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Gamespot Halo 2 reviewonline!

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forum meltdown!!
i think gamespot will be the only site scoring lower than 9.5.

kasavin's complaints seem idiotic.


Pretty much what you would expect from a Kasavin review of an Xbox game.....decent but below "average" score, and text that seems to harp a lot about minor flaws.


You know, this is a video game with thousands upon thousands of fans so looking forward to it and he has to say right up front that in his opinion he was disappointed with the cliff hanger ending. What purpose does this serve? The ending will draw different opinions, but that's your headline?


He reckons that halo fans won't like the story or the ending so that the two negatives. How the hell he can make out that Halo fans wont like the story beggers belife.


Gold Member
Bristow said:
You don't give a sequel that is more of the same a higher score than the original.

Halo 1 had the same Xbox Live options that Halo 2 has? From the IGN review it sounds like the Xbox Live game is an entire game to itself and that alone makes it better than the original.


Kasavin is a tough reviewer, all of his points contradict every other review, especially about the story being bad.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Too short and a disappointing story? Game changes gears after a few hours? Sounds like Halo Gear Solid 2, starring Master Rayden.


Guys, don't worry. That 9.4 is really a 10.
Gamespot Scoring System.
Sequel -.1
No Bots -.5

See, it all works out.

Metroid Prime: Echoes --- 8.9? :D


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Guileless said:
Too short and a disappointing story? Game changes gears after a few hours? Sounds like Halo Gear Solid 2, starring Master Rayden.



So it's official then. Metroid Prime and the first Halo are better than it's sequal.

I'm guessing how slow the forums are going is because the meltdown from what shall be known as:

"The 9.4"


I mean he gave it a "9" on value. Come on.
It's not a bad score by any means, but all the negative points basically contradict with everything else that is out there.


Please. Look at the fucking turnaround. When a Cube game is rated by Kasavin, it's what the game fucking deserved, yet now that the much-hyped Halo 2 gets a standard score, he's way off.

Seriously, what is wrong with a 9.4 score? It's a damn good game. Enjoy your game and forget the numerical score.


SantaCruZer said:
and you whined that some people complained at 9, 9 for metroid prime 2.. 9.4 is a great score from gamespot.
I didn't whine about the score, I whined that it was Kasavin who reviewed it. I CAN'T STAND HIM!


Pug said:
He reckons that halo fans won't like the story or the ending so that the two negatives. How the hell he can make out that Halo fans wont like the story beggers belife.

As everyone know after the GI Paper Mario 2 fiasco... you do not review with the mindset of reviewing it thinking what everyone else wants. It's purely one persons opinion... I'm sure even some GS staff disagree with that score but Kasavin is the EIC so he gets to review whatever he wants and he wanted to review Halo 2.

And just like everyone said in the EGM score thread, a 9.4 is not a bad score.
Good review. I'm not really understanding him being dissapointed with the single player game though. First time I've read that from any review, and for a game that's online focused as much as Halo 2 is then it's a minor gripe. I'm not complaining. It's odd that they scored the first one higher, but maybe they overrated it in their eyes. I hope they are as critical of other games this holiday season though.


Deepthroat said:
I didn't whine about the score, I whined that it was Kasavin who reviewed it. I CAN'T STAND HIM!

Then why do you even read his review and consider his score? Move on damnit.
I'm curious what Kasavin considers a 10 in graphics on the xbox if Halo 2 and DOA Ultimate are only 9s.

edit: Apparently the answer is Riddick.


Mashing I have no problem with "him" not liking the story and ending but he says in the review that he Halo fans wont like the story or ending. That not a critique thats an assumption and something he doesn't know. I have no problem with the score, indeed I love to see a mag or site just go text only no scores whatsoever.

Musashi Wins!

urgh, if you're gonna complain about this you have issues.

I just watched the video review, but I thought it was very fair (from my viewpoint of not having played it) and excellent.

I CANNOT WAIT to have this game. It sounds as though LIVE play will last me the rest of the systems life to be sure.
"I'm curious what Kasavin considers a 10 in graphics on the xbox if Halo 2 and DOA Ultimate are only 9s."

Didn't he give Riddick a 10 in graphics? Maybe that's the standard. And from what I've seen it really hasn't been beat by Halo 2 or DoA U.


After all the hype, after all the praise, after all the news stories and marketing... if you really think a 9.4 on Gamespot is going to affect anyone's opinion on the game, then you need to take a step back and look at the bigger picture.
Musashi Wins! said:
urgh, if you're gonna complain about this you have issues.
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