killed my interest in that game completely.


(i originally wrote this on another forum, but it applies here as well)
Gamespot said:
Case in point is the end of the game, which feels anticlimactic--you're given a horrendously overpowered weapon to use against relatively weak opposition.
if it's anything like the end of riddick, i'm looking forward to it.)
i will say no more, for fear of spoiling one of the best fps levels ever.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Tre said:
Way to go Olimario, you found the best dark and undiscernable screenshot of Half-life 2 in the world.

Ha ha, that shot really is one of the worst I've seen. It's bad enough that I have to wonder why they even bothered putting it up on their site.


dark10x said:
Oh good, so you HAVE played it. That's good news then. :)

As for A.I. Here's an excerpt from one review I wrote:

"I ran for cover; they rushed me as I tried to reload. I ducked into an apartment expecting to unload my shotgun as they approached the doorway; the first guy ate lead, but his boys backed off and lobbed in a grenade. I fired a missile at a gunship; its crafty pilot contorted his flying fortress and shot down my salvo, forcing me to launch another into the sky behind him before laser-guiding it back into his blind spot. And, in what must amount to the mother of all that-did-not-just-happen moments, a strider, high on its tripod of telephone-pole-tall legs and unable to flush me out on the ground floor, planted its feet in the walls on either side of the alley and lowered itself to eye level."

Other examples of its allegedly lame A.I.: Helicopters hunt you through warehouses, open up as you pass windows, and blast the roofs bits to get a bead on you. In one section where you're massively outgunned you must set up remote sentries to stage an Alamo-style holdout. Placement is essential, almost an engineering challenge, as a few Combine will find ways to distract one turret while another moves in from behind to overturn it. Likewise they'll use grenades to knock 'em over. As you use the sentries to cover each other's blindspots, you'll see the Combine adapt accordingly, always finding gaps to exploit unless you settle on an ingenious defense plan.
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