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Gamespot and IGN review the GOTY (Half-Life 2)


Well, chances are we will see a follow-up sooner than later---likely sooner than Halo 3 I'd say.

If my reading comprehension isn't totaly out of whack, from what I read in the closing hours of HL2 article, Gabe and the like are going to be focusing on smaller projects that expand on the single player game of HL2 including new single player levels and full on expansion packs.


Ryu said:
If my reading comprehension isn't totaly out of whack, from what I read in the closing hours of HL2 article, Gabe and the like are going to be focusing on smaller projects that expand on the single player game of HL2 including new single player levels and full on expansion packs.

Well considering the original did get 2 kick-ass expansions, it wouldn't be surprising.

Also thinking about this engine just the thought of even more single-player goodness in expansions + all the mods that will arise makes me pretty giddy :)
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